Maison de Soulombre, morning of April 11

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Post by alhoon »

When they are sent below Draxton just says "I believe that you would be interested in also hearing my tale too, right? I will be waiting downstairs so that I may share my exprerience with my brothers."
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by Pamela »

“Quite. Well Brother Jurgens, I do hope that you have time to both read the book and explore Port d’Elhour before your departure. You have at least had experience with mosquitoes in your own homeland, so I’m sure you will be able to cope with them much better than many of the other brethren. However, if you will excuse me; I see one of my Brothers from home…”

Gertrude made a polite curtsey before heading towards a clique of Zherisian Brothers. While she didn’t care for most of them, it would be good to be seen circulating in their numbers to quell any rumours; their own curiosity would ensure that they would occupy her well until the meeting began.
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by eocine »

Li Shou hadn't actually done a great deal of mingling with the others Brothers, for the simple reason that for the time being he wasn't there to fraternise. As far as he was concerned the purpose of the mornings was to learn all that could be learned. If one was of a mind to converse then there were enough hours in the day for that later on.

Thus he had spent most of the last few minutes people watching, which was actually even more entertaining in this kind of crowd than virtually any other, by dint of the fact that virtually everyone was trying to hide something about themselves, no matter how major or minor that was. Of course in general terms that was what most of the common herd did as well, endeavouring to cover up the grubby aspects and petty evils of their squalid little lives from the other scum that they lived among, all of them hiding their separate shames and transgressions from each other.

Nothing was different here really, except in two places, firstly most of this audience had crimes and actions to be hidden in their pasts far worse than the majority people, but were uniquely well qualified to hide them as well, and secondly even the most egregious offence against humanity and nature was tolerated in this crowd, provided there was a provable justification for it.

They were very much his kind of people.

There was a small pocket to the side of the room where a group of Zherisians were gathered, and it was them that Li Shou recognised most of all. Some that he had 'aided' in the past, others that he had met in his day to day life and some that he knew only through his association with the Fraternity of Shadows.

He then spotted a mildly familiar face in Gertrude, though if the truth were told it was really her husband that he actually had ever really dealt with. Still he hadn't seen Rupert anywhere around... "Mrs Kingsley", he interjected smoothly, approaching her from the side and only speaking when he was exactly level with her, "I see that your husband is not with us. Is he well?"
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude turned at the unusual accent and familiar title. “Good morning, Mr Shou,” she said, figuring there was no need to offer an honorific just refused her. “I believe and hope that my husband is well but still in Paridon. He was unable to manage a sabbatical for the event.”

The professor did not care for this particular Brother; his pharmaceutical involvements offended her though she was careful to keep this to herself and her husband. Still, he was part of her cell, so she would have to temper her replies for now. “I take it that you didn’t come with the Brothers then? A side trip to Martira Bay perhaps?” She kept her eyes focused on his, despite the temptation of the odd beard and the mustache in particular. Eating must be an interesting endeavour; perhaps he sweeps them behind his ears…
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by eocine »

Li Shou gave her a broad, though entirely false, smile as she returned his greeting. Women shouldn't expect honorifics, especially those that incorrectly and oxymoronically labelled them, and if her husband and father had educated her properly then she would know that. After all just because you dress an ape in human clothes that doesn't make it any less of a primitive being... He viewed it as being unfortunate that she should be able to disrespect a man and not expect due punishment. Unfortunately it wasn't his place to educate her on the errors of her ways, so her behaviour would have to be tolerated for the time being.

The Brother raised a single eyebrow at her comment, surprised that Brother Kingsley should allow his property to visit without him. Of course this is little more than a glorified note gathering event, so perhaps he chooses to use her as a secretary of sorts... He just about managed to convince himself of the truth of that, though were it to be one of his own concubines then he would of course have decreed that she be in regular contact with him... And were she to fail in making that contact then may the Powers have mercy on her soul.

