[Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 11 03/03/21

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[Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 11 03/03/21

Post by Starscream »

Hello All,
after one year and half of planning, writing and discussions with the potential players, and after a good 1/5 of campaign is clear in my mind... my campaign has begun!

we (I am doing the DM/player) have played only the intro (the players, who didn't know nothing about Ravenloft, started outside of it), but they like it very much and I am proud of it :)

since English is not my primary language I could need a bit of time to write it properly but I would like to use this post as a journal of my campaign

ps: I have to thank both Gonzoron and Joel, my campaign is an indirect tribute to theirs, because it was reading their awesome journals that I decided to plan a Ravenloft campaign. so thank you very much!

01/26/2021: ADDED CHAPTER 11, the party is inside a ghost town :)
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Awesome, can't wait to hear more about it! Good luck!
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by DustBunny »

Tell us more!

Not where the campaign is going (thats for the PC to experience first of course), but more of the setting (eg: Pre/post Conjunction, Pre/post Necropolis, etc) and general intro - the're outsiders. Where did they pop into RL and what trouble did they stir up in the intro?
Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back they had written, "Wish you were here."
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Enjoy the ride and do not hesitate to ask your players about what they like dislike in your campaign. Thanks for the praise.
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Starscream »

thank you Joel, thank you Gonzoron

DustBunny wrote:Tell us more!

Not where the campaign is going (thats for the PC to experience first of course), but more of the setting (eg: Pre/post Conjunction, Pre/post Necropolis, etc) and general intro - the're outsiders. Where did they pop into RL and what trouble did they stir up in the intro?
thanks for the reply!
I am finishing to translate my notes about the intro, but I can give some preliminary informations

I set the campaign somewhat in the current 3.x year, but I did some retcon in the past.
the grand conjunction have a bit different results, since I dislike the shadow rift, so i made it a sort of Underdark with the shadow fey who have Drow as neighbors and enemies and obviously the tepestan, since the shadow fey and the Drow have interest in the land above (I have to think more about these arguments, it is still a draft)

next topic is "so what you put in place of the rift?" and my answer came thanks to quoth the raven, because I like the ustalav gazeteer and since I am new to pathfinder (always a fan of 3.x) I have found what precious material I was skipping. so i put ustalav over the rift and voilà!

last big change is about necropolis, I dislike it more than the rift, so in my campaign no requiem is happened and il aluk is still here!

my players are outsiders, so i can introduce them to ravenloft slowly. they begin in souragne because I want to run night of the living dead as their first adventure (I have removed the hyskosa prophecy and put some minor one)

in the next weekend I should be able to write the intro and a description of the characters :)
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Starscream »

Hi all,
I am late, but I have finally found some time, so I will start the journal with a a bit of background of the place from where the players come and who they are, and the players' description

They come from the Kingdom of Necera, a quite typical fantasy kingdom, where many races can be found.
The king, Antien III, it was a severe but fair king. He had sanctioned and controlled magic, through an organization called the Inquisition. Occultist and dark magic users were hunted, judged and condemned by the inquisitors.
The king had many generals and counselors, of them Berhard Gill Edon was the most valuable to the king, but in secret Berhard was an occultist, who corrupted some of the general, killed the king and proclaimed himself the new king.
Obviously a rebellion started. The Inquisition broke in two branch, one loyal to the dead king and one to the new.
The players (3 out of 4) were loyal to the dead king (the fourth player remained neutral).
To be brief, at the end, a band of heroes entered the capital to stop an occult ritual that Berhard was trying to launch. The capital was totally destroyed by a magic explosion, miles of countryside around the city became fields of ash, Berhard and the heroes left for dead.
All the players arrived to the capital to mourn some losses, who had died in the explosion.
Then, in the aftermath, while the kingdom started to rabult itself, the three players who remained loyal to the old king were chosen for a simple quest:
to go to a swamp, where a seer lived. Tales spreaded after the end of the war said that she had prophesied 3 years ago the explosion which destroyed the capital.
at that time no one believed her, but now..
The fourth player had dreams of the seer and her location, and felt an urge to see her

and now the players!

Agatha Mather (my wife's character) (Human Inquisitor (my little variant) LM): I used the pathfinder inquisitior, but i cut some powers and replaced them with a little version of the animal companion of the druid. Why? Because my wife wanted to play a sort of Mozgus, the inquisitor from the manga Berserk. He has a party of freak homunculus and so she wanted at least one.
background: she is a young inquisitor, trained to hunt and exterminate evil (by her judgment) and not sanctioned witchcraft. Her freak servitor is called Aigor

Ruben Van Laar (my character) (Human Gunslinger (my little variant) LM): I used the pathfinder inquisitor, cutting and past from other gunslinger class found on the web. tribute to Duffy, the character of Gonzoron party of players :)
background: the arm of the Inquisition, Ruben was trained to be a loyal hunter, a sort of Judge Dredd. No mercy, no questions, only the Inquisition law.

Cordelia Lòlindir (my wife's sister's character) (elf female pathfinder cleric CN): elven priestess who lived in an ancient elven kingdom of Necera, the elves allied themselves with the rebellion, disliking the occult studies Berhard has followed, and someone whispered he also robbed some ancient elven ruins for artifacts to use in that catastrophic ritual.
background: Cordelia was an ambassador for the elves in the aftermath of the war. she was a strong willed priestess, a capable healer even if a bit subjected to her mood

Nix (my wife's sister's boyfriend's character) (eberron changeling alchemist (anorther my little variant) N): we take the alchemist and remove the extract and mutagen rules (we didn't like them) and put some of the pathfinder bardic perfomance, since he wanted to have a sort of far west potion seller, an alchemist with fast tongue :D
background: neutral during the war, he preferred to travel the troubled kingdom selling "miracle potions" and disappearing when the buyer discovered the potion were a false one. Intrigued by bombs, who he like to use, he took the mantle and the life of his mentor, an alchemist who passed away by age (an old alchemist is his favorite appearance).

next time i will post the first real journal: Chapter 0: At the seer's Hut
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Epically »

Be careful with running your own party NPC.
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Joël of the FoS »

I'm also intrigued that you DM and have a PC in the campaign.

How do you plan to play this PC? Will he be mostly mute? a "hint giver"?

How do you see interactions between NPCs and the players, if you have a PC and the NPCs to act?
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins!

Post by Starscream »

Epically wrote:Be careful with running your own party NPC.
Joël of the FoS wrote:I'm also intrigued that you DM and have a PC in the campaign.

How do you plan to play this PC? Will he be mostly mute? a "hint giver"?

