The Sorcerer

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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Ail wrote:Personally, the only change I'd make for the sorcerer would be to somehow give them the possibility to change their spells repertoire at some point.
That's exactly what they did in 3.5, by the way. It's not much, but it's something. (I think one spell switch every 4 levels, or so.)

I've never actually played a sorcerer unless you count my Ftr2/Rog2/Sor1, who was never going to level in Sor again (headed for Arcane Archer, and only really wanted to know true strike and burning hands). But I recently helped my fiancee build one for a new campaign, and I'm not sure yet whether or not I believe the party line that Sorcs are weaker.

One thing most people seem to forget is that for the once in a year spells, the sorcerer can buy scrolls. To use a scroll, the spell need only be on your spell list, not a spell you know.

Now this of course is dependent on a campaign world where that's possible (unlike, oh say... Ravenloft, at least as I play it.) but still, it's an option that vastly improves the playability of sorcs.
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Post by Troile »

Personally I have never met a wizard who memorised spells to prepare for every possible eventuallity.
The arguement was though that wizards aren't versatile. I would say that wizards are the versatile class and sorcerers are the brute force class when it comes to magic.

I think my bias might be coming through since I see brute force as an expertise of different classes.

This is the way I see can play a brute force mage or you can play a utility mage.

A brute force mage is 10x stronger than any fighter for a couple of rounds depending on the level...when he goes off boy does he go off and he kills everything around him.

A utility mage is a problem solver. You have a problem...he solves it. I like transmutation, divination, you get the idea.

I rarely pick fireball as a spell...I would much rather have fly. Of course given some spell selection I would pick fireball too.

In my gaming group or my games buying things doesn't happen too much...there are rarely magic academies etc etc...but you can happen upon things from time to time...every opposing wizard has a spellbook and you can always learn a spell from a scroll. Every level you go up you get extra spells too.

Spontaneous casting is good...but it doesn't make him more versatile. A sorcerer has to pick spells that are good in most situations b/c he has only a couple to choose from.

The wizard can pick bizarre spells.

What I'm saying is...the sorcerer is more of a brute force character when it comes to the combat let him be.

I don't think the sorcerer should be carting around great axes by any means...but he could certainly have a bit more of a selection certainly not all martial weapons...

I wish my books weren't packed away...but yeah.

The point is...yes the wizard isn't 'useful' all the time...but when it comes to an obstacle sometimes its only the wizard and not even a sorcerer that can bypass it b/c he has the right spell...that is how I play wizards...of course my biases are going to come into play here. The trick is to make your wizard useful w/o casting spells and that is a challenge and a half.

In other words I know someone referenced Mage: the Ascension...I don't like vulgar magic ;)
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Post by Troile »

When making this thread I weighed the pros and cons if you will of both classes...

If you want to sling fireballs obviously your choice is sorcerer...that is what the class is designed for...previous to 3e it was hard to do it b/c the wizard wasn't specialized like this.

If you want to be a utility mage then obviously the wizard is the way to go...

But then I saw the spell progression....4th level for 2nd level spells...ouch. And then I don't have the book but lets hope that it is 6th level for 3rd level spells...3rd level is the curve for wizard/sorcerer spells...its when they really hit home.

Now what is the sorcerer to do until he gets to 6th level? or even to 4th...a 3rd level sorcerer has to be the most pathetic class in the game.

The solution...tweak what should've been tweaked...he doesn't have to spend all his time training for magic so he should have something else.

Let him wear some armour and carry around a not so great sword...The skill point thing would really even things are basically taking away the wizard's only main advantage to having intelligence as his prime skill...extra skill the sorcerer would have skill points and a high charisma to boot.

Of course the wizard classes are meant to be weak to start with...but I think just a little tiny nudge in the weapon department would help bridge that inital gap between 3rd level 2nd level spells and getting them at 4th etc...

and the skill points would really make you decide b/n wizard and sorcerer.

