Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

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Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Hell_Born »

I'm about to start a new campaign in the classic "outlanders deposited into Ravenloft" vein, using the Sword & Sorcery version of the campaign setting. Problem is, my players really want to start their campaign in Hazlan, and I have no real knowledge of or attraction to the domain, so I am drawing a complete blank on starting point, adventurer seeks, plot hooks... Can anyone help me out? I'll take any suggestions you've got, please!
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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Hell_Born wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 3:35 am I'm about to start a new campaign in the classic "outlanders deposited into Ravenloft" vein, using the Sword & Sorcery version of the campaign setting. Problem is, my players really want to start their campaign in Hazlan, and I have no real knowledge of or attraction to the domain, so I am drawing a complete blank on starting point, adventurer seeks, plot hooks... Can anyone help me out? I'll take any suggestions you've got, please!
I am preparing an article for Hazlik's Garden (if you want I can send you a draft of what I have written so far, its almost finished).

Then you have the Ildi'Thaan, Rasputin Khrinitov a ember of the Ildi'Thaan is a resident of Toyalis. Irkat Thaan is a ruined castle which serves as headquarters for the Ildi'Thaan. Its exact location is unknown, but it is located somewhere near Immol (in Barovia if you want to send them there later).

Athaekeetha the Vampire Illithid may raid caravans in Hazlan, if its post-GC it may have remained in Hazlan after Bluetspur became an Island of Terror.

The disappearance of Julio the Master Thief of Hazlan, was a skilled burglar who considered himself to be the best thief in that eastern land. He stole something from Veneficus dooming him to nonexistence or rather etherealness. His story is in Tales of Ravenloft.

I have made a post with various strange creatures that can be found in Hazlan, you can use any of these alien monstrosities to show the strangeness of Hazlan's fauna.

Eleni of Toyalis can be used as a villain or benefactor to the PC's were any adventure involving the acquisition of a magical item can be used.

The Lodestone can be used for a dungeoncrawl in Hazlan's history of alien inhabitants, think of the Prometheus/Alien

Body horror is a nice addition to the domains theme as well as slavery.
The Tables...

Priests experiment to to bring the avatar of the Lawgiver (Bane)

You can get inspiration also from the original Thay in the Forgotten Realms.

A Rashemani revolt?

The Iron Sanctum a monastery of the Guardians keeping the Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless away from public eye. The adventure 'Til Death Do Us Part from Dungeon #29, features the flask and an abbey so it can be converted to be used in Hazlan.
The Iron Flask of Tuerny
The Iron Flask of Tuerny, is a heavy urn stoppered with a turnip-shaped plug. It is small enough to be carried in the palm of a hand. The urn itself is plain, but the stopper is engraved and embossed with runes of power. It is an extremely powerful and dangerous magical artifact. Many ages ago, the Flask was crafted by brilliant but unscrupulous wizard named "Tuerny the Merciless," who promptly used it to capture an aspect of the Demon-Lord Graz'zt and force him to destroy Tuerny's enemies. During one battle, the clever Graz'zt managed to turn the tables and capture Tuerny in his own flask. After returning to the Abyss, he transformed Tuerny into a dretch and kept him as a slave. In time, Tuerny gained power by successfully leading demonic forces in the Blood War, and himself became a nalfeshnee demon. Miraculously, Tuerny maintained his personality and wizard skills throughout this entire evolution, but during that time, he lost track of his Flask. The artifact became the blueprint for countless lesser versions, but the original remains the most potent of them all.

In all human history only one man has epitomized the essence of pure evil, Tuerny the Merciless. Tuerny was a powerful mage who served as counselor to the king of a small country. Feeling that the king was a weak and foolish ruler, Tuerny and his agents murdered the royal family as they slept and he seized the crown for himself. Using his vast magical powers, Tuerny charmed or enslaved most of the army. He was able to summon foul tanar'ri and set them loose on the helpless people, but had little control over them, so Tuerny began expending vast amounts of energy to craft a device capable of bending them to his will. With all in readiness, he summoned forth a great tanar'ri, took control over the beast, and imprisoned it in the flask.

