New Prestige Class: Interpreter

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Stygian Inquirer
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New Prestige Class: Interpreter

Post by Stygian Inquirer »

Hey everybody, in a few of my sessions, some of the players have expressed some concerns over how many languages there are in Ravenloft. Many of them had to translate for another member in the party due to bad language choices so I got thinking. Is there a class that can fix this problem? Well a loremaster, kind of. But is there one that specifically deals with the language issue? Now there is.

Let me know what you guys think of it and if you think something should be changed. I will consider all criticism. Enjoy!

The Interpreter

Coming from all sorts of places and backgrounds, interpreters have always been helpful in negotiating ones way through the Land of the Mists. Most interpreters typically begin as spellcasters that find many ancient tomes that they are unable to decipher. They then spend years of study to learn the language of the text, and then the languages of the texts referenced by the original tomes, and then the languages of the manuscripts referenced by those texts. Many interpreters find work in socially sophisticated realms where their services may be needed for business, politics or research. In realms such as Borca, Richemulot, Dementlieu, and Mordent, there is word that the ruling families hold many skilled interpreters on retainer. This is not to say that the rulers of other domains do not have any interpreters of their own, but that maybe in these other places, their knowledge makes them dangerous enough to be coerced or even forced into servitude.
Any arcane spellcaster can become an interpreter, however, it is more natural for bards to become interpreters as they usually learn additional languages to supplement their repertoires of ballads and songs. Divine spellcasters such as clerics can also become interpreters, but they usually do so to spread the word of their faith to those in other parts of the dread realms.
Hit Die: d4

To qualify to become an interpreter (Ipt), a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Spells: Must be able to cast tongues.
Special: Must be literate or have the Literacy feat. Must speak at least five (5) languages.

Class Skills
The interpreters class skills (and the key ability for each skill are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge: (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge: (History) (Int), Knowledge: (Lore) (Int), Knowledge: (Religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (Int), and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.


Level 1
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Fortitude Save: +0
Reflex Save: +0
Will Save: +2
Special: Bonus Language, Eschew the Silence
Spells: +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class

Level 2
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Fortitude Save: +0
Reflex Save: +0
Will Save: +3
Special: Bonus Language, Comprehend Languages, Choice of Words
Spells: +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class

Level 3
Base Attack Bonus: +1
Fortitude Save: +1
Reflex Save: +1
Will Save: +3
Special: Bonus Language, Master Linguist
Spells: +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class

Level 4
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Fortitude Save: +1
Reflex Save: +1
Will Save: +4
Special: Bonus Language, Choice of Words
Spells: +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class

Level 5
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Fortitude Save: +1
Reflex Save: +1
Will Save: +4
Special: Bonus Language, Master Communicator, Words of Power
Spells: +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class

Class Features
All of the following are features of the interpreter prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An interpreter gains no proficiency in any weapon or armor.

Spells: The interpreter continues to gain spells as if they leveled in their previous arcane spellcasting class.

Bonus Language (Ex): At each level, an interpreter may add one language to their repertoire as if they gained them through having a high Intelligence score. Any language that the interpreter has been exposed to, no matter how minute the exposure may be chosen, showing the interpreter’s knack for picking up languages.

Eschew the Silence (Ex): Starting at first level, an interpreter may never again benefit from the Silent Spell feat as per a Bard.

Comprehend Languages (Su): Starting at 2nd level, the interpreter is considered always under the effect of the comprehend languages spell. The interpreter may not suppress this ability.