How do you see interactions between NPCs and the players, if you have a PC and the NPCs to act?
It is not a problem, since I am used to be both DM and player at the same time.
I have never had many players, so using a character was mandatory most of the times.
I've ran also a Forgotten Realms campaign with my wife and her sister (single at that time), so I had to used two players to make a 4 players party.
It went good, because both of them are good players, who plays well and I have never had to use my "characters" to help in a metagame way.
So I am confident also in this campaign my Ruben can be true to himself without ruining anything.

and now, the journal (and please forgive my errors)

Chapter 0 - At the seer's hut

Agatha, Ruben and Cordelia arrived to the place where the seer was supposed to live. They were expecting some strange building, but they have been surprised by a simple hut, builded in a little zone of dry earth. Three steps leaded to the door.
On a order by Agatha, Ruben knock at the door two times and a quiet voice announced, "Please, come in"
The three entered the hut, finding a very old woman sitting in a chair quite in the middle of the room, and an old men sitting on a chair not far from the
woman. The men looked strangely at the newcomer and a uncertain look appeared on his face when he saw the Inquisition's symbol on Ruben and Agatha dresses.
As the manners dictate, Ruben take a step further.
"Here is Agatha Mather, inquisitore of the great Inquisition of Necera. And Cordelia Lòlindir, elven priestess on duty for the realm of Ail Aethel."
"I know" the seer made a smile, "and you are a bit late. But not too late."
Agatha ignored the seer and ordered Ruben to interrogate and search the old man. And then to seatch the hutt.
Ruben questions the old men who claimed to be an innocent potion seller with regular license and that he came to the seer out of curiosity. Ruben then found a little object, which was identified as a smoke bomb. And Agatha started to be suspicious about the old men.
The search in the hut was unsuccessful, Ruben only found a bone runes, with a dim magic faint, like they were unused by much time.
The seer started to talk about the motivation for them to come here, but before someone could talk, she continued
"I will die today, by accident. No one of you could avoid this. Then, your life will change"
Thinking that a potiont could help, the old men offered a vial with a blue liquid (potion of light wounds) to the seer, that took it with a smile.
"It can do nothing, but I appreciate your kind gesture. Take these runes on the table. I am sure they will be useful to you" she said
The old men took the bone runes and, while Agatha (or Cordelia, I don't remember) started to talk, without knocking, a young boy (17 yo according to a later spot check made by the group) ran inside, closed the door and then look to the group...and the seer. he met the green eyes of the seer and, after a blink of confusion, he nods and went near her.
Few minutes later, three men open wildly the door, while another three men remained outside.
"The boy" said one of three men inside, "give him to us and nobody will hurt himself"
Then another men saw the Inquisition symbols and shivered.
"Boss, there are the Inquisition in here" screamed.
From outside a strong voice answered, "How much?"
"Two, and a elven girl"
"And we are six. I am arriving and we cut some inquisitor's head off. A bonus to add with that precious globe."
At those words, the party found that the boy as a golden globe in a hand, no bigger than an apple. His hand firmly tightened around it.
The old men tried to explain to the boy that the globe it would be safer in his hands and (great bluff roll of dice) the boy was almost able to give the globe to him, but suddenly the hand closed again on the globe and firmly around it. The old men was surprised.
The fight began. The raider boss goes towards Agatha, one of the three men inside attacked Ruben, one another went towards Cordelia, who was near the boy. And the third, ignoring the seer and the old men, went directly towards the boy.
Agatha was able to defeat quite easily the raider boss (very high rolls of her against my bad luck), Ruben defeat the bandit, while Cordelia was injured by her enemy, but saved by the old men, who changed his face in a pale white face, saying same creepy words. The shock (I treated this events like a fear test for the two bandit who are nearest, the boy and Cordelia) made the boy fleeing through a window out in the swamp, Cordelia resisted the shock, knowing the old men was something more than who tried to make others thinking, and one of the raiders frozen in shock. The other is simply fearful and took some steps backwards, finisching against the seer. Panicked, the raiders stabbed the seer with the sword.
Meanwhile the two raiders started to run towards the boy in the swamp, and Cordelia jumped out of the window with the intention of saving the poor boy.
Agatha and the strange men followed her, while Ruben offered themself to finish the two raiders in the hutt (one was full healed but the other were injured during the fight with Cordelia).
Cordelia used Command to a raider, ordering him to sleep. Then while the second raider stabbed the boy (Cordelia didn't see how critical was the hit), she ran against him, thowing him to the ground and starting a grapple test (I ran that in a atypical way, to entertain the players. A series of rolls of d6 between me and Cordelia players, the first to obtain three wins in a row, it wins the grapple). She won and hitted hard the raider, then she put herself between the two raiders (the second recovered from the spell) and the boy.
Inside, Ruben killed the raiders and then tried to help the seer, but he found her not only dead, but in a sort of mummified state, like she were dead much before. A bit surprised, he went outside to reach the others.
Once together, the two raiders regrouped a few meters away from the party, who instead try to help the boy...but he was dead. And the globe slipped away from his dead hand.
Cordelia took a cloth, fearing the nature of the object because before the boy have ran outside the hutt, she also tried to convince him to give her the globe, with same result of the "old men", so she though it were some kind of magic object.
After that, a strange mist appeared, engulfing the party, the boy's corpse and the two raiders. When the mist disappeared, the hutt was disappeared too!
And the swamp seemed strange and different from before. Behind the raiders a trunk is moving by the light flowing of the swamp water...

and so it has finished the intro (and like you have already got it, the strange mist delivered the party from Necera to Ravenloft. The characters has yet to begin to know that they are very far from home. My wife and friends are believing the hutt was magical and so it disappeared by some strange witchcraft)
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins! UPDATE:Chapter

Post by Starscream »

Here I am again.
I was on holiday and I wanted to invite my wife's sister and her boyfriend to stay at our home for three days so we could see eachother (we live in different and not near cities). The first thing the three have said was "can we play the Ravenloft campaing?"
I was very happy by that so two out of three days were passing at playing the campaign for all the afternoon :)

and so, this is the first part of the journal of this long session:

Chapter 1 – where the hell are we?

We have left the group in the swamp, after a strange mist have rised and then disappeared.
The two bandits are perplexed like them and fail to notice the trunk, a crocodile which snatches one of the bandits while the other flees screaming.
Ruben decides to follow the bandit while the others prepare to fight the crocodile.
An easy task (I don’t want to much stress over the players at this moment, since this was only a way to dispatch the bandits).

Ruben return saying that in THAT way better don’t go, since the bandit has been strangled by a strange plant.
They take a while to interrogate the old man who reveals to be a changeling alchemist. They accept his motivations to be at the seer’s hut (he made dreams of that hut) and start to move in the swamp, searching for the seer’s hut, but find instead a palafitte, builded at least ten meters over the swamp.
Ruben, Nix (the alchemist) and Cordelia climb the ladder, while Agatha remain at ground level as a backup.
Nix is the first to reach the palafitte and look into it, seeing a boy sitting on the floor, with white candles everywhere. The alchemist try the door, which is open, and enter the room, covered by the gunslinger’s gun.
The boy was murmuring something with soft voice and seem to have not noticed the group. Agatha follow the group and start to look the room. There is only one room, with a simple bed, some furnitures and a table with foods.
Listening with attention, the group can understand what the boy are saying: the sleep of the dead will be restless.
Nix try to speak with the boy and after a bit of time, they undestand the boy has a weak mind, probably due to a strong trauma.
Nix undestand something, like his name, Luc, and the fact that he consider the group like friends.
The group rest in the palafitte and on the morning they spot some smoke over the trees, and think there is a village nearby (strange, since they remember the seer’s hut wasn’t near to any village).
Luc seem to want to follow them and they agree.

