Saarkaath (Domain)

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Saarkaath (Domain)
Culture Level ?
Ecology Full
Climate & Terrain Forests, mountains[1]
Year Formed approximately 685 BC[2]
Population ?
Races (%) Half-Orcs, Humans[1]
Languages [[]]
Religions Above ground:Saarkath Native Religion; below ground:None to speak of[3]
Government Above ground:Independent theocratic, oligarchic settlements; Below ground:oligarchic military despotism[4]
Ruler(s) Above ground: Independent Village priesthoods; Below round:Hakaan na Uruk[4]
Darklord(s) Hakaan na Uruk[3]
Nationality {{{nationality}}}
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Fauna of Saarkaath (Domain)
Native Monsters of Saarkaath (Domain)

Saarkaath is a cold Island of Terror that is covered with mountains and forests on the surface and filled with networks of tunnels underground. The domain is populated solely by half-orcs, though there are effectively two separate civilizations in the domain. Beneath the surface, a militaristic despotism rules, with the more "orcish" half-orcs enslaving the more "human" ones. Above ground, there are villages scattered around consisting of those who escaped the underground and their descendants. The more human-like ones rank higher in society than the orcish ones, and only the most human-like half-orcs can join the priesthood. The surface dwellers believe themselves to be cursed by dark gods, and this curse can only be reversed by human(oid) sacrifice. [5]

The darklord of Saarkath is Hakaan na Uruk.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Book of Sacrifices p.89
  2. Book of Sacrifices p.92; Hakaan has been looking for away out for "the past 70 years" from 755 BC, the then corresponding time of writing of the Book of Sacrifices
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Book of Sacrifices p.90
  4. 4.0 4.1 Book of Sacrifices p.89-90
  5. Book of Sacrifices p.89-90