Choice of Words (Su): At 2nd level and again at 4th, the interpreter gains the ability to manipulate creatures because of his/her way with words. Each time this ability is taken, one of the effects below must be chosen. The target of this ability is entitled to a saving throw to resist the effects. The saving throw DC = 10 + 1/2 of the interpreter's total character level + the interpreter's Charisma Mod. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependant ability. Note: The interpreter need not know the spell of any given effect to choose it.
Rage: The interpreter can use his/her wide vocabulary to force a target to enter a barbarian rage either by frustrating the target or insulting the target in obscene or sophisticated ways.
Sleep: The interpreter can use its vast knowledge to drone on and on and on boring the target to sleep as per the spell.
Befriend: The interpreter can tell someone exactly what they want to hear and ensure their friendship. The target of this ability is under the effect of the charm person spell.
Jovial: The interpreter, because of its travels has picked up many a joke. When a target hears one of these jokes, they come under the effect of the spell, Tasha's hideous laughter.
Vocal Practice: The interpreter, due to years of practice, can "throw his voice" as per the ventriloquism spell.
Persuasion: In all of its wheelings and dealings, the interpreter picked up the ability to influence people. The target of this ability is under the effect of a suggestion as per the spell.

Master Linguist (Ex): At 3rd level, the interpreter becomes more eloquent and articulate in his speech and this benefits him/her when communicating with others. The interpreter gains a +6 bonus to all skill checks involving speaking when it is used to interact with others. For example, this bonus would apply to a disguise check used to imitate a voice, but not for dressing up as another person.

Master Communicator (Ex): At 5th level, the interpreter gains the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language.

Words of Power (Ex): At 5th level, the interpreter's speech becomes so powerful, it influences his/her spellcasting ability. The DC to all spells that the interpreter casts with a vocal component is increased by +2.
Last edited by Stygian Inquirer on Sat Feb 26, 2005 4:32 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Not bad, but I think it needs some more special abilities at the lower levels to be really attractive. (Tongues and comprehend languages are both naturals, of course. Telepathy would be another logical choice).

I think I'd have some knowledge skills and profession skills (scribe would be a natural), 'cause that skill list is really sparse.
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Post by Jasper »

I would also defenetly add a taunt ability. Nine time out of ten, out of the first ten words you learn of any language, two are threts, three are worlds for diffrent parts of the annatomy and the rest are only said by sailors :)
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Post by Joël of the FoS »

Sense motive skill - when you're in the unknown, this can help

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Stygian Inquirer
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

New Class Skill Added: Knowledge: (Arcana)
New Class Skill Added: Knowledge: (History)
New Class Skill Added: Knowledge: (Lore)
New Class Skill Added: Knowledge: (Religion)
New Class Skill Added: Profession
New Class Skill Added: Sense Motive
New Class Ability Added: Comprehend Languages
New Class Ability Added: Choice of Words
New Class Ability Added: Master Communicator
Class Ability Changes: Master Linguist

Thanks for all of the input so far!
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Jason of the Fraternity
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Post by Jason of the Fraternity »

A very cool concept, SI, although it seems to be lacking in a few areas. I've only been able to give this prestige class a quick read, but let me provide you with some of the bigger holes that I found at the moment.

1) First and foremost, I would either add the requirement that the character needs to be able to cast arcance spells or change the spell progression to read +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class. This might simply be an oversight, but the class, as written, wouldn't allow a cleric to gain spell levels despite them being able to take the class.

2) I agree that more skills are needed. With 4+ skills points per level. Only possessing six skills seems to be very low. Diplomacy and Sense Motive both come to mind. I would also recommend Spellcraft and Concentration, since these would fit the spellcasting components (and magic is a language as well).

3) The Master Linguist ability seems overpowered to me. If the character gains the ability to communicate verbally and understand aurally any creature with a language, then all of the bonus languages become superfluous. Why bother giving them five extra languages when this power makes them redundent? My suggestions would be to have this power provide a +10 bonus to all skill checks related to language (i.e., bluff, diplomacy, sense motive, etc.).

4) Telepathy, as Nathan pointed out, would be an interesting touch. However, I think that you would need to add in a few other weaker abilities earlier to build up to this. For example, Whispering Wind (1/day) is gained at 2nd-level, Tongues (1/day) is gained at 3rd-level, etc.

There are probably a few other areas to tweak as well, but I think that you have a great start to a neat idea. I would continue to give it some thought, and it would be interesting to see just what you come up with.