Meanwhile, news of Tuerny's atrocities reached neighboring kingdoms. They raised great armies to crush Tuerny and his foul minions. These devastating wars lasted years but resolved nothing. Finally Tuerny opened the bottle—only to have the released creature grab him. A blood-curdling scream filled the air as Tuerny transformed into a foul and hideous monster and vanished, along with the flask and the creature.

Magical Powers:
  • It functions as a normal iron flask, except that it can only capture and command demons
  • A targeted demon can resist being captured by making a DC 26 Will save.
  • It can hold up to 100 demons at a time.
  • The wielder can command one trapped demon within to come forth to serve him for 1 hour per day; he may command demons within the flask in this manner no more than 3 times per day.
  • If the flask is opened without commanding onf of the demons, 1d6 of them escape each round to assault and savage the flask's holder, squabbling over its control.
  • The flask can also be used to contain a single aspect of a demon lord, although to do so, it must first be emptied - a single demon lord aspect (regardless of the aspects actual power) counts as all 100 demons the flask could normally store. The flask is particularly potent at capturing aspects - this was its original intent, after all. An aspect suffers a -10 penalty on the Will save to avoid being entrapped by the flask.
Invoked. The user of the Flask draws upon the power of one of the following tanar'ri imprisoned inside it; a nabassu, glabrezu, marilith, or nalfeshnee. The actual tanar'ri contained in the flask can be determined randomly or selected by the DM. It can be released to wreak havoc upon any targets the user chooses for up to 8 hours. If it is killed, it instantly returns to the artifact. The fiend must otherwise be commanded to kill at least once before it can be ordered back into the Flask. If this is not done before the 8 hours expire, the the curse is instantly activated (1/day).

Random. 2 from Table 28: Offensive Powers

Curse. There is a cumulative 5% chance each time the Flask is used that the tanar'ri will be able to turn on the user. When this happens, the user is taken to the tanar'ri's home plane to serve as a dretch. The artifact also afflicts the user with artifact transformation, changing the user's alignment to chaotic evil and instilling the desire to utterly conquer and destroy all known creation.

Suggested Means of Destruction
  • The user must imprison 99 other greater tanar'ri in the Flask.
  • It must be filled with the tears of 1,000 orphaned children, which melts it.
  • The Flask must be filled with earth from every battlefield Tuerny fought on.



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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Hell_Born »

I appreciate the suggestions, Mephisto. Ended up dropping them in the hills surrounding Ramulai and had them stumble across it after fighting off some tentacle rats. Any advice on their first interactions, beyond what S has to say about the attitudes of the Rashemani serfs living there? In particular, do we know anything about how the Red Academy is laid out or what it looks like?
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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Hell_Born wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 1:13 am I appreciate the suggestions, Mephisto. Ended up dropping them in the hills surrounding Ramulai and had them stumble across it after fighting off some tentacle rats. Any advice on their first interactions, beyond what S has to say about the attitudes of the Rashemani serfs living there? In particular, do we know anything about how the Red Academy is laid out or what it looks like?
From the Unapproachable East Forgotten Realms.
Text in parenthesis have been changed or suggest that they should be changed to reflect Hazlan not Thay.

The common people in Hazlan are almost exclusively Rashemi. The Rashemi are a hardy people, short and stocky with dusky skin and dark eyes. They all have thick, dark hair, (the few wealthy Rashemi choose to shave their scalps or at the least, crop their hair quite short to distinguish themselves from slaves, who are forbidden to cut their hair). (Rashemi are forbidden to tattoo themselves in the Mulan style).
Rashemi do not have the same opportunities for advancement or wealth that people of Mulan descent do, but they think of themselves as (Hazlani) first. The Rashemi are not happy about having the Mulan as their overlords, but they are resigned to their lot and take fierce pride in the strength and dark majesty of their land. Any Rashemi with sufficient means owns slaves, and most likely treats those slaves as harshly as they are treated anywhere in Hazlan. Few apprentice wizards are of Rashemi descent, but Rashemi make up the bulk of Hazlan’s free soldiers. Many of the most elite military forces are composed of cruel Rashemi warriors who are happy to serve the vrayloks and apprentice wizards.