The 2 would still be nowhere as good as each other in what they do but at least now the wizard doesn't totally outmatch the sorcerer b/c of the discrepancy with spell progression.
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Post by Dominique »

I'm another member of the "extra skill points" camp. I see the sorceror as less of a fighter/wizard than a rogue/wizard or bard/wizard--the charismatic guy, the front man, the one who can talk you into or out of a situation. Extra skill points really help fill that role. Besides, it makes no sense for a sorceror to have as few skill points as a wizard. Wizards don't have many skill points because they completely devote themselves to studying their magic; fine. Sorcerors don't study, so why do they have no skill points?

4+ Int modifier is the way to go, and it makes up for the class's' small deficencies pretty well.
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Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

The SRD, for all your "I don't have my books" needs:


Yeah, it's 6th level when a Sorc gets 3rd level spells. Until then, it's Magic Missile and Scorching Ray.

I think the skill points aren't a bad idea. Or maybe have bonus spells for high charisma affect spells known as well?
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Post by Troile »

I think I'm going to go dig up my books b/c people seem to care so much :)

Ok I've got my books.

Here is the low down...assuming 16 intelligence for the wizard and some kind of specialization and 16 charisma for the sorcerer...

1st level Wizard 4/3 Sorcerer 5/4 1 more 1st lvl
2nd level Wizard 5/4 Sorcerer 6/5 1 more 1st lvl
3rd level Wizard 5/4/3 Sorcerer 6/6 2 more 1st lvl 3 less 2nd lvl
4th level Wizard 5/5/4 Sor. 6/7/4 2 more 1st lvl
5th level Wizard 5/5/4/3 Sor. 6/7/5 2 more 1st 1 more 2nd 3 less 3rd
6th level Wizard 5/5/5/4 Sor. 6/7/6/4 2 more 1st 1 more 2nd

You can see that at odd levels the sorcerer is shafted...3 less of that higher spell level which is just huge (later on when the stat mod changes it'll be 2 less...)

At even levels the sorcerer can cast slightly more lower level spells than the wizard...which is going to significantly be less and less advantagous. Not only does the sorcerer suffer early on b/c it takes him forever to get 2nd level spells but later on he gets totally shafted anyway b/c his 1 spell advantage is taken away b/c he is 1 level behind the wizard in progression.

As far as spells known we know that the wizard will far out rank the sorcerer...even if the wizard never gets access to another spellbook his natural spells that he gets every level ad up to 4 spells of each level plus his huge number of starting spells means he will always be ahead of the sorcerer in leaps and bounds.

Spells Known

1st lvl Wizard all/6 Sor. 4/2
2nd lvl wizard all/8 sor. 5/2
3rd lvl wizard all/8/2 sor. 5/3
4th lvl wizard all/8/4 sor. 6/3/1
5th lvl wizard all/8/4/2 sor. 6/4/2
6th lvl wizard all/8/4/4 sor. 7/4/2/1

Of course the wizard can and will most definately get more than those listed. What does the sorcerer get at 2nd level? crap...3rd? an extra 1st level spell known...

Obviously the sorcerer was designed as a brash, chaotic, fireball throwing, exciting wizard...but it just falls short...d4 hit die, no skills, crappy spell progression...simple weapons/no armour...I mean its just crap.

Spontaneous casting doesn't help you much when you only know 1 spell for that level (it still helps but its not the greatest it could be)

A wizard could just pretend to be a sorcerer if he wanted and throw all of his slots into one spell...he has the luxury of choice...with only 1 spell to choose from the sorcerer is screwed...even when it becomes 2 spells at 5th level the sorcerer has 2 2nd level spells to choose from...

Yes sorcerers are good...and in a party w/o other spellcasters they will do amazing things but they just aren't up to par with the wizard.

I forgot about their hit die too...d4! that is ridiculous...we have here a class that is supposed to be normal...even to the extent that they need survival instincts to survive being the weird one gifted with magic and they have a lower hit die than a commoner for some reason...

Here is the list of class skills btw...

Bluff, Concentration, Craft, Knowledge (arcana), Profession, Spellcraft.

Only 1 is a charisma based skill...only concentration is physical based...this has got to be the saddest class skill list and we're talking about a class that is supposed to have it easy by not having to train for its is insanity.

No armour proficiency...only simple weapons...maybe all sorcerers with their chaotic tendencies are assumed to just lounge about their whole lives leading up to adventure...

It looks like they copy-pasted the wizard template onto the sorcerer and changed around how the spells worked.

