How to shift from an adventure to another?

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How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by Nox »

We just started my campaign (the hexad). We are playing the night of the walking dead and I am already thinking about how to get my player to the next adventure (touch of death).

I am trying to find something that bonds all the adventures so that I don't need to use an npc all the time to ask the player to do something/not sound repetitive.

Actually I am using Keith de Lalune as provider of adventures (he will be an enemy in an upcoming adventure, once he will become corrupted). Actually Keith just met his assassins and decided to be an informer of the Kargat. He told to one of the Pc he made a deal with those murderer: he will be spared if he give them information (he also said to the pc that he will never tell any dangerous information to those people, even if it is not true). For now the pc believed him even though he is suspicious about this deal.
In my plot Keith has been asked by the Kargat (and indirectly, by Azalin) to form a group of mighty hero to fulfill some tasks. First task of all is to investigate strange murders in Souragne, that seems directly tied to an ancient scroll made by a vistani named Hyskosa. (yes, I now regret that I have told them since if they just would have discovered this plot during the adventure it would be much more exciting). So they came to Souragne with a scrap of paper with the first verse of the scroll.

The problem with this is that I don't want to use the same excuse all the time, I CAN'T just tell my player "something strange is happening there", "something strange is happening here.", nor I cant tell them "go there there is a scrap of the scroll" since it won't be that realistic that this Keith knows everything..

Hope you have some advices for me!
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by Hamiclar »

The vistani would work to get the group to the next part. Another option would have them walk the mists. I did that and had and encounter with mist creature and the group finding a library of Set which had spells and as the group explored more they discover the desert as they lose the library with them encountering the Vistani from the adventure but they rescue them from the heat.
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by DustBunny »

Nox wrote:Hi!
We just started my campaign (the hexad). We are playing the night of the walking dead and I am already thinking about how to get my player to the next adventure (touch of death).
If I remember right, in the original ToD the PC's end up there because the Vistani they were travelling with had a 'navigation error' when passing through mists and ended up in Har'kir.

Where are the PC's currently located now?
On Edit: And which module is next in your order after ToD? Gobbos or Ship?
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The Lesser Evil
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by The Lesser Evil »

If you have CotN: Werebeasts, it's not hard to transplant
Abu al Mir (a refugee werejackal originally from Har'Akir being chased by one of Ankhtepot's greater mummy in disguise) and his adventure from Port-a-Lucien (Dementlieu) to Port d'Elhour. When the Greater Mummy comes after him, place some link in there to act as a lead in hook to Touch of Death. (Downgrading the mummy to something more manageable if desired.)
Another option also from CoTN: Werebeasts is having Sheneya hire them to help find her missing artifact, recruiting them from Souragne. Similarly, there's an adventure with Van Richten in Chilling Tales where he goes on a monster hunt in Har'Akir. VR, on seeing how the adventurers vanquished the zombie problem in Souragne, may ask them to go with him.
Hotep's revival might be a subplot of Senmet's scheme in overthrowing Ankhetepot and maybe even a false boss of the module, with the runaway slave Khasek being Senmet's pawn/proxy. Playing with some of the levels may of course be in order.
Finally in Children of the Night Vampires,
in the Souragnien adventure with the vampiric devil ray creature (which is suggested as a companion adventure to NotWD), you could substitute something Har'Akiri for the controlling pearl, or just include some bauble in the creature's possession that will motivate them to travel to Har'Akir to learn more/do something about it. Perhaps the pearl can only be destroyed by something in Har'Akir?
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

The Lesser Evil wrote:If you have CotN: Werebeasts, it's not hard to transplant
Abu al Mir (a refugee werejackal originally from Har'Akir being chased by one of Ankhtepot's greater mummy in disguise) and his adventure from Port-a-Lucien (Dementlieu) to Port d'Elhour. When the Greater Mummy comes after him, place some link in there to act as a lead in hook to Touch of Death. (Downgrading the mummy to something more manageable if desired.)
Wow, that's a really smart connection. Nice! And it spurs another idea from the same book: If Sandovor has been worshiping Sobek instead of Merrshaulk (or a warped version of Sobek, pieced together from scraps of Akiri holy texts / tablets) you could use that adventure as the connection. You might even consider a Mistway that connects the corridors of Sandovor's Ziggarut/Pyramid to those of an Akiri Pyramid. Go in the pyramid in Souragne, get lost inside, come out in the pyramid in Har'Akir...
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by DustBunny »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:If Sandovor has been worshiping Sobek instead of Merrshaulk (or a warped version of Sobek, pieced together from scraps of Akiri holy texts / tablets) you could use that adventure as the connection.
Close to what I was working with, assuming the PC's had left Sourange and gone home. :mrgreen:

The PC's are given a package by their sponsor to deliver to one Akriel Lukas, and to expedite their journey Keith hired some Vistani to get them there fast. Unfortunatly the Vistanti suffer their navigation problems and end up in Har'Akir. Cue ToD

Once that is complete slot in the Van Richten adventure from Chilling tales ('Ancient Dead') with the Sobek priestess, and at the completion of that they stumble through a mistway back to Sourange. At this point to get back to the core to complete their package delivery, they need a boat. So they jump on the only available boat in port, the Endurance. Cue SoH.

And finally getting back to the core (around Dementlieu) they go cross country to Kartakass to deliver their package to Akriel, maybe with a few 'random' missions on the way. Finally they start FoG.

The package? Either a map to where the Crown is, or if you want to skip the silly Ragada dungeon and get straight to business - the Crown itself.
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Re: How to shift from an adventure to another?

Post by Nox »

Thanks all for the ideas! I really like them and having some "canon" material to work with will help me a lot. I am trying to enrich my adventure line with more sub-quest so this was exactly the kind of connection I was looking for!

I will make an edit with adventure order as soon as I can reach my Pc, so you can tell me if it would work!

!thank you again!
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