Life and Society
There are four levels of Thayan society. They are, in order of increasing influence: slaves, commoners, nobles, and Red Wizards. It’s no coincidence that this is also the decreasing order of population. There are far more slaves in Thay than any other group, but they have the least power. The Red Wizard's apprentices, on the other hand, have few members but easily the most power.

THE RED WIZARDS (I changed this so it can be applied to the Academy)
At an early age, noble children are carefully examined for any signs of arcane talent. Any who are shown to have even a small aptitude are immediately inducted into wizardry school, followed by a long and arduous apprenticeship to the Academy.
It’s illegal for any apprentice to refuse the red robes, but this is rare: Becoming an apprentice to the Red Wizard is such an obvious path to power. At any given time, Hazlk claims up to a dozen apprentices (in game terms, wizards who have not yet acquired their first level in the Red Wizard prestige class), and apprentice wizards whom he keeps at one another’s throats to advance his own schemes. Apprentices exist to serve as Hazlik’s agents, minions, and thralls. What magical training they gain in the process is determined solely by their own ambition and initiative.
Only apprentice wizards are permitted to wear red robes, their badge of office. The penalty for posing as one is instant death at the hands of the wizard to uncover the deception.
The Academy is ruled by Hazlik and the practice of Necromantic spells is forbidden.

Anyone, foreigner or Hazlan, traveling in Hazlan must carry a pass issued by a satrap allowing the traveler to use specific roads and visit specific cities. All satraps delegate the task of issuing passes to minor officials and officers, which means that a travel permit for most points can be purchased with a suitable bribe (generally, 10 to 50 gp for foreigners). Soldiers, messengers, and officials engaged in the performance of their duties are exempt from the requirement to obtain permission to travel, but they generally carry tokens of their authority.
Outsiders traveling without authorization find it difficult, if not impossible, to move about. Patrols constantly scour the roads and byways, searching for escaped slaves (and the occasional brigand, criminal, or foreign spy). The penalty for being caught is usually death. Those found inside the Red Wizard’s estate, on the other hand, are in for an even worse fate as the subject of painful magical experiments.

The laws of Hazlan are simple, and the penalties are brutal. They are mostly concerned with establishing who’s in power. The tharchions and zulkirs consult a set of tomes known as the Library of Law when faced with a serious problem. However, most of the time, the authorities ignore these books in favour of expediency. These are the most important laws of Hazlan.
  • Only apprentices to the Red Wizard may wear red robes, so that all shall be able to identify them instantly.
  • Do not steal from other Hazlani or harm their belongings, especially their slaves.
  • Do not kill or harm another Hazlani. (In practice, this means, “Do not kill or harm anyone from your class or above.”)
  • Obey the orders of your betters.
The proscription against wearing red robes is unusual, but Hazlani take it so seriously that most refuse to dress in any clothing of that color. The penalty for being caught in such garb is execution on the spot. It’s rumored that some of the forces of the Red Wizard always carry a spare red robe or two. This is then supposedly thrown onto the body after the guards have killed someone, giving them an excuse for their actions.

The laws of Hazlan are enforced by whoever claims to have jurisdiction over the people involved or the location in which the disturbance occurred. In Hazlan, just about every Mulan employs slaves or commoners as private guards. The more powerful the person, the more numerous and more skilled the guards. In Hazlan, might makes right, and the Mulana have plenty of might. The trouble comes when more than one group of guards claims jurisdiction over any particular issue. This happens often, and when it does, a fight usually breaks out.

Outsiders are observed suspiciously throughout Hazlan. It’s hard for a party of adventurers to get into Hazlan without being watched.

Thay’s foreign enclaves are administered through the Guild of Foreign Trade, headquartered in a vast complex of warehouses, vaults, and fortresslike offices dominating centre of Toyalis. The Guild issues licenses to Hazlani wishing to import or export goods, but in the last twenty years, its sponsorship of mercantile enclaves dealing in magic items has catapulted the Guild from a small, corrupt bureaucracy to a vast, corrupt, state-sponsored industry.

