Ravenloft Reanimated Domain Contest

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Post by MadStepDad »

The ratings are up and the reviews are in.

http://madstepdad.proboards24.com/index ... thread=442

The preceding link will direct you to my thoughtful analysis, reviews and straight up eviscerations of these contest submissions.

Any thoughts, critiques or arguments feel free to post them on the ensuing thread and may we continue to engage in pleasant debates about the merits of these domain submissions.

Congratulations to all who submitted, and best of luck in the future rounds!




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Post by Sorti »

Thank you for your job, MadStepDad. Are these evaluations final or do we have to wait for the other judges' ones? And by the way, how many domains will pass to the next stage?
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

I am totally amused. The two domains I would never have seen getting in are the only two that got the coveted (4) rating.
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Post by Zettaijin »

Wondering if some of my ideas will be used for that Nosos revision...
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Post by ewancummins »

Zettaijin wrote:Wondering if some of my ideas will be used for that Nosos revision...
Are you the one who wrote the Marxist re-interpretation of Nosos?
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Post by Zettaijin »

Yes, I admitted as much in my more recent revised version of Malus Sceleris (which can be found on the fanfic forum).

Although some folks may not recall, I used to be known as Asplagis in my wilder, more outspoken RL mailing list days.

I was a wee bit of a loudmouth, I was.

I truly and honestly want to revise Nosos again, if only time would permit.
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Post by WolfKook »

Sorti wrote:Thank you for your job, MadStepDad. Are these evaluations final or do we have to wait for the other judges' ones? And by the way, how many domains will pass to the next stage?
I'm sorry for the delay, but I'm still waiting for the opinions of one of the judges. So far, there are 35 domains in the "approved" list, but that may change depending on the ratings of the final judge. If those opinions are not given by the end of the day, I'll go on with just those of MadStepDad and Tec-Goblin.
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Yaoi Huntress Earth
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Post by Yaoi Huntress Earth »

Sounds great. I'm really looking forward to the results.
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Post by MadStepDad »

Thanks for reading, and seriously - congratulations to everybody on the submissions. They were all really good. I think only one or two submissions earned the hallowed "5" (I Love It) rating, and I tried to stay away from the "1" (I Hate It) as well.

I could have gone with a different rating than "I Don't Care" for "3" (maybe "on the fence" or "Needs some work") cuz there were no domains I didn't care to read. They were all good and exciting. I'm eagerly awaiting the results of the contest, and I hope my comments were well received.




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Post by NykylaiHellray »

=/......welll the idea of grand central is more developed in my notes, buts its very hard to get the complexity of the idea in a sentence....

.....hmm seems i wont even make the first cut
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Post by WolfKook »


The following domains will continue to the following round. Don't forget to check on the recommendations of the judges before sending your submission for round 2:

Influenced by the idea of Spelljammer (!). A huge, crumbling city that once was home to a starfaring race, now slowly reverting to savagery.
MadStepDad: RAVENLOFT in the classic sense draws from all known material worlds in the TSR universe, yet SPELLJAMMER has never had the opportunity to shine like it's more well-known TSR multiverses. I’d be interested to see more of this.
Tec-Goblin: Will spelljammers be able to travel the mists? What's the play balance of advanced relics/equipment?

Archiginnasio di Felsinea
Professor Humbert Greimas burned the greatest library in history; to rebuild it he looks for talented students to rewrite books, while in fact turning themselves in those very books...
MadStepDad: If BYRON EVENSONG can’t get a real domain, neither can PROFESSOR GREIMAS.
Tec-Goblin: what's the background behind a german name and an italian library? Otherwise, lovely!

Black Showroom
The mecenate Arthur Black organizes art shows around the core, collecting precious items. When one of his artist dies its masterworks raise in value, and this apparently happens often…
MadStepDad: Interesting idea for a pocket domain. I’d be curious to hear more. And unlike everybody else, I LIKED the confusing adventure from DARK TALES & DISTURBING LEGENDS! ("To Inherit Eternity") The BLACK SHOWROOM could be another slant on that familiar legend.
Tec-Goblin: pocket domain? Very classic. Attention to English plurals!!

