Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by kintire »

Kat laughs and raises a mug

"You shouldn't take such a negative attitude. The giant that was killing people is dead! Okay the hag got away, so there are further victories yet to win, but it's a victory nonetheless!"

She wanders in the direction of the room, clearly already tipsy!
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by Brock Marsh Runoff »

Dorgio surveys the bar with nervous eyes before settling for a small beer. A fair enough compromise.

When he and the others are sufficiently out of earshot, he speaks. "There was too much panic in that cavern, but that's because we did know know what we were dealing with. Now, we have a better sense. So far, we know that she does not appear to be undead. Monstrous, the product of fell magic certainly, but I think some of you are right to be calling her a hag. And we know she has some power over water, and whatever those eyes are."

"Those eyes show us fear, likely whatever her victims last saw as they were dying. Whether or not the eyes are undead, or some powerful illusion, I am not knowing. I was unable to turn them, however. And not only can they cause fear, but they can sap our strength as well, as we saw with Franz. My friend, be seeing me in the morning, and I will do what I can to restore your health."

"As for the rest of us, we must find a way to track down her new lair and prepare ourselves for her attacks. We know she dwells in the water, so we must seek other caverns and inlets, especially places where she could easily be preying on the unwary. I can offer some protection against the negative energy from the eyes, but only a little. Our best bet is to be avoiding staring at them directly, or if you cannot turn away, try to be looking through them. That is how the Baronet said he escaped harm, looking through them."

"Once we find her, we'll have to find some way to take away the advantage she has in the water. I know a prayer that will take us far in that, a prayer which will give us control of whatever water she inhabits."

"Rain, do you know any spells which permit a man to breath underwater?"

"Also, if she is not undead, she may be susceptible to spells meant to hold her in place, we must be taking care to have those prepared as well."

He looks around the room. "Is this plan seeming sound?"
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by alhoon »

Raen looks at Dorgio and then at Benn. "Negative energy? Are you sure that is it? I have heard there are spells and magical effects that sap the strength out of a person but they're not classified as negative energy. Not that I'm an expert in magic at all of course." Raen said making a not-quite-useful addition in the discussion.
"I have heard that spells exist that allow a man to breath underwater but I don't know anyone that practices the arcane arts that has such a spell. It's not that magic users advertise what they do after all or even that they have control over arcane magical powers. Those that do usually fall to superstitious peasants or vanish mysteriously. There are a lot of enemies, so magic users are secretive if they want to survive."
All the while Raen didn't make eye contact with the Sergeant.

After what seems a momentary inner struggle, Raen sighs, makes a frown and starts talking again.
"I think I know someone that while he can't breath underwater, it is considered by his friends very possible that he can paralyze someone with a few words, turn to a cloud of vapor or turn himself and a group of allies near him invisible. Of course it could be all superstition, it's not like that such a person would ever admit to the use of magic to bystanders."

Raen then turns to the sergeant. "I don't know that man very well, but he is considered to be a good fellow, minding his own business; he doesn't use his alleged powers to hunt secrets or meddle in anyone's business. No need to hunt such person down, he's not a threat to anyone I think.
Except to those that try to force him, bribe him or blackmail him to use his powers for nefarious reasons. It's said that if you try to push that person too much, your house may catch on fire. Or something else as bad. So, it's better for everyone that nobody tries to threaten him to use his powers. Not that I say anyone here would ever tell anyone about such a person. Just clearing that this person is better left alone."

After biting his lips Raen adds. "I also think, my acquaintance has a spell that can blind someone or something. It could be usefull against Jenny or at the very least the swarm of eyes. Or it could be totally useless."
Looking at Benn Raen adds. "I believe that's the only spell of that school, no need to get into details of what school is that and bore our friends, known by my acquaintance."
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by steveflam »

Franz listens intently to both Dorgio and Raen speak. He has seen quite a lot in his campaigns with the Talons, adventuring with Benn and Dorgio and as well, working with the resistance in Sithicus.

"Raen, on both the Krellin unt Endless River in Sithicus, I haff seen elven spellcasters cast dis vaterbreathink spell unt use it.
From a personal point of view and havink had first hand experience against magic unt spells while I vast a Talon in Falkovnia, let me tell you my opinion vich differs from others."

He pauses, looking around the room. He wasn't shy or afraid to speak. If these men and women were to be his adventuring or companions, they deserved to know how he felt about magic.

"I fint it terrible dat de population in general fears magic, whether it be of de arcane or divine nature. Magic can be very useful
unt helpful if we can just try to understand it a little. I for one haff vitnessed many spells dot are helpful whether they be helpful in a defensive way or as Dorgio does, to heal people. I tink de King Fuhrer might haff better success if he trusted de magicks more to be honest. But I am no longer a Talon thus my opinion to him is lost I tink."

He removes his bandana so everyone can see his brand, then puts the bandana back on.

"My thoughts on Dorgio's plan? I like it. As a soldier it is sound. We need to be better prepared now. Unt I know ve acted hastily, but killing an innocent man does not sit vell vist me at all."

Turning to the Sergeant, he says "You haff heard what has transpired. I Know it vast an accident but the fact remains he ist still dead, dis man. Havink been in a position such as yours I understand your responsibility in dis matter. Dat being said I vould
accept any punishment you might deem ve haff earned from dis incident. I haff never killt a an innocent man unt morally I never vould vant to. I also vould like to ask you unt your men to varn de populace about this Jenny. I understand dis is your responsibility unt your mens."

He nods then leans against the wall, exhaling. He is not one to speak alot in general.
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by alhoon »

Raen seemed to appreciative of Franz's words... till he mentioned the populace. Alarmed at this he said "Oh oh! Please don't start a witch-hunt Sergeant! The populace are not as tolerant of witches and spellcasters as you Franz. I fear that my acquaintance could meet a swift, brutal end on a pyre if word was out that a witch, an arcane spellcaster at that, was killing people for reasons unknown."

Falling to Falkovnian he adds quickly
Franz, I have an eye on my person, on my very pouch. I need it to cast certain spells. If I'm a searched at this moment, the Sergeant and the constables would find a book full of arcane notes that they won't understand, bizzare things and an eye.
I'll be summarily executed as an ally to the murderous witch.
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by ewancummins »


The Sergeant looks at Raen and smiles.

''Your acquaintance works magic, heh? Well, you ought to tell him the laws here. If he goes about using his magic to rob and cheat, he'll be fined and tossed in a dank cell with cold iron manacles until he can pay up. If he uses black magic to spread plagues, make dead men walk at night, burn down houses, sicken cattle--- it's the Court of Crows and the last dance on the Great Gallows for him."
The man sips his beer, sets the mug down on the table, and adds,
"But it isn't against the law to work magic to find lost treasure, or help build a house, or protect a vault from robbers, or stuff of that kind. This is a civilized country; we don't go about lynching sorcerers for making charms and hexes if no harm is done."
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by alhoon »

Raen looks at the Sergeant quizzicaly. "Really? That's it all? If you use magic to steal you're considered, rightfully, just a thief, if you use magic to kill people you're just considered a murderer?
Still, I am sure with an evil witch running around killing people with black magic, my acquaintance would feel much better if his ... side-projects I would call them, remained a secret. Perhaps, he could offer you some assistance in exchange of that. I think he can also read minds to help determine guilt or innocence. I have to ask him of course to make sure."

Raen seems quite more relaxed. Then he turns to Dorgio. "I agree with your plan by the way, forgot to mention it. But I believe we should first look in the previous lair of Jenny. Some things are hard to move, like labs, equipment etc. "
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by ewancummins »

alhoon wrote:Raen looks at the Sergeant quizzicaly. "Really? That's it all? If you use magic to steal you're considered, rightfully, just a thief, if you use magic to kill people you're just considered a murderer?
Still, I am sure with an evil witch running around killing people with black magic, my acquaintance would feel much better if his ... side-projects I would call them, remained a secret. Perhaps, he could offer you some assistance in exchange of that. I think he can also read minds to help determine guilt or innocence. I have to ask him of course to make sure." "

The Sergeant says,
"Assistance sounds good. Ask your friend."
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by alhoon »

"I will. If I survive Jenny. Jenny goes first, I hope you're OK with that. She's courting the hangman's son for quite some time."
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by ewancummins »

alhoon wrote:"I will. If I survive Jenny. Jenny goes first, I hope you're OK with that. She's courting the hangman's son for quite some time."
The Sergeant says,
''Sure, first your crew deals with this ''Jenny.'' ''
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by VAN »

"The plan is good I can help you tracking Jenny but I agee with Raen better make sure she left the lair."

When the talk about magic and magic users starts Sara avoids eye contact with anyone in the room so het thouhts will not be revieled. But when Sergeant says that spellcasters aren't hunted down if they don't harm anyone she relaxes a bit. She even dares to look at her companions to make sure they are all fine with it.
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by ewancummins »


The Sergeant pushes his seat away from the table.

''I'd better go make a report to the Port-Master. He'll want to know all about today's happenings. You lot go on with your business. Check in with me tomorrow afternoon, at the Port-Master's offices.''

He rises and walks to the door, pausing with his hand on the latch.
"Good luck."

And then he leaves along with the Port-Master's other minions.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by Adam »

Bennedict sits to one side of the room, taking things in all the information and nodding his ascent at various points. "I know an incantation to make a rapid aquatic escape, but that will likely not be terribly useful here." He strokes his mustache, frowning at the rivulet of water that comes off onto his fingertip. "As I said, we need to spread the word to be cautious around the water front. The gendarmes could be a useful tool in spreading rumors of a serial killer that would at least make people more cautious."

"We don't know how long this thing has been here," he says, "Or what other lairs it may have scattered through the city. The hunt, I'm afraid, is not going to be easy or quick. The creature seems too smart to reveal itself. We'll have to be clever, more clever than we've been of late. I think we start by checking the lair she's been flushed from for any clues, and go from there. It may come down to patrols along the riverfront at night, hoping to catch a break."
"Of course," Benn mutters, "It would be a damned shame if we ever knew what the hell was actually going on."
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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by ewancummins »

Snuffling, wet, raspy sounds rise from beneath the table.
Delight is to him- a far, far upward, and inward delight- who against the proud gods and commodores of this earth, ever stands forth his own inexorable self.

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Re: Mists of Winter: Chapter Three

Post by steveflam »

Franz looks to see where Munchen is when he hears the sounds coming from under the table.
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