Vampyre vampire?

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Mephisto of the FoS
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

So far the only thing I have found (in Libris Mortis) has something to do with a previous discussion, it is about the half-vampire and dhampir. In Libris Mortis they take Mistmasters option of full/well fed vampires being able to procreate, it writes:

"In rare circumstances, a vampire that has recently consumed a significant amount of blood gains the ability to breed successfully with living humanoids or monstrous humanoids, creating half-vampire offspring. Also in the unusual case of a pregnant humanoid or monstrous humanoid who survives a vampires blood drain attack, the child may be born "tainted" by the attackers vampirism. Ragardless of the origin, the children produced by such events are typically branded as outcasts, welcomed neither among the living or the undead."

So from that I will theorise and make the following changes

1) That Tristen would have become a half-vampire but due to Ruals interventioned, he somehow was transormed into a vampyre.

2) Dhampirs are created by rare circumstances which will be detailed in the Salient Abilities I propose.

3) Since the stats and powers of half-vampires are different form that of dhampirs, I will seperate them between.

a) those "half-vampires" who are procreated by vampires and I will use Dhampir stats.

b) those half-vampires who are created by tainting the fetus of a pregnant woman, thus making Tristen unique in becoming a vampyre that way and having vampyres of non-ApBlanc anchestry be from an ancient predatory race as stated in 2e Ravenloft Monstrous Compedium I
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Rock wrote:I seem to recall there already are rules for swarm forming, but I'm not sure where it's written down. Savage species? Libris mortis...? It's somewhere.
Mephisto wrote:Searched them both under feats... didn't find it. I only found A Worm That Walks but is different than what I want to make
Rock wrote:It wasn't a feat, I think. More like a kind of racial archetype or a prestige class-esque thing... I'll have to look later; bit tired right now.
Found it! Swarm-Shifter from Libris Mortis page 123 so I can reference that in the Salient Ability. Thanks!!!
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

Mephisto wrote:
Wolfglide wrote:On paper, changing a letter can make words look extra cool, but the undifferentiated pronunciation makes for a real pain in practice.
Maybe you can pronounce the letter "y" as in Finnish language. It resembles more a sound similar to "ew" ... 367827385/

So they become Vamp-ew-r and Gobl-ew-n
That is better than my idea. Given that Forlorn is culturally analogous to Scotland, I was considering pronouncing "Goblyn" with an exaggerated Scottish accent.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by tomokaicho »

Wolfglide wrote: That is better than my idea. Given that Forlorn is culturally analogous to Scotland, I was considering pronouncing "Goblyn" with an exaggerated Scottish accent.
Scotland, not Wales? What's with the Ap in the names?
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Apparently goblyns were first created by a Finnish vampyre sorcerer :P
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

tomokaicho wrote:
Wolfglide wrote: That is better than my idea. Given that Forlorn is culturally analogous to Scotland, I was considering pronouncing "Goblyn" with an exaggerated Scottish accent.
Scotland, not Wales? What's with the Ap in the names?
I was going off of the information in the Study, which claims Forlorn and its language are Scottish. Indeed, Google translate recognizes most words from the Forfarian language primer on page 77 of Gazetteer I as Scots Gaelic, but several also seem to be shared by Welsh.

But yes, all of the Ap names are more Welsh. There are a couple of Mac names (MacGranin and MacGolan in Forfarmax, page 82 of the Gazetteer), so there appears to be significant mixing of the cultures in the domain. Even the pantheon is a blend. Math Mathonwy and Arawn are Welsh, while Daghda and Diancecht are Irish. At least, that is what a bit of quick Wikipedia research has told me.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Part of the confusion is surely the amount of general knowledge the average North American game designer/fan in the mid-1990's had about Wales vs. Scotland. Scotland had the benefit of several big pop-culture references (inaccurate as they may be) like Braveheart and Highlander to be big in the collective subconscious. A lot of us back then might not even have known that Wales existed as separate thing from the rest of the UK. Speaking anecdotally for myself, Castles Forlorn is the first place I ever heard a name start with Ap-.

So any source that listed the inspiration for Forlorn from back then could easily have mistaken it for Scottish, and I wouldn't be surprised if the original writers snuck in some Scottish stuff that a Welsh native would scoff at too.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

About Welsh surnames patronymic names changed from generation to generation, with a person's baptismal name being linked by ap, ab (son of) or ferch (daughter of) to the father's baptismal name. So Flora Ap Blanc should be Flora Ferchblanc.

Well this is Ravenloft and everything gets mixed, so personally I 'll stay with the ApBlanc surname for all sexes.