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Post by Jason of the Fraternity »

Ah, you've been busy while I've been creating my previous post. Nice changes, especially the Choice of Words option. My suggestions to stand for some of the abilities, though.
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

Jason of the Fraternity wrote:1) First and foremost, I would either add the requirement that the character needs to be able to cast arcance spells or change the spell progression to read +1 to previous arcane/divine spellcasting class. This might simply be an oversight, but the class, as written, wouldn't allow a cleric to gain spell levels despite them being able to take the class.
Yes this was an oversight. Thank you for informing me.
Jason of the Fraternity wrote:2) I agree that more skills are needed. With 4+ skills points per level. Only possessing six skills seems to be very low. Diplomacy and Sense Motive both come to mind. I would also recommend Spellcraft and Concentration, since these would fit the spellcasting components (and magic is a language as well).
Duly noted. Changes were in the works while you were posting so the skills have changed slightly but I agree and will add Spellcraft and Concentration soon.
Jason of the Fraternity wrote:3) The Master Linguist ability seems overpowered to me. If the character gains the ability to communicate verbally and understand aurally any creature with a language, then all of the bonus languages become superfluous. Why bother giving them five extra languages when this power makes them redundent? My suggestions would be to have this power provide a +10 bonus to all skill checks related to language (i.e., bluff, diplomacy, sense motive, etc.)
The original intention was that the interpreter could speak many languages and once this ability was taken, the bonus languages would apply to reading and writing. I agree with you though, in hindsight, this ability does look fairly overpowered. While you were posting, I was changing the class and moved this ability to level 3 (oops). I like your idea of the bonus to skill checks and will look to put an appropriate change in.
Jason of the Fraternity wrote:4) Telepathy, as Nathan pointed out, would be an interesting touch. However, I think that you would need to add in a few other weaker abilities earlier to build up to this. For example, Whispering Wind (1/day) is gained at 2nd-level, Tongues (1/day) is gained at 3rd-level, etc.
I have added the ability to Comprehend Languages at will to the class and I have added a few other abilities (i.e. Choice of Words) that I think might fulfill that.
Jason of the Fraternity wrote:There are probably a few other areas to tweak as well, but I think that you have a great start to a neat idea. I would continue to give it some thought, and it would be interesting to see just what you come up with.
Thank you very much. I appreciate all the input I have been getting and I will continue to try and improve this class with the help of your suggestions.
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

New Class Skill Added: Concentration
New Class Skill Added: Spellcraft
New Class Ability Added: Words of Power
Class Ability Changes: Comprehend Languages
Class Ability Changes: Master Linguist
Class Feature Changes: Spells
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Post by Jason of the Fraternity »

Stygian Inquirer wrote:Changes were in the works while you were posting so the skills have changed slightly but I agree and will add Spellcraft and Concentration soon.
Yep, I caught some of the changes after I finished posting my review.
Stygian Inquirer wrote:The original intention was that the interpreter could speak many languages and once this ability was taken, the bonus languages would apply to reading and writing. I agree with you though, in hindsight, this ability does look fairly overpowered.
I really like the reworked ability. While there are benefits to the original idea, I think that this makes it more diverse and doesn't negate the benefits of all the extra languages.
Stygian Inquirer wrote:Thank you very much. I appreciate all the input I have been getting and I will continue to try and improve this class with the help of your suggestions.
No problem! I'm glad that we could help refine some of the aspects, and I really would be interested in seeing how it develops (especially if you get the chance to playtest it with your player).
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Post by The Nightmare Man »

I'd be curious to hear how this class plays in a Borca-based campaign...
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

It's an interesting concept, but I'm curious why one would take this class rather than just become a bard. If you add in the Interpreter's bonus language per level, you've got one less skill point than a 3.5e bard, worse hit die, worse BAB, similar saves. None of the language based special abilites seem to balance that to me, let alone the bard's abilities that you'd miss out on.

(Also, I can't find the rule about bard's not being able to use Silent Spell anywhere. Where did you see that?)