At her question he resisted the impulse to let her feel the back of his hand, in his world women were expected to reply to questions offered them with speed and politeness, and then fall into silence, not to answer back with questions of their own. Still, there was no harm in this little tête a tête, at least not yet, and no point in discussing her crassness. It had actually long been obvious to him that the women of Zherisia were brutish louts, whilst their husbands were weak fools, this kind exchange only solidified his belief even more.

“No, my journey was undertaken separately, and nowhere near Darkon”, he said simply, leaving unsaid his belief that it would have been foolish were they all to travel together. Li Shou also declined from telling her where his own journey's had taken him, feeling no need to explain that he had been finalising a sale in Sebua before his arrival in Sourange, and thus had been travelling rather more than he would have liked of late.

Having said all he intended to say Li Shou offered her a bow and stepped away, “good day to you Madam”, he then simply walked to another side of the room and stood straight, his face entirely expressionless.
Last edited by eocine on Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Exiting the meeting room, the bard moves a prudent distance down the hallway -- listening at doors is an amateur's tactic, not to mention likely to get 'Brother Crow' in considerable trouble -- and stops, to extract his notebook from his jerkin's breast pocket. By the flickering light of the hall's hanging lamp, he briskly jots (or, perhaps, draws?) something in it with a charcoal-tipped stylus, then snaps the notebook shut and tucks it away again.

Heading back down to the main gathering-hall, he catches sight of Kingsley, just parting company with the exotically-dressed fellow -- a Rokuman or something similar, by physiognomy, although Crow can't place his garb or preposterous mustache -- who'd passed the four of them at the Maison's entrance this morning. Seeing the professor approach a group of her countrymen, the VRS spy refrains from calling out to her, but scans the room for Paul Dirac as he descends the staircase.

Before he can spot the young Dementlieuse Brother, however, he notices a familiar figure, lingering near the foot of the stairs. Not his first choice of company, by any means, but it occurs to the bard that he's not talked properly with the 'old goat' yet ... at least, not in this guise, and not since the Richemuloise's uncanny spirit-transposition.

"Brother Serd? Were you waiting for me? I was about to go looking for that young chap I went exploring with, last evening; but if you have need of me, I could perhaps spare a moment."

[OOC: If you don't have Draxton respond by Wednesday night, alhoon, I'll assume that your PC told Crow to mind his own business, so the bard can resume looking for Dirac. :wink: ]
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by alhoon »

OOC: :shock: Have I ever taken a week to answer a direct question?

IC> Draxton looks up to see Brother Crow. Memories come to his mind of last night's dream. For just a moment a shadow of envy crosses Draxton's features. Then it is gone as if it never existed, replaced by the usual polite smile of the merchant.

"Hm? No, not waiting for you specifically, I wait for the rest of the brothers to come so we could continue what we left unfinished brother Crow. I hope you will have a pleasant and safe fulfilment of your bargain."

OOC> Sense motive with a DC 19 for Crow to understand that Draxton is jealous about something. (I know it's easy... I rolled low)
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

The great ballroom is still mostly empty; the panel discussion will begin in twenty minutes, and the brothers who will direct the discussion are congregating on the raised dais, where they will sit during the presentation. Exalted Brothers Loder and Lacomte are discussing something, their heads together; Esteemed Brother Hazan is arranging a screen of white silk behind them, and Honored Brother Quiret sits a little apart, looking out across the ballroom and sipping at a cup of coffee. There is a brief flurry of activity as the other discussion chairs come downstairs to join them; brothers completing their breakfasts elsewhere are slowly beginning to fill the room.
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

alhoon wrote::shock: Have I ever taken a week to answer a direct question?
No, no, I wasn't implying that of you specifically. I just figured that everyone gets too busy to post once in a while, that's all. :oops:

For just a moment a shadow of envy crosses Draxton's features. Then it is gone as if it never existed, replaced by the usual polite smile of the merchant.
Peering innocently at the Richemuloise, the bard catches the brief look of jealousy on the aging merchant's face. Jealous of what...?, he wonders in passing. The undue attention paid to 'Brother Crow' by the seniors, perhaps? The fact that the loa entrusted me, not him, with this chance to locate Van Rijn's agent? Something else altogether?

