Star Wars in Ravenloft?

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Rock of the Fraternity
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Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Would it be possible to transplant elements from the Star Wars setting into Ravenloft without its locals completely overwhelming the setting?
How would you do it?
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Re: Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by Daisu »

There a lot of discarded tech on backwater planets that seem to be a theme in starwars, I would have something like that for a domain. I can see Vald use stuff like cloning to win the war or build a war machine with a flaw due to rushing it.
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Re: Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by tomokaicho »

Lightsaber is a +5 brilliant energy rapier.


A datapad gives a +5 bonus to all Knowledge checks.


A Blaster Pistol is an exotic weapon that fires a non-magical 5d6 eldritch blast as a standard action, following the same rules as a Warlock. The Blaster Pistol energy cell has 50 charges before needing replacement.


A Borg Implant provides +6 to Intelligence, +4 to Wisdom, +2 to Dexterity, and -2 to Charisma.


All of this stuff is fine. If you are talking Star Destroyers or even TIE Fighters, then its over for the locals. Have the mists bring 'em in with the stuff that they are carrying. Stuff like this.
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Re: Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by brothersale »

I agree with tomokaicho, it does depend on what you transplant and to what extent.

For example most of the Empire's slave races and the Hutt's servants belong to more primative socities that the more tecnologically empire/Hutt have uplifted and enslaved, so that would cover Gamorreans, Abyssins, Chevs, Elom, Whiphids, Ugnaughts, Ortolans, Vodrans, Nikto, Klatooinian, Amanin and Talz to name a few. Others are primitive societies have little contact wit more advance societies ewoks and sand people or choose a more Agrarian/priviative lifestyle either by choice or conditions such as Wookies, Cereans and Gungans. As such they can be dropped in with little effort to down grade them to a more equal society.

Alien beasts are even easier to drop in as they become a different unusual beast or monster.

Force powers, in a setting that has both magic and psychic powers is not a big problem to include, but would they be needed.

As to the high tech stuff, it reall depends on what state you place them in for example a crashed star destroyer sounds or a single military base sounds danerous to the setting until logistics kicks in. They can't really take over much in the long run, as they would overstretch themselves in manpower and their tech would run low on power without eternal supplies. They themselves would be unlikely to have techs that could use local privimative resources (by their standards) to keep up the technogical edge they have, so they would slowly find themselves regressing down to the local level with some resources kept in reserve for greater threats if needed. The best example off this is in Star Wars: Empire: To the Last Man [Trade] or Star Wars Empire #16-18 which offers a example of this kind of scenario blending it with Rorke's Drift.

On the other hand a huge high tech-based domain would be world breaking and would possible require restrictions on what can exist the domain, ie tech breaks down when leaving the domain to preserve the setting or some other such thing.

it really does just matter how much and what you want to include.
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Re: Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

If there are two tentpoles in my fandom, they are Ravenloft and Star Wars. And yet, I don't feel any desire to cross the streams there. Not to yuck the yum or anything, but just honestly answering the question:
How would you do it?
I wouldn't. :)

:soth: - Peradur, I am your father.**

** Yes, I'm aware Vader never says "Luke, I am your father." :)

I mean, there are elements of SW that would fit right in... the cave on Dagobah for example. I almost said Vader's the perfect darklord, but then I thought more about it and realized that he is eventually redeemed, which kind of disqualifies him. Palpatine then would seem more darklord-worthy, since he doens't do a face turn ever, but there's not a lot of empathy there. We see his rise to power, but never really see his fall to the dark side or why he joined the Sith. (If it's covered in the Darth Plagueis book, I'm not aware, as I haven't read it.) While he's still masquerading as good in Episode I, he's already Darth Sidious on the DL. As much as I love him as a cackling BBEG, if I saw him presented as a darklord without any prior knowledge, I'd call him as one-note as say Meredoth (the canon one, not the excellent revamp in the FoS NS Gaz). So neither of them really fit. You'd have to go deeper into the EU - sorry, I mean "Legends" or the ancillary series to find a good darklord, and even then I'm struggling to identify one.

Ravenloft is a lot about choices made, flawed heroes, irredeemable yet sympathetic villains, and also about survival in the face of despair. SW is more often about destiny (i.e the lack of choices) and the ideal hero's journey, archetypal villains without humanity, but also about hope and redemption. It's tough on a fundamental level to mesh them.
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Re: Star Wars in Ravenloft?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:If there are two tentpoles in my fandom, they are Ravenloft and Star Wars. And yet, I don't feel any desire to cross the streams there. Not to yuck the yum or anything, but just honestly answering the question:
How would you do it?
I wouldn't. :)

:soth: - Peradur, I am your father.**

** Yes, I'm aware Vader never says "Luke, I am your father." :)
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