Tom the Flesh Golem

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Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Zilfer »

So I’m sitting at work wondering how it would be to develop something for a gaming system like Ryan and get the idea to just write anything that I could that might go to a QtR one of these days whenever I get the willpower to write one up or the inspiration to write something worthy of them. So I stumble across a bit of Lyssa that I didn’t know how she was poisoned. The Gazetter only says that she was not how it was done. Figure I’d expand on it a bit and see how it goes. So…. Here goes :D

Feel free to steal the idea if you are ever running a campaign in Barovia, not sure I’ll get a chance to use it as of yet.

Tom the Flesh Golem

Tom was originally created by Emil Bollenbach for one purpose. His body was made filled with poison coursing through his veins that was intended for Lyssa Von Zarovich. He was created with a deep infatuation for Lyssa so that he would try and win her affections and be very likely to be one of the Vampiress’ victims.

Emil was commissioned by Count Strahd to bring his Niece to kneel. Their plan eventually came to fruit and Lyssa tasted the poison that would curse her to sleep well after sunset and her waking hours to be few before having to rest again.

Tom blames himself for what he did to Lyssa and still loves her. Lyssa has no love for Tom, and is repulsed by his existence ever since she found out his true nature. Having been used as a weapon against her and even worse one from her Grand-Uncle Strahd, this feeling has only increased.

Despite this she keeps him around having seen past what he has done to her, but also what he can do for her. She keeps a mild to intimate relationship with Tom. First of all, Tom seems to have acquired a bit of his creator’s ability to create. He has picked up Alchemy as a trade, and runs the shop in Zeidenberg.

Tom still believing Lyssa cares for him on some level is looking for a cure for his/Lyssa’s condition. If he can cure them he believes that they will be able to live together. He researches for a way to reverse the poison though is thwarted by Vistani misleading information on herbs around Barovia as well as herbs from beyond the borders of Barovia. Maybe even Lyssa is keeping him from finding a cure so she can use more of his blood as a weapon?

A second use Tom has is that his blood can be a weapon for Lyssa against other vampires, and she keeps a few vials of his blood to inject into vampires hearts who have incurred her wrath. She dreams of the day she’ll be able to inflict the same punishment to the ‘Devil Strahd’. She knows she could never fool him into drinking Tom’s blood so she plans on inflicting Strahd at an opportune moment. Preferably without her hands involved, say a group of adventurer’s off to defeat Strahd.

If Tom was ever cured he would probably find out quickly that Lyssa really has no love for him and is just using him to cure herself, and/or using his blood as a weapon. Having little use for him beyond being a golem she might discard him or continue the Façade of love to manipulate him into finding Emil Bollenbach either for revenge or another purpose. Perhaps Tom will find a place as Lyssa’s Servant/bodyguard and be content… :azalin:

Some Ideas for Tom might include:

*Adventurer’s might meet Tom searching for herbs in forest’s beyond Barovia searching for a “Cure” for his loved one. He might travel alone or have hired a Vistani guide through the mists. Most likely he won’t comment on her condition feeling ashamed that he is the one that caused it and being fearful that Lyssa Von Zarovich might have enemies beyond Barovia. Or at least the Von Zarovich name.

*Lyssa might get a group of adventurer’s to use Tom’s blood on Strahd, or a vampire that has earned her Ire. Or perhaps someone has stolen her vials to use for themselves and she wants her samples back.

*Tom might be searching for Emil Bollenbach his creator for information on the poison in his blood. Poison after all usually doesn’t affect the undead like Lyssa. Perhaps if he could find him then he would have the secret to curing himself.

*If Tom is cured or perhaps even before Lyssa might use Tom to seek out Emil Bollenbach in order to commission a Flesh Golem of her own. She would want him to make a golem resembling Tatyana in order to poison Strahd and her pockets may be quite generous for this.
Last edited by Zilfer on Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Nice "where are they now?" extrapolation on Tom. :)

All of seems to make sense, and is a natural extension of the story from CoTN:V. But I'd be wary of her being able to use the poison on other vamps. Seems to make her too powerful, and turns Strahd's punishment into a hidden blessing. Call me old-fashioned, but while I like Lyssa scheming against Strahd, I don't want to see her get the best of him. He's top dog and should come out ahead in their conflicts, IMHO. So, I would get rid of the injection idea, saying it only works when ingested, and only when fresh. (And a golem vessel like Tom is the only way to keep it fresh, since a human would die from it.)