There are a lot of languages in Ravenloft, but I think a bard could master them all in only a few levels if they really wanted to. (Vaasi, Balok, Mordentish, Darkonese, Falkovnian, Lamordian, Tepestani, Luktar, and Sithican pretty much covers the Core)

Comprehend Languages is a 1st level spell Tongues is a 2nd level. By 5th level (when a bard could qualify for Interpreter) a bard with a decent charisma could be under the effects of both for several hours a day.

Again, I like the concept, but I don't see what an Interpreter gets that makes it better than a bard.
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Post by Stygian Inquirer »

gonzoron wrote:It's an interesting concept, but I'm curious why one would take this class rather than just become a bard. If you add in the Interpreter's bonus language per level, you've got one less skill point than a 3.5e bard, worse hit die, worse BAB, similar saves. None of the language based special abilites seem to balance that to me, let alone the bard's abilities that you'd miss out on.
This prestige class is not meant only for bards but for other spellcasting classes too. Many of my players at least, prefer the flashy and lethal spells that wizards, sorcerors and clerics have to offer as opposed to bards.
gonzoron wrote:(Also, I can't find the rule about bard's not being able to use Silent Spell anywhere. Where did you see that?)
At the end of the Silent Spell feat description in the PHB, there is a note that says "Special: Bard spells cannot be enhanced by this metamagic feat."
gonzoron wrote:Again, I like the concept, but I don't see what an Interpreter gets that makes it better than a bard.
First of all, the Interpreter is a prestige class which means that its abilities are meant to compliment the abilities of other classes. It is not a whole new class.

Secondly, it is really a matter personal preference. Many of my players have found that most bardic spells are enchantments (I know I am generalising but my players generalise) and they have found, through trial and error that many of these do not work against undead and therefore my players tend not to use them.

Thirdly, it is only a five level prestige class, therefore, it allows you to add onto the bard's abilities. You continue gaining spells, you gain a +2 bonus to the DCs of all of your spells, as all bard spells have verbal components, you gain the Choice of Words abilities and you only lose out on two abilities (Inspire Courage +4 and Mass Suggestion) by level 20.

Once again I must reiterate that it is mainly personal preference.

Thank you Gonzoron, for your criticism. I do not play bards much so I do not know how they might play with this class (I also mainly play 3E rules not 3.5E).

Thanks again everyone for your contributions and if one of my players takes this prestige class (it looks like one or two might), I will report back on how it is doing.
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Stygian Inquirer wrote:This prestige class is not meant only for bards but for other spellcasting classes too. Many of my players at least, prefer the flashy and lethal spells that wizards, sorcerors and clerics have to offer as opposed to bards.
Understood, But I wasn't thinking of bards switching into this class, I was thinking of a wizard, sorceror, or cleric switching into bard for a couple levels rather than Interpreter. But that is a good point that the interpreter lets you continue to advance to more powerful spell rather than start over with the bard spell progression. I missed that in my original post, so I concede that there is a reason to take this class rather than bard.
At the end of the Silent Spell feat description in the PHB, there is a note that says "Special: Bard spells cannot be enhanced by this metamagic feat."
Whoops, there it is right in front of me. :oops: I guess I'll have to swap out a feat if I ever play my Dwarven Barbarian Dirgist again.
gonzoron wrote:First of all, the Interpreter is a prestige class which means that its abilities are meant to compliment the abilities of other classes. It is not a whole new class.
Right, but since anyone can multiclass into one of the base classes, Prestige Classes have to be competitive with them.
Thank you Gonzoron, for your criticism. I do not play bards much so I do not know how they might play with this class (I also mainly play 3E rules not 3.5E).
Well that would be the problem right there. :)
Actually, I play mostly 3.0 too, but the 3.5 Bard and Ranger are essential corrections to the system, IMHO. The 3.0 Bard is certainly a worse choice than Interpreter.
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

FWIW, I'm not sure if this is a good basis for even a 5-level prestige class. I'd probably make it one of those 3-level mini-classes, and give it some powers that improve by character level rather than class level. PCs who take a level or two in Interpreter could then switch to a class that has broader application, yet continue to improve their linguistics-related perks a little bit over time. :-/
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