Monster Lore

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Evil Genius
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Post by Mangrum »

Zombie Fog Lore
Denizens of Dread

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about zombie fogs. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
17 This unsettling, pulsing fog is a zombie fog. This result reveals all outsider traits plus the air and native subtypes.
22 Because a zombie fog is entirely vaporous, it is immune to most forms of attack. The shuffling figures half-glimpsed moving through the fog are not zombies, but fog cadavers. They are animated by the zombie fog itself, rather than by negative energy. This result reveals all construct traits.
27 A zombie fog can animate the humanoid corpses within the area it fills, and if the cadavers are slain, it animates them again. To permanently stop fog cadavers, foes must completely destroy their bodies or somehow isolate them from their animating force, the zombie fog itself.
32 A zombie fog feeds on positive energy, and drains away the ebbing life force of dying creatures. Fortunately, a zombie fog is rendered completely powerless by the light of day.
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Post by Mangrum »

Zweifalk Lore
Ravenloft Gazetteer II

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn more about zweifalks. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
13 This two-headed hawk is a zweifalk. This result reveals all magical beast traits.
18 A zweifalk is a savage and highly territorial predator that often aims for its victim’s eyes, attempting to permanently blind them
23 Although the process is difficult, zweifalk chicks can be trained, though they often turn on heedless hawkmasters.
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Post by Mangrum »

Vorlog Lore
Denizens of Dread

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (religion) can learn more about vorlogs. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
17 This woeful individual is a vorlog, an accursed creature trapped between life and undeath. This result reveals all undead traits and all humanoid or monstrous humanoid traits, as appropriate.
22 Vorlogs are the result of a vampire’s failed attempt to give the Dark Gift of vampirism to a favored mortal. For a vorlog to come into existence, the vampire that created it must have been destroyed. They are living creatures, but due to their origins, vorlogs share some traits with vampires. A vorlog’s skin burns when touched by sunlight.
27 A vorlog forever yearns for the eternal companionship that was snatched away when its vampire creator was destroyed. To recreate that bond, vorlogs create spiritual ties to surrogate mortals, upon whose life energy they slowly feed.
32 A vorlog’s wounds heal quickly, but silvered magic weapons can pierce their supernatural defenses. A vorlog cannot approach a strongly presented holy symbol.
37 If a vorlog is struck down in combat, it dissolves into a puddle of tears. If the liquid vorlog can seep into a dark place to recuperate, it reforms in a few hours. If prevented from reaching darkness for two hours, however, it is truly slain.
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Post by Mangrum »

Afflicted Beast Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (arcana) or Knowledge (nature) can learn more about afflicted beasts. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
13 This slavering, overgrown predator is no mere animal — it is an afflicted beast. Once a simple animal, it has been touched by the Dread Disease of lycanthropy. This result reveals all animal traits.
18 Animals exposed to lycanthropy cannot become werebeasts themselves, but sometimes, they are tainted by a shadow of the curse. Afflicted beasts grow strong and malevolent when exposed to whatever triggers the change in their bloodline — usually the light of the full moon. An afflicted beast cannot spread lycanthropy.
23 While transformed, an afflicted beast is unusually resistant to damage, but it shares the same material and chemical bane as the lycanthrope that created it (for afflicted wolves, this is usually silver and wolfsbane).
28 An afflicted beast has a ravenous appetite and may fly into a mad rage if subjected to pain. Magic such as remove curse or remove disease can sometimes cleanse an afflicted beast of the Dread Disease’s taint.
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Post by Mangrum »

Lost Soul Lore
The Nightmare Lands

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge (religion) can learn more about lost souls. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (the planes) or Knowledge (religion)
DC Result

12 This writhing mass of corpses is a lost soul, a remnant of those who have died while physically present in dreamscapes. This result reveals all undead traits and the dream subtype.
17 An individual lost soul poses little threat, but whenever two or more of these creatures touch, they permanently meld together into ever larger and more powerful forms.
22 Entering melee with a melded lost soul can be a lethal prospect, since they can latch onto victims and tear them apart.
27 Once merged, only a wish or miracle can separate individual lost souls.

Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result

20 Any giant, humanoid, or monstrous humanoid that dies while physically present in the Nightmare Lands will likely rise within a few hours as a lost soul.
25 Lost souls created in the Terrain Between appear corporeal, while those created in dreamscapes have a ghostly appearance. The only difference between the two varieties, however, is that ghostly lost souls gradually fade from existence if they leave dreamscapes.
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Post by cure »

Great stuff! Thanx.
The cure for what ails you
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Post by Joël of the FoS »

This is quite cool indeed. Will you add it to your monster compendium, with the descriptive blurbs?

"A full set of (game) rules is so massively complicated that the only time they were all bound together in a single volume, they underwent gravitational collapse and became a black hole" (Adams)
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Post by Mangrum »

I think so, yeah. For the Ravenloft-specific monsters, at least.