Even if you give them 4+int for skills what are they going to spend it on?

No the sorcerer is crap...I started believing it wasn't so bad...but then I looked at my book and it is just awful.
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Post by Hrtofdrkns »

I really don't know what to say about all this. I like the sorcerer. I like the whole "born with magic in the blood" thing. Mabey your right. The sor should have at least diplomacy on the skill selection. And a higher HD. It would be more like the bard but the bard can't hurl flaming death at enemies, he can only trick them. The sor will probably be replaced by the new warlock class. Too bad. As I said I really like the sor.
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Post by Ivana_Boritsi »

A few things....

First of all, I and my gaming group have always seen the Sorcerer as the flexible caster. The wizard has a wider repetiore, so can do more things in the long run, but lacks alot of flexibility.

Here's an example:

5 Level Wizard spell list:
1st: Magic Missile x2, Mage Armor, Charm Person
2nd: Glitterdust, Invisibility, Bull's Strength
3rd: Lightning Bolt, Fly

5th Level Sorcerer spell list:
1st: Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Charm Person, Disguise Self (7 x day)
2nd: Glitterdust, Bull's Strength (5 x day)

Now, the wizard has only one Charm Person for the day. So, in the end, she's got to make that spell count. But what if the party is fighting all undead that day? Well, that becomes a usless slot. She wasted her preparation, but you take that risk as a wizard. What if there are two guards at the gate that you need to charm? Oops. Shoulda memorized more, eh? Too bad. You're stuck.

However...with the Sorcerer, you've wasted nothing. If I'm fighting undead that day, I'll whip out seven magic missiles. Those are going to speak much louder than the wizard's two. If we run into guards that need to be charmed? Well, I have seven possible castings of that, too. The wizard can buff just one person with Bull's Strength. However, the Sorcerer can buff the entire party with it at the drop of a hat. True, I don't have fly but there needs to be a trade off, right?

In the end, if the wizard knows what's coming, they have a clear advantage over the sorcerer. However, we usually find that our wizard has memorized a bunch of spells that are never used because the situation in which they are called for never comes up. However, with the sorcerer, you choose certain spells (like invisibility) that are always useful, and having lots of that spell is always good.

This also depends on your DM. If your DM is pretty strict about having wizards write down their spell list, then it's pretty balanced. However, if your DM isn't strict about it at all...then the wizard will definately have the advantage.

It's clear, Troile, that you're convinced that the Sorcerer is inferior to the wizard and needs some kind of homegame "fix." I and a few others disagree with you. At the rate we're going, we're not going to convince each other. We'll have to agree to disagree here.

If I had to fix the sorcerer, I would give her more feats, maybe at the same progression as the wizard. I would possibily give her a better Hit Die. A think a bigger HD would shake the game up significantly.

Another piece of advice? Play a sorcerer. Some of your conclusions seem to be based on projection. On paper, we thought the sorcerer was wimpy, too, but after a few of us played them - oh wow! In our campaigns, (and we've had 3) the sorcerer always ends up being the MVP of the game. And heck, even if you hate playing the sorcerer, after you're done, you'll probably have a clearer idea of what you want to do to fix the class.
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Post by Troile »

5 Level Wizard spell list:
1st: Magic Missile x2, Mage Armor, Charm Person
2nd: Glitterdust, Invisibility, Bull's Strength
3rd: Lightning Bolt, Fly

No...thats 5 1st level, 4 second level and 3 3rd level.

3 lightning bolts are going to be stronger than 7 magic missiles.

Plus the wizard has all of his other spells...

Also, I would never play a wizard like that...thats just asking for it. You have to play up to your strengths...that isn't playing up to the wizard's strength...and he would have a lot more spells than that as well...

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

No I'm not going to convince you...b/c you don't like to read my posts...whether you agree with me or not, the sorcerer is weak.

Is he so weak that he is unplayable? not by any standard.

The sorcerer is crap, I'm welcome to someone proving to me otherwise but making him have less spells per day and actual spells than he should have, giving him horrible spell picks is not going to convince me.

There is a lot more too than just defeating enemies...fighters can run in and chop down enemies...sometimes a well placed magic missile or lightning bolt is the answer but that isn't where a wizard shines.

