Kartakass: The Nova Vaasa Chapter

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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian nodded, as this made quite a bit of sense.

"Thank you, my daughter. What of a man named Dominic, do you know him?"
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Post by steveflam »

She replied to his question right away. She was not lying. "No I know not a Dominic. None in the clan was called that."
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian nodded. Oh well, it would've been too good to be true if the found all the answers already.

"Tell me, my daughter, have you always been, so, talented?"

OOC: What does Valerian know about werewolves? Particularly regarding afflicted/natural and about triggers?
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Post by BigBadQDaddy »

William stands close by listening to the interrogation, slightly disgusted by the actions of Tarlyn, but understanding, for in cases such as these, the enemy must be made to understand that you know the face of cruelty as well.

He slowly inspects his revolver before reloading as holding it casually in his right hand as he folds his arms across his chest. He hears the priest getting some results through his kind acts and is equally disgusted by such kindness shown to such a savage and blood-thirsty beast.

If that man of Ezra thinks we are taking this...creature along with us, I will toss the man from the coach myself. William thinks to himself. Sadly enough, I liked the Drows methods better, as killing the wretched thing would have been a mercy when he was done with her.

He slowly sides up along the interrogators with a stern expression upon his face, pistol still held casually in hand with arms folded, ready to make a move if the slightest sign of treachery is made appearant.
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Post by VAN »

Van follows the interrogation from a certain distance. He doen't approve Tarlyn's method too, but he understands that served to make the loup garou easier to trick by Valerian's and Cornelius words.

Suddenly Ace relays to him that there is "another avian" nearby, watching. It has been watching the party. " Night bird,,,,,,, black.... good bird......near Ace.........2 moons.......no danger master...".

Immediately Van contacts the hawk:

"Good work friend, don't loose it from your eyes and if you can try to see if there is someone hidden around."

Trying to mask his surprise he approaches to the others and pretending to follow the interrogation says in low voice in Mordentish:

"Guys, my hawk familiar spotted a black bird watching us. It can be a familiar of another wizard. Ace says that there is no danger, but you can never know with wizards. For this reason I speak in Mordentish. He might be near so everyone who understood my words please don't make strange moves. Do you want to check it Tarlyn?"

Then Van speaks in Darkonese so if someone is watching them he couldn't question himself what he is doing there without talking.

"Mother Fury eh? I haven't heard this name either."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by lostboy »

Draven looks on with some satisfaction that the plan worked and the wolf is now their captive. I hope that noose holds he thinks.

He watches the continuing interrogation with some detachment. He sees the value of Valerians approach, but given the choice he would have followed Tarlyn and bled the beast until it talked, would it have shown us any mercy? He ponders sure this kindness would have been the right approach for a man, but this is not a man, it is a monster and therefore must be destroyed. I really hope the warden isnt intending to bring this thing with us, I for one am not willing to put my life on the line and watch it...

VAN's words in Mordentish break Dravens train of thought, he lsitens carefully to the wizard, holding himself back from reacting.

Watching disinterestedly for another moment or two as VAN requested. Draven then wanders away making it look like he is going to retrieve his crossbow bolt and search the bodies, but his senses are sharp, listneing for the slightest sound that might give away the location of another threat...
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by HuManBing »

Marentor nods solemnly as he hears the warning about the other bird. He speaks to Hailang in their pidgin dialect: Go find a big black bird that's a stranger to this party. Do not attack it, until I give the word. Let me sense it through you.

Other than that, Marentor brandishes the shuang-lian-gun a little, balancing the handles between the chain, and weighing it. "Not a bad one," he thought to himself. "I'll keep this."
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Post by steveflam »

NeoTiamat wrote:Valerian nodded. Oh well, it would've been too good to be true if the found all the answers already.

"Tell me, my daughter, have you always been, so, talented?"

OOC: What does Valerian know about werewolves? Particularly regarding afflicted/natural and about triggers?
Looking coyly at the Warden and smiling slightly she responds , "What do you mean by talented exactly, sir?"
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian's returning smile was a strange crack on his scarred face. It made the normally grim and dour Ezrite seem almost friendly. Good! The lass is at ease enough to smile. There's hope yet!

"Well, I certainly can't turn into a wolf, and I daresay none of my comrades can."

Warden Grane wondered what it was that Van had said. He didn't speak Mordentish, but he could sense the sudden tenseness in the air.
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Post by steveflam »

"Guys, my hawk familiar spotted a black bird watching us. It can be a familiar of another wizard. Ace says that there is no danger, but you can never know with wizards. For this reason I speak in Mordentish. He might be near so everyone who understood my words please don't make strange moves. Do you want to check it Tarlyn?"
Tarlyn repeats the information to anyone who doesn't understand in a low enough voice so only they can hear him. "Yes Van I will. I shall return." With that he jogs off into the night, silent like a summer's breeze.
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Post by steveflam »

NeoTiamat wrote:Valerian's returning smile was a strange crack on his scarred face. It made the normally grim and dour Ezrite seem almost friendly. Good! The lass is at ease enough to smile. There's hope yet!

