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Culture Level Iron Age (3); Necropolis was Chivalric (8) prior to the Requiem
Ecology None
Climate & Terrain Temperate Settled
Year Formed 755 BC
Population 26,800
Races (%) 94% Human (65%) Halfling (17%), Gnomes (8%), Elves (5%), Dwarves (3%), Other (2%); all are undead.
Languages Darkonese, Halfling, Gnome, Lamordian, Falkovnian
Religions None
Government Undead despotism
Ruler(s) Death
Darklord(s) Death
Nationality Necropolitan
Related Categories
Locations in Necropolis
Transportation in Necropolis
Inhabitants of Necropolis
Former Inhabitants of Necropolis
Flora of Necropolis
Fauna of Necropolis
Native Monsters of Necropolis

Descriptive Text

It is a prejudice of you the living that the Requiem was a disaster for the living alone. When in truth the suffering of many of the undead was far worse. Once the mortuaries and the surrounding villages had been emptied, and after every zombie unworthy of its flesh had been run down and torn apart, the ghouls could do nothing but devour one another. And the situation was bleaker still for the bloodsuckers. The surrounding countryside was soon bled dry. Further afield, a spirited resistance, secretly led by your beloved Kargat, resulted in frightful rates of attrition. Half-starved, the vampires set to eliminating each other. The survivors, many having lived in Il Aluk for a century or more, could do naught but emigrate. But this was not an option for the wrethfetin, who would rise each night and, driven mad by their unsatiated hunger, would attack anything that moved, until they were themselves sent back to their graves, from which they would invariably return, save for when it rained. Mercifully, Death finally had the damned halflings staked where they lay.

-Vice-Chancellor August Montalva of the University of Il Aluk in correspondence with Professor Abelhous Nicholsi of the University of Il Aluk in Exile at Karg

Descriptive text contributed by cure to John W. Mangrum's Teeny Tiny Tales of Terror project (posted on the Fraternity of Shadows message board).


Necropolis is the domain formed during the Grim Harvest. At first, it included all of Darkon, but with Azalin's return, it only includes the area around the former city of Il Aluk. The only inhabitants of Necropolis are the undead, due to the deadly shroud of negative energy permeating the domain. The darklord of Necropolis is a negative energy elemental that has proclaimed itself Death. It is argued by some that Necropolis is a manifestation of the Gray Realm and as such is the afterlife come to claim the world.

Boroughs of Il Aluk

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - pp54-64

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp131-132
Secrets of the Dread Realms - p7,19
TSR JAM 1999 p37-43
Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - pp54-64

Ravenloft Gazetteer Volume II - p56