Starfinder RPG ideas and other Cosmic Oddities

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Evil Genius
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Starfinder RPG ideas and other Cosmic Oddities

Post by Five »

Is anybody here playing this or plan on playing this?

Care to share adventures, character concepts, galactic schemes, alien species/culture, antagonists, strange planetscapes/ecosystems/etc, or tech ideas?

I'm not involved in a campaign yet, but I do have ideas brewing (for either the Starfinder or Coriolis settings), if anybody is interested in brainstorming...?

Star Frontiers, Gamma World, Mutant: Year Zero, Degenesis Rebirth, Fragged Empire, Numenera, and The Strange ideas are welcome as well. Those are the settings I am versed in (have access to), but any "space", "post apocalyptic", or "future past" (or any combination thereof) setting idea(s) are welcome as well! :)

I'll post some of my ideas on next days off, regardless if anybody is interested. ;) haha
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
Evil Genius
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Re: Starfinder RPG ideas and other Cosmic Oddities

Post by Five »

1. Non-specific.


I am currently sketching a campaign (possibly series of short stories) that involves chrononauts, agents of God (or equivalent) that are granted powers to traverse Time to eradicate/contain Evil; Past, Present, and Future.

Angels are God's governing body and police force stationed throughout the multiverse, and under special circumstances (personal whim) they can pass their authority (essence) to select individuals. Each planet has a ruler (governor, king, administrator, etc), a council of Elders, and a "police" force. Chrononauts are those agents that travel Time to maintain the council's "vision" of the planet's development, assassins that eliminate agents of Evil (Satan or equivalent), mechanics that fix/maintain the Slipstream (Time), and bounty hunters tasked with reeling in rogue agents, among other things.

Quantum Leap meets H.P. Lovecraft with an all-genre backdrop (fantasy, sci-fi, western, horror, etc) and trimmed with a grim, hardboiled view of the bible: Angels and Devils really aren't that much different from humans; God's omniscience is limited to the reports he receives from his administrators; higher-power politics (dust and mirrors), etc...
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
Evil Genius
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Re: Starfinder RPG ideas and other Cosmic Oddities

Post by Five »

A few works in progress, in note form (written for me, but I'll include them just cos I'm putting it public):

2. People

RAVENKIN (rename)

Human-like species that bond with the spirits of giant ravens that they defeat in personal combat. Raven skulls, feathered cloaks, taloned boots, all grim spoils that grant the warrior mystical powers (flight, +?) after strange ceremony. Mountainous planet (develop). Warlike. Aggressive. Postmodern society, not quite ready for space exploration. Generally prefers melee combat. Ancestral enemies of the Lizard Riders from the canyons below (better name/develop). Think Sparta-Hawkworld with tribal trim.


3. Faction/Corporation


LEMCorp (known both as "Learnable Evolution Model Corporation", and "Labour, Equipment, Materials Corporation" by blue collars) is/was a robotics manufacturer, military contractor, and a corporation that was well on its way to becoming a true megacorporation. Its specialisation was its namesake: Learnable Evolution Model robots that were contracted and sold to militant groups everywhere. These units were initially controlled by remote cyber-linked soldiers and operatives but over time the robots evolved with the RCS/RCO's skillset, theoretically enabling the robot to truly become an independent soldier or operative. Ideally each unit would absorb the collective skillsets of their client's and owner's "in-house" troops, thus minimising costs in recruitment, training, replacement, and the like. Detail "rise of robots"/android sentience, and downfall/shadow op/merc functioning of corporation.

"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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Wolfglide of the Fraternity
Evil Genius
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Re: Starfinder RPG ideas and other Cosmic Oddities

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Recently I was approached about participating in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign based upon the plot of the Lord of the Rings, and I was soon after struck with the idea of adapting the plot to the Ninth World (the setting of Numenera). Sadly, the person I pitched it to has yet to get back to me as to whether or not anyone has the time, so I will likely begin refocusing on other things.

The basic idea is that the analog to the One Ring is an energy source created by a malign machine intelligence siphoning power from a dimensional rift. The most corrupted land I can think of in the Beyond is the Untethered Legion in the southeastern Ba-Adenu Forest, so I decided that the machine intelligence was the controller of the Legion (though whether it created them or just took them over is anyone's guess). Needless to say, the Nazgul would be replaced by a special squadron of nine Untethered Legion riders mounted on their horrendous hounds.

If I find the time, I might include more of what I developed so far.

If I ever run it, I might even recount what transpires.
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