Chronicles of Vieliria

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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

The night starts uneventfully, with the dwarves and their visitors sharing a meal of cabbage, oats and thick chicken stew accompanied with ale or beer, except of Roddek who was offered roasted spiced meat along with the stew that the women made for him. During the meal the adventurers met the rest of the small dwarven community totaling 7 adults and 2 children. Married couples and families were sharing the larger rooms and singles were staying in one of the smaller bedrooms.

Roddek was seated on the head of the large table in the common room and Elder Rhevsur on the opposite side of the table. Fregon's widow and daughter, that have witness Fregon's execution by the anchorites sit as far as possible from the anchorite and don't speak a word, even if addressed. For the most part the dwarves are polite to the humans but distant and absently distrustful. They don't seem to give great value on their oppinion. On the contrary Roddek gets their full attention and respect. Even in his father's clan, rarely he felt that his every word carried such weight except when he was leading his troops in battle. Elder Rhevsur is also greatly respected but he never contradicts anything Roddek says or suggests. The dwarves are warmer to Wilfred, especially Bavur but still it's clear that Roddek is the honor guest here.

The meal carries for about an hour with the women serving the meal, the children setting the table. While the dwarves start with introductions, small talk and telling Roddek what they do in the quarry or the statues they sculpt in their free time soon they seem to relax enough around him to start sharing their concerns with him. They don't seem shy to tell him their greviances with the church of Ezra that seems to support humans and especially followers of Ezra over everyone else. They support that for the Anchorites of Misheril, only followers of Ezra matter. When the despotic Bishop of Nails was around, things were much worse but still things are not good. They also share that they don't like that they're treated as second class citizens to humans, although they contribute as much to society, they're way better laborers and out-live the humans that share their professions by centuries.

After the uncomfortable for the humans meal is over, the children gather the plates, wash Elder Rhevsur's and Roddek's plate, cup, fork and knife, bring blankets for the visitors and turn in for sleep. The adults go to the kitchen, wash their own plates and cups and one by one say their goodnights to Roddek and turn in to sleep too. Bavur is the last to go to sleep.
"I apologize Wilfred. All of us have treated unfairly by humans in the past and we're prideful people. Lord Greyaxe, I also apologize if we offended your companions. Goodnight"

The group gets as comfortable as possible lying on blankets on the stone floor. One by one doze off to a comfortable, welcome sleep that comes after a long, tiring day when one's stomach is full and his body is warm.
And then, Garret's scream pierces the night. The troubled man jumps up drenched in cold sweat, without any memory of the terrible, haunting nightmare except abject terror and a feeling of crushing, oppressing doom. Bavur is the first dwarf out of the door, axe in hand, followed by Taklinn, holding a heavy crossbow. By the time the party makes sure nothing is wrong and reassure the dwarves, every dwarf is awake.
And yet, just a few minutes after the situation is under control and the party has again set to sleep... it's Arneu's turn to wake everyone up screaming in terror, babbling about centipedes eating his skin while he's alive.

Elder Rhevsur in his night-clothes, gives a sigh.
"In our time since the mists closed in Vieliria, after the civil war started, many people have fallen prey to similar maladies of the mind when faced with the horrors of the world." He says looking at Boiros "Some of those horrors visited upon us by the very church that is supposed to protect their followers. I don't know what terrible fate your friends have witnessed, but I don't think less of them." He turns to the other dwarves "Nor should any of you. Some of you had similar reaction to Fregon's execution by the Anchorites that our guests and companions of Lord Greyaxe experience now." He gives a nod to Fregon's widow and she darts in her room, returning with a thick, oily, white brew. The venerable dwarf takes it from her hands and presents it to the humans.