The guild is naturally obsessed with the safety of its valuable merchandise,and its vaults are guarded by skilled warriors, and monstrous creatures. Thousands of laborers and slaves toil at its docks and warehouses, loading and unloading the yellow-sailed dromonds that carry the output of magic workshops to Hazlani concessions and quarters across the river. The dromonds return even more heavily laden than they were when they set out, since most of the goods exchanged for Hazlani magic items are bulkier and heavier than a cargo of potions, scrolls, and wondrous items.
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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Hell_Born wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 1:13 am In particular, do we know anything about how the Red Academy is laid out or what it looks like?
The Red Academy is probably made of the same "living stone" as the rest of Ramulai, said to be constructed in a single day by Hazlik's magic transforming the stone ( homes in Ramulai are constructed by stones magically quarried from the Balinoks). I imagine Ramulai being circular in shape (as it is shaped as a large rune) with the Academy at its centre. As written in the Gazetteer there is only one enormous gate leading to Ramulai, a large opening from the massive circular stone wall that surrounds the village. I guess the same applies to the Academy, it must be also surrounded by a wall as entering it without invitation is forbidden to those who are not studying in the Academy.

Think of a rune you want the village to have and then incorporate it to a circular city/village map

https://gr.pinterest.com/paperbullet049 ... ar-cities/

Since as I understand the party is starting level (or else the tentacle rats wouldn't be a problem) I suggest using the The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces adventure from Candlekeep Mysteries and possibly Mazfroth's Mighty Digressions with some minor changes as the gingwatzim suits the domain.

Changed from Strixhaven

Magical Study
The fundamental work of the Red Academy is not just the application of magic to academic study as it is mostly known for but also to recruit wizards in the service of Hazlik to "avoid another cataclysmic event" such as the Grand Conjunction. Students and faculty aren't limited to magical topics alone.

The faculty members of the Red Academy are scholars older apprentice wizards to the Red Wizard and experts in their various fields and in the use of magic to enhance their studies, all loyal to Hazlik. They are dedicated to their research and to educating students who follow in their footsteps. Some faculty members value research more than teaching, while others make education their highest priority.

Hazlik the Red Wizard male human Evoker 14
Eleni of Toyalis female human Evoker 8

Suggested class subjects and faculty members (as well as various adventure ideas)

  • Ancient Runes (Euzebijs Birznieks, male human Expert 3/Wizard 2)
Always a fan of Dwarven culture, he wants to explore the H'rakizuhm tunnels of Falkovnia.

  • Astronomy (Nidysa Auzisknais, female human Expert 2/Scholar 3)
Has seen a strange comet in the sky and tries to figure out the exact location of its landing.

  • Charms (Venroe Znotatis, female human Sorceress 4)
Not withstanding the traces of time on her she has discovered texts referring to Radaga and the Stone of Death.

  • Defence against the Dark Art (Necromancy) (Dorcan Zirnais, male human Abjurer 4/Arcanist 2)
Delving to much into the dark art of Necromancy can make someone enticed with them and the prospect of eternal life.

  • Divination (Spiza Strautsisk, female half-vistana Diviner 4)
Is searching for her Vistana mother, who has become a recluse.

  • Evocations (Eleni of Toyalis, female human Evoker 8 )
Has been sent by Hazlik in a mission on the centre of the domain but hasn't returned.

  • Herbology (Alsis Rubenis, female human Expert 2/Ranger 3)
Wants to fund an expedition to Forlorn to examine the various diseases that affect the flora there.

  • History of Magic (Warkas Aspersen, male human Expert 3/Wizard 2)
Tries to comprehend the nature of Wild Magic and the Weave, he seeks to experiment on Halan witches.

  • Illusions (Mangim Rusitiril, male gnome Illusionist 6)
His studies on the qualities of shadowstuff have made him want to explore the Shadow Rift.

  • Potions (Warkas Vitolsisk, male human Expert 1/Alchemist 4/Charlatan 2)
Had been coning Hazlani citizens into taking various potions, experimenting on the results.