"Hm? No, not waiting for you specifically, I wait for the rest of the brothers to come so we could continue what we left unfinished brother Crow. I hope you will have a pleasant and safe fulfilment of your bargain."
The bard nods in understanding. Beneath his own mask of politeness, an incongruous stab of pity for this wicked old wannabee takes hold of him: it seems the 'old goat' really is trying his best to play the sly, ruthless place-seeker. And the way his efforts keep backfiring upon or disappointing him -- first with 'Curwin' or his no-longer-secret interest in necromancy, perhaps with the Serpent King's "bargain" last night, and now with the Fraternity seniors' disdain -- is almost poignant.

(Not enough pity for him to go easy on the merchant, though. Pitiable or not, this sour old man is still a venomous snake at heart.)

The spy's gray eyes slip from Serd's features for a moment, and look past him to scan the room, as if his own interest in the Richemuloise has already waned. Not quite a blatant snub, but impinging on rudeness, nonetheless.

"Ah, I see. Sorry, they didn't mention any wish to speak to you, Brother," -- So let's see if that leaves you bristling, or if it's something other than their favoritism which you covet, old man...-- "but it could be that they're too rushed at the moment, getting ready for the panel presentation. Perhaps you'll get the chance to speak with one of them, over luncheon...?"

The inquiry seems innocent enough, but beneath his pose of distraction, Crow is all attention.

> Sense motive with a DC 19 for Crow to understand that Draxton is jealous about something. (I know it's easy... I rolled low)
Heh. Crow could beat a 19 in his sleep. :wink: Sense Motive 32, to try to tell if it's the FoS seniors' attention that Draxton envies.

And sorry my PC keeps being rude to Serd, BTW: the bard just seems to enjoy messing with Draxton's ego, no matter what I think about it. :roll:
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by steveflam »

OOC: Sorry I should have mentioned Helmut carries a valise/briefcase with him.

Helmut moves quietly around the ballroom, keeping to himself. "I must remind myself to get the survey and read it" he mutters to himself. Seeing the room beginning to fill up, he choses a seat near the middle of the room, trying to remain inconspicuous.

Placing his briefcase on his lap after he sits, he opens it. Scanning the contents he settles on a notebook, a pen and an inkvial. His eyes pause briefly on a smaller notepad but return to the notebook. Smiling to himself, he removes the three pieces then closes the briefcase. Setting it on the ground between his feet, he then opens the notebook. Dipping the pen in the inkvial, he scribbles a few notes then the date, closing the notebook. He waits patiently for the meeting to commence.
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton smiles taking the barb and nods, as aknowledging Crow's victory.

OOC> With your 32 you get that he wanted you to believe it was that (being snobbed) and your barb makes him think that yes, he fooled you in believing he was sour because he was snobbed.
But still, there is something else he's envious of.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by Pamela »

“Good morning, sir,” Gertrude replied, and as he walked away, an amused smile settled upon her face on the short encounter. “I see that Brother Shou is his usual merry self,” she said to her companions before returning to the general conversation.

When some of the brothers begin to enter the ballroom, she deemed it appropriate to take her own place without seeming either pathetic or too eager. She wondered whether Crow was going to be accompanying Dirac just yet, and assumed that he would most likely take a seat at the back of the room. She decided to not chance it, and went there herself, standing at the chair nearest the windows on that side. She gazed at the Brothers on the dais, a finger pressed to her lips, as thumb and middle finger cupped her chin, deep in thought as she studied their preparations. She then seemed to come to herself, and shaking her head wryly, took a seat.