For me when I encountered Scottish names as Duncan MacFarn and Hoder MacGranin it became more associated with Scotland so I preferred the ApName surname. Anyway names change through the ages so it doesn't bother me so much, unless if a PC wants to create a Duncan MacLeod of the clan MacLeod and intents to find resources to create a vorpal sword...

If that ever happens I ''ll probably send Mayonaka to end the PCs quest (buahahahahaha...)
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

I just saw that picture with "The dhampir Savra Sunstar confronts her father, the vampire Jander Sunstar" again... Bad idea... but it made me thinking about Dhampirs again.
Medraut Gundar was a dhampir because of his fathers aging curse but as I have said before I believe Dhampirs should be rare, created under extreme circumstances. Vampires are usually portrayed as ultra-sexual beings and as such would have lots of sex normally, so the world would be full of dhampirs. We have already described some solutions to this like Salient Abilities or Mistmasters overfeeding rule. There is one obvious one also Strahd Von Zarovich's spell Mimic Mortal from Forbidden Lore boxed set a Necromancy, Sorcerer/Wizard Spell level 4can only be cast by a that can be cast by vampire sacrificing it's powers to better disguise itself amongst the living as long as the duration of the spell ends. If a vampire sacrifices all its powers then it would be possible to impregnate a living woman thus a dhampir would be born.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by tomokaicho »

I got to thinking about this.
tomokaicho wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 6:01 am Vampyre, page 218 Denizens of Dread. Vampyres are Monstrous Humanoid predators that feed on blood. Vampyres have a healthy 8 Monstrous Humanoid racial HD. Has there ever been any published instances of vampyres being turned into actual undead vampires.
Those 8 Monstrous Humanoid racial HD are of the good type of racial HD. Only Outsider and Dragon HD are better. Monstrous Humanoid HD is full Base Attack Bonus, so Vampyres are +8 BAB to right at the start.

Instead of Vampire Vampyres, what about a Dhampir Vampyre? The Dhampir in 3E/3.5E Ravenloft was never really for PCs. If you take Vampyre and add the Dhampir template to it, you've basically got Blade from the movie 'Blade'. In this case, it's just an ordinary human Dhampir instead of a Vampyre with Dhampir template, you just use the stats. I think I prefer that for NPC Dhampir. I might even whip up a blade-esq NPC for the next QtR.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Maybe some monsters can't be turned into vampires, like for instance have you heard of a werewolf vampire? Could be that the blood is tainted by the curse and someone can't "evolve" intro a vampire werewolf (praised be Ezra) perhaps this could be also applied to vampyres. This is not an official rule it is just my opinion based on stories, comics and vampirevs werewolf movies like Underworld.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

In the Dragonfable game, they have a pretty nice explanation for why vampires and werewolves feel an immediate antipathy when seeing each other, and why the two afflictions do not mix.
Lycanthropy is revealed to be a disease based on the Light element - as in moonlight, whereas vampirism is based on the Dark element.

Then again, in older mythology, it was said that when a werewolf died they would be doomed to rise again as a vampire.
Dutch children's book author Paul van Loon (don't laugh; in Dutch that word is pronounced very differently and translates as 'wage') actually had the villain protagonist of his Griezelbus-series undergo this very process. He started out as a werewolf who would lure children into a tour bus under the guise of telling them stories for a whole night, only to wolf out at the end and devour them. One unusually well-prepared child had a miniature gun with silver ammunition on her, but the storyteller rose again as a vampire.
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Re: Vampyre vampire?

Post by DustBunny »

Mephisto of the FoS wrote: Thu May 19, 2022 12:03 pm Maybe some monsters can't be turned into vampires, like for instance have you heard of a werewolf vampire?
Unfortunately yes. :(
The 1st ed World of Darkness had the 'Abomination' - a Garou (werewolf) turned into a vampire. While the one in question was a NPC and the condition was supposably incredibly rare, it very quickly opened the doors for pure munchkin material. Needless to say it was quickly retconned due to backlash.

But if you prefer a lighter take, you could always go with the the 'Real Ghostbusters' cartoon route from the episode 'No one comes to Lupesville' :gabrielle:

Egon: "Think about it, Peter. When a vampire bites someone, he becomes a vampire, right?"
Peter: "Right..."
Ray: "And when a werewolf bites someone, he becomes a werewolf, too!"
Egon: "Precisely. So, what happens when a werewolf bites a vampire, and a vampire bites a werewolf?"
(watches as carnage happens as the vampires and werewolves turn into each other from their fighting)
Winston: "Man, talk about democracy in action."
Peter: "I'm hip. But guys, don't you want to stay around and see who wins?"
Egon, Ray, and Winston: "NO."
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