Category:Dread Wight

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Dread wights are slightly more powerful versions of the normal wight. Dread wights also take more active roles in performing evil, sometimes venturing a great deal from their burial sites to murder and create more spawn. Dread wights do not differ greatly from their living appearances, the transition to undead being marked only by the dread wight's skin showing a little bit more dryness and tightness over the body.[1] Dread wights can be encountered in Darkon[2], Necropolis[3], and Nova Vaasa[4]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Denizens of Darkness

Denizens of Darkness - p170

Denizens of Darkness - pp170-171

Denizens of Darkness - pp170-171

Wight, Dread


This category has only the following subcategory.