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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

HuManBing wrote:Same response as before. Why do you think this is an episode of "playing the DPs for suckers"? Look at the outcome in Roots of Evil. The Dark Powers are vastly benefitted by Azalin's actions. Their dominion expands to touch on every Prime Material plane in existence, even Prime Material Barovia, in whichever forgotten corner of the AD&D multiverse it lies. Now everybody in existence has to deal with fear, horror, and madness checks. Undead everywhere get a bonus to resist turning attempts. And so on, and so forth.

If Azalin's suckered them into anything, it seems they profit handsomely from it. And in any case I scratch my head over your proposal that he's doing something they've not intended or somehow crept up on them.
Which is only to the DPs' benefit if you assume they're shopping for quantity, not quality. Yes, the Grand Conjunction appears to have extended their influence -- temporarily -- across a certain fraction of the Material Plane, at least until it's short-circuited by the PCs' actions. But is this really consistent with their goals, as embodied by the demiplane as we know it ... the claustrophobic, eclectic, tiny demiplane?

I don't think it's accurate to say that the Dark Powers are simply out to expand their territory, or at least (if that is their goal) that they're ready to try it. There are billions of potential darklords scattered across the multiverse -- it's a fantasy game-cosmos; it's crawling with Big Bad Evil Guys! -- yet only a miniscule fraction of them actually get taken up by the Mists and given domains. This isn't consistent with the notion that the DPs want to expand the scope of their control; if anything, it may indicate just the opposite: that they pick and choose their candidates with extreme care, excluding most villains they come across. Beings out to expand their power over an entire uniiverse aren't likely to restrict the initial scope of their ambitions to a mere handful of baddies, or lock them up in domains you can practically spit across.

Also, your own proposed scheme to bring the DPs into conflict with Andral implicitly suggests that, if the Dark Powers tried to usurp the mandate of deities to dictate what morals and ethics apply to mortals outside the demiplane, those deities would promptly smack them for their temerity. (Don't think they couldn't do it, either: Vecna fought the DPs to a standstill in the end, and he was just one deity.) If Andral can face them down over the fate of a single mortal who's holding a couple of his trinkets, why would every deity in the cosmos not do exactly the same thing, if the DPs tried to spread their dominion beyond their little construct in the Ethereal? Just because some self-important Vistana crackpot tells them they can't? Either you're assuming the gods aren't strong enough to defy the DPs -- in which case, Andral's protection can't possibly suffice to overturn the rules of Ravenloft anyway, and there's no contradiction and no "reinsert universe and reboot" glitch -- or they are strong enough, and there's no way they'd sit back and let the Dark Powers overturn those very definitions of morality which define right and wrong -- and hence, their own spiritual positions and power-bases -- throughout the rest of the multiverse.

Finally -- and here's the real rub, IMO -- the Grand Conjuction is, after all, ultimately a failure. The darklords don't get to escape. Azalin doesn't get to 'win' his struggle against his tormentors. And the Dark Powers don't get to rule the universe! Why not? Because the Big A made a mistake in his plotting. If the Dark Powers really wanted the GC to work, wouldn't they have found a way to ensure Azalin didn't foul it up? They know how he thinks, and they know precisely how to poke the guy so he'll jump the way they want him to! So why would they let the lich foul up Hyskosa's Hexad, if they wanted him to succeed rather than botch it and end up feeling like a chump?

Yes, the RLPHB does imply -- belatedly -- that the DPs have some interest in extending their influence beyond Ravenloft, in its comments on "Masques" and the idea they may be spreading. But given the fact that "Masque of the Jade Dragon" never materialized, that hypothesis doesn't have any overt support in the product lines. And the Red Death is generally understood to have been kicked out by the other Dark Powers, which means that its influence over Gothic Earth is not something that the collective DPs instigated or endorsed, or at least not directly. So a few lines of product cross-promotion in one book don't constitute much proof that the DPs' ambitions are as straightforward as you say.
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by HuManBing »

Wow, I don't even know where to begin.

Everything you've said is potentially viable for a Ravenloft setting. However, your presentation seems to go well beyond that and to imply that it is the only viable interpretation - or at least to say that my interpretation is unsuitable.

That's a box I'd rather not open, and not just for cerebral philosophical reasons. ... It's likely to hurt my feelings :D

You seem to make several statements, and I'm not sure I can get them straight in my mind. I'm sure if I get something wrong, you'll correct me.

