feedback on dwarf concept

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feedback on dwarf concept

Post by ewancummins »

I'd appreciate comments on a dwarf concept I'm thinking of using in a new campaign setting.

Here it is:

Dwarves or 'dark elves' are humanoid creatures that live underground. They coat themselves in a mixture of soot and soil whenever they venture onto the surface world, and do not keep clean even in their native warrens. They appear to be shorter than they really are because their bodies are usually hunched low. All dwarves have 'beards' which are really masses of tendrils, sensitive to air flow and temperature changes. This organ allows them to navigate through pitch black chambers and tunnels. Bright light hurts their gimlet eyes.

Dwarves are omnivores. The consume carrion, roots,mushrooms, insects, and all manner of earthy or unclean matter. They brew potent mead from the honey of blind, colorless bees.

Dwarves are believed to grow out of the earth itself, something like the spontaneous generation of maggots or mice. Attempts to create artificial dwarves by the use of specially prepared middens have not yet succeeded.

Dwarves or 'dark elves' are humanoid creatures that live underground. They coat themselves in a mixture of soot and soil whenever they venture onto the surface world, to protect their pale skin from the sun's rays. They appear to be shorter than they really are because their bodies are usually hunched low.

All dwarves have 'beards' which are really masses of tendrils, sensitive to air flow and temperature changes. This organ allows them to navigate through pitch dark chambers and tunnels. Bright light hurts their gimlet eyes.

some rough sketches/concept art-

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Evil Genius
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Re: feedback on dwarf concept

Post by HuManBing »

Very nice creepy take on the dwarf concept! :)

These sound redolent of the original concept for the gnome - an earth-dwelling cthonic spirit that tends to shun human contact.

Your treatment of the dwarf is an excellent way of making them alien, otherworldy, and far less "human" than the usual fantasy fare. In essence, it's much like Ravenloft's treatment of the Shadow Fey being like malevolent and unsettling versions of faeries and sprites.

The only thing that seems a bit off is the underground bees. The narrative was flowing very smoothly and creepily until then, when I thought "huh? Okay..." at that point. Because it seems you've gone some great lengths for this variant thought exercise, that's one thing you may want to reconsider. What insects do you find underground? Many-legged creepy-crawlies, like centipedes and millipedes. You also find grubs of all types... maybe the "mead" is made from fermented grubs, all mashed up with mortar and pestle?

Gives a new meaning to "dwarven hospitality" when the human is finally accepted as a friend, and then they push a cup of THAT disgusting brew in front of their faces! :twisted:
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Gonzoron of the FoS
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Re: feedback on dwarf concept

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

a neat spin on things. I love the artwork. Are they sinister? or just ugly and dirty, but kind hearted. I'm wondering if they sneak up to the human world and steal babies or what have you, or if they are sort of hidden and creepy wisemen, etc. (maybe a mix?) Would you use these as a PC race? I can't really imagine one fitting in well with your average party, but you never know.
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Re: feedback on dwarf concept

Post by ewancummins »

The whole thing was written in a flash, with no editing done except to correct spelling. The blind bees may not fit after all. I was probably thinking of dwarves drinking mead in one of the Eddas.

I like your idea of dwarves drinking bug-juice, HumanBing.

Gonzoron- I haven't decided if these dwarves are a playable race. I don't think that they are all evil monsters, though. Some are evil, for sure. The race no doubt contains a variety of personalities and outlooks. The 'hidden and creepy wisemen' is a probably good description of some dwarves, but others are more like savage mole-men. You just never quite know where you stand with a dwarf, at least not until you've known him for a long time.

They tend to keep to themslves, but some do enter the fringes human society to do business, or to pursue more mysterious goals.

That's all I have for now. I'm thinkering around with their magic, which may be a sort of poetry combined with crafting- the songs of making and breaking. Not sure about all that.

Any of this is subject to change, but I think my basic concept is good enough to use.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: feedback on dwarf concept

Post by HuManBing »

I think this is great, to be frank. Take the familiar, the most obvious tropes of fantasy gaming... humans and their lackey demihuman allies. Then change it around. Make the familiar into the strange, the allies into interlopers. Make them scary. Make them unsettling. And then you have a race you can put into Ravenloft - something to set the villagers' tongues wagging in their fearful hushes at night, when Man retreats to his cowering abode and the Wilds rule the land.

Keep posting more as you get it! :thumbsup:
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