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Time in Ravenloft

Torgo[1] was a member of one of of eight distinguished warriors traveling to Waterdeep after a successful battle against a dragon known as Blackheart. On their journey they soon found themselves surrounded by thick, swirling mists, with the scent of dread abound it. They soon found themselves before a castle, with a distinguished gentlemen stepping out of the mists. He introduced himself as Count Strahd Von Zarovich, and quickly explained their situation. They were far from home with no way back, but he knew of a portal that could take them home. If they would defeat several assassins sent by a Death Knight, he would gladly show them the portal. Unfortunately they were unable to stop most of the assassins, leaving Strahd to defeat the remaining ones.

History Torgo is a veteran of the infamous Ironspur Wars that wrought havoc on the realms that called the Ironspur mountains their home. Torgo was the central figure in the legendary battle for Skull Rock Pass. Surrounded and hopelessly outnumbered by a battalion of 1000 orcs, the 100 warriors of the dwarven Spike Helm clan would surely have perished to their foes’ superior numbers if Torgo had not rallied his men with his mad rush on the ogre chieftain Grok. Smashing through Grok’s surprised guard of orcish warriors with hammer blow after hammer blow, Torgo engaged in a ferocious struggle with the ogre leader. An axe blow from the chieftain cost Torgo his arm, but the dwarf merely gritted his teeth and charged into the ogre with his spiked helm lowered. Before the dust had settled Grok lay underneath the far shorter Torgo, his skull crushed from a mighty hammer strike. The blood-crazed dwarf emitted the dwarven clan’s war cry before bloodloss finally caused him to lose consciousness. Seized by a berserk rage, the contingent of Spike Helm dwarves soon routed the stunned orc battalion.

Never one to rest easy, Torgo has not let his injury slow him one bit. He has learned to compensate for the loss of his limb by developing a series of deadly strikes and counterstrikes with his one good arm. Torgo remains a fierce, proud opponent.

Though short of stature, his stout frame is not only durable, but also formidably strong. Weilding a massive stone hammer, and sporting a viscious steel spike on his helmet, Torgo is a powerful combatant. His Dwarven armor is lightweight, but highly functional.

Although missing his right arm, there are few who would be foolish enough to stand close enough to do battle with this stalwart hero.

Height: 4' 3" Weight: 170 lbs Hair: Red
