My own Ravenloft Campaign

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Post by Jennifer »

Hi Gonzoron,
I don't think This group will ever return and that we will ever play in this ravenloft world again. Nobody has time anymore and with the history I have with this group, I don't want to introduce others into that. So if I ever play ravenloft again, it will be a different ravenloft.

I never really took to Gabrielle I must say, but I never thought demjana would be so stupid to start picking fights with her, so go Gaby. Demjana does not know about Gabrielle as darklord, but she is powerful in her sphere of influence.

Well the full story is like this, and was to be unfolded in the dreams of Raven. A long time ago a paladin came to Ravenloft, Barovia, being a paladin he fought the evil he saw all around him, felt he couldn't cut it and prayed for guidance. An angel appeared and supported his cause. For a short time things went better, but then the angel discovered he could not return, he became angry and later mad.
In a horrible battle the angel killed the paladin for summoning him, tried to take the sword, but he could not touch it. This is the moment the angel fell from grace.
The ravenloft family of the dead paladin then took up his sword and his religion. They became the Petrovich family, they kept the original religion of the paladin alive.
The angel searched for a way out of ravenloft, he thought he needed power and knew that worshippers granted power, so he set himself up as a divine being and started a cult. To attract a lot of followers quickly he spread a message of instant want gratification, so his cult became a rather decadent selfserving one.
The buildup of power went very slowly however, so the angel started a new plan, he wanted to attract a lot of followers quickly, so he needed an attractive figurehead, the plan for Accians conception was set in motion.

The rest was to play itself out. I have no idea how it would have ended. Accian was very distrustful of his newfound family, but his raven stepped in to let him go along with it. Raven and Scott were also very distrustful of the cult. Laurent went along with it and Demjana wanted to use it to her own ends.

So the morning lord is an angel, with its own reality wrinkle. Accian as his son has a weak version of that, which is why Demjana could leave Barovia, Strahd had no idea that she was on the move again, travelling in Accian's wrinkle.

The party did not want to go on with the marriage of Demjana to Strahd, because they felt they would not survive it. Raven was in favor however. Hoping to be rid of Demjana for ever.

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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Jennifer wrote:I don't think This group will ever return and that we will ever play in this ravenloft world again. Nobody has time anymore and with the history I have with this group, I don't want to introduce others into that. So if I ever play ravenloft again, it will be a different ravenloft.
That's sad, but it seems you had a great campaign. I hope your players and you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed reading about it.
So the morning lord is an angel, with its own reality wrinkle. Accian as his son has a weak version of that, which is why Demjana could leave Barovia, Strahd had no idea that she was on the move again, travelling in Accian's wrinkle.
Interesting. So where is he now? Is he in the guise of Fyodor? or is he lurking somewhere underneath the temple or something?
The party did not want to go on with the marriage of Demjana to Strahd, because they felt they would not survive it. Raven was in favor however. Hoping to be rid of Demjana for ever.
Ah... well, if I were one of the PC's and knew it was to be the last session, I would've gone for it anyway. Dieing in a blaze of glory is a worthy end to any character, IMHO. :)
"We're realistic heroes. We're not here to save the world, just nudge the world into a better place."
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Post by Jennifer »

Hi Gonzoron,
That's sad, but it seems you had a great campaign. I hope your players and you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed reading about it.
You're making me blush.
Interesting. So where is he now? Is he in the guise of Fyodor? or is he lurking somewhere underneath the temple or something?
I hadn't thought that through completely, but he is probably hiding in the basement of the temple.

The party did not want to go on with the marriage of Demjana to Strahd, because they felt they would not survive it. Raven was in favor however. Hoping to be rid of Demjana for ever.
Ah... well, if I were one of the PC's and knew it was to be the last session, I would've gone for it anyway. Dieing in a blaze of glory is a worthy end to any character, IMHO.
Well the ending of the campaign was rather abrubt, we didn't know it would be the last time when we played the last session. Hopefully we will be able to come together one last time to work out remaining plots and mysteries.

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