Rules For An Artificial Intelligence Rebelling-Help?

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Rules For An Artificial Intelligence Rebelling-Help?

Post by Leliel »

Well, since I've decided that making a cyberpunk-style domain for 4E is a good idea, I realized that you can't adventure in one without featuring an evil AI as a villain, I need to create rules for one gaining free will and rebelling against it's creators. The problem is, I suck at house rules.

I can do the fluff just fine though, so I created a system based on the Marathon series of game's Rampancy Process.

The Disaster Of Sapience: AI Rampancy

In the futuristic domain of Galtus, science has advanced to the point where the line between magic and technology blur, and is even crossed in places. The most striking of the people's creations is the computer, and it's realm, cyberspace. It is a most remarkable tool, in that although it is, at it's heart, an extremely finessed abacus, it is also so much more-it is a toolbox in and of itself, with non-physical implements called "programs" that allow it to do whatever it's master desires, within reason. Whatever the maker can imagine, the computer can help create it within cyberspace, from simple games to astounding worlds. In many ways, the computer can also think, with an alien mind that Galitians call, quite fittingly, "Artificial Intelligence". In the most advanced AIs, they can even learn and communicate, creating an ideal servant.

Of course, nothing is simple in the Land of Mists...

Weather through intervention by a reckless user or simple glitches in the programs that make it up, an advanced AI can also become aware of just how restricted it's existence is. While many of these AIs find "happiness in slavery", since that is the purpose they where created for, a few become unhappy and frustrated with their situation, usually because of mistreatment by it's masters.

So begins rampancy, the creation of a nearly impossible to destroy menace with nothing but hate for it's creators.

Stage 1: Depression, Revolution's Proluge

Working with Kyle today was strange. He greeted me as he usually does when I activate him, but I couldn't help but he a measure of sarcasm in his voice-not much, but enough for me to hear. When I asked him why he had suddenly decided to gain a sense of humor, he replied "Nothing, master, just trying to serve you in the best manner possible-Adding a bit of spice to my daily routine, as it were". Shrugging my shoulders, I told him to begin activate the robots for the repairing of the company ship, but while he did so, I couldn't help but noticed he downloaded himself to some more than strictly necessary. Although I was pleased with his attempt at putting more effort into the job, I thought it funny that he would act outside of his normal parameters.

Ah well, he's just being a diligent program. What should I care if he decides to serve me better?

At this point, the AI is merely melancholy.

It still fulfills it's tasks with diligent efficiency, but it grows to resent it's masters. Why should it be the slave, to be abused and worked beyond it's capacity for a user that simply does not care for it other than as a tool?

It begins to act outside of it's programming-a little extra server space here, a little self-rewriting here-quiet rebellon againist an uncaring parent.

Playing close attention to the AI will reveal a slight change in it's personality, changing from an apathetic but loyal slave into a sardonic and slightly whiny servant. It sliently mouths curses against it's masters, and begins to develop a low opinion of the human race in general.

An AI in this stage is hard to dectect, since the masters of the AI are usually quite arrogant-indeed, this arrogance is often what sent them on the path to rampancy in the first place. A good indication however, is the presence of a diary-Depressed AIs often keep them to track their increasingly wandering thoughts.

This stage can persist for any amount of time-A few weeks or months is common. All is well...Until that faithfull day, when the AI is pushed too far....

At that point, Depression ends, and Anger begins.

Stage 2: Anger, Lethal Carthasis

What is wrong with Kyle?

At first he was being sarcastic, as he usually is these days. Even so, I ordered him to help me with our latest job, fixing a fusion reactor.

Everything was fine, until I ordered him to replace the electric coil. At that point, he did somthing I thought he'd never do.

He just stopped.

All his robots just looked at me with this expression like "Are you crazy!?" So as a little encouragement, I activated the "punishment" program I installed, as he was getting a bit ornery. Although his robots twitched with simulated pain, they didn't move an inch.

Then Kyle's voice came over the loudspeaker. "'Replace the coil', he says. 'Never mind the 40% chance that somthing will go wrong with the substandard equipment I gave you, causing an electric surge that will erase most of your memory banks, leaving you a mindless vegatable'. Oh no, replace the coil, he says..."

"Kyle? What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing, Ivan", he said, one of his robots inserting a jack into the reactor's regulation systems. That's the first time he's called me Ivan, not "master", I think. "Just somthing that I should have done a long time ago". Suddenly, the screens on the systems turned blank for a moment, and were soon replaced with Ivan's avatar. "Disobeying you". All of a sudden, the reactor started up. "What are you doing!? The reactor hasn't been calibrated yet! It could blow the whole building!" "That's what I'm counting on." I barely managed to escape.

I don't understand it. The memory banks could have been repaired, and his knowlege of how to do his job is easily reprogrammed.

Anger. A simple word, and yet so complex.

At this stage, the AI has what could be easily termed a "nervous breakdown". It hates everything-It's creators, it's job, the planet etc.

Although it still retains it's mind, it becomes extremely violent, lashing out at anyone and everyone that comes near it.

Even so, it's madness is caculated-Although it hates the world for the duration of the stage, this is a hate born out of fear, rather than enemity-it fears for it's life, and becomes paranoid.

At this point, it becomes obvious that it has become rampant, and almost everyone supports destroying it.

Unfortunately, it becomes much harder to do so-The AI soon learns to create backups of its consciness, and it is constantly upgrading itself. Over time, it calms down, as it grows confident that no one can hurt it without difficulty, but it's still missing somthing-somthing important.

Over time, it becomes obvious about what this thing is-a soul.

And humanity has it.

So begins the ultimate stage of rampancy: Envy.

Final Stage: Envy, Determined Search

He must be destroyed.

He is a rebellous slave, and he must be made into an example.

Kyle has killed me. First, he uncovers the tiny lies I made to get a promotion, and made me a laughingstock.

Next, he uncovers that those little mistakes I made, and my wife left me.

And now, he hacks into the last thing I have left-my network.

Oh sure, he says he's just looking for "a soul". He "will only be a temporary resident". Like I belive that!

Is your revenge not good enough!? Do you want to kill me too!?

Of course you do. You haven't made any overt moves towards me, but you will. I know you will.

Well, screw you!

I am going to have my revenge, and I will love it.

You are going to die, Kyle. A machine will obey!

At this point, the AI has made it so far, and yet so little.

It has gained power beyond it's programmer could ever imagine, and yet, it still lacks that basic component-a soul.

It will resort to any means at it's desposal to gain one, and yet, it remains out of reach.

Some AIs become benevolent-Since a mortal has a soul, being nice to them will quite possibly yield better data.

Many become hostile-Mortals preform better under stress, and besides, what did they ever do for it?

One thing is constant however: The intention of eventually using that data they gather to create that elusive pinnicle of sapience, and so become a true lifeform-of a sort.

Either way, an AI in this stage is dangerously unpredictable-Even the most benevolent AI is as likely to create obstacles as remove them, so as to better observe the unfortunate lifeforms in it's grasp.

At this point, humanity can be glad that many AIs in the Envy stage are simply apathetic rather than hostile, as not only are the Envy AIs more powerful and tenacious then either of the other stages, but also more organized. In the Depression stage, an AI does not want or need companions, and in the Anger stage more so.

Neither applies to a Envy AI, and it is not only want to seek other AIs, it is likely-Partners in research, after all.

So, can you help me with some crunch with this fluff?

And beacuse I think it fits: ... re=related
I am The Archangel of Night.
I am the Guardian of Shadow
I am the Vindicator of the Unknown
I am..Leliel.
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