  • Study of Magical Creatures (Volin Ossursen, male half-elf Ranger 4)
Is currently studying the myths of the "ghost eaters" (ethereal marauders)

  • Transfiguration (Dainis Bergmanais, male human Transmuter 5/Alchemical Philosopher 1)
Has recently discovered his first Alchemical Formula

  • Demonology (Martas Cebelis, male human Warlock 1/ Blood Magus 4/Tainted Scholar 2)
Has been searching for an artifact called The Iron Flask of Tuerny the Merciless

  • Hazlani History (Vidards Zvagzne, male human Conjurer 6/ Alienist 1)
Had been briefly contacted by the Illithid God Brain just before the Grand Conjunction. Vidards Zvagzne is recruiting people for an excavation on the Toyalis crater centre (see the Lodestone Dread Possibility).

Students at the Red Academy spend their first year in a course of general studies, which lays the foundation for the more specialized work to follow. During this year, they wear a uniform of red and grey colour. They're encouraged to study broadly so that they become acquainted with a wide range of disciplines.

First-year students live in dormitories and often compete between each other throughout their educational careers. A few students continue to live on central dormitories after choosing a school of magic, particularly if they pursue extensive studies in multiple schools of magic or work as resident advisers to first-year students. But most students move to dormitories located on their chosen schools of magic in their second year.
"I am not omniscient, but I know a lot."
-Mephistopheles from Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

In general I believe Ramulai and especially the Red Accademy should be a nature defying place, possibly the only human settled high fantasy place in the Demiplane of Dread. The adventurers will possibly will not visit a magic infested place like this again unless they somehow visit Castle Avernus in Darkon, Vechor or the Shadow Rift. I believe their experience should be filled with amazement of the possibilities of magic as well as the dangers of magic.

In 5e this translates into a Wild Magic Surge, which is a good idea but I would personally use it only for magic cast in Ramulai unless Hazlan has suffered some massive destruction in your campaign. I would also use a combination of 2e and 5e Wild Magic Surges (for instance changing a 2e Wild Magic Surge result that I don't like with a 5e result). The 2e results are many so I advise to use that table for more different results or else the Wild Magic effect gets lost in having many similar results.

Guidelines for an adventure in Hazlan
  • Magic is authority
  • Hazlik views his domain as a vast magical laboratory, every being as either an apprentice or a test subject.
  • Apprentice wizards perform elaborate magical experiments, twisting the fabric of magic and reality until it frays. These experiments endlessly scar a domain drained of vitality, tortured by magical disasters, and overrun with abominations birthed from strange experiments that prowl openly.
HAZLAN WILD MAGIC (from 5e Hazlan)

Excessive experimentation has caused the nature of magic in Hazlan to fray, making the entire domain a region of wild magic. Whenever a character in Hazlan expends a spell slot to cast a spell of 1st level or higher or actives a magic item, an additional effect might occur. The character’s player rolls a d10. If they rolla 1, roll on the Hazlan Wild Magic table to determine the effect. Only Hazlik is unaffected by the domain’s wild magic.

My Suggestion is to use the Wild Magic Level Variations (from 2e) within Ramulai and not in the entirety of Hazlan.

The most broad-reaching aspect of the wild mage's powers is his approach to spells. The wild mage's work with the principles of uncertainty affects all spells that have a level variable for range, duration, area of effect, or damage. Each time a wild mage uses a spell with a level variable, he randomly determines the resulting casting level of the spell. The spell may function at lesser, equal, or greater effect than normal. The degree of variation depends on the true level of the caster, as shown in Table 1 (in the following link).

https://www.google.com/imgres?q=wild%20 ... M3oECFIQAA

To determine the level at which the spell is cast, the player must roll Id20 at the moment the spell is cast. The variation from the caster's actual level is found at the point where the character's true level and the die roll intersect. (True level refers to the current experience level of the wild mage.) If the result is a positive number, that many levels are added to the caster's true level for purposes of casting the spell. If the result is a negative number, that many levels are subtracted from the caster's true level. If the result is 0, the spell is cast normally. The variation of a spell's power has no permanent effect on the mage's experience level or casting ability.