The flooded home of the "true Vistani" is one built on pride and lies where these flaws are nothing more than tools for those who have the drive.
MadStepDad: “Home of the true vistani”? That’s all I needed to hear. Bring on more.
Tec-Goblin: That's an extremely negative light on Vistani. Let's not forget that they are based on a true and living people.

The armies of two dukes fight over the love of a woman; but does she really want the war to end?
MadStepDad: Sounds like an interesting proposal, with a femme fatale twist. Potential players schooled on RAVENLOFT semantics may not even be able to figure out the BBEG on their first try. I would be interested in hearing more about CASTELDEBOLE’s Darklord.
Tec-Goblin: A variation between lethal tournaments, sieges and assassinations could provide for a rich domain, much more intense than the existing ones. Aposa could fit here as a dread possibility, instead of a domain.

Last city of dying race, trapped between barren mountains and sea, populace struggles to recreate wonders of ancestors. Rulers powerless to stop decline, more of their people found dead daily.
MadStepDad: Nothing is jumping off the page at me here. A civilization racing towards extinction could provide fodder for some fast-paced, end-of-the-world drama but I'm not totally sold on its longevity. If CIRUNDI-VELLE makes the cut, it's Dark Lord better blow us out of the water.
Tec-Goblin: The rhythm of the dying should be quite moderate (otherwise it won't last much). It's a great way to introduce one of the new races in Ravenloft.

Coral Sea, the
Domain based on the Age of Pirates in the Caribbean (Henry Morgan!). Warm shallow sea with lots of islands. South of Sea of Sorrows, possibly bordering Souragne, Nueva Aragona.
MadStepDad: RAVENLOFT has its own pirate domains that would require another look before inventing a new one. Some interesting ideas here, but I could go either way on wanting to hear more.
Tec-Goblin: Not very scary, but I have a soft spot for that. I can of course suggest the 4th Edition Swashbuckling supplement for rules.
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Post by WolfKook »

Classical domain based on Greek tragedies, especially Oedipus, and centered on self-fulfilling prophecies and the embrace of a terrible fate.
MadStepDad: Submitter sounds well-educated on the literary nuances that dot traditional RAVENLOFT domains, and I’d be interested in hearing more. But if it sounds more like a history-research paper than an interesting domain of dread, I would gladly give this one the torch.
Tec-Goblin: Oedipus makes for an excellent darklord, and self-fulfilling prophecies can be dreadful for players.

Crewsaw Island
An island inhabited by cannibal tribes, with a thriving civilization that tries to keep away from them in a tiny, fortified village.
MadStepDad: The work required to make this idea work may be too much for one mortal man. Has potential to be rife with “weekend-in-hell” type horror, but I doubt the domain can hold much water beyond that.
Tec-Goblin: Classic, but there's already something similar with werewolves. A cult of canibalism within the walls or an unexpected darklord might give a twist... How much "thriving" can a civilization be in a tiny village?

Althena has been "rewarded" for her evil in this Greek tragety of a domain, giving her broken promises of fame and admiration she's desired.
MadStepDad: Original RAVENLOFT setting remixed with an artisans precision. I would be greatly interested in hearing how they expounded on canon RAVENLOFT writings for this one.
Tec-Goblin: I don't think Athena is an appropriate deity for this (attention to typos!)

Devil's Fork
Domain based on the American Southwest. Ghost towns and abandoned mines, including the famous Naranjal, which the darklord is cursed to search for in vain
MadStepDad: As a fan (and current practitioner) of MASQUE of the RED DEATH I would be greatly interested in receiving a full write-up of this submission. As a judge for a traditional RAVENLOFT domain contest though, I’d have to pass on this one. Way too 1800’s for STRAHD and AZALIN.
Tec-Goblin: Similar to an idea in the d20 past supplement, but there's a heavy risk that the PCs leave with powerful firearms.

