4E Darklord Based on Ico's Shadow Queen-Community Project

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4E Darklord Based on Ico's Shadow Queen-Community Project

Post by Leliel »

Anyway, Ico (Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ico) is a game about a boy who was unfortunate enough to be born with horns, and as a result, was viewed as a bad omen by his village. In order to appease the "evil spirits" who supposedly are the reason this is a bad omen.

While the "bad omen" part is soon revealed to be obviously false-The titular character is just an ordinary kid-the "evil spirits" turn out to have a all-too-real basis in fact-The castle he is entombed in is under the control of mysterious shadow wraiths led by a powerful witch-queen

And it is that witch-queen that we are going to base a darklord on-she has all the elements of one-Enigmatic, Godlike, and Irredeemably Evil-with the only exceptions being the fact that she is missing a name and a past.

While those are OK within the confines of a video game, we DMs don't like that, and frankly, I'm bad at stats.
I am The Archangel of Night.
I am the Guardian of Shadow
I am the Vindicator of the Unknown
I am..Leliel.
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