For example, Theos, a 7th-level wild mage, casts a fireball. He wishes it to take effect 70 yards away at the site of a band of advancing Rashemi. Fireball has level variables for range (10 yds. +10 yds./level) and damage (1d6/level). A die roll is made on the Level Variation Table with a result of 19, indicating a level variation of +3. The fireball functions as if cast by a 10th-level wizard (7 + 3) and easily reaches its target, causing 10d6 points of damage. If the level variation had been -3 (die roll of 2), the spell would have operated as if it were 4th level. In this case, the fireball would have fallen short since its maximum range would have been 50 yards (10 yards + 10 yards x4).

One additional effect can occur when casting level-variable spells. If the result from Table 1 is boldfaced, the caster has inadvertently created a wild surge in the spell in addition to the spell's effects. A wild surge briefly opens a doorway through which raw magical energy pours. The energy is incompletely controlled by the actions of the spellcaster. The result, often spectacular, is seldom what the caster intended and is sometimes a smaller or greater version of the desired spell. At other times, wildly improbable results occur. Songs may fill the air, people might appear out of nowhere, or the floor may become a pool of grease. Whatever happens, it is the essence of wildness.

When a wild surge occurs, the DM must roll on the Wild Surge Table. Unlike many other instances in the D&D in which the DM is encouraged to choose a suitable result, wild surges are best resolved by random chance. Actively choosing a result biases the nature of wild magic. DMs are encouraged to be random and have fun.


d20 Wild Magic Effect
  • 1-5 The character causes a random effect from the Wild Magic Surge table in the Player’s Handbook.

    6-7 The character is frightened of all creatures until the end of their next turn.

    8-9 A number (2d4) of the Staring Cats of Uldun-dar appear within 30 feet of the character. These sapient, hyperdimensional cats have uneven numbers of eyes and are not hostile, but they ominously share reports on how the character died in multiple parallel dimensions. The cats vanish after the character’s next long rest.

    10-11 The character and the creature nearest them both teleport up to 60 feet to random unoccupied spaces of the DM’s choice. When they reappear, they are covered in harmless ectoplasm.

    12 ‘The character broadcasts their surface thoughts for 1 round, as if all creatures within 30 feet of them had cast detect thoughts targeting them.

    13-14 A spectral eye appears, hovering over the character for 1 hour. Once in this hour a character may choose not to roll on the Hazlan Wild Magic table. Hazlik is aware of any spell cast or magic item used within 30 feet of the eye. He is also aware of the spell’s level and the rarity of such a magic item. At any time, Hazlik can the eye as a stationary eye created by the arcane eye spell. He can spy through the eye whenever and for as long as he pleases. The eye radiates divination magic while Hazlik spies through it.

    15-16 A portal similar to that created by arcane gate opens within 10 feet of the character. It connects to another portal somewhere in Hazlan. The portal remains open for 1 hour, during which creatures from either side can pass through.

    17-18 A shrieking, skinless, many-limbed horror that has the statistics of (and vaguely resembles) a unicorn appears within 30 feet of the character. It is hostile to them, vanishing after 1 minute.

    19 The character casts fireball as a 5th-level spell centered on themself using Charisma as the spellcasting ability. Screams and laughter emanate from the flames.

    20 A fog cloud appears, centered on the character. The effect is similar to a fog cloud spell and lasts for 10 minutes. The DM can choose to have the fog affect creatures as if they'd entered the Mists

  • 01. Wall of force appears in front of caster

    02. Caster smells like a skunk for spell duration

    03. Caster shoots forth eight non poisonous snakes from fingertips. Snakes do not attack.

    04. Caster’s clothes itch (+2 to initiative)

    05. Caster glows as per a light spell

    06. Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on caster

    07. Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting for 1 turn

    08. Caster’s hair grows one foot in length

    09. Caster pivots 180 degrees

    10. Caster‘s face is blackened by small explosion

    11. Caster develops allergy to his magical items. Character cannot control sneezing until all magical items are removed. Allergy lasts ld6 turns.