"Humans", the Elder said to G and Arneu, "You can use this to help you sleep without dreams. It contains a lot of alcohol, some animal fat, yogurt, eggs and addictive herbal tranquilizers. You will wake with a strong headache and a clouded mind. Don't use it often! As I said it's addictive and not healthy. Take a lot of it and you'll start seeing hallucinations. Too much and it could be harmful or perhaps even lethal for humans."
Arneu doesn't even wake for the old dwarf to finish before he takes the jug and takes a deep swallow of the drug, making a grimace for the taste.
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Naliamegod »

*Garret looks at the vial, with sweat beating down his brow* I know this is probably a bad idea.. but anything to get that off my mind. *he takes a gulp of it cautiously after Arneu, failing to hold back agrimace on his face*
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

It doesn't take long for the drug to take effect. G and Arneu seem to feel somewhat dizzy and have trouble to focus, or sit straight for that matter, within a minute of drinking the brew. In a couple more minutes they are lost in their own dreamless world, not exactly sleeping, not exactly awake. Their breathing comes slowly and they make no sound during the night.

Dawn arrives sooner than the tired adventurers would have wanted and with it, a gong sound by the dwarves to get ready for the day activities. Bavur comes to see how the party is doing and informs them there will be breakfast in about half an hour. Soon after, the children start bringing bread, honey and butter to the kitchen as the women start a fire to make a brew.
G and Arneu wake up slowly, with a headache. Their thoughts are clouded at first and they have trouble concentrating.
The dwarves start moving in the common room after the group washed the sleepyness from their eyes and gathered their blankets. Bread warmed in the stove, butter, honey and a strong brew of various herbs is served for breakfast by the children and women, although again Fregon's widow avoids the Anchorite. The dwarves seem more relaxed this morning discussing the day's programmed activities with the other members of the community although as expected they place a lot of weight on anything Roddek has to say.
After breakfast, the men leave for the quarry and the women and children take care of the table. Elder Rhevsur is the one that bids farewell to the adventurers as they emerge from the dwarven ghetto.
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Varrus the Ethical »

"I think I'll go see Lord Matheron," says Wil as steps outside, nibbling on a piece of leftover toast. "I suspect he'll have my payment waiting for me."
"Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it."

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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros prefers to remain silent during the dinner, even when his goddess and the Anchorites names are thrown around he keeps his opinion to himself. He had already have a bad experience with the widow couple days ago and doesn't want to repeat it. So he just eats his dinners and talks only when someone is speaking to him avoiding talking about religion.

When Garret and then Arneu woke up screaming the cleric is the first one to get to them and check their condition. When he is sure that are only nightmares tries to reassure them even if deep down knows that the nightmare most probably will persist for many nights. When the Elder Rhevspur fetches the vial Boiros is about to say that maybe they have to wait before drinking such strong drug but he doesn't have the time since first Arneu followed by Garret take a long gulp from it.

Next morning the cleric isn't surprised that the bard and G are having a bad hangover but is grateful that they managed to sleep. So he goes to the Elder and says:

"Thank you very much for the hospitality, I know that having humans and especially an Anchorite in here wasn't easy for you. I know that are no words to justify what the Bishop of Nails and the others Anchorites did to Fregon, I just want to say that not all Anchorites are the same...and I'm really sorry of the way humans treat you."
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Roddek »

Roddek redresses in his armor the next morning, clearly disturbed at his people's mistreatment by the community here. He thanks Elder Rhevsur sincerely in Dwarven, and promises him he will do what he can to see that him and his community are treated right, "On my honor as a Dwarven Lord." He nodded to the others, indicating his readiness.
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

Wilfred, Boiros and those that chose to follow him went for the mayor's manor to meet with Jean Matheron and his uncle. Arneu informed them he will head for the tavern mentioned to them, to take Jean Matheron on his promise of food and wine instead.