How much damage you can dish out doesn't amount up to how good the character is...and just while we're counting the wizard can dish out significantly more than the sorcerer half of the time, the other half he's down 2 magic missiles and some 2nd level spell.
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Post by ScS of the Fraternity »

Let's keep this civil, now.

Don't make me get Socko in here.
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Troile wrote:3 lightning bolts are going to be stronger than 7 magic missiles.
Let's look at game mechanics here a moment.

21d4+21 vs. 15d6. The MM's have a maximum damage of 105 and a minimum or 42. The Lightning Bolts have a maximum damage of 90, a minimum of 15. I'm afraid the MM's win out there basing the spells ona 5th level caster. Remeber, a 5th level caster unleashes 3 MM's for each casting of the spell, each missile inflicting 1d4+1 damage. At 5th level the MM's have a longer range and can strike targets that are not in a straight line and are distributed however you want. However on the side of the Lightning Bolt, it strikes everything in that straight line, so unless you have more than 1 target in that straight line, the MM's are likely to inflict more harm, they also strike automatically.

The true bonus for the Lightning Bolt in this situation is that it can inlict harm on inanimate objects such as doors, metals, etc.

However, my personal preference is the MM's.
Plus the wizard has all of his other spells...
True, the wizard has access to more spells, but these must be prepared, the sorcerer has access to all of his spells all of the time and does not need to prepare them. I think the two classes come out even here. While the wizard has many more spells to choose between when memorizing them, the sorcerer is free to pick his spells as they are needed without advanced planning.
and he would have a lot more spells than that as well...
If his intelligence score is high enough then he can memorise more spells, but so can a socerer wit ha higher charisma score. He will also have access to more spells in his spellbook to choose between, but must select all his spells in advance, going back to what I said above.
No I'm not going to convince you...b/c you don't like to read my posts...whether you agree with me or not, the sorcerer is weak.
Keep it civil.
Is he so weak that he is unplayable? not by any standard.
I don't see the sorcerer as weak in any respect other than requiring more skill ranks and possibly a few extra class skills. Yes it does need Diplomacy, bu you can add this to your own games without needing a new edition of the book that contains this ammendment, lol.
There is a lot more too than just defeating enemies...fighters can run in and chop down enemies...sometimes a well placed magic missile or lightning bolt is the answer but that isn't where a wizard shines.
True, a true wziard shines in the absolutely (almost) unrivalled collection of knowledge skills and his ability to create magic items. Then again, I don't see a problem with a sorcerer taking Item Creation Feats since the only prerequisitie is a caster level and not a class restriction to wizard ;)

As for a number of spells a 5th level wizard or sorcerer can cast, I'll base these following lists on a wizard with Int 14 and a sorcerer with Cha 14, just to make it easy.

Wizard: 0 level - 4; 1st level - 4; 2nd level - 3; 3rd level - 1.
Sorcerer: 0 level - 6; 1st level - 7; 2nd level - 5.

While the wizard has access to 3rd level spells, the sorcerer does have the ability to cast many more 0, 1st and 2nd level spells.

Now let's take them to 6th level wit hthe same ability scores.

Wizard: 0 level - 4; 1st level - 4; 2nd level - 4; 3rd level - 2.
Sorcerer: 0 level - 6; 1st level - 7; 2nd level - 6; 3rd level - 3.

The sorcerer now has the ability to cast 3rd level spells and 1 more of the ma day than the wizard. Certainly in the next ;eve l the wuizard will gain 4th level spells, but the sorcerer will have access to 7 MM's, 6 Invisibilities or Mirror Image (a spell I take often) and 4 Fireballs or Lightning Bolts. Basing those characters on thsoe who are taken into combat frequentlyand lioke to deal damage.

Personally thopugh, taking either that wizard or sorcerer, the initial spells I would give them are somethuing like what follows: (basing them on 7th level characters)

0 level - Detect Magic, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Light, Message, Read Magic, Resistance.
1 level - Charm Person, Grease, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, True Strike.
2 level - Blindness/Deafness, Glitterdust, Mirror Image.
3 level - Haste, Keen Edge.

I know the wizard would have more spells at this point, but I am only listing those I would choose initially.

