Dikesha Dice

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A fortune telling device from Har'Akir. A set of Dikesha Dice are included in the Forbidden Lore boxed set.

Each set of Dikesha Dice consists of five six-sided dice, each of a different color and representing a different subject matter, diety, and phase of the moon . The dice are thrown together, and then interpreted by an expert fortune-teller, based on the symbolic meanings of the runes rolled. The dice are configured as described in the following table.

Name Deity Color Subject Phase Face 1 Face 2 Face 3 Face 4 Face 5 Face 6
Rakesha Ra Red Faces of Man Sickle The Pharaoh The Commoner The Magister The Warrior The Fiend The Innocent
Horakesha Horus White Structures Waxing The Tomb The Town The Mountain The Road The Cave The Mists
Thothakesha Thoth Orange Things of the World Full The Sword The Shield The Gem The Ring The Chariot The Key
Shukeesha Shu Yellow Change Waning Destruction Creation Metamorphosis Stasis Illusion Transient
Setakesha Set Green Emotions Eclipse Passion Anger Terror Mercy Curiosity Courage

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Forbidden Lore: The Walking Dream

Forbidden Lore: The Walking Dream - pp27-31