Falk-fury rages on!

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Evil Genius
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Five »

KingCorn wrote:Hey, I'm tossing around some Falkovnian Superscience/Magic programs and want you opinion on them.

First and my favorite is Project Vedrfolnir: While the many Bloodhawks and Raptors of Falkovnia are fierce and lethal, none are of large enough size to be truely useful beyond messanger birds and pets. So Vjorn Horstman was tasked with making them bigger. While the first few results where disappointing, a sudden breakthrough has resulted in a new bread of birds of prey, large enough to bear and mans weight and take flight! While only a few flights have been bred/mutated so far, the cream of the crop has been given to Drakov as a gift. The Falkfurher is very fond of his new pet, and during his recent dinners has forgone having prisoners impaled, instead feading them to his beloved pet.
---Kinda want to name either the new bird race or Drakov's pet Sargonnas after the condor god of Kyrnn, but since he's the condor (vulture) god it feels less right for the race, and for the pet bird that would imply its male, and I want Drakov's new pet to be female (cause when an evil sadist has a pet he feds people too, they're always female. Its tradition!)

Next is Project Flamme der Soldaten (flame of soldiers), an attempt to fight the problem of replacing Talons when they tend to die. Talons are not easily replaceable, taking years to train, and so to combat the death rate, the ministries of Science and Arcane respectively were tasked wiht combating this issue. The ministry of arcane came up with a novel solution, though very controversial: Pyre Undead. By enacting specific rituals upon dead Talons, all fueled by a captured Pyre Elemental, they would return from the grave as spirits of blue fire, loyal to Drakov even after death. While many in the know see it as using the ways of the Darkon enemy, many in the ministry are confidant that this will be the first step in finally combating the problem of both replenishing losses, and ensuring there own dead do not turn on them.
--Admitidly I got the image for this idea from this guy: https://daemonsanddeathrays.wordpress.com/
--Basically its based on a Darklord idea he had with knights templar who turned into pyre undead. Just wanted to give him credit where its due

Another contender for combating Talon deaths is Project Zehn in Eins (Ten in One), a project the ministry of science has been toying with for some time between Horstmen's lycanthropy research. Taking the choicest parts from dead Talons, as well as extra parts kindly donated by the Central Prison, the project has to build super soldiers out of the remains of the dead, keeping with them all the experience they once had. Using experts from Lamordia, as well as equipment and research notes purchased from Dr. Mordenheim himself (at considerable price), they had stitched together these giants and modified them with all sorts of alchemical substances and metal reinforcements.
--I know it would be OP to give Falkovnia just a bunch of Dread Golems, so there are only a few and very likely to go berserk against there own handlers.
--Really want them to be kinda mindless. Both them and the Pyre Undead are kinda based around the Mountain from GoT after he was brought back from the dead.
I read this coming off a 13 hour shift in -34*C weather and my muddled brain only really registered "bird of prey", "Talons after death", and "primal serum". I was interested so I put on a pot of coffee and the thought dawned on me while trying to download episode 9 of Granblue Fantasy (second season) that why not just combine them all into one?

A blooded, guts hanging out Talon who, upon facing the Long Dark, pops a pill/slams back a vile vial/chomps down on a faux tooth/etc of the newest version of Horstman's primal serum that turns the inner beast outward and transforms him into a monstrous bird of prey:
0c5ee7d5b1044db7238716695639a1a1--game--poster-art.jpg (64.6 KiB) Viewed 5529 times
(only nastier looking!)

I don't know the artist or anything about this game, so don't ask. It was a picture I had saved in my big folder of Fantasy Visual Aides and I back-tracked it through Google.

Thing is this specially-brewed serum, available exclusively to Talons, doesn't last an hour, but the length of the mission assigned to the Talon who consumes it. Combined with the rigorous MKUltra-like programme the newest generation of Talons go through, this black ops version of the serum manipulates the body through mental sequences implanted in the soldier. Perhaps it's based off of data "acquired" from the not so-good Dr. Heinfroth. Of course, not all batches are made the same, so some transformations may be shorter, longer, or even permanent.

The beauty/horror of it is (depending on which side of the war you're on) that should the Talon survive his mission and the uber-lycanthropy runs its course as designed, then the regenerative qualities that come with it restores the soldier to full health (or a portion thereof), enabling him to answer roll call for the next mission. The mental and emotional strain on the Talon in question would no doubt be a very real factor/potential side effect, and more than likely completely ignored by his superiors.

Todesfalke (Death Hawk), Todeskralle (Deathclaw), Todesschwinge (Deathwing)...

Just a few thoughts
Last edited by Five on Wed Dec 11, 2019 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

Five wrote:
I read this coming off a 13 hour shift in -34*C weather and my muddled brain only really registered "bird of prey", "Talons after death", and "primal serum". I was interested so I put on a pot of coffee and the thought dawned on me while trying to download episode 9 of Granblue Fantasy (second season) that why not just combine them all into one?