    12. Caster’s head enlarges for ld3 turns

    13. Caster reduces (reversed enlarge) for 1d3 turns

    14. Caster falls madly in love with target until a remove curse is cast

    15. Spell cannot be canceled at will by caster

    16. Caster polymorphs randomly

    17. Colorful bubbles come out of caster’s mouth instead of words. Words are released when bubbles pop. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 1 turn.

    18. Reversed tongues affects all within 60 feet of caster

    19. Wall of fire encircles caster

    20. Caster’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding +4 to initiative rolls for ld3 turns

    21. Caster suffers same spell effect as target

    22. Caster levitates 20’ for 1d4 turns

    23. Cause fear with 60’ radius centered on caster. All within radius except the caster must make a saving throw.

    24. Caster speaks in a squeaky voice for 1d6 days

    25. Caster gains X-ray vision for 1d6 rounds

    26. Caster ages 10 years

    27. Silence, 15’ radius centers on caster

    28. 10’ X 10’ pit appears immediately in front of caster, 5’ deep per level of the caster

    29. Reverse gravity beneath caster’s feet for 1 round

    30. Colored streamers pour from caster’s fingertips

    31. Spell effect rebounds on caster

    32. Caster becomes invisible

    33. Color spray from caster’s fingertips

    34. Stream of butterflies pours from caster’s mouth

    35. Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints instead of his own until a dispel magic is cast

    36. 3-30 gems shoot from caster’s fingertips. Each gem is worth ld6 x 10 gp.

    37. Music fills the air

    38. Create food and water

    39. All normal fires within 60’ of caster are extinguished

    40. One magical item within 30‘ of caster (randomly chosen) is permanently drained

    41. One normal item within 30’ of caster (randomly chosen) becomes permanently magical

    42. All magical weapons within 30’ of caster are increased by +2 for 1 turn

    43. Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60’ of caster for 1 turn

    44. Dancing lights

    45. All creatures within 30’ of caster begin to hiccup ( + 1 to casting times, - 1 to Attack)

    46. All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60‘ of caster swing open

    47. Caster and target exchange places

    48. Spell affects random target within 60’ of the caster

    49. Spell fails but is not wiped from caster‘s mind

    50. Monster summoning II

    51. Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.) lasting 1d6 turns

    52. Deafening bang affects everyone within 60’. All those who can hear must save vs. spell or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.

    53. Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast

    54. Gate opens to randomly chosen outer plane; 50% chance for extra-planar creature to appear.

    55. Spell functions but shrieks like a shrieker

    56. Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases 50 %

    57. Spell reversed, if reverse is possible

    58. Spell takes physical form of freewilled elemental and cannot be controlled by caster. Elemental remains for duration of spell. Touch of the elemental causes spell effect (Attack equal to caster’s).