Grave Ooze Lore
Denizens of Dread

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (dungeoneering) can learn more about grave oozes. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
16 This rancid mass of pustulent slime and semi-digested carrion is a grave ooze. This result reveals all ooze traits.
21 A grave ooze is a mindless predator that primarily feeds on decaying flesh. However, it just as readily attacks any living creatures that disturb it. A grave ooze attacks by flailing at creatures with its pseudopods.
26 A grave ooze continuously secretes chemicals which help it digest its prey. These chemicals are both acidic and poisonous to the touch. Grave ooze poison is not lethal by itself, but leaves a victim weak and helpless.
31 A grave ooze gives off a sickening stench so powerful it’s sometimes noticeable even through six feet of earth. If a grave ooze latches onto a victim, it attempts to flow over the creature’s body and crush it to death.
36 A grave ooze takes no notice of piercing weapons, and is so attuned to the energies of death that is is immune to necromantic magic as well.
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Post by Mangrum »

Hearth Fiend Lore
Denizens of Darkness

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (the planes) can learn more about hearth fiends. Characters who recognize the creature’s nature can also make a Knowledge (Ravenloft) check to learn more. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (the planes)
DC Result

13 The leering face cackling at you from the fire is that of a hearth fiend. This result reveals all elemental traits and the fire subtype. Hearth fiends speak Ignan.
18 Hearth fiends are weak creatures on their home plane, which breeds resentment. A hearth fiend can only exist by possessing an existing fire, much like a ghost can possess a living creature. A hearth fiend’s power is determined by the size of the fire it inhabits. A hearth fiend defends itself by shooting out fiery bolts, which can ignite flammable materials. Through a limited form of telepathy, hearth fiends can communicate with any creature that has a language.
23 Hearth fiends can sense fires across planar borders, and can sometimes cross over into them. A fire inhabited by a hearth flame cannot be extinguished by standard methods, but magically created water can still snuff it out. A hearth fiend always wants to expand the flames it inhabits. To this end, it whispers to weak-minded individuals, charming them into setting ever-larger fires.
28 Three times per day, a hearth fiend can expel several floating embers that stay alight for several minutes. Until these embers go out, the hearth fiend can see through them as if using an arcane eye spell. If the embers ignite a flammable object, the hearth fiend can transfer itself to the new fire.

Knowledge (Ravenloft)
DC Result

15 Whenever a fire spell is cast in the lands of Mist, a small chance exists that a hearth fiend will take note and enter the newly created flame.
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Post by Mangrum »

Wormeaten Treant Lore
Denizens of Dread (under Plant, Undead Treant)

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) or Knowledge (religion) can learn more about wormeaten treants. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
21 This animated dead tree is actually a wormeaten treant — the result of what happens when a warped treant refuses to succumb to its natural death. This result reveals all undead traits.
26 If a wormeaten treant sits immobile, it’s nearly indistinguishable from a normal dead, rotting tree. Wormeaten treants are vulnerable to fire and can trample creatures into the dirt. Ulike living treants, they cannot animate trees, A wormeaten treant sustains itself by draining the blood of living creatures with special, rootlike tendrils.
31 Wormeaten treants deal massive damage to inanimate objects or structures and can quickly reduce a hut to rubble. Unlike their living kin, wormeaten treants make no pretense toward being guardians of their forests. They exist solely for existence’s own sake, and often rule a copse of living treants.
36 Wormeaten treants are significant innate druidic spellcasters, but they never use fire-based spells. Wormeaten treants retain the languages they knew in life, along with a few phrases of other humanoid languages, though they seldom have anything to say to anyone other than their unnatural minions.
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Post by Mangrum »

Bridge Troll Lore
Denizens of Dread (as Troll, Dread)

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn more about bridge trolls. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
16 This rubbery, brownish-greeni humanoid with metallic-hued hair is a bridge troll, a creature closely related to the common troll. This result reveals all giant traits. Bridge trolls speak Giant, Sylvan, and a local language.
21 A bridge troll is a sadistic predator with a ravenous appetite for raw flesh, particularly that of helpless, innocent people. Bridge trolls have a strong sense of smell and can see in the dark. Unlike other trolls, bridge trolls tend to lair near or even within urban areas. These lairs are usually located in cramped, out-of-the-way areas. A bridge troll is unusually talented at slipping into these cramped areas.
26 A bridge troll quickly regenerates most forms of damage, and can even regrow or reattach severed body parts. However, it cannot regenerate fire or acid damage. A bridge troll can sense the presence of innocent souls.
31 If a bridge troll is exposed to direct sunlight, it instantly turns to stone, resembling a natural boulder. It remains lifeless stone until the next sunset. Trolls come in many different varieties, which have adapted to many different environments, including the common troll and the aquatic scrag.
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Post by Mangrum »

Quickwood Lore
Denizens of Dread (under Plant, Quickwood)

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (nature) can learn more about quickwoods. When a character makes a successful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the information from lower DCs.

DC Result
20 This plant resembled an oak tree at first glance, but is in fact a monstrous plant called a quickwood, also known as a spy tree. This result reveals all plant traits. Quickwoods speak Sylvan, and may know other languages as well.
25 A quickwood uses its long, rootlike tendrils both to haul its massive bulk along the ground and to attack its foes. A quickwood tries to lash its tendrils around foes, then drag the creatures into its maw. A grappled victim can be rescued by severing the tendril, but most of their length remains underground, which grants them cover.
30 A quickwood has potent defenses. It channels electricity into the ground beneath it, and secretes sap to extinguish fire, making it resistant to both energy types. If targeted by magic, it reflexively attempts to channel the magical energy into a brief, fear-inducing aura.
35 A quickwood can animate nearby oak trees, and can scry through their senses, making them natural sentries. Quickwoods are often recruited by powerful masters to act as border guards.
Evil Genius
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Post by Brandi »

Mangrum wrote:Wormeaten Treant Lore
Is this a subset of the Undead Treant, or is it just a spiffier name for the creatures?
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Evil Genius
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Post by Mangrum »

Brandi wrote:Is this a subset of the Undead Treant, or is it just a spiffier name for the creatures?
Spiffier name. I've been making a conscious effort to avoid the 2E "just call it undead and be done with it" naming conventions, since they don't really do the job in the 3E era of templates. So, in my take, "Ravenloft/dread treants" are warped treants, and "undead treants" are wormeaten treants.

This is also why arcane leeches and psionic leeches were renamed witchbane leeches and mindsapper leeches, respectively.
Last edited by Mangrum on Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Post by Brandi »

Yeah, I like that.
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