A blooded, guts hanging out Talon who, upon facing the Long Dark, pops a pill/slams back a vile vial/chomps down on a faux tooth/etc of the newest version of Horstman's primal serum that turns the inner beast outward and transforms him into a monstrous bird of prey: https://www.freemegatr.com/2019/07/09/p ... -ape-pmez/ (only nastier looking!)

I don't know the artist or anything about this game, so don't ask. It was a picture I had saved in my big folder of Fantasy Visual Aides and I back-tracked it through Google.

Thing is this specially-brewed serum, available exclusively to Talons, doesn't last an hour, but the length of the mission assigned to the Talon who consumes it. Combined with the rigorous MKUltra-like programme the newest generation of Talons go through, this black ops version of the serum manipulates the body through mental sequences implanted in the soldier. Perhaps it's based off of data "acquired" from the not so-good Dr. Heinfroth. Of course, not all batches are made the same, so some transformations may be shorter, longer, or even permanent.

The beauty/horror of it is (depending on which side of the war you're on) that should the Talon survive his mission and the uber-lycanthropy runs its course as designed, then the regenerative qualities that come with it restores the soldier to full health (or a portion thereof), enabling him to answer roll call for the next mission. The mental and emotional strain on the Talon in question would no doubt be a very real factor/potential side effect, and more than likely completely ignored by his superiors.

Todesfalke (Death Hawk), Todeskralle (Deathclaw), Todesschwinge (Deathwing)...

Just a few thoughts
I could do something with that as a sort of dread possibility. I think I might just stick to the giant hawk thing as a QtR entry for next year. Even name it after this thread: Falcon Fury! Just hawk based monsters and npcs for Falkovnia.
For the werehawk/mkultra stuff, that could be they have modified the talon bracers to give them the "fury of a hawk" effectivly giving them rage and temporary flight, but it sometimes even turns them into hawks (which it shouldn't even be able to due at all, which only freaks out the ministry more) combined with the other stuff.
I might borrow one of those names for the giant-hawks, and I'll just make Drakov's pet male and name it after the Kyrnn wargod. I fits Vlad's history, ego, and puts a nice contrast to Azalin and Ebb.
I'll also add some hawk-rider knights, with a special npc based on the Red Baron
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Five »

KingCorn wrote:
For the werehawk/mkultra stuff, that could be they have modified the talon bracers to give them the "fury of a hawk" effectivly giving them rage and temporary flight, but it sometimes even turns them into hawks (which it shouldn't even be able to due at all, which only freaks out the ministry more) combined with the other stuff.
Yeah, you could easily tie the primal serum into/through the Talon's bracers. The boys at the MOA could rig it with something similar to the Death Watch spell (3E), which reads the Talons' life signs, and once at death's door another spell (a closed-system/modified Death Knell?) injects the primal serum into them to turn them into the ultimate shock trooper/engine of second wind fury. A slightly modified Death Ward spell could probably do both for 5E.

I see the Ministry of Arcane as almost IT support working under a heavily-restricted budget, so no doubt they would be ecstatic to get that project field-tested, probably even to the point where some of the bracers are rigged with remote viewing. All on the sly of course (outside of that "patient zero" field test where the MOS, MOA, and MOI would all be working together). If the Ministry of Intelligence found out it would get nasty between the two, probably resulting with the offenders being "erased". If Drakov was notified, the entire unit of the MOA would very likely be invited to one of his dinner parties...
"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

Another idea to more easily replace fallen Talons: Memory Armor. A breakthrough by the Ministry of the Arcane, this specialized armor contains the skills and prowess of its previous users. When used by a Talon over a period of a month, it will imbue the motor skills, ferocity, and martial might of the Talon into. Should the Talon die but the armor be recovered, it can be placed upon any hapless soldier who will then gain the skills of the now dead Talon.

However, the memory charm is not always so simple. The imbued memories will only last for so long before fading, and often times the armor takes in more than just combat memories. From time to time, it records the entire personality of the first user.
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by tomokaicho »

Its easy to get carried away and turn Falkovnia into a magical kingdom. I think select one field of magical research, bioscience, and stick to that.
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

tomokaicho wrote:Its easy to get carried away and turn Falkovnia into a magical kingdom. I think select one field of magical research, bioscience, and stick to that.
I'd just have the memory armor as an experimental thing. Besides, we give to much attention to the Ministry of Science, the ministry of arcane needs some cool stuff too
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Mistmaster »

tomokaicho wrote:Its easy to get carried away and turn Falkovnia into a magical kingdom. I think select one field of magical research, bioscience, and stick to that.
All of Ravenloft Domains are magical kingdoms, in some way.
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

What divisions do you think there would be in the ministry of arcane? Cause the ministry of Science already has plenty with its super-soldier programs
I figure the two main corps of the Ministry of Arcane would be dedicated to the production of equipment, such as the Talon Bracers (and my supposed Legacy Armor) and fancier weapons, and another one dedicated solely to anti-undead spells. Death-wards, walls of radiance, ant-undead equipment, even enchanting their own troops so they cannot be raised as undead. Or ensuring that they are so devoted and patriotic that troops rise only as revenants, making it that much harder to Azalin to just take command of their corpses.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