Your quantity-not-quality argument stands up only so far as the DPs are said to be unknowable in their goals. True, they've sat quietly in their Demiplane corner for several centuries. From this you seem to extrapolate that the GC was a negative development for them, somehow hurting their interests. You then go on to define a narrow set of interests that they have in order to justify this assertion.

I'm not saying you're wrong. But I am saying I don't agree with your interpretation. It is interesting how you (justifiably, in my opinion) scoff at my admittedly-shaky attempts to rationalize the DPs, but fail to present anything more believable in return. It seems to boil down to a bald assertion that the DPs have a set of preferences that they want to keep things as constant as possible, and that any changes to it a) catch them by surprise, and b) work against their interests.

Bear in mind that I'm not the one saying the DPs were caught off guard by Azalin's plan. I happen to believe that the DPs are more akin to Divine Scientists conducting various experiments with equal parts rigor and equal parts whimsy. (Or maybe more like Divine 4-year-old kids who've just turned a turtle on its back to see what happens.)

As to your second argument, that "there's lots of evil people out there so the DPs would have gone after them if HMB's theory was right", I have nothing to add to that. I agree with you entirely. I think it's a very selective situation where one single lousy lich in Knurl gets locked up forever because he executed his son and some barbarian leaders, whereas on the same continent Iuz the Old gets away with depravity after depravity and stays there happily. This makes no sense... but then again it's not supposed to.

Even arguing over this particular chestnut is disingenuous from the start. TSR and SSS make no apologies for this, because there's a very good mechanical reason to stop this sort of justice (which makes perfect sense in the Ravenloft world) from hitting every single other campaign setting and stripping them of their bad guys. It's in D&D's interests to keep Faerun and Oerth as distinct campaign settings from Ravenloft, and if they choose to allow a few retcons here and there to tie RL to the other realms, who's to hold them to applying RL rules to ALL realms?

Boiled down to its simplest form, this argument, which I'm sure comes as a surprise to nobody, is that Faerun would be a pretty boring place if every Zulker, Thayvian wizard, and other evil bod got swallowed up by the mists. Likewise, if Iuz and the rest of them disappeared once they passed a certain Threshold of Punishable Evilness, Greyhawk bods wouldn't have much to do at all.

Third part of your analysis: comparative powers of DPs and Prime Deities (PDs). This was part of my WotC board post, and I probably didn't mention it here, so a reader could be forgiven for not picking this up.

I hold DPs to be utterly supreme within Ravenloft. There was a rule somewhere that the DPs are powerless to interfere with worshippers getting their divine spells, or using godly artifacts.

Not in my campaign. (And, judging from a thread entitled something like "DPs - why are they weaker than gods?" a while back, a majority of responding posters seemed to agree with me. This surprised and wrong-footed me for a while. :) ) IMC, DPs are the masters of their own Demiplane, and their power levels outside the Demiplane are vast as well.

I don't want to get into a comparative discussion between DPs and PDs, because I just know that's going to liberate another container of nematodes, but I do put DPs on roughly the same standing as PDs.

Additionally, I hold Andral to have particular resonance with regard to the DPs. After all, it was his faith and his following that the DPs swallowed to create Barovia in the first place. I specifically leave unanswered the question "What happens if Hextor [say] picks a fight with the DPs?" because I think that's not what RL's about. If you want to see gods fighting each other, go to Birthright or maybe Planescape. This conflict is purely about Andral, the faith that saw the Demiplane's formation, invoked against the DPs during the Demiplane's possible dissolution.

Your assertion about Vecna "[fighting] the DPs to a standstill in the end" is, to my knowledge, not strongly supported by anything canon. He was a demigod in Ravenloft, and the DPs let him go, perhaps in a manner not entirely dissimilar to how I propose the GC happening with Azalin. Vecna certainly saw himself as tilting at the DPs, but that in itself is questionable at best.

(For the record, Vecna was one of the worst-written darklords in my opinion and the entire murky theology about him was badly written too. The adventures Vecna Reborn, Die Vecna Die!, and even the old-school Greyhawk adventure Vecna Lives! were to me good examples of how NOT to write adventures.)

Shall we go into discussions of the Serpent? I'm not going to, save to say that that further confuses an already-complicated theological situation. In fact, if I were of an ungenerous mindset, I'd harbor suspicions that the writers were making it up on the fly with nobody checking for continuity. But I trust that's not the case.

