Ignatius Max

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Time in Ravenloft

Ignatius Max, a halfling, was a member of one of of eight distinguished warriors traveling to Waterdeep after a successful battle against a dragon known as Blackheart. On their journey they soon found themselves surrounded by thick, swirling mists, with the scent of dread abound it. They soon found themselves before a castle, with a distinguished gentlemen stepping out of the mists. He introduced himself as Count Strahd Von Zarovich, and quickly explained their situation. They were far from home with no way back, but he knew of a portal that could take them home. If they would defeat several assassins sent by a Death Knight, he would gladly show them the portal. Unfortunately they were unable to stop most of the assassins, leaving Strahd to defeat the remaining ones.


Ignatius Max is a thief with few peers. The halfling has learned to compensate for his lack of stature and strength with unnerving speed and mischievous cunning. As a young halfling, Ignatius Max quickly grew bored with the staid country life of his village and ran away to the city of Waterdeep. There, he was forced to survive by his wits. He not only survived, but thrived as well, quickly mastering such thieving arts as pickpocketing and lockpicking. What started out as acts born out of necessity grew into more and more brazen acts of highly skilled thievery.

Ignatius Max gained notoriety for his theft of the crown of Montavia, which he stole directly from the head of the sleeping monarch even as a phalanx of guards stood watch over his chambers. He’s gained the enmity of the priests of the Black Hand for his heist of the Tome of Ulroth during the middle of their black ritual. The hill giant Angor has pledged a king’s ransom for the head of Ignatius Max, who robbed the hill giant blind and sliced off Angor’s pony tail for a trophy before escaping his chambers completely unscathed. Ignatius Max now steals only when a challenge to his great skills is presented to him. Cocky, stealthy, and lightning fast, Ignatius Max is a deceptively dangerous foe.

Despite his diminutive size, Iggy can more than hold his own in the arena. In fact, he uses his 4 foot height to his advantage, as the taller opponents will tend to miss him when they utilize high attacks. Although Iggy isn't capable of inflicting (or absorbing) as much damage as most other people, but he is the fast. In addition, he has more than enough surprises up his sleeve to keep his opponents off balance. He carries a ring of teleportation.


2nd Level: Blind, Dagger of Venom


Height: 4' 1"

Weight: 80 lbs

Hair: Brown