The group moves in the streets of the small town. Most of the men are already in the fields and sounds and smells of cooking for the midday can be heard from the houses. A few kids run around playing or doing chores and the occasional grandmother is watching them from her seat, doing some light threadwork.
As the group ask directions and heads towards the center of the town where the mayor's manor is located, they notice two hard looking men with swords with the peace-knots untied, wearing scale armor with a white Tabard that has Ezra's holy symbol on it reclining on the side houses. Before they can act, one of them stands straight and speaks to Boiros.
"Your description fits that of Boiros. The Bishop wants to speak to you." He turns to the road ahead, and calls out "Your Grace, we found him". Within a few moments, three more men, holding loaded crossbows and wearing studded leather armor, turn up from various alleys ahead of the party, completely blocking their way. Behind them three more men follow. The first and most imposing, walking with an air of authority is a man with gray hair and beard in his mid-forties. He is wearing a banded armor and a necklace with a silver sword on a miniature shield, the holy symbol of Ezra. He approaches, passing through the crossbowmen.


Next to him stands a middle aged man that Boiros recognises as the lead anchorite of Harpton, holding the title of Toret of Harpton in the Faith of Ezra. Another anchorite in shiny chainmail, the Toret of Mierana (the town they are in) approaches. The group of adventurers find themselves facing a lot of iron-clad grim-faced warriors.
The authority figure in the banded armor addresses them. "I'm Ermovius, the Bishop of Higelvent, under the Grace of Ezra. In the barony of Higelvent, I'm Ezra's shield and I'm also her sword. I've heard about you Warden Boiros. Some of the things I heard were of concern."
The Toret of Harpton gives an apologetic shrug to Boiros. "I had to inform the Bishop, Boiros." on the other hand, the Toret of Mierana seems not apologetic or kind at all. His hand is on the hilt of a sword; it's obvious he doesn't consider Boiros welcome in the town.
The bishop addresses the rest of Boiros party "Gentlemen and brave dwarf, step aside please, this is a matter of the faith and the faithful. It doesn't concern you. If your friend is who he claims he is, he will come to no harm and I'll personally give him the medalion that marks him a recognised member of the faith."
Turning back to the anchorite, the Bishop says in a calm and slightly apologetic tone "Warden Boiros, I apologize for the way we're meeting each other. I'm not fond of bullying members of our own Faith or the clergy. Yet, you have claimed things to the Toret Of Harpton that can not be left unchecked. We're ever vigilant and in my years of service I found that it pays to be prepared. You're a warden of Ezra from the distant Dementlieu Sect.
I'll let Ezra herself judge you. If you are one of us, she will shield you from harm".
The Bishop having finished, moves to the side and the three crossbow men raise their heavy crossbows aiming at Boiros. A passerby gasps and harries away at the spectacle. The Bishop gives no notice and with a suprisingly fatherly tone said "Gentlemen, step aside of Boiros please. While our crossbowmen are good, we want to avoid accidents. Boiros, stand in the middle of the road please and drop your material shield. Protect yourself only with the shield of Ezra. This will only take a couple of seconds" Then the Bishop turned to the crossbowmen "When I give the signal aim at Boiros and shoot. I'm sure he's a true anchorite so Ezra will protect him from all harm"
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros holds up his hand in case any of his companions plan to do something and stepping farward drops his shield at his feet and without any fear addresses the Bishop.

"I'm Boiros, Warden of Ezra, I wish I could have met you under better circumstances but I do understand the precautions are never enough for someone brought to this land by the mists. I'm ready to take your test and I'm sure the Lady of the Mists will protect me with her shield."
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Varrus the Ethical »

Wil looks to Borios, but prepares to throw a dagger at one of the crossbowmen. "Test? They're going to shoot you! What the hell kind of test is that?!"
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

The bishop spots the ranger getting ready and sighs. "Put that away. We outnumber you and we're better prepared and equiped. Boiros accepted the test. If he has Ezra's favor then she will protect him from any harm. He seems pretty confident that he won't suffer a scratch sir, don't start a fight you cannot win over things that should not concern you"
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros nods in agreement at Bishop's words.

"Thank you Wil, but please put the dagger away, they are indeed outnumber us but they have no reason to start a fight with us. They just want to test my faith."

Boiros places his hand at the ranger's shoulder.

