A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

Lucien is similarly flabbergasted at the sight of the beautiful, red-haired woman, and he realizes with astonishment that the language-impaired Goren is proving more adept at speech than he is right now!

Focus, Lucien. Focus. Yes, Claude, I'm fine. Still.... she's stunning. Yes, distracting, isn't she? At that comment, Lucien summons the dregs of his mental reserves and starts focusing again on the emotions of those around him, particularly the woman. Our adversary has reacted quickly to every step we've taken so far. Could this be another countermove?

He nods as his name is mentioned, and then he clears his throat. "Yes, it could be important, Mademoiselle....?" he asks.

Lucien is down to 3 pp for the day, but what the hey... He utilizes 1 pp to manifest empathy.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

Ail wrote:As they walk, he asks Vincent, "Why did you come to this area tonight?
"The temptation of culture" he says smiling avoiding the question.

Vincent grabs his extra gear and changes clothes at the inn . He quickly rubs as much of the muck away as possible and counters the scent with some perfume.

At the doctor's house Vincent stands at the back a little lost in thought. When the stunning woman opens the door to greet them he stays relax, although his eyes widen for a moment. A friendly smile appears on his face, but he stays quiet, his stance confident.
When his name is mentioned he bows "Good evening Mademoiselle".
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

"Oh yes, certainly it's possible!" the young woman replies to Goren and Zumba, a wavering smile on her face. "The Doctor is really available at all hours, I just need to wake him. Please, do come in." She looks a little flustered when Zumba mentions her being a Voodan, but soon smiles again. "Well, yes. Learning, anyway. I'm learning a lot -- oh!"

The young woman blushed bright red when Lucien so politely asks her name, and she drops into a deep curtsy (which incidentally gives you all a very nice view of her cleavage). "Molliana Taevril, at your service," she says. "Assistant to the Gentleman Doctor Auschluss, apprentice Voodan to the holy Maiden of the Swamp. Please feel welcome in the Doctor's abode."

The girl straightens up again and gestures to the open door.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

Zumba enters, slightly suspicions of the girl. Alluring as she is, she may well be trouble sooner than later. And her name... it's not Souragnien. What is an outsider doing learning the Voodan craft?

"Say, miss, Molliana, how are you finding Souragne? I can tell you're not from these parts. Been here long, have you?"
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

He had been in Marais de Tarascon less than a week, and already he had begun to regret his having wandered the mists to this accursed island. Moreover, the intolerable heat was beginning to take its toll on, not only his humor, but his playing hands as well. Just this morning, he noticed that his dried hands were beginning to crack from the oppressive swelter that had enveloped the island. It was very much unlike the Tepestani climate from which he hailed.

Thus, having procured directions from the host at the Beached Alligator, where he was staying, Nicolae navigated his way towards a Dr. Auschluss' residence in search of a balm or salve that would alleviate his wounded hands.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

Vincent follows the others inside walking past Taevril with a wink. After a few steps he turns around "Mademoiselle" he says purposely a bit slower than usual "the doctor chooses his assisstants well" he says as a compliment "but what exactly do you assassist in if I may ask? Doctor is quite a general title. We have, of course, heard of several things the 'gentleman' doctor does, but not much more."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

"Thank you, Madamemoiselle Taevril," Lucien says courteously to Moliana as he steps into the house. "Your hospitality, understanding, and beauty are most appreciated at this time of night. Please, see if you can rouse the doctor. We promise not to keep you or Doctor Auschluss longer than necessary." He turns to Vincent and places a hand on the man's shoulder.

At that moment, as Lucien makes eye contact with him, Vincent hears a "voice" inside his mind. It sounds masculine and it takes a pedantic, almost lecturing tone as it speaks. Zumba and Goren hear the voice as well in their minds.