A steampunk domain where technology is powered by the mists, and the condition of workers as zombies and machines is emphazised.
MadStepDad: Steampunk has always been a point of contention within RAVENLOFT circles, and we’ve never seen the true potential of one of these domains. Yet ENDEMIA doesn’t sound like the right submission for the unanswered ranks of steam punk fans to get behind and clamor over. If the Mist-powered tech can be fleshed out enough to make it worthy of consideration, so be it. But I’m not anxious to read another attempt.
Tec-Goblin: mistpunk! A great way to introduce warforged. The "misty/arcane" character of the machines could explain why they wouldn't work outside the domain. Possible themes: subversion of identity.

The duke of Este staged the execution of his court jester Pietro Gonnella as a joke; but the poor fellow died of fear, and now it's no laughing matter…
MadStepDad: Sounds like a great example of gothic horror and would make a great short story. But again, I fail to see how this can be stretched into a fully-functional and interactive domain of dread.
Tec-Goblin: how will a domain shaped by a joker darklord be?

Under the shadow of the world's most ancient University erudites and sages discuss philosophy, mathematics, art... but under the city an ancient sphinx craves the answer to just one riddle...
MadStepDad: Of all the “I don’t care” votes today, this one is lowest on that scale. Seems for an intriguing inclusion, but I could lean either way on its suggested Darklord. May be worthy of a second look but I wouldn't want my vote being the one that gets FELSINEA into the winners circle. Still too many uncertainties for me.
Tec-Goblin: Does the sphinx search for the answer, or is it just waiting a scholar to ask it something? The first seems more interesting.
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Post by WolfKook »

Forest of Hunger, the
The forest spirals ever downward. Into the maw of the beast that eternally eats. The man bound to the land he sacrificed his humanity to protect, devouring the very people he changed himself to save
MadStepDad: If I could understand what the hell this pitch was suggesting it may have ranked a bit higher. Granted, I can’t hate on it for the same reason. If we see the FOREST again I hope it doesn’t read like a bad acid trip.
Tec-Goblin: From whom he protected humanity? What changed him?

Free League, the
The communes of the League join together to defend themselves against external invasions, and spend the times of peace in a multicentric web of spies, commerce, academic and artistic competitions...
MadStepDad: Never are the bonds of friendship and loyalty tested more than during times of peace. I’d be interested in hearing more about a large domain like this that can balance so many different facets of feudal life.
Tec-Goblin: What's dark about it? Who are the external invadors?

Grand Central
Arid wasteland in which lays a sprawling terminus-citadel, characterised by trains, steam and toil. Crime and corruption run rife and its eclectic citizenry are terrorised by both crimelords and shadowy despotism
MadStepDad: RAVENLOFT meets SHADOW RUN? Cool idea, but there must be some kind of continuity in a project like this. It still needs to fit the bare bones outlines suggested in the BLACK BOX, and GRAND CENTRAL doesn’t meet that criteria.
Tec-Goblin: Does it connect to other domains by rail?

Created by their "Dark Mother", the Cathians acknowledge their state as servants of Tsien Chiang as they serve her obsessions and greed.
MadStepDad: Wasn’t a big fan of the domain when it first came out, but I’m all about giving established work a second look. If I’CATH makes it, maybe the author can make us look sideways at something we barely gave a second thought to before.
Tec-Goblin: What's tragic in this story?

Isles of Saint Helena
A hundred emerald isles in a sapphire sea, the populace constantly fears the roving pirate bands, press gangs for despotic governments, and dark spirits who rule the seas and forests.
MadStepDad: If “generic” D&D had a RAVENLOFT domain it would ISLES of SAINT HELENA. And quite frankly, I've seen GREYHAWK-inspired domains with more flavor and variety.
Tec-Goblin: Where would it be located? Are the despotic governments based on existing domains? 4th Edition Swashbuckling might be helpful for rules here

Labyrinth, the
A strange, mazelike place of faeries and bogeymen, which connects doors all over the world.
MadStepDad: Again with the fairies. Interesting concept, sounds like a few movies I’ve seen