Back to Andral - a deity we hear nothing about save a brief mention as a "dead god" in Gaz I. Why is he dead? How did he leave? Is he still around in Barovia? These are all questions I leave to others to answer, if it's that important to know. But my idea is to put him in direct conflict with the DPs over the last remaining vestiges of his power (the two artifacts). This is in no way an estimation of how powerful the DPs or Andral are. I'm not going to break it down into an equation expressed in kilojoules.

If it suits your campaign that the DPs are weak and a dead god like Andral is all they can muster forces against, that's great. It works. If it suits your campaign that the DPs are strong and can fight off Andral one-handed, that's fine too. (In my campaign, I lean more towards the latter... think of a scientist with one hand on the door of a cage with an angry lich-mouse trying to escape. If the mouse is clever enough to send a bee buzzing around the scientist's head, the scientist may happily take his hand off the door for a second and give the mouse a sporting chance to escape. Or he might go after the bee full throttle and not realize the mouse escaped until much later. Such is the beauty of DM choice.)

I think your view of the DPs is somewhat more monolithic than mine. The GC either "works" for them, or it doesn't. Azalin either "carries out their plans" or he "thwarts them through his incompetence". (There are all illustrative paraphrases, not direct quotations.)

If the DPs are distant observers, easily amused but somewhat indifferent, reaching in occasionally to toy with men's lives, then all this becomes less important. Do we need to know exactly how powerful they are compared to Moradin? Not really. Do we need to know whether they are opposed to Azalin or working through him? Probably not.

Either way, that's my spiel and likely the end of my contribution to this discussion thread, which I've already taken too far off topic to continue in good conscience. (My apologies to the original poster!) I note in passing only that my ideas meet with a surprising amount of opposition from people on these boards. So far, contributors here have made it clear they have issues with my posts on altering Drakov's curse, or changing the mechanics of the Grand Conjunction so it makes more sense. (There has been mostly positive feedback on my Time-Travelling Time of Unparalleled Darkness thread, primarily because I imagine those who don't like it don't actually get through reading it because it's even more confusing and convoluted than my usual fare.)

If anybody has further points to make about the Grand Conjunction, DPs' visions of good and evil, or indeed anything not primarily dealing with Detect Good/Evil in RL, I would suggest you make them to me through Private Message, or start a new thread.
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

HuManBing wrote:That's a box I'd rather not open, and not just for cerebral philosophical reasons. ... It's likely to hurt my feelings :D
Which was never my intention, I assure you. If I started getting too aggressive there, please accept my apologies.

True, they've sat quietly in their Demiplane corner for several centuries. From this you seem to extrapolate that the GC was a negative development for them, somehow hurting their interests.
On the contrary, I never said that the event itself was undesirable, only that the notion that it was a deliberate attempt by the DPs to usurp control of the Material Plane's moral/ethical framework wasn't consistent with what we know of their past conduct. When all we know about a suspect's motives is their handiwork, "profiling" them -- extrapolating their personality and drives from the things they've done -- is the only means we have to deduce their intentions. And straightforward, over-the-top ambitions like "Let's take over the cosmos!", IMO, don't go along with the petite scope of their current demiplanar project and the philosophical subtleties that they've demonstrated up to now.

That's assuming the Dark Powers' motives are at all comprehensible to humans, which isn't necessarily so ... but it is the only option that makes them "role-playable", as well as the only one that fits Ravenloft's style of giving its best NPCs human motivations, for good or ill. For all we know, the whole point of the Grand Conjunction was to play Azalin for a fool, while teasing all the other darklords with "freedom" that, in truth, never had a chance of lasting longer than a matter of hours. In other words, the GC was more than likely designed to fail, and the DPs' motive could quite plausibly be the very human one of yanking the darklords' chains, Azalin's most of all.

I happen to believe that the DPs are more akin to Divine Scientists conducting various experiments with equal parts rigor and equal parts whimsy. (Or maybe more like Divine 4-year-old kids who've just turned a turtle on its back to see what happens.)
Ironically, my own view isn't that different. I see Ravenloft as a massive philosophical "game theory" experiment, by which the Dark Powers are seeking to prove a philosophical point. They select darklords based, not on sheer potential for destruction, but on how suitable a test-case they'll be for demonstration purposes.