The Tatyana idea is interesting. Don't know if Lyssa knows about her, though, or would know what she looks like. But it would be fun to let her try it...
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Zilfer »

Good points to think of. Just had a thought and went with it and then it made more and more ideas kinda flow. Didn't discount anything just threw out possibilities. Thanks for the feed back. As always with most people get a little discouraging when there's no feed back but i was glad by the end of the day it had somewhere close to 15-20 views so at least people looked XD.

Good points about The Injection, and her possibly not knowing about Tatyana though if anyone knew... i figured it would be 'family'.

Needless to say, I was of the oppinion that whatever she was able to try and do would fail because Strahd is generally too smart and if he does get caught, he'll have a way out of it.

Lol if you did manage to poison strahd would you poison then the land? For....



So a Poison that needs a human body to live but kills said human if they are alive meaning the only way to make the poison is to keep it in a flesh golem because they are immune to poison.... interesting.

As always thanks for the feedback Ron. :D
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Brandi »

In the original CotV:Vamps adventure, Tom starts to decompose after Lyssa drank from him (I don't know if she was supposed to have drained him on the spot or not), but this makes for more interesting possibilities to be sure.
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by The Giamarga »

Interesting, I'll have to read that adventure sometime soon. I know almost nothing of Lyssa's backstory. Didn't it involve Bluetspuer and mind flayers? Also dimly remember research into blood a d self granted vapiredom...

So he's a custom flesh golem who looks like a normal human? (Sort of a construct ermordenung? ) Someone needs to make statblock for him.

Lyssa trying to find weapons against vampires in general and Strahd in particular is very fitting imho. She has a few sorcerer levels in Gaz1 and for PF I'm thinking of giving her the undead bloodline meaning she can target intelligent undead with compulsion/mind affecting spells. Gaz 1 also mentions her doing fabricated blood rituals with her minions in defiled druid circles in the Tepurich Forest. Maybe they somehow involve the Golem with his special blood?
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Brandi wrote:In the original CotV:Vamps adventure, Tom starts to decompose after Lyssa drank from him
D'oh! Missed that on my skim through. It's a one-liner in the flavor text. He "rapidly decomposes". But that doesn't mean he's dead, of course. :) A lot of Zilfer's ideas still work with a rotting Tom. Maybe he just looks old and desiccated now, or maybe he was repaired, either by Emil or Lyssa (or yet another interested party), or maybe he simply regenerated, and as he "refilled" with his poison blood, he started looking more normal.
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

The Giamarga wrote:Didn't it involve Bluetspuer and mind flayers?
yep. Illithid vampires were one of her plans. See Thoughts of Darkness for details, or better yet, ignore it. :)
Also dimly remember research into blood a d self granted vapiredom...
Not sure on that. Maybe.
So he's a custom flesh golem who looks like a normal human? (Sort of a construct ermordenung? )
Pretty much. Except he's only poisonous to drink, not to touch. And the "poison" just makes vampires very sleepy. very very sleepy. for centuries. He's an almost exact duplicate of a living man who Lyssa was wooing to become her vampire slave.
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Zilfer »

Nice, yeah I didn't have access to that resource so mine is based off purely the mention she gets in the Gaz I. Again I didn't know how she was poisoned until yesterday. xD Golems can usually be repaired through magic right so maybe he healed or as Gonzoron said he produced more blood making him well again. xD be Ironic if the poison in him is his 'fuel source' so to speak. Curing himself would doom him.

From the books Strahd would have a lot of vampires at his bidding I'm not sure how many Lyssa would be able to keep when she only is awake about 3 hours a day was it? Very limited. Amount of time and if she does manage to more than irritate strahd then she might want a back up weapon. Furthermore I think Strahd kept her alive because it's one of the few entertainment's he can have. When you've lived so long I'm sure things can grow quite dreary. xD

Got to have something to spice up undead life right? Not that Strahd really thinks Lyssa even has a shot of doing anything to him, or the Gundarkites for that matter. xD

Question, has Strahd ever waged war since being dead? I have a feeling since he was good while living, imagine him commanding undead.... <.<'
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by skaterboy »

Interesting, I'll have to read that adventure pretty soon enjoying reading your post here :)
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Re: Tom the Flesh Golem

Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Zilfer wrote:Question, has Strahd ever waged war since being dead? I have a feeling since he was good while living, imagine him commanding undead.... <.<'
Strahd took command of (living) troops a few times when Darkon first appeared and he and Azalin started having border-skirmishes, although between one bit of trickery and another that never quiiiiiite blew up into a full-scale war. Barovia hasn't come under serious military threat in the decades since other domains popped into existence in between their territories; however, Strahd's occupation of Gundar's former territory has kept his army somewhat busy since the Conjunction.
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