Bastion Sarlota Otrava

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Originally from Borca, Sarlota Otrava is the current bastion of the Mordentish Sect.[1] One of her spiritual teachings is that the soul is not confined to a single organ like the brain or heart but rather a thing of special essence that imbues every part of one's person.[2]


Sarlota was born in Levkarest in 711 BC. She was a beautiful young woman who at the age of eighteen had the misfortune of coming to the fell attention of Ivana Boritsi. Sarlota was involuntarily transformed into an ermordenung as part of a plan whereby Ivana expected to avenge herself upon a hansom young anchorite who had dared rebuff her advances. Arrangements were made for Sarlota to join the Home Faith so as to get close to her prey. She succeeded in attaching herself to him as his protegé. A crisis of faith led him to the Mordentish Sect and she followed him to Mordent. There she studied the teachings of the upstart sect, initially feigning interest as part of maintaining her cover, but soon seized upon the message that no member of the Legions of the Night was beyond the hope of redemption. At the same time, she was falling in love with her mentor. In 732 BC, the two attempted to establish a small temple in Arkandale, but he was mortally wounded by a werewolf of the Timothy clan. Sarlota confessed to her companion both her love for him and her true nature as he lay dying. He confessed to her that he knew of both. And at last she was able to kiss him without fear of condemning him to death.

Warden Otrava return to Mordent, where she served Bastion Vladimir Denisovich with distinction. He chose the young woman as his successor and she became Bastion of Mordent upon his death in 744 BC. As Bastion of Mordent, Sarlota is the leader of the Mordentish Sect of the Church of Ezra, and the Chapel of Pure Hearts in Mordentshire is the seat of her authority. Bastion Otrava is extremely popular among the faithful, not just for her compassion and personal charisma, but for her striking resemblance to Ezra herself. She is somewhat less popular among her clergy; there is chiefly resentment that she is the third in a line of three foreign-born Bastions of Mordent. She has unofficially let it be known that her successor will be Mordentish. Her chaste mannerisms, constantly wearing gloves and never letting anyone so much as brush her skin, have also led some to see her as being aloof. It is speculated widely that Sarlota has taken a vow of chastity, with only her closest advisers knowing the tragic truth.


Female Ermordenung, Cleric 5, Anchorite of the Mists 4, Lawful Good