With those spells, a sorcerer would be able to blast more opponents with MM's and use a few castings of True Strike to aid his Shocking Grasp. He would also be able to cast Grease so many times that any foes wanting to close on him would have difficulty doing so. He could charm a fair number of people and perhaps blind and/or deafen so many opponents that his allies will have a much easier time dealing with things. From thsoe spells, I would say things favour the sorcerer, as he could also double the threat range of the weapons 4 of his allies are weilding, creating a greater possibility for critical hits.

There are a few spells there that would favour the wizard as they only require a single casting, Glitterdust and Mirror Image for instance, but I would lean on the fact that the spells that I would tend to choose - keeping in mind that I would normally select these spells for wizards - do benefit a sorcerer better.
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Post by Troile »

You're missing something very important.


A wizard can specialize...and when he does he only ends up with 1 less spell per level(eventually he ends up with 2 less 1st level when the spells max out)...see my chart above...

As for the choice vs no choice I agree. Yes the wizard has to prepare his spells so he might make a mistake or not pick the best ones for the situation...but the sorcerer doesn't even get a chance...he loses already since he has so few spells...he already doesn't have the spell for the job. What the sorcerer lacks are utility spells. That is what I meant "not everything is about slaying monsters"

I still like the lightning bolts more...they do more damage per round which is key...sometimes a battle will only last a couple rounds...sometimes you have to turn the tide right away...keep in mind that the wizard has the choice. He can use the magic missiles he has AS WELL if he needs their capabilities.

There is no doubt that at odd levels the wizard totally outmatches the sorcerer. 3 extra spells of the higher level if ability scores are good enough...or 2 extra if insanity.

I think it is safe to say 16 as a good rule of thumb. In my games at least we roll 4d6 and throw away the lowest one. There are really good odds that a 16 is going to show up.

Like I said before though, your math is wrong. A specialized wizard is very strong.

Do the math again with specialization (which isn't a big hindrance...I mean the sorcerer can't do much with all his choice anyway) and you'll see why I have a problem with the sorcerer.

If the sorcerer outmatched the wizard in pure spells per day then I would have no problems...and even as it is I don't think it is such a bad thing.

I saw what they were trying to go for with the sorcerer...and I think they fell short. It is hard to give him more spells to make up for it b/c then you have a character that is getting better than the rest of the classes...and then would probably be better than the wizard...

but his other stuff...stuff that would make sense...that takes into consideration not having to train for his magic.

I'd like to see a more chaotic sorcerer...a fly by the seat of your pants kind of class as opposed to the slow calculating and careful wizard.

The great thing about such an open gaming system is that you don't have to achieve equality...just disparity. As it is now I think the sorcerer just falls short...he doesn't have anything really extra about his other stuff that makes the style different. You certainly don't want him to rival the other classes in non-magic oriented things but he can have a little better than he has now.
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Troile wrote:You're missing something very important.

I hadn't truly missed it, but I will get to this in a little bit ;)
I still like the lightning bolts more...they do more damage per round which is key...sometimes a battle will only last a couple rounds...sometimes you have to turn the tide right away...keep in mind that the wizard has the choice. He can use the magic missiles he has AS WELL if he needs their capabilities.
I prefer MM's, so we will have to disagree on our favourite spells ;)
I think it is safe to say 16 as a good rule of thumb. In my games at least we roll 4d6 and throw away the lowest one. There are really good odds that a 16 is going to show up.
After using the 4d6, drop the lowest method for the last 16 or 17 years, I have found that a result of 14 is far more common in the dice rolls I have witnessed.
Like I said before though, your math is wrong. A specialized wizard is very strong.
On the downside, they musty say goodbye to at least 1 other magic school, restricting their choise of spells.
I'd like to see a more chaotic sorcerer...a fly by the seat of your pants kind of class as opposed to the slow calculating and careful wizard.
Perhaps try adapting the Wild Magic rules to a type sorcerer might help find your answer? They could be blidningly powerful at times.

But as we have said before, keep it civil. Just because someone disagrees wih you, it doesn't mean they are wrong, trust me on that ;) Specialisation is an option for the wizard class, not a necessity. Why not give Sorcerers the chance to specialise in your games to level the playing field a little more?
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Post by Jester of the FoS »

Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:
Troile wrote:3 lightning bolts are going to be stronger than 7 magic missiles.
Let's look at game mechanics here a moment.