    59. All weapons within 60’ of caster glow for 1d4 rounds

    60. Spell functions; any applicable saving throw is not allowed

    61. Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1-4 rounds later

    62. All magical items within 60’ of caster glow for 2d8 days

    63. Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds

    64. Slow spell centered on target

    65. Target deluded

    66. Lightning bolt shoots toward target

    67. Target enlarged

    68. Darkness centered on target

    69. Plant growth centered on target

    70. 1,000 lbs. of non-living matter within 10’ of target vanishes

    71. Fireball centers on target

    72. Target turns to stone

    73. Spell is cast; material components and memory of spell are retained

    74. Everyone within 10‘ of caster receives the benefits of a heal

    75. Target becomes dizzy ( -4 AC and Attack, cannot cast spells) for 2d4 rounds

    76. Wall of fire encircles target

    77. Target levitates 20’ for 1d3 turns

    78. Target suffers blindness

    79. Target is charmed as per charm monster

    80. Target forgets

    81. Target’s feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding +4 to all initiative rolls for 1-3 turns

    82. Ethereal marauder appears in front of target

    83. Target polymorphs randomly

    84. Target falls madly in love with caster until a dispel magic is cast.

    85. Target changes sex

    86. Small, black raincloud forms over target

    87. Stinking cloud centers on target

    88. Heavy object (boulder, anvil, safe, etc.) appears over target and falls for 2d20 points of damage

    89. Target begins sneezing. No spells can be cast until fit passes (1d6 rounds).

    90. Spell effect has 60’ radius centered on target (all within radius suffer the effect)

    91. Target’s clothes itch (+2 to initiative for 1d10 rounds)

    92. Target’s race randomly changes until canceled by dispel magic

    93. Target turns ethereal for 2d4 rounds

    94. Target hastened

    95. All cloth on target crumbles to dust

    96. Target sprouts leaves (no damage caused, can be pruned without harm)

    97. Target sprouts new useless appendage (wings, arm, ear, etc.) which remains until dispel magic is cast

    98. Target changes color (canceled by dispel magic)

    99. Spell has a minimum duration of 1 turn (i.e., a fireball creates a ball of flame that remains for 1 turn, a lightning bolt bounces and continues, possibly rebounding, for 1 turn, etc.)

    100. Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) increases 200 %
  • No additional effects occur

    You regain all expended spell slots and sorcery points

    You expend all of your remaining spell slots and sorcery points.

    You forget one spell of each level that you know and learn a new spell to replace each one.

    All creatures within the blast gain the Magic Initiate: Sorcerer feat, determine the spells randomly.

    You gain 1d4 sorcerer levels for 5 minus that many days.

    Any creature with the spellcasting feature that failed the saving throw must use its reaction to cast a spell with a casting time of one action or bonus-action.

    All spells of 6th level or lower within the blast are dispelled

    The Symbol spell is cast at your feet that is trigerred whenever any creature other than you comes within 10 feet of it, determine the effect randomly.

    You are transported to another time, place, or possible world as determined by the DM
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"I am not omniscient, but I know a lot."
-Mephistopheles from Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: Hazlani Adventuring for Rookies

Post by Speedwagon »

Mephisto gave some really great points already in this thread so I don't have much to say, but if you're looking for more, I can suggest the following:

Maps of Hazlan don't always look the same and add some places. For instance, the Neverwinter Nights Ravenloft fan-server Prisoners of the Mists has their own map of Hazlan (and Dementlieu) and added their own settlements like Nordenvall and a gnome village near Ramulai. Perhaps those maps might help?

Other image link: https://www.nwnravenloft.com/forum/inde ... pic=5155.0 (scroll down to Hazlan)

Links for Nordenvall and the Red Academy and other Hazlan stuff on those servers:
Additionally, according to the Almanac of Ravenloft compiled by Strahdsbuddy and the others at the Ravenloft Cartographic Society, there are a few settlements that people added to Hazlan to take note of if you don't want to stick to Toyalis-Sly-Var-Ramulai. The settlement of Kubar from Children of the Night: Demons, the settlement of Elazig from NeoTiamat's Eye of Anubis play-by-post game (and there's a map of that somewhere on the forum as well, in the Library section), and the Mordent Cartographic Society added the village of Skansorro and a small dirt or wooden-wagon trail from it to Harmonia in Kartakass. Forfarmax is also in Hazlan and the Forfarians as an ethnicity means you could do something with them as well, and there's the Thaani connection to Immol and Hazlan. Loie Hunn, lieutenant of Bonespur from Thoughts of Darkness, now leads the Bone Daggers mercenary company that was featured in the adventure, so they might be hunting for powerful items of Bluetspur (of illithid origin).

Finally, Mephisto's threads for Additional Monsters in Hazlan (https://www.fraternityofshadows.com/for ... hp?t=11400) has some interesting ideas and pictures to inspire you, and if you really want to emphasize Hazlan as a little slice of Thay, I recommend the DMsGuild product Thay: Land of the Red Wizards by a bunch of authors and including Ed Greenwood, the main creator of the Forgotten Realms, updating the framework of Thay to the 5e timeframe of Forgotten Realms (the 1490s) so since Ed Greenwood was involved it has a measure of canonicity behind it (https://www.dmsguild.com/product/386190 ... y+Land+of+).
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