In the village they follow the main road to the main square and see near a temple not far from them a funeral procession. Agatha spot that the coffin is moving, like the dead is not so dead. Halting the procession and presenting herself as an inquisitor (the villagers look her like they haven’t understood) and pretending an explanation.
the priest, who presenting himself as Brecian, explain quickly that the village is encountering some troubles and that he will detail them after the finish of the procession.
Ruben ask which kind of undead there is in the coffin and Brecian say “it is, was, Jeremiah, one the plantation’s worker. Now it is a zombie but I can’t defeat it so I want to sigil him in a crypt in the cemetery and then ask for help from Port d’Elhour”
Agatha and Cordelia offer to help him with “Jeremiah” and the priest accept with relief.
The group follow the procession and help putting the coffin in the crypt. When the villagers are gone, they, together with Brecian, dispatched the undead, now truly dead.
Brecian then talk to the party about Luc and why he was at the palafitte. The boy has been found in this state (Brecian inderectly confirm the party that Luc became weak of mind) some days ago and nobody couldn’t explain how.
Usually he is always with his older brothers, Jean and Marcel, but actually Brecian think the two are gone to Port d’Elhour and Luc has remained with the servant at the Tarascon mansion near the plantation.
Since the boy doesn’t want to go to the plantation, nor to stay in the village (he has tried to flee the village), Brecian try to keep him in the old palafitte near the village and this solution worked.
Brecian bring the party to the tavern (Nix before the inn has gone to the general store to buy a new weapon and to offer his alchemical services to the shop owner) where many villagers cheers the group as local heroes and while eating the priest tell about the recent problems.
The death of Francois in this same inn two days ago, two workers transformed into zombie almost a week ago, and some villagers who have disappeared.
The group smell trouble, but since they doesn’t know where they are, they agree to help the village in exchange of help in return.
Brecian accept and answer to some weird questions (like “what’s the name of the village?” “where is this village?” “Souragne? A island? Are you sure?” “What are the year?” and so on)
The group quickly understand they aren’t in Necera anymore, since Necera wasn’t an island. Perplexed but firmed to solve a problem at the time, they promise the innkeeper to take a look in the new cemetery to confirm there aren’t zombie anymore (since the zombie of the two workers fled the village and nobody have seen them).

They also talk with Katha, the waitress, and find that she was in the kitchen the day Francois died, and that she smelled a rotten meat smell that revolted her stomach. She hasn’t been the only one to smell it and point to Flora, an old woman.
Since the day is almost over, the group decide to visit the cemetery the day after and to interrogate this Flora, to know more about this “rotten meat smell”, since they think there was a zombie near the inn.
The group is also worried about Luc and convince him to stay with Brecian at the temple and ask the man when exactly the brothers live. So they know also the location of the city hous of the Tarascon family and decide to pay a visit to it, sharing the fear the two brothers could be in the missing list.
Since Brecian didn’t think about that (neither the DM), he give the permission to break in the house searching for clues, while he will go to the constable Gremin to explain the situation.
The group split in two, Nix will go to the old woman (Nix actually has the appearance of an old man), whil Ruben, Cordelia and Agatha will go to the Tarascon city house.
Before leaving the inn, Nix tried again to talk with Luc and he obtained that Luc now murmured two phrase. The new was in five times the rain will fall.

Exiting the inn, the group notice that a storm is coming and that in less than three days it will rain. They thin it is a ill omen.

As you see, the plot is loosely taken by the Night of the Living Dead adventure but with some adaptations:
1) I don't use the Hyskosa prophecy and I put an alternate prophecy
2) there weren't the Vistani at the beginning, since I don't want they recognize the boy from chapter 0 as a Vistani so soon and after all, if Hyskosa doesn't matter anymore, so do the Vistani
3) a little spoiler: Marcel became a Zombie Lord after meeting and befriending a stranger, who presented himself as "The Gentlemen" (add Caller if you want :D ). More will be clear in future chapters
thank you for reading :)
Last edited by Starscream on Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign]... and so it begins! UPDATE:Chapter

Post by Starscream »

Sorry for the delay, but work has taken an heavy toll on my free time.

Let's continue the August long session, we have left the party splitting up to discover many more infos on what are those troubles the villagers are facing. Villagers are more than happy to left the search to the player, the innkeeper offered them foods and a room for free and the general shop owen promised discounts.

