Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by kintire »

The Bard seems pleased by Catherine's request. She gets the impression that she is behaving much as a guest is expected to, and that people are relaxing around her. They all, however, seem very wary of the King. The bard praises him fulsomely. All the tales are of victory in war and battle, he doesn't seem to be in for solo quests! Chiefly he seems to be raiding and conquering neighbouring kings of his own people, but there are occasional accounts of action against the Wild Men of the east. Although he seems to be slaying some groups of the men and allying with others.

It is becoming noticeable by now, that at no point, even in tales, is there any mention of the King's sword.

Gorn is finding that his odd appearance seems to be taken quite casually, with nothing more than a few enquiries about the land of his birth. Eyfura, the King's daughter, seems quite taken with him and it soon talking freely.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by steveflam »

Gorn tells her about himself and about his daughter who is now in Pont A Musarde. He is actually very polite as he in no way wants top offend their hosts. This of course takes a lot of effort on his part. He tries to learn about where they are and as much as he can about their customs concerning men and women.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by alhoon »

Seradon looks at his mug suprised with the quality as he sits near Gorn, half listening to the daughter of the King, the Bard and the other gossip that goes around. He mutters to himself
D: "This is... suprisingly good ale."
Interested to know more, he stands and filters around, trying to find the sorcerers of the place. Since Cat said they distrust magic, he just mentions he has some knowledge of magic without saying he's able to perform it. Among the things he tries to politely find out, is if the magic users here have developed any form of writting to put down their spells in spellbook. He doesn't ask directly since he doesn't know if those people will take questions if they are illiterate as insults. Speaking about magic, he also tries to figure which schools of magic they prefer.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by VAN »

Catherine listens at the bard carefully and without hiding her awe. At some points of the narration she even holds her breath or exclaims as if she was present there. When the bard seems to have finished the tales of the King she looks at the sword hanging above the King's throne and asks:

"Now I understand why he has such a big sword, for sure needs the best kind to slain all these enemies. I couldn't help noticing it when I was speaking to him. I bet there is a story how the King got it right? Does it belong to his father? Or maybe to another king that he killed and got it for trophy? Or maybe it was part of a monster's treasure?"
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by kintire »

Eyfura is fascinated by tales of distant places, and plies Gorn with questions about Pont au Musarde. She also plies him with ale, and as the day draws on more people are entering the hall many of whom are listening to Gorn's tales.

Seradon finds the conversation with the Wizards a little hard going. They do not divide magic into the same schools as Seradon is used to, and they do not seem to clearly distinguish between arcane and divine magic. Most of the wizards are priests of one deity or another, but the office of priesthood seems loosely connected with the type of magic they use. Several priests are clearly arcane casters, and at least one of the non-priests seems to be noted for his healing and ability to repel undead. They record their spells with runes carved on short wands.

The Bard falls silent when Catherine speaks of the sword. After a pause he replies:

"Yes... it is a fine weapon. Best not spoken of to the King however. It..."

At that moment he is interrupted. As Catherine glances at the sword it seems to shimmer slightly. At once. the King's face darkens with rage. He stares at his daughter, laughing and flirting with Gorn. This has been going on right in front of him for an hour or more now and h has displayed no disapproval before, but now he bellows:

"Treason and lechery in my own hall? Traitors to the Guest-rite! I will be avenged!"

His advisors make frantic efforts to calm him, but scatter from his dais as he grabs the sword, draws it and advanced on Gorn with cold, hate-filled eyes
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by steveflam »

Gorn eyes the King warily, unsure as to why all of a sudden he is disapproving of the situation. Up until now the King hasn't said nothing. Might be the ale he supposes. Sighing, he stands, all of his almost seven foot frame. HE unwraps his chain from his body and stares hard at the King.

"Hey, I ain't done nothin to yer daughter that is considered innapropriate. She is there of her own free will. Think about this before you act an it's too late. Now, if you wanna have a go, then let's. But not in here. Outside."

The caliban is standing defensively, in case the King decides to attack he will be able to defend himself. He is also standing between the daughter and the King, just in case.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by alhoon »

Seradon is trying to suppress his frowns over the clearly uncivilized ways of these subpar "wizards" and their crude stone-wands. Then he catch a glimpse of the sword glimmering and the king standing in anger. He jumps to his feet defensively ready for guards/ savage spellcasters to attack him along with others and tries to backtrack towards Helfried. Once near he says in a low voice, not losing the dangerous people, i.e. spellcasters and warriors from his sight.
F: "That thing perhaps exerts some control over the man and asks for our blood or something"
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by BigBadQDaddy »

Helfried nods at Saradon's observation. "You may be right." He stands up in response to the situation between Gorn and the King. His hand instinctively goes to his heavy mace.
"My Lord!" The Falkovnian bellows. "Be advised to stay your hand. See reason over bloodshed in this hall. What treachery has been commited?"
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by VAN »

Catherine cannot help to notice the sword's shimmering and the immediate change at the King's behavior. Trying to be calm even if she knows what will probably happen says at the bard:

"This is totally wrong, once the King is normal and soon after gets in this strange rage. I would have looked into it if I was you. But now I have to stand by my companions. Pleasure to meet you."

Then goes and stands beside Seradon and Helfierd with her right hand close at her gun. Trying to put some sense to the King she says:

"Mighty King, please ask your daughter, Gorn did nothing to disrespect her or your hospitality. Don't let the anger cloud your judgement. You have been in many battles and I'm sure you very well know that we are no real threat for you and your people. If you want us to leave we will do it at once, but please spare Gorn."
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by kintire »

The bard nods glumly

"the sword is cursed..."

Svafrlami's attention is caught by Helfierd's bellow and he pauses for a moment, a flicker of indecision in his eyes. At Catherine's words the flicker grows, and with a snarl he drops his guard stance.

"So be it! You are ignorant strangers and guests, and can be forgiven. But you will leave my hall, at once! One of the townsfolk can guest you, if they can bear it!"

Still shaking with rage, his attention fixed on the group he tries to slam the sword back into the scabbard at his hip.

In his rage and distraction, he seems to forget that the sword hung on the wall: the scabbard at his hip has another sword in it! Tyrfing glances from that sword's pommel, and with a swift gesture, Svafrlami runs himself through.

In the moment of horrified silence, as he slowly pitches forward, eyes wide in disbelief, the group finds itself back in the tunnel. Ahead of them is a heavy-looking stone door.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by steveflam »

Gorn is about to help the King....... then the tunnel and the stone door before them. "This is startin ter piss me off! Awright. So, um, we try da stone door?"

The caliban moves closer to the door, and tries to listen at it, oblivious to the fact that it is a stone door.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by VAN »

Catherine's eyes go wide when she sees the King suicide like that, even if she knows that the sword was controlling him she didn't expect that. Gathering her wits she says:

"Yes, we better get going but I doubt we have finished seeing such suicides...The sword doesn't seem to tollerate failure and weakness."

Catherine moves forward to check the door before she opens it.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by alhoon »

After taking a long moment to re-focus and recover from the shock and excitement, Seradon translates to Helfried what the others said.
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by BigBadQDaddy »

"Magicked again! And no clearer on the swords true purpose..." The Falkovnian says in a defeated tone.
"Nothing is making sense. Have you any ideas?"
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Re: Changelings part I: 27 Charity Street

Post by kintire »

The stone door is slient, and stony. As far as Catherine can tell it has no traps or locks, and is in fact quite a crude construction, just a big stone swung on simple hinges
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