21d4+21 vs. 15d6. The MM's have a maximum damage of 105 and a minimum or 42. The Lightning Bolts have a maximum damage of 90, a minimum of 15. I'm afraid the MM's win out there basing the spells ona 5th level caster. Remeber, a 5th level caster unleashes 3 MM's for each casting of the spell, each missile inflicting 1d4+1 damage. At 5th level the MM's have a longer range and can strike targets that are not in a straight line and are distributed however you want. However on the side of the Lightning Bolt, it strikes everything in that straight line, so unless you have more than 1 target in that straight line, the MM's are likely to inflict more harm, they also strike automatically.

The true bonus for the Lightning Bolt in this situation is that it can inlict harm on inanimate objects such as doors, metals, etc.
A 5th level Wizard can only cast ONE lightning bolt. Two if they have very high intelligence.
So it’s 21d4+21 against 10d6.
And when they do get higher level spells Sorcerers get more of them (3 at least) than the Wizard. At 6th level it is suddenly 4 lightning bolts against three. After that the sorc can unleash the 7 magic missiles while the wizard fires off his 4.

There is one other discussion point that has gone missed here.
Wizards can only gain access to vast more utility spells if the DM lets them.
The Wizard starts out with a handful more 0-level spells and one more 1-level spell than the Sorc. The Sorc in comparison can cast a smaller number of spells more often making them less a one-shot character in the early levels (memorise the wrong 1st level spell and your Wizard might as well be a commoner).
After that the automatic number of spell progression is aprox. 2 every level for both classes. Any disparity between those numbers is strictly on the part of the DM. If he throws vast numbers on unguarded spell-books and scrolls at the player than the Wizard is going to be a force of nature.
In a low-magic setting like Ravenloft where magic is highly guarded a wizard should not be far off.

I would like to point out the Sorc. also already has access to more weapons than the wizard, just not many. Wizards, as always, get the crossbows, daggers and quarters staffs while sorc get access to ALL simple weapons. Spears, maces, sickles, etc. Armour is a bad idea for both as it would just get in the way of their spellcasting.

In the end it comes down to preference and planning. A good planner will be able to do a lot with the wizard's limited flexibility but great range. But poor planning or some surprises can easily render a quarter or half of the spells useless (the werewolf the party was planning on surprising turns out to be a vampire in wolf form, all of a sudden all the life-affecting spells are not worth casting). The sorc is never surprised and can easily swap between combat and investigation or living and dead.

There is also the added bonus of not needed a spellbook. The wizard loses his book or has it damaged and he's suddenly a 10th level character who can only cast read magic. Likewise blinding or being trapped in the dark without a light spell is crippling. There is also the high cost of scribing spells and the cost of a spellbook itself. Run out of gold (again an issue in Ravenloft) and you cannot add all the fun new spells. Run out of room in the book and you better have an extra 200gold tucked under your mattress.

However, I do think the flexibility/range and cast more/know more balance each other out BUT there still is the issue of wizards getting 4 more feats free. The sorc gets nothing for advancing to higher levels. I would balance this out either with more skills, more feats or some extra sorc-only abilities.
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Post by Wiccy of the Fraternity »

Jester, Troile was basing his on a Specialist Wizard with Int 16, so 3 Lightning Bolts are possible, he just didn't mention the Specialisation factor until recently (Troile, if you did mention it, I must have missed it, but I did read your posts mate). I was basing mine on a standard Wizard with an Int 14, which is far more common unless someone is fudging dice rolls (which is why I always do dice rolling one-on-one with players during character generation).

The spell book is a huge factor though, without his spell book the wizard is another commoner, an exceptional smart one with lots of skills, but not much else :P

To me a wizard is about roleplaying, the magic is optional when you have a vast library floating about in your head and the ability to make use of it :)

As I said before, the Wizard is my favourite class, I have played enough of them in my time. However, I do like the sorcerer and do not think it is weaker than the wizard, though it could use a few more skills and skill points. To balance that I will give them more class skills and skill points in my games.
Swallow your soul!
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