Chapter 2 - Helping the villagers

Nix went to the old woman named Flora, to ask her about the strange smell she and Katha the waitress have smelled.
Finding the little house were easy, obtaining the attention of the old woman not. She had closed every window and door and seemed that she didn't want to talk to anyone.
Nix, thanks to the old men appearance and a great oratory, won the trust of the woman, who opened the door and talked much to him. He found more about the smell (a smell like rotten meat and she surely thought it came from outside the inn) and that in the missing list there was also her daughter, Theresa.
Nix promised her to search for her daughter and the old woman thanked him before closing the door and starting to cry.
Meanwhile the other three of the group reached the Tarascon house in the city. It were closed and seemed abandoned. Since Brucian has allowed them any means to enter the house, Ruben crushed a window and let Cordelia and Agatha enter.
The house was clean, but clearly empty. They started to search the ground floor, finding an hall with some sofa, a fireplace and a painting.
They looked the painting and the three figures were similar to the little painting they had found with Luc in the swamp hutt. But in this they looked younger. They explored all the ground floor, without finding any interesting clue. So they went on the first (and last) floor.
On the first floor, after an unsuccessful search of many rooms, the finally found in the studio a hidden panel behind a portrait. They opened it and found a black cape and cloack, a little knife and some red licorice. (DM note: my players have begun mad on that licorice and started to ask everyone about it).
Puzzled by this founding, they resolved to wait for Nix at the inn and planning the next move.
At the front of the inn they found Nix. The two group shared the various discovering and, since it was mid afternoon they decided to wait in the inn and talk with the villagers to make an idea of the events.
They talked with Jean-Pierre d'Lute (DM NOTE: I have changed the name since Duncan is not souragnan to me), a business man who arrived from Port d'Elhour and who talked (much) about his travels to sell provisions and other stuffs. He said he worked for the Boritsi Trading Company of Borca (an invention to begin to introduce name and place to the player) and that if they wanted to leave Souragne, the best way is by sea from Port d'Elhour.
Tired for the long day and the fact they were in strange and dangerous land, they resolved to take a good rest (setting turns of guard) and to wait breakfast for a more clear plan of action.
The night went well, without events. But while they had breakfast the next morning, the innkeeper, Jerald, come to them asking if they had seen Josephine, one of the waitress. She hadn't arrived yet this morning and since she lived near the inn, this fact was making Jerald worried.
The group calmed the poor innkeeper and decided to go to Josephine's house to check. While they were walking, they found Gremin, the constable, running from a little road between the houses.
Shaken and full of fear, he stumbled against the group and thanking Ezra, he said there was an omicide. He told he was walking toward the inn, when a strong wind's blow made his hat flying in the little road. When he entered it to retrieve his hat, he found a blood pool in the middle of the road and he run afraid from that.
The group, with a still shaken Gremin, entered the little road and found that pool. Nix with an alchemy check confirmed it was blood and found some strange things in the middle of the poll which, after they were washed, were recognized as red licorice!
No body were found and the blood pool seemed having a little trail toward the beginning of the road. The killer seemed to have taken the body on his shoulder to run away. But why?
Puzzled, the group and the constable went to Josephine's house to talk with her mother, who said she hadn't seen her daughter from yesterday, since she didn't wait her awake the evening.
The constable's nerve broke off and told the mother about her daughter, making her starting to scream and almost fainting off.
Nix helped her, while Agatha made the constable reminding his dignity and role. And sent Ruben to check for the father, Leopold, the shop owner.
With the husband nerar, the woman calmed herself, while the group tried to explain that yes, Josephine was disappeared, but that there wasn't any prove of her death.
Leaving the trio, the group returned to the inn to tell the news to Jerold.
Cordelia showed to Jean-Pierre the red licorice and the merchant told it is one of his merchandises. Red licorice from Borca, he used to gift some to his customers, using the villagers of Marais d'Tarascon as tests for a wide selling in Souragne. He said that about the 90% of the villagers had some samples of it, disappointing Cordelia. The red licorice was a clue, but useless.
Since it was almost midday, the group decide to check the cemetery after lunch and dedicated the time before lunch to check the village about the red licorice, to make sure who had it and who hadn't.
At lunch they were disappointed. Every young of Marais probably had the licorice. The founding of Tarascon house puzzled them, since it seemed a good killer's outfit, but if they had that outfit, that meant the killer used another the night before. They started to think that Jean and Marcel could have some hidden secret, so they went to the church to check for Luc and try to speak again with him.
They found the boy sitting on a chair outside the church and speaking a new phrase, the third, never heard before: the time will come.
Nix tried every trick to make him speaking, but the boy firmly repeated only the two phrases of what the group started to think was a prophecy.
They talked to Brucian and the cleric was worried about the fate of Josephine, and asked the group to do everything they could to help the village.
So the group moved toward the new cemetery, ready to explore it. First, they check the crypt with Jeremiah, finding him still dead as the left him.
Then they start exploring the new cemetery, but except some trails towards the old cemetery, which never ended there, they found nothing strange or out of place.
Ruben climbed the wall of the old cemetery, but from the top of wall he saw only old crypts and tombs and noone in the group felt the need to check inside, specially with the dark incoming.
They put an alarm spell on the old cemetery's gate and returned to the inn for dinner. They decided to do another check of the new cemetery in the morning and then go to the Tarascon mansion in the plantations, to check there for traces of the missing brothers.
Returning to the inn, they listened more thunders and saw some lightings. The rain was always nearer.

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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 3 08/12

Post by Starscream »

Chapter 3 – The Mystery of Tarascon Mansion

The group woke up quite early, since they want to use the day to bring forward their investigations.
In the common hall they found some villagers and Jean-Pierre having breakfast and they joined them.
While eating, the group noticed a strange smell, prickly and similar to rotten meat. Then Jean-Pierre begun to feel sick and fell on the ground. Remembering the history of Katha and the old Flora about the smell, Agatha took Ruben and run outside, sure to find the culprit. Meanwhile Cordelia and Nix tried to help the poor Jean-Pierre.
Agatha and Ruben didn't find anyone near the inn, but the gunslinger noticed some strange ichor on the road and with Agatha decided to bring the changeling, who surely had something to collect and then examine that. A scream suddenly took their attention... and it came from inside the inn!
Rushing inside, the two saw Jean-Pierre standing on his foot, but cleary something was wrong, and seeing Nix and Cordelia with the weapons in the hands confirmed the suspiction: Jean-Pierre is a zombie.
"Let's take him unhurt!" said Cordelia, to the shock of the two members of the inquisition.
"What? Are you crazy?" replied Ruben.
"It was Jean-Pierre. We can study and maybe understanding what caused him that." replied the elven cleric.
"Dead is better for studying, isn't it?" continued Ruben.
"It is not his fault." insisted Cordelia.
Meanwhile the zombie advanced and Nix, following Cordelia's request tried to block him with some furnitures, to have time to take the rope.
The four heroes managed to subdue and tie the zombie with some ropes (DM note: ok, maybe here I have helped them a bit, but the idea was so funny I didn't want to ruin it with rules.)
The villagers were half happy half worried of this choice, but accepted it. The group bring with a bit of difficulties the Jean-Pierre zombie in the crypt with the Jeremiah one and sealed it for further study. While doing that, Nix retrieved a bit of ichor with an empty vial after Ruben showed him the pool in the road.
Being at the cemetery, the four went to see the old gate and, even if the spell was expired, no one had used the gate.
The culprit should come from somewhere else.
They returned to the inn, and they found Brecian and Luc. Luc was murmuring the fourth phrase of this strange prophecy: and the Night of the Living Dead will come.
Everyone in the group looked the others with a bit of concern.
To make the thing worse, it seemed that the blacksmith's apprentice has disappeared. No one had seen him since yesterday evening.
The group begin to worry seriously about this prophecy and Corderlia begun to trace the name and date of everyone who was disappeared or dead.
With that work they understood that the Tarascon's brothers' "trip" for business was suspiciously near the beginning of all the troubles and they resolved to go immediately to the Tarascon mansion in the plantations. If the two brothers have something hidden as they were thinking, it would be better to find it as soon as possible.
While walking to the plantations they saw some workers who greetings them (they were some of the villagers the party saw during those days).
The mansion looked empty and even when they looked from the window they couldn't see nothing.
Nox opened the door and the four entered in the mansion. A long corridor started in front of them, with rooms on both side and a stair on the middle. (DM note: I have written the planimetry of the mansion by myself, to give the players more rooms to search).
They explored all the left part of the ground floor, until they started to hear noises from somewhere in the right part. Following the noises they arrived in the kitchen, and searching a frozen cellar they found some strange meat (Nix noticed it was human) and the bloody apron that looked like a blacksmithing's one.
Feared for the apprentice, they sneaked near the door that bring to the servant's dining room and spied through the hole. They sew one figure, sitting on a chair, but nothing more. The noises were someone who are eating and moving plates. No speaking was heared.
Since the kitchen was little, they took another way to go to the servant's dining room. Then they organized a trap to see if they were alive or dead. They put in action a carillon, just behind the door, thinking that if they were human they would go to see what had caused the noise.
But no one moved. So, making a new plan, Ruben opened the door, gun in hand, followed by Agatha and Cordelia. Nix closed the group.
They found four people, with servant's dress, sitting at a table, on which there was some meat and what it looked a eaten human torso.
The people were ghouls!
After a horror check, which caused Cordelia and Nix to frozen in fear, the ghouls moved to attack, while Ruben and Agatha started to attack too.
Ruben and Agatha killed one, while another attacked and near killed Nix, who was paralyzed by ghoul attack.
Cordelia asked for her divine power (DM note: Cordela hasn't a god, but she believe in the power of good and healing) and attack a ghoul, missing him the first time, but not the second one. (DM note: she used the feat Channel Smite)
The four ghoul were dispatched and Cordelia could heal Nix.
The group then continued to explore the mansion, taking the stairs and going on the first floor. They found the various brother's bedroom and in the one of Marcel they found his diary.
They read the recent entries and found that a man had arrived a few days before the start of the troubles and that he became very friendly with Jean and Marcel.
Marcel wrote that he didn't know the name of the man, and that he presented himself as the Gentleman. In the diary Marcel was at first puzzled by not knowing the name, but as the group continued to read, Marcel became more enrupted by the man, who spoke about power and a sort of ritual enclosed in a scroll he gifted the two brothers.
The group had found some occult text in the house, but they were simple books and not a great danger. But this Gentleman knew of this passion and came to make them stepping to another level.
The diary ends with Marcel who had written in a maddened way the prophecy on the diary. The group recognized the four phrases, even if Marcel had written them badly. There wasn't any other phrase, so the group thought that, whatever this prophecy told about, this "Night of the Living Dead", should be near.
They found also mention of the old cemetery, and so they think the next day a visit to it should be necessary. The only thing clear was that Luc should had read the prophecy or the ritual spell and somewhat become in such poor conditions.
After having finished to search the rooms. the group returned to the inn, to eat and think about recent developments. The day is almost over and they while ordering the dinner, realized that according to villagers' words, tomorrow will be the fifth day since the weather started promising rain. So, tomorrow they will see if the prophecy is true.