The Ministry might also be running some very covert research projects.
Drakov is not immortal, and someone within the Ministry for the Arcane might be preparing for the future - in which magic is not seen solely as a necessary evil when it comes to producing better arms, armour and slave-bracers.
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

Something I just realized: In Dragonlance, the symbol of the Knights of Solamnia is the Kingfishers (a bird), while Drakov choose the symbol of the Falcon. Maybe drakov had a runin with the knights when he still lived in Kyrnn and took their symbol (or perhaps is a disgraced member of the order?)
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Speedwagon »

KingCorn wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:48 pm Something I just realized: In Dragonlance, the symbol of the Knights of Solamnia is the Kingfishers (a bird), while Drakov choose the symbol of the Falcon. Maybe drakov had a runin with the knights when he still lived in Kyrnn and took their symbol (or perhaps is a disgraced member of the order?)
The Teusten Order article by Mephisto in QtR 28 gives some links to Dragonlance, along with the Spawn of the Lizard article. The tough thing about Drakov is that he’s from Taladas and not Ansalon. Taladas was detailed in Time of the Dragon the sourcebook and Blades of the Tiger the novel, but was otherwise never really touched upon. There wasn’t really a sense of folk in Ansalon knowing about Vlad Drakov’s exploits a continent away, nor of much of anything regarding Taladas in general. Maybe it could’ve been the other way around, as maybe Drakov knew of some of Lord Soth’s exploits and didn’t want anything to do with that guy on the Night of Screaming Shadows. I still like the idea but it’s hard to make events bend to happen, not just through timeline but through location, y’know? But I’m all for seeing the small references to the Outlander worlds that Darklords came from!
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by tomokaicho »

KingCorn wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 4:48 pm Something I just realized: In Dragonlance, the symbol of the Knights of Solamnia is the Kingfishers (a bird), while Drakov choose the symbol of the Falcon. Maybe drakov had a runin with the knights when he still lived in Kyrnn and took their symbol (or perhaps is a disgraced member of the order?)
This is very, very unlikely. Drakov was resident in the continent of Taladas, which is so remote from Ansalon it may as well be on another planet. As far as I know, there is no trade between the two continents.

On Taladas, the dominant race is minotaurs. These creatures rule over other sentient beings, including humans. If I recall correctly, Drakov is either from Thenol or was stationed there. Thenol is a human theocracy not under the thrall of minotaurs, although later (after Drakov arrived in Ravenloft), it was apparently conquered or militarily defeated by the minotaur empire.

Anything about Drakov had better take into account his background.
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Mephisto of the FoS
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

tomokaicho wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:40 am If I recall correctly, Drakov is either from Thenol or was stationed there.
Ιt was written that he and his group of mercenaries were often employd by the fanatics of Hith in Thenol.
tomokaicho wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:40 am Thenol is a human theocracy not under the thrall of minotaurs, although later (after Drakov arrived in Ravenloft), it was apparently conquered or militarily defeated by the minotaur empire.
This may be proof of Vlad's and his Talon's efficiency as mercenaries, when he was kidnapped by the Mists the Thenolites began to lose and eventualy they were conquered.
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by Speedwagon »

tomokaicho wrote: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:40 am Thenol is a human theocracy not under the thrall of minotaurs, although later (after Drakov arrived in Ravenloft), it was apparently conquered or militarily defeated by the minotaur empire.
This may be proof of Vlad's and his Talon's efficiency as mercenaries, when he was kidnapped by the Mists the Thenolites began to lose and eventualy they were conquered.

That’s a good point. It also draws some parallels with Vlad the Impaler and how despite his cruelty he’s still viewed in Romania as a national hero for his effectiveness in keeping out the Ottomans. Plus aren’t there places in Taladas with hawk imagery like Hawkbluff? Feels like Vlad might’ve left his mark on the land and history…
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Re: Falk-fury rages on!

Post by KingCorn »

Honestly more fitting for Lamordia, but what about the something based on the Krupp Family/Corporation?
A family of iron workers, they came to fame during the Napoleonic Wars, beginning with a prize Napolean offered to any who could meet French artillery production needs now that British trade was cut off.

Overtime they became know for the prodution of steel products, especially Cannon and Railroads. Their foray into using slave labor (of other Europeans) began with conscripted Belgians during WW1, later supply Nazi germany with arms manufactured by Concentration Camp slave labor.

While we have tried to tamp down some of the German/Prussian-esque stylings of Falkovnia, industrial war profiteers just seem to fitting to pass up in terms of human evil. I know something similar to this was mentioned in the Book of Storms. Maybe the Krupp equivilent could be a Lamordian family closely connected with the Falkovnian Trade Embassy in Lamordia.
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