She produced her notepad, but in the meantime began to transcribe the notes from her earlier meeting into the journal for safe-keeping. It’ll be interesting to see how they’re going to represent that night…
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

The bard returns Draxton's nod in kind, and his stiff smile with an amiable one. (An easy thing to feign, in truth. While his budding friendship with Kingsley has begun to wrest Crow from his inner solitude, the Richemuloise's attitudes are more typical of those venal souls his work regularly brings him into contact with. Vile serpent-heart or not, the familiarity of Serd's wickedness comes almost as a comfort to the VRS spy, being so commonplace in the villains he's spent the past decade deceiving.) Nice to know the man isn't as volatile as Buchvold, to accept a taunt rather than be provoked to fury by it, but that does mean the envy Serd is masking must arise from something other than being overlooked by his superiors. Yet another puzzle the bard may look into, in the wildly-unlikely event that he ever finds the time...

Gray eyes drift away from Draxton's again, for one last, quick scan of the hall, and of the Brothers now converging on the ballroom.

"Well, anyway," he remarks, turning back to Serd with a wry half-smile, "if you don't need me, I'll be heading in myself. For once, it wouldn't hurt for me to appear on time for one of these seminars, eh? Best to make a good impression, as my fellow performers say, even if you're seldom good for much else!"

He winks at the merchant -- the saucy, irreverent 'Brother Crow', once again -- and snaps off a jaunty faux-salute, for good measure, before turning on his heel and striding onward to the ballroom.

Still no sign of Dirac, alas; either the young Dementlieuse is tardy, or the bustle of Brethren taking their seats obscures him from the bard's view. Too bad: he'd rather have paired up with the fellow this morning, before Dirac could pick up any rumors about his own absence or the others' temporary incarceration.

Nevertheless, he's pleased to see that Kingsley has anticipated his seating preference, and moves to join her in the ballroom's far back row. A good position for surveillance -- Well chosen, professor! -- and not a bad spot from which to beat a window-bound retreat, either, if trouble should erupt when (if?) Brahmbei makes good on his promise.

Wonder if they'll let this place burn down around their ears also, if these vipers' new nest gets disturbed, like the last one was....
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude had followed the age-old custom of reserving the seat beside her by putting her carpetbag on it. She doubted there would be much need for it, considering her lack of status and status as an oddity, but it was best to be careful.

With the increased traffic, it was difficult to see when Crow entered the room. She looked up every now and then as similar-looking Brothers came close, seemingly lost in thought, before lowering her head to her notes once more. Now and then she rose as another sought to make their way down the row, and would take the opportunity to scan the room.

When he finally did appear, she smiled warmly before standing and reaching for her bag, placing it on her own seat. “Forgive me for presuming; I wasn’t sure how long you would be detained, or whether your friend would have time to meet you in the meantime,” she said, keeping her sentences purposely vague in case there were any eavesdroppers. She wryly remarked, “Fortunately there wasn’t much of a rush to be my seat-mate.” As she spoke, she slipped the notepad into her case, which she then fit under her chair.

Smiling apologetically as she sat once more, she remarked, “Please forgive my selfishness in claiming this seat for myself; I must confess that I would like a good view of the outdoors while I can before the return to Zherisia. It has admittedly been as rainy, but at least it is much more verdant here.”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Quiret appears to be scanning the audience for someone or something; after a moment he nods to himself, then, resting his chin on his hand, begins to write. Behind him Hazan has completed his preparations, and the missing panel members are making their way to the dais to take their seats. Loder and Lacomte conclude their conversation, and Lacomte make a "you-go-first" motion to Loder.

After all of the panel members have seated themselves, Loder raises a small gavel and raps it on a slider provided for the purposes. "Brothers, come to order!" he says. "Order, please. Very good. This morning's panel discussion will review and analyze the events of last October at Ste. Ronges. Brother Hazan, you have the floor."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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