And this is the end of the three days of gaming. I am sorry for being so slow in writing, but I can say that, probably in two weeks, we can continue the campaign and I promise to be more ready to report it :P
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 3 08/12

Post by Starscream »

The last weekend we could play again and we have finally ended the first adventure, that I used to make my players confortable with the setting and atmosphere
So...let's start!

Chapter 4 – The Prophecy Cames True

We have left the party in the Tarascon mansion, after the fight with ghouls and the finding of Marcel's diary.
They have deciced to return at the inn, to plan the next move.
When they have exited the mansion and started to follow the road to the village, they heard a scream from the plantations. A woman's scream.
Thinking of another assault, the party started to run towards the scream.
Turning an angle,they saw a silhoutte with a black cape and a knife over a woman who has fallen on the ground.
Ruben tried to shot at the figure, hitting his shoulder. Agatha and Nix instead continued to run. The man with the cape flew in the plantations, trying to hide between the grain.
Nix and Agatha continue to follow him, while Cordelia stopped to help the woman, with the help of Ruben as a protector.
Agatha casted Expeditious Retreat to speed up herself but she lost sight of him in the grain field and, seesing a shadow near her, she charged it.
Nix saw the scene and follow Agatha, only to see a woman rising on her feet, seemingly uninjured by the attack of the inquisitor. Nothing surprisingly, she was a zombie.
Meanwhile Cordelia healed the woman, discovering she was Lillin, the daughter of the innkeeper. She was shocked and couldn't answer the questions Cordelia tried to ask.
Ruben heard a noise and moved to check it, gun at hand. Anohter zombie, a man with worker's outfit was moving towards them.
The splitted party started their fight, easily dispatching the treat, but they could not find any trace of the mysterious assassin. They were still happy to have saved Lillin.
She explained that she were going to call the workers, since the dinner was ready at the inn. But she heard a sound and, recklessy, she followed it, finding that man who attacked her.
She didn't see the face and the man didn't speak, so no clues for the party about his identity.
They bringed Lillin to the inn, and Jerold and Henrietta thanked with fervor the party for their help.
The party had dinner thinking about what move was the better, resolving that maybe Luc could have a reaction seeing the diary. They so decided to bring it tomorrow at the church.
While eating, Katha approached them with a request. She had to go to the home of Robèrt, an old villager who has gotten ill and live near the end of the village.
Katha had the task to bring him the meal, but since the Lillin's incident, she has fear of going alone at late hour. Agatha offered the party help, proposing to bring the poor man at the inn, the better choice to preserve his health and the security of the meal dealer.
Katha then adviced them to go to ask the cart of Jordi the blacksmith. The heroes nodded, since they anyways had to go to him to bring the bad news about his apprentice.
After the dinner they went to Jordi, and gave him the bloody apron of his apprentice. Jordi closed his eyes, with tears, then grimly asked if they needed anything else. The party explained their task and Jordi agreeded to lend them the cart. Then he closed himself in his loss and leave alone the group.
They prepared the cart with some blankets and a pillow Katha gave them. Agatha would lead the cart, with Cordelia on it. Nix and Ruben would flanked the cart, to avoid surprises.
The trip was easy, until they were almost arrived. A crossbow's arrow hitted Cordelia's shoulder, making the cart stop. They saw a shadow near a house that was trying to reload the crossbow. Nix started to run, while Ruben tried to shot him, hitting.
Also Cordelia tried to attack him. She took his light crossbow and hitted the man with a precise shot.
The man drank from a vial, while from the cart Agatha casted Detect Magic, fearing some danger, but discoveing that there are only two magic auras, one on her person, her sword, and one on the mysterious man.
Nix tried to grapple him, but fell on the ground with him. The man was faster to his feet, and avoid a new shot from Ruben, who was running to help the alchemist.
Cordelia tried again with the crossbow, but missed. The man stabbed Nix and the alchemist hitted him in return. Ruben tried to grapple him, but the man was able to dive and make the gunslinger fell some meters beyond him.
Distracted by Ruben, the man didn't see Nix who hitted him again, killing him.
Agatha and Cordelia reached them and after a while also Brucian and two villagers, attracted by the noises. Brucian were going to Robèrt to see his conditions. They explained what happened and checking the man they found out he was Jean Tarascon. Not an undead, but with a face distorted by madness.
Brucian asked the villagers to go to take Robèert and bring him to the inn. Ruben offered himself as a protector. They put the Jean's corpse on the cart. Brucian, Agatha, Nix and Cordelia went to the him, and start talking about the implications of the recent news.
Ruben returned after bringing Jean's corpse in the crypt with Jeremiah and Jean-Pierre zombie.
They showed the diary to Brucian. who couldn't confirm it was Marcel's, because it had no signature and the two brothers had a similar calligraphy. They wanted to show it to Luc, hoping in some reactions, and Brucian agreed, then left for the night.
In the inn the death of Jean spreaded and the villagers were ready to accuse him of everything. They were so happy with the party. But the group had still bad premonitions.
On the morning, a full rested party went to Brucian and showed the diary to Luc. The boy started to cry, specially after the party tried to move him with news of his brother's death. Something seemed to work, but he boy didn't speak, only murmuring Jean's name.
The party wanted to go to the old cemetery, to check it (DM notes: I had to stopped them, since I didn't want they reach the Tarascon crypt so early), but Bruican tried to stop them (DM notes: I made the party thinking Brucian was hiding something, so they looked suspiciously to him for the rest of the session). They so went to the new cemetery, wanting to discover something about the zombie's plague. Agatha and Ruben did an autopsy to Jean-Pierre zombie, with the help of Nix who distilled a reagent for them to use to find some nocive substances in the stomach or lungs. But they found nothing.