Good evening, Vincent. Lucien has requested that I speak with you, with ALL of you. My name is Claude, an ally of Lucien. Goren and Zumba met me earlier this evening. Lucien promises to explain later, and Lucien never lies, do you, Lucien? Be wary, Madamemoiselle Taevril is more than she seems. However, she may not be working with your foes. Lucien senses confusion from her -- she was not expecting your group's arrival. Her puzzlement is surpassed only by her carnal desires... emotions that Lucien is savoring far too much, if you ask me.

In any event, if any of you wishes to discuss this situation covertly, Lucien has placed me at your disposal. Concentrate your thoughts -- please try not to burst a blood vessel -- and focus. While I cannot facilitate person-to-person communication, I will relay your message to the others. Please close your jaw, Vincent.

The message from Claude is communicated in one second. Lucien smiles knowingly and nods his head. "Correct, Vincent?" he says.
Last edited by Ken of Ghastria on Thu May 26, 2011 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

Having wandered about Marais de Tarascon for the better part of an hour, Nicolae finds the Dr.'s residence and approaches the entrance in order to knock on the door. Whoever opens the door will see a Tepestani man who stands just under six feet tall of pale complexion with piercing green eyes and reddish brown hair. He wears his whiskers in a Van Dyke fashion.

He is wearing a grey hempen chemise with red Tepestani patterns woven on the front along with besmirched white trousers, and knee-high black boots. On his back, he is wrapped in a dark grey cloak with the hood pulled back, and on his head, he wears a black felt hat with a medium brim and a red feather extending from the also black band.

Slung over his shoulder, a modest backpack hangs, and dangling beneath his left arm, a small bag that looks as though it might be an instrument case drops from his shoulder.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Molliana leads you all (except for Nicolae) into the house. The smell of chemicals grows markedly stronger as you enter a large room that seems to be part reception, part display chamber. Hard, wooden benches without padding stand in the middle. The carpets covering the floor are thin and appear to have been cut for ease of removal, thus expediting cleaning efforts.

A window in the south wall gives an excellent view of the struggling herb garden. Impressive-looking diplomas - or quite likely copies thereof - have been hung along the western wall, along with a slender wand of what looks like oak wood. In the east wall is the door through which Molliana bade you enter; a second door in the north wall stands behind a small wooden fence, such as you might see in the finer offices to prevent customers from entering a private area.

A fireplace in the west wall stands dark and as cold as anything can get in this infernal heat. Shelves have been affixed to all the walls where there is space, all of them placed above the average human's reach. On those shelves, you can see books of impressive girth, small boxes made of various metals -- and many, many bottles. Floating in what you realize must be formaldehyde or some similar preservative are some few organs, a few embryos of swamp wildlife, but mostly eyes. Reptile eyes, bird eyes, the eyes of various kinds of animals. None of you can escape the impression that the eyes are somehow staring at you, especially one chilly blue specimen that looks disturbingly like a human eyeball.

"Oh, I've been here a few years now," Molliana replies to Zumba. She smiles. "It is... very different from home, and I must admit I felt a bit overwhelmed at first, but it's been better since the Doctor came to live here and he took me under his wing."

She giggles a little when Vincent asks his questions. "Well, I help with just about everything," she replies. "I cook, I clean, I help to prepare the specimens" -- she gestures to the bottles with their eerie contents -- "and write out his research notes longhand when he doesn't feel up to it. The Doctor is such a brilliant man, always researching something new."

The girl nods and smiles at Lucien's words and starts for the north door, only to hurry back outside when you all hear the sound of knocking coming from the front door. Molliana soon returns, Nicolae in tow. "Such a busy evening," she says as she leads the latest arrival into the room. "Please, all of you wait here. It'll take me about five minutes; the Doctor and I keep to a flexible schedule, but he's been asleep for a few hours. I'll have to make his coffee so he can deal with guests at this time of night. Excuse me..."

