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Time in Ravenloft

Kaurik was one of many assassins hired by Lord Loren Soth to kill Strahd Von Zarovich. Still angered by Strahd's duplicity and harboring his treacherous seneschal, Caradoc, he wanted to hurt the vampire Lord. Not only were the warriors tasked with killing Strahd, but also were told to search for a young girl who was said to be Strahd's reincarnated lover.


Kaurik the warlord was the youngest child of the house of Ush, a small duchy outside the Blood Swamps. For many years, Kaurik’s ancestors ruled the duchy justly. Kaurik’s great-grandfather, however, angered the gods when he supplanted their idols with his own graven image and brought down a curse upon the family. The other nobles shunned Kaurik’s family, and each succeeding generation became more inbred and rife with disease and madness.

A teenage Kaurik, his mind already betraying signs of his family’s degenerate ways, fell in love with his sister Agath. The young woman, however, became obsessed with a knight of the castle guard, and drowned herself in the swamp when the soldier rejected her. Grief-stricken, young Kaurik retrieved her body and preserved her remains. Kaurik’s older brother, Magnor, claimed vengeance by slaying every fifth man in the duchy.

Weary of Kaurik’s family’s tyranny, the people of the land and the few remaining soldiers of the garrison rose up in anger and burned the castle down. Every family member died in the fire except for young Kaurik, who escaped into mists of the swamps. He soon found himself in Souragne surviving in the wilds of the swamp, Kaurik quickly grew more and more feral.

His fetish for the dead grew stronger and stronger, and soon he began to claim his first victims and fashion their skin into masks for him to wear. In a matter of months the villagers spoke in whispers of the Curse of the Swamp. As he matured, he grew into a tough, cunning fighter even as his mind became more and more warped. A true madman, Kaurik attacks with a berserk and manic rage unseen in most warriors. Kaurik is a strange warrior. He wields a long, heavy chain with a huge, spiked mace ball on its end. Kaurik wears little armor except for a pair of lethal iron gauntlets, so he is quick and agile. He usually keeps his mace ball spinning, and can flail his opponents with great speed and accuracy. When necessary, he can block opponents blows by catching their weapons with his chain.


Height: 6'

Weight: 195 lbs

Hair: Black