They then checked Jean's corpse, discovering the trace of a magical heal on the shoulder, the same shoulder Rubern has shotted at the plantations. Jean was the Lillin's aggressor.
Agatha and Cordelia, thinking about their study (DM notes: and Agatha uses his Monster Lore Inquisitor's ability) and they recalled of a monster which can zombify without touching the victims, only with its aura. A Zombie Lord. It could be a powerful monster, but this one should be reborn recently, since its powers are weak, othewise he could be able to turn easily the entire village.
The hour was late and a thick rain has started to fall since midday, so the party resolved to return to the inn. The townsfolk wanted to celebrate the end of their trouble and offered the group the promise of bringing them to Port d'Elhour the next morning.
Brucian came with Luc, who was himself again. He was crying, saying it is all our faults. He told the story of how the Tarascon family was interested in occult from generations, and Jean and Marcel were no exceptions. He told of the Gentleman, who appeared one day, conquering the brother's trust and promising occult knowledge if they were proved worthy. He gave them a scroll with a ritual and adviced them to use it in the Tarascon crypt.
The two went to the old cemetery, using an hidden passage, while Luc follow them moved by curiosity.
In the crypt the brothers read the scroll and an undead was evoked. The undead killed Marcel and then Jean, who had discovered Luc, screamed to him to run away.
The party thought this undead could be the Zombie Lord and resolved to go to the old cemetery to put it to an end.
While they were having dinner, Jordi entered with an hurry in the inn. He had his hammer in hand an a feared look on the face.
"The dead" he said, "the dead are coming to the village from the east"
East, the plantations. The party moved on their feet, while Gremin, the constable, started to press them to help them again. Other villagers took refuge in the inn, the only structure in the village which were protected by stone wall.
Every villager bring a different number of the dead. Twenty, fifty, hundreds.
The group decided to go to check by themselves and they found that only a handful of zombie were marching. Twenty they should be.
They returned to the inn and started to plan the defense. Brucian asked them to go to the cemetery and to stop the monster. Cordelia proposed to use the power to create holy water to transform the pool of water bewteen the inn and the wall, so the inn could be protected even in theri abscence. Brucian agreed and promised to sanctify it, but urged them to go.
The party left Aigor, the servant of Agatha (DM notes: often I forgot in this journal to mention him. Aigor is the companion of Agatha, since I mixed the pathfinder Inquisitor class with the natural companion of the Druid class, since Agatha's player (my wife) wanted to run a Inquisitor with henchman and I liked the idea), at the inn, to protect Luc and to help the villagers, and moved towards the hidden passage, which Luc described them, avoiding a zombie group which were marching.
After they entered the old cemetery, they felt an uneasy sensation, like the air and the rain were heavier than outside. An evil were living there, they were sure of it.
They ignored the other crypts (DM notes: I didn't do anything to make them curious about them. I felt the module too dispersive in the old cemetery, everty crypt had a danger. Too unbelievable to my taste) and moved directly to the Tarascon's one.
When they entered, they found four figures. Two clrearly were zombies, the other two were something else. One of those two spoke to the group, accusing them of Jean's murder: it was Marcel, and it was clear he was the Zombie Lord.
He told what happened after Luc flew. He rised from the dead as a Zombie Lord and his killer, a juju zombie the scroll evoked, bowed to him.
Marcel was studiying his new powers and wanted to build an army of undead to conquer Souragne.
The group felt a bit uneasy, but Nix whispered a single word: "Follow my lead".
(DM notes: here what Nix's player wanted to do: using his alter self power to look demonic and made Marcel believe he was a powerful demon come to Souragne to find new allies. Agatha, Ruben and Cordelia were his minions and Marcel a would-be new allies. Nix would like to convince Marcel to dispatch his three underlings, so to become a lessere treat. Now, Zombie, even the Lord, should be immune to mind influencing spells, but Nix wanted to bluff Marcel. So I had two choices:
1) refused the strategy
2) accepted the strategy
I chose the second, thinking that Marcel is a newborn Zombie Lord, and so inexpert and still too much "human". So I give Nix the nod to try this strategy and well, let's see if it worked
So Nix started his "acting" and with a very good roll of bluff, he convinced Marcel of his identity and Marcel, devoured by occult knowledge desires, ordered the juju zombie to kill the other two minions.
Then Nix try to convince Marcel to dispatch the juju, but Marcel seemed to refuse, sensing something is wrong. Nix succeeded in "this is a test Marcel, an easy one. Kill it and you will be worth my knowledge"
Again Marcel fell to the trick and started fighting the juju, killing it.
Then, thanks to a (finally) good roll, Marcel felt something was wrong and attacked the group. One versus four, even if gave some good hit to Nix and Ruben, the group killed him.
They returned to the village and saw that the zombie army was crumbled, without the power of Marcel to substain them.
The villagers were happy and tributed great honor to the party.
On the next morning, even if no villager could bring them to the port, due to the village to clean, they left to go to Port d'Elhour.
On the way, the Mists rised again, and the strange sphere Cordelia was carrying, the sphere took from the gypsy boy, started to shine.
They had a vision, of their capital, of the king palace in the moment of the final battle between the group of heroes and Berhard Gill Edon, the usurper. The party see the heroes fighting, and Berhard called upon some artifacts, seven in total. One of them was the sphere they had. The heroes did something the group could not understand, then an explosion engulfed the royal room, and the vision ended.
Also the Mists disappeared, leaving the party no more in the swamps of Souragne, but on a country road, in a sunny and clear day. Perplexed, the group started to seek for some point from where understand where they can move, and saw in the distance a city, partially protected by walls.
They decided to go there and try to understand what had happened and, more important, where they were this time.