"Have no fear, their test will leave me unharmed. The crossbow bolts cannot bypass the Shield of Ezra, the Bishop knows very well what he is doing."

Boiros gets his holly symbol and makes a small prayer to Ezra to get him under his shield as she has has done so many times in the past. Then he gets closer to the guards with the crossbow and turning to the Bishop he says:

"I'm ready when you are."
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

Without any further complains coming, the Bishop asks bystanders to step aside to avoid any accidents. "Warden Boiros, use the gift Ezra to shield yourself from harm now. Gentlemen, shoot". Boiros stood unflincing and calm, without showing a hint of fear or anxiety. A couple of women witnessing the scene from windows looked at him as if he was a madman.
The whooshing sound of the crossbow bolts and the sounds of the bolts striking the metalic armor or the wooden walls behind Boiros was accompanied by a brief gasp of suprise from the witnesses. None of the crossbow bolts have harmed Boiros. They seemed to have either narrowly missed the unmoving cleric, from a distance of less than 20' or hit on his armor and ricocheted harmlessly. Neither the Bishop or the Torets seemed suprised. "Reload and repeat gentlemen!" The Bishop called. It seemed he wouldn't leave anything in chance.
Again, the crossbow bolts didn't harm Boiros. The Bishop smiled and took a wooden token from one of the swordsmen, a small wooden circle with an engraved gryphon in front of a tower on both sides, the insignia and coat of arms of the Duke. With a clear voice the Bishop adressed the bystanders, both the party and the onlookers "You witnessed today the protection Ezra offers to her clergy and we strive to use this protection to protect you from harm. Every one of the anchorites serving Ezra faithfully can use a form of that protection to do his duties against creatures of the night and enemies of his or her flock. You may have considered those stories fanciful fairy-tales or propaganda by the Faith. You saw with your own eyes the Anchorite standing still with absolute confidence that he will come to no harm, not even rising his arms to defend himself from the crossbow bolts. Ezra protects you Warden Boiros, you're one of us. You have permission to use the divine magic of Ezra in the Duchy and beyond."
After that short speech the Bishop approached Boiros and put the leather cord of the token around his neck. The Toret of Harpton was smiling, but the Toret of Mierana was frowing.
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by VAN »

Boiros accepts the so much wanted token thanking the Bishop. The cleric has never questioned his faith and he knew that the Lady of Mists one more time will take him under his shield leaving him unharmed. Finally he has been recognized as Anchorite at the Duchy and he can cast spells which will be very handy if they face again the Zevarzia spawn. The Toret of Mierana's frawn doesn't pass unnoticed but Boiros doesn't make any comment about it. They have way more important things to discuss with the Bishop and there is also the pressing matter of Roddek's disease. Trying to speak in low voice but without actually wary the bystanders Boiros says to the Bishop.

"May we speak with you in private please? I don't know if you have already heard about yesterday events and I would like to fill you in."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by alhoon »

"I've heard from the Torret of Mierana about the incident that left many men in no fighting condition, but I would prefer to hear the events from you Warden. Follow me please." The Bishop and the Torret of Harpton lead Boiros to a side alley while the Toret of Mierana leaves for the temple. The Bishop's entourage seems more relaxed and re-apply their peaceknots. One of the crossbow men addressed Wilfred "Would you really pick a fight with all of us in order to stop the test? While your loyalty is admirable, you should trust the Bishop more. He may be stern but he wouldn't risk the life of a follower of Ezra. We have seen many charlatans or priests of heathen deities trying to deceive us. That way, you know that you can trust an anchorite with a token. While there have been incidents of counterfeiting the token, it still is a layer of security."

Meanwhile, it's obvious Roddek isn't well. He seems pale and the arm that has been bitten by the Crimson Dead the previous day seems to cause him pain.
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Re: Chronicles of Vieliria

Post by Naliamegod »

*G nods to Will* I think I'll join with Arneau. Good luck with the mayor and see you soon
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