Molliana bustles off past the wooden fence, neatly closes it behind her and passes through the north door, which she closes with equal care.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ken of Ghastria »

Lucien's nose wrinkles with revulsion at the assorted smells. The half-elf actually takes a step back. He is so distracted that he almost loses his concentration on his emotion-sensing ability. "Yes... thank you, Mademoiselle," he says absently to Moliana. But his attention recovers quickly when another "visitor" arrives suddenly. The newcomer's manner of dress suggests a Tepestani background ... and his wearing of a cloak in the damnably oppressive heat suggests something else entirely.

He steps forward. "Good evening, monsieur. I take it that you need the doctor's advice tonight, also?"

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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Guzrath »

Vincent recoils from Lucien's touch after hearing the voice making sure the physical contact is broken. He takes a step back, a mix of fear and surprise on his face. His hand already resting on the pommel of his weapon. He quickly regains his composure. "Awkward misstep" he says to everyone cheerfully to explain his behavior.
Vincent keeps his distance from Lucien, staring at him, thoughts racing through his mind. Questions about who this Claude is, what it is and what it can do. This was such a surprise for him, so unexpected and for him something unheard of that, for a moment, he lost control in his composure and thought.
He does not answer Lucien's question, still adjusting to the change.

As the newcomer enters the room he greedily grabs at the distraction and nods at him "Good evening monsieur. I see that the doctor will have a busy evening.". His hand now leans relaxed on the pommel of his sword, but it does not leave it.
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

Having been led by the lovely Molliana, Nicolae enters the spectactular parlor with all of its exotic curios. Removing his hat as he enters the abode, Nicolae cracks a smile and nods at the other patrons who are already within the reception chamber.

To Vincent's address Nicolae responds, "That appears to be the case, does it not? It seems I'm not the only visitor to Marais de Tarascon who has found the climate to be less than -- how should one say? -- hospitable." Nicolae's eyes drop to Vincent's sword-hand, and he clears his throat.

After a momentary pause in which he collects his wits, he begins, "Allow me to introduce myself," dropping into a low and formal bow. "My name is Nicolae Pavenic, a traveling minstrel am I, and I hail from the Tepestani lands," he says. "And judging by your attire and accent, might I presume that you are a visitor to these isles as well?"
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

Zumba is startled at first by Claude's presentation, but he soon adjusts. A smile comes over his lips and he says lowly

"I knew there was something wrong with her. Let's just be VERY careful."

When the newcomer arrives, he greets him with a nod of his head and then introduces himself

"Zumba d'Oxossi. Not really a traveller."

It is clear, from his aspects, that he is souragnien. The first thing a foreigner notices, especially in this company, is his dark skin, but soon is overwhelmed instead by his massive size and strong muscles. He goes only with breeches and an open sleeveless jacket, made of cotton. He carries a sack over his shoulders, and a quarterstaff on his hand.
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Higginz »

In answer to Lucien's question, Nicolae responds, "I have come in search of a balm that can protect one from this oppressive heat. The heat on these isles has become so great that I have begun to regret my having traveled here at all." He continues, "...And to make matters worse, something has spooked the entire town such that I have been unable to acquire work of any kind since my arrival." Here he pauses to brush a bit of dust from his hat, "The Souragnien townsfolk seem to be at a loss for faith in the power of the bardic arts to cure them of their vermin and ill-begotten."

Turning to Zumba, "You sir appear to be a native of these lands. Perhaps you can shed some light upon the ill-humor in which I have found my would be patrons."
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Re: A Stitch in Souragne - La Danse de Mort

Post by Ail »

"Bah, easy to explain, hard, very hard to solve. There's a draught going on, a large one, and a draught of good magic too. Not the priests, not even the voodans can make any good magic, or water, or rain or whatever. And there's these strange monsters going around, strange men, if they're men at all, that have attacked us a few times. Not good, no..."
Zumba d'Oxossi (A Stitch in Souragne)
Brother Eustace (The Devil's Dreams)
Robert de Moureaux (A New Barovia)
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