And this is the end of the introductive adventure. My players liked that so much, specially because they felt the village and villagers as a strange but nice one. They liked the mystery about the two brothers who loved the occult and this strange man called the Gentleman (oh, the will like him less in future eheh)
I am planning the next session, where they started to move in the Core
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 4 11/03

Post by Starscream »

At the beginning of December, we have gathered together because we wanted to go to an international festival in Milan. And so, we have done a three day session :)

Chapter 5 – Mordent

The party, after some minutes of perplexity, decided to move towards the city in front of them. On the way they saw merchants, adventures and common peoplae. Nobody seemed too impress by them.
They noticed, entering from the walled entrance, that the dress customs of this city is a bit strange to them (DM Note: I described Mordent like was a Pride and Prejudice landscape).
They entered the city and follow the main road to a square, wanting to find a inn in which they could ask some questions.
At the center of the square there was a fountain, and behind it, they saw a inn. And a blacksmith near it. (DM Note: I took heavy licenses on Mordent description, because I wanted to make Ravenloft a bit bigger and with more inabitants.)
They entered the inn and took a table, asking the waitress for the day dish. They were cautious, but tried to ask some questions, saying that they were from Souragne and that they had lost the road and they didn't know where they were.
The waitress tell them they were in the city of Mordent, in the Mordentshire's region. They asked for a map, but the inn hadn't one. The waitress pointed them towards the blacksmith. He was an ex adventurer and he was famous for some old maps he had.
The group ate and then went to the blacksmith. A dwart with brown beard who were working a piece of steel in a blade.
The dwarf welcomed them and he looked them a bit before saying "I understand, follow me."
They followed him in the shop, where they asked for a map, telling him the same story they told to the waitress.
He told them his name, Geddar, then started to make some questions about geography and the road thay should have done from Souragne. They obiouvsly hadn't a clue on what he was talking about.
"Don't you know where you are?" he asked and then quickly continued, "don't answer, I know other people like you. I, and others, call you 'Visitors'.
You want to know where you are. There it is."
He showed them a map (DM note: map of the core from the campaign book) and showed them Mordent and Mordentshire.
The party was perplexed for the missing of Souragne, even if there were islands on the map.
Geddar talked about islands and clusters, quoting some name (DM Notes: for future adventures, like Rokushima and Nidala).
They started to trust him, and talked about the golden sphere.
Geddar looked at it and decided it is too much for his knowledge.
"But I know who can help you"
So Geddar pointed them to the herbarl shop of Dr. Van Richten and told them to say it was him to send them. He knews about people like you, he guaranteed them.
They thanked the dwarf and exited the shop.
After some minutes walking, they arrived to the herbal shop.
They entered, finding a shop full of herbal vases. Nix looked at them with curiosity, searching for some herbals he can use with his job as an alchemist.
After a brief time, two girls arrived to greet the new customers.
The group noticed they seem the same person, thinking about twins.
The said what Geddar told them and the girls nodded. One went to close the shop, while the other asked the group to follow here in the studio in the back of the shop.
In the studio, the girls introduced themselves as Gennifer and Laurie Weathermay-Foxgrove, assistants of doctor Van Richten.
They said the doctor was out of town for some business, and that he would return in some days.
They offered them to stay at the Weathermay mansion and, after a bit of concercn (DM Note: my player thought about strangers who wants to hurt them. Soon or later I used that against them eheh) they accepted.
At the Weathermay mansion Gennifer and Laurie told them about knowing of some people that were from other places. One of their friend, and doctor's friend, was Davyyd, a 'visitor' like them.
The twins introduced them to Jules Weathermay, who was very friendly and granted them hospitality and then asked the servants to add more chairs for the dinner. Also Geddar and this Davyyd would be there for dinner.
Geddar and Davyyd arrived and Davyyd expained his story. He was a Lathander clerci from Cormyr and that one day he finished in Mordent. He ended liking the place and forged a bond with Geddar and Van Richten. He actually stayed at the Ezra temple of Mordent, since Ezra was the goddess nearer to Lathander's dogma.
Even if Davyyd was curious about the Morninglord, the god venerated in the region of Barovia. But he hadn't decided yet to go there (DM Note: seed for adventure planted, but not for the near future).
The dinner was good, the group, Geddar, Davyyd shared stories, for the pleasure of the twins and Jules.
After dinner, a boy came with a letter for Van Richter.
The twins read it and look worried. They explained it was a letter from Kjell Lumpenstain, a friend of the doctor.
He had sent a letter with some concerns about strange behavior in his village some days ago and now the letter is more worrying. He asked the doctor to come as soon as possible, because he thought there were something strange at work.
Davyyd explained to the group that Dulcaster was a recently formed village, some Falkovnian refugee took an old abandoned village and the lord of Mordentshire, Jules Weathermay, allowed them to stay. Brief digression about Falkovnia and Vlad Drakov.
Since the doctor is away, Laurie decided to go to Dulcaster and see what was the problem.
Geddar and Davyyd offered help, but Laurie asked the group to help instead, since the two had other problems to manage, while the group had to wait for the doctor, so actually they were free.
The group accepted and, since during the day and the evening Gennifer started to be interested to Nix's alechmist job (and Laurie about Ruben's gun), he promised Nix to let him use the alchemy lab before departing.
The night was quiet and in the morning Gennifer allowed Nix to use the lab (DM Note: with level two, he could take an alchemist discovery, so I let him make some bombs, since I don't use the stupid pathfinder rule that he has to make them while fighting. Too unbelievable for me).
He created some frozen bombs and then the group left for Dulcaster.
On the way they talked to Laurie and she told them a bit about Van Richten and his job. And the guide to fight the evil creatures that roam the lands. And some about the Mists, to explain some odd behaviour the group had faced, like a sort of teleportation from Souragne to Mordentshire.
Dulcaster was almost one day from Mordent andthe group arrived with the fall of dark.
They found a wood worker, who introduced himself as Gyorgi Zagorovich, and he gave them Kjell's house position and where to find a inn.
They left the horses at the inn's stables and entered to bookmark some rooms.
In the inn they met the local bard, Ludwig Vanderleden who was excited to see some new customers, and even adventures!
He questioned the group with too many questions and Agatha thought about some extreame measure to silence him.
Frantisek, the innkeeper, helped the group to avoid the attentions of Ludwig and asking what their business were.
They rent two rooms and said they were here to see a friend, Kjell.
The innkeeper nodded and gave the same indication as Gyorgi.
The group put some equipment in the rooms and then went to Kjell.
His wife, Stella, opened the door and let them in, calling the husband who was on the upper floor.
Kjell came and greeted them, asking what business brought them to Dulcaster.
Laurie told about the letter and Kjell started to apologize because he was worried, but also a fool. Nothing was wrong, only his imagination created some false ideas. Two villagers died recently almost at the same time and he became paranoid, fearing a falkovnian attack. But then he found that the death were naturally and only the timing created false suspicion.
