Ludmilla Markov

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Ludmilla Markov is the deceased wife of the darklord, Frantisek Markov.[1][2]


Ludmilla was a content, good wife to the butcher, Frantisek. That all ended when she discovered the torturous experiments her husband was performing on living animals. In order to silence her, she became his next experiment. She lived for several days in agony before perishing. Ludmilla's death resulted in Frantisek's exile to the Mists, where he soon became the darklord of Markovia.[1][2]

In Fair Barovia

Frantisek Markov and Ludmilla are mentioned in this 4th Edition module. They resided in Vallaki. The lingering taint of Ludmilla's torment laced the Old Markov House with madness that ultimately let a couple of Thaani settlers become transformed by the Far Realm.[3]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Domains of Dread

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p40
Domains of Dread - p76
Ravenloft Campaign Setting:Domains and Denizens - p73
Realm of Terror - pp103-104