"Well, I certainly can't turn into a wolf, and I daresay none of my comrades can."

Warden Grane wondered what it was that Van had said. He didn't speak Mordentish, but he could sense the sudden tenseness in the air.
"I have been this way for many years. It is Mother Fury's supposed gift to us. I find it more a curse that anything else!" she spits.
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Post by steveflam »

Ace flies off in search of the black bird. 30 minutes later he is still searching. As Ace has poor night vision, he does not notice the subject of his search until it is too late.A raven is before him. Relax, friend Hawk. I mean you no harm. I am only here as an observer. Fear not I mean you, your master and his party harm. Only I wish to give you fair warning. Barovia will not be a friendly place for you. The black bird flies off into the night, quickly disapperaring from Ace's sight. He flies back to the party and Van, relating to him what has transpired.

HaiLang leaves moments after Ace and follows him to the best of her abilities. Just before Ace sees the black bird, HaiLang sees it as well but much better than Ace does. Though she is a bit farther away, she finds a tree and climbs it with ease. She sees a raven hovering near Ace. Too bad it is the distance is too great for her to snatch a free meal. Perhaps another time. She returns to Maruento once Ace returns to Van and the party.
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Post by lostboy »

Draven returns to the rest of the party, wiping his crossbow bolt on a dirty piece of rag he found. "I cant see anything out there, whatever it is, is hidden well beyond my abilities..." he says in Mordentish.

Switching to Darkonian"How goes it with our new friend, is she playing nicely and told us anything useful yet...?

Slotting the bolt back in his quiver he comes to stand next to William.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Josephina eyes everyone warily, except for the Warden. She breathes a sigh of relief when Tarlyn wanders off. Perhaps these brave men are my chance at a cure? That bitch Fury!!! I owe her many many times over for what she did to my family. One day vengeance shall be mine. For now I shall content myself with finding a cure.

Looking at the Warden she asks, "So. What will you do with me? I only wish for a cure."


Tarlyn jogs at a good pace. He feels HaiLing barely touching his leg as she passes him by. Looking up he spies Ace flying ahead. Good. I am going in the right direction. The hawk will lead me to the black bird. I had a feeling we were being watched. How else would the lyncanthropes have found us. What remains to be seen is if this black bird is really on our side. I find it an unlikely coincidence that the bird has been around for 2 days and all of a sudden these lycanthropes find and attack us.

Tarlyn muses to himself as he jogs, almost forgetting the purpose of his little exercise. He looks up just as HaiLing climbs a tree off the side of the road. Following the cat's eyes, he spots Ace and the black bird. Moving out of Ace, HaiLing's and the raven's earshot, he casts Ebon Eyes. Grinning to himself he now looks at the raven again. Just a bird. Hmm. Why does it communicate with van's familiar? Can birds do that?

Moments later, Ace flies back and HaiLing follows. The raven flies away, West. Tarlyn follows for what seems like a good hur before the raven lands on a tree. By then his spell is long gone. Stopping and hiding behind a tree, he observes the raven. It seems to be looking to the West. Minutes later 2 more appear on the horizon and join the first one. They sit there for a while on branches, not moving. Patience pays of because after a few minutes the 3 birds land in the clearing up ahead. And lo and behold , each of them transform from birds to humans!

Tarlyn has seen enough and heads back to the party, perplexed. He had never seen mages like this before. Or were thay mages? Did lycanthropes exist in a bird form as well? More questions , which he planned to discuss with the party when he returned.
Last edited by steveflam on Tue Oct 23, 2007 4:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Valerian pursed his lips. What to do with a werewolf was a very good question. Very good question indeed. Ghosts were easier, you helped ghosts, they went away. Werewolves now... Still, his duty was clear.

"Then a cure you shall have, Ezra grant me the strength to see to it."

The Warden paused, his hands resting on the ropes. His voice was grim and quiet, so Josephina alone could hear.

"I will say this but once, so heed my words well. So long as you are true to us, then no harm will come to you, and I shall do everything within my power to see that you are cured, or learn to master this curse. But if you play us false, then we will hunt you down. We slew three of your fellows, we can defeat you. We've mages, trackers, a hawk familiar, a diviner, we can find you. And we've good Vaasi horses, we can run you down. If you escape or harm another, may Ezra grant you mercy, for we shan't."

He smiled faintly. "But if you are true, then I'll see you rid of this curse. Ezra smite me if I lie."

"Deal? If not, then we'll hold you till we can turn you over to the Church of Ezra, in Borca most likely, and you'll take your chances with them. Have we a bargain?"
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