He was very sorry to make them doing a long trip for nothing.
Agatha and Laurie questioned a bit him, while Cordelia, asking for the bathroom, took a look in the house, finding some arcane books, but nothing evil or suspicious. Only some essays about use of magic and magic theorizations.
The group exited the house with a perplexed look. They decide to sleep at the inn and the day after do some investigations. If all would be good, they would return to Mordent.
On the way to the inn they were approached by a mad man, who talked about the end of village, about some man-wolf who were killing and attacking the village, and that only him had seen them.
Leaving the mad man, they arrived at the inn and from Ludwig the discovered the mad man was Rupert, and that he was paranoid, every week he believed that a new menace would destroy the village. Hellish mastiff, bandits, and so on.
The group had dinner then went to their rooms. Nix decided to go outside and go to the cemetery. He wanted to see with his eyes the graves of the two villagers. The others would wait him in the rooms.
Nix went to the cemetery, but nothing seemed wrong. Good graves, well manteined. There were an old cemetery, but it seemed old and untouched.
A bit disappointed, Nix went back to the inn, but on the way Rupert blocked him and repeated the same dialogs about man-wolf.
Then he moved towards his home. Nix changed his face in one of a blind man and knocked to Rupert's door.
The mad man welcomed Nix in and Nix, pretending to believe Rupert's fears, tried to make him talked, believing even in mad man's words truth could be found.
Rupert didn't notice the other was blind but he could tell nothing more. Man wolf is a meanace he believed very firmly.
Even more disappointed, Nix returned to the inn, where Ruben told him that he saw Gyorgi while he was working to a wood statue with the light of a lantern.
The two were perplexed and went to ask advice from Corderlia, Agatha and Laurie. The three girl were perplexed too, but they dismissed the thing with a logical explanation.
"He had forgotten something important and wanted to fix it tonight"
All agreeded to that and the group went to sleep.
On the moring, while having breakfast, they hear a scream and a some noise.
Remembering the trouble in Souragne, they run towards the noise, finding many villagers standing in front of the house of Gyorgi. The wife of the man was crying in the arms of Stella Lumpenstain. And near them there was another woman that the groupo didn't know.
In a few minutes the local law enforcers arrived. The wife told what was happened. She woke up and find her husband Gyorgi dead in the bed.
One of the two law enforcers cursed the priests that didn't want to go out from the temple, then he noticed the group, and Cordelia's holy symbol.
He introduced himself as Franz Slodoski, Sergeant and chief of the local Lamplighter and asked Cordelia if she was a cleric. When she nodded, Franz smiled.
"I need you" he said, "if Gyorgi is dead, I need a cleric to visit him and eventually do an autopsy. I need the death's reason to tell his wife and the citizen. I would ask to the local clerics, but it is some days that they have closed themselves in the temple and let nobody in."
The group accepted (DM Note: the evening before this session we have seen the movie "The Autopsy of Jane Doe", which of the four, only me and my wife had seen it. We ended the evening with all four liking it. So when I have said autopsy, the player were more than happy to accept the offer of Franz. And the movie has been chosen casually. When the Mists are good with you, you create atmosphere without thinking about it) and follow Franz in the house, with the other enforcer keeping the villagers outside, specially Stella and the other woman, who Franz called Katarina, which offered her help.
Franz thanked the women but refused, preferring the help of the group. The party found that both Katarina and Stella were arcane magic users.
The group and Franz arrived on the upper floor and find the dead body of Gyorgi in the bed, with a calm expression on the face. No visible sign of the reason of the death. Agatha and Cordelia started to look Gyorgi, while Nix and Ruben looked the room.
Nothing suspicious were found, and Cordelia asked for an autopsy.
Franz was visibile unhappy, but agreeded.
With the help of the other enforcer and some villagers, the body was moved to the barracks, on the table of a little infirmary.
Only the group and Franz remained to testify the search.
Cordelia and Agatha started the examination.
Agatha wanted to extract some blood samples to let Nix analyze it, while Cordelia started to cut the man's chest, to open it.
Agatha extracted the blood, but it was green!
Cordelia instead opened the man's chest and found it empy, no muscles, no organs, no bones. And the color was a strange green tonality.
An horror check was requested: Franz, Agatha and Ruben failed it by little, while Laurie, Cordelia and Nix passed it.
Shocked but still determinated, they cut the head, and find some greenish mush where there should be the brain.
The group didn't understand that body. If closed they could touch it and sense the skin, the bones and the muscles.
But even cutting an arm and look the section, no bones on muscles, only some strange green fluid and fibers.
They also cut the skull to check what could be inside, and instead of the brain, they found a green mush.
Being very perplexed about that turn of events (Franz obviusly was the most shocked and perplexed), the party started to wonder if the two townsfolk who died the week before were humans or not.
Franz was very worried about this possibility and agreed to exhume the corpses, with the excuse to better investigate the recent death of Gyorgi.
With the help of Franz's subordinate and some townsfolks, the two corpses were exhumed and bringed to the milita barracks.
Franz this time stayed outside, to avoid rising suspicions about the autopsy.
Cordelia and Agatha did this new autopsy and found that both Helmut and Hans were a plant ccreature. The same as Gyorgi.
Franz, when entered the room after making the curious go away, was shocked that Helmut, an old and dear friend, was not human. He didn't believe, because he has senn Helmut bleeding a lot of time, he was a soldier too in Falkvonia.
Agatha suggested that thise three weren't the real townsfolks, but that they were transformed or substituted by plants.
Franz had to seat because he was overwhelmed by fear and discouragement. He didn't know what he could tell to the wifes of Gyorgi and Hans (Helmut hadn't a family, only Franz as friend).
The group promised more investigations and left Franz with his problem, because now they had a firm thought: why Kjell and his wife had said that all was fine? Kjell had surely some doubts, the letters to Van Richten were clear enough.
This sudden change of mind was suspicious, and Agatha had her Inquisitor's Sixth Sense ringing.
The group went directly to knock to Kjell's door and like the previous time, the wife, Stella, opened the door.
As soon as they were in the sitting room and Kjell has arrived, they informed him on the new events and asked him why he has suddenly changed opinion when his concerns were legitimate.
Kjell was surprised by the new events and swear that he had doubts, but then after a bit of investigations he hasn't found nothing. And without the clerics and a proper autopsy, he convinced himself that nothing was wrong.
With high perception rolls, the group believe is words, but being a suspicious team, they decided to do a test. Nix asked them for a blood sample, to verify that they were real humans.
Kjell and Stella agreed and, when Nix came closer to Kjell, the man gave him a strong punch on the face (DM Notes: 7 damages), while Stella casted a Magic Missile against Cordelia (DM Notes: 5 damages)
After the surprise round, initiative rolled....

but we had to stop the session, since it was very late and our friends had to leave.
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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: [Ravenloft Campaign] and so it begins! NEW: Chap 4 11/03

Post by DustBunny »

A modified Horror's Harvest?
And are any of the PC's going to be body snatched? :shock:
Someone sent me a postcard picture of the earth. On the back they had written, "Wish you were here."
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