It's in D&D's interests to keep Faerun and Oerth as distinct campaign settings from Ravenloft, and if they choose to allow a few retcons here and there to tie RL to the other realms, who's to hold them to applying RL rules to ALL realms?
Very true. :wink: Still, once we start bringing metagame arguments into the picture, it kind of detracts from the challenge of finding an in-game rationale for particular models of the Dark Powers' nature or intentions. We already have a perfectly good OOC model for that, in the RLDMG sidebar that names them as a plot device.

Your assertion about Vecna "[fighting] the DPs to a standstill in the end" is, to my knowledge, not strongly supported by anything canon. He was a demigod in Ravenloft, and the DPs let him go, perhaps in a manner not entirely dissimilar to how I propose the GC happening with Azalin. Vecna certainly saw himself as tilting at the DPs, but that in itself is questionable at best.
Granted. Still, the same can easily be said of Azalin: there's no reason the DPs couldn't have set him up to botch the Grand Conjunction, even if he thought he was working against them.

Back to Andral - a deity we hear nothing about save a brief mention as a "dead god" in Gaz I. Why is he dead? How did he leave? Is he still around in Barovia? These are all questions I leave to others to answer, if it's that important to know.
Actually, if you accept the Grand Conjunction modules as written, then Andral isn't dead at all: the queen of Material Plane Barovia is a priestess of the faith which the Icon and Holy Symbol are sacred to. The module doesn't actually name her deity, but that's because TSR never got around to describing the native Barovian religion; that task was left to Arthaus and Gaz I, which only discussed Andral as he's (barely) remembered in Ravenloft's Barovia, not his current status on the Von Zarovich homeworld.

If it suits your campaign that the DPs are weak and a dead god like Andral is all they can muster forces against, that's great. It works. If it suits your campaign that the DPs are strong and can fight off Andral one-handed, that's fine too.
FWIW, I avoid the whole "gods vs DPs" argument IMC by saying that the Dark Powers' doings aren't something the gods are permitted to tamper with directly ... because the Dark Powers, in their basic nature, are closer to mortals than to gods. (Extremely powerful collectively, but still mortals.) Hence, gods aren't entitled to interfere with their actions any more than Hextor can personally go down and stomp on all of Heironeous's followers.

So, you can see I'm not averse to hypotheses that run counter to the majority! I just happen to believe strongly that every Ravenloft adversary's motives ought to be comprehensible and 'human' enough for the "There but for the grace of Ezra go I" factor to apply to them ... and that includes the DPs. "Inscrutable" just doesn't do it for me.

I note in passing only that my ideas meet with a surprising amount of opposition from people on these boards.
Sorry you feel that way, HMB. FWIW, I don't have any problem with your basic proposal, given the way you're evidently interpreting the DPs in your game. Bluebomber and I were just pointing out that there's reasons it might not fly so well, in campaigns that don't attribute a measure of cosmic-conquest ambition to the Dark Powers.

If anybody has further points to make about the Grand Conjunction, DPs' visions of good and evil, or indeed anything not primarily dealing with Detect Good/Evil in RL, I would suggest you make them to me through Private Message, or start a new thread.
Yeah, well, it's been a few months since we had a good "What are the DPs and what do they want?" debate lit up on these boards. It's a tangent we were probably overdue to go off on, on some thread or another. :wink:
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by alhoon »

I would just like to say that I like this thread. :) A nice Ravenloft academic discussion!
Keep on, I'll tell my thoughts on the matter later.
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Post by HuManBing »

I don't have much else to say, actually. I've made my materials and campaign ideas available. I'll be keeping tabs on how well I implement them (or otherwise, as the case may be), in my campaign thread about L'Agence d'Affaires, elsewhere in this forum.
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Post by Bluebomber4evr »

A small side note: Andral is mentioned in Roots of Evil. The priest in the old church just west of Vallaki asks the PCs if they want to donate to the faith of Andral when they first enter. ;)
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Post by HuManBing »

Right, that's something I'm probably going to delete from my RoE when I run it then. Good find, though - it demonstrates a surprising level of continuity between RoE and Gaz1... and I'd always wondered where the Andral name comes from.
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Actually, FWIW, Gabriel Andral is the name of the IRL physician who founded the science of hematology: the study of blood.

Which is, perhaps, a good note to close out this argument (which neither of us really meant to have in the first place), if only because it proves the designers of Ravenloft never took their setting so seriously as to miss out on a joke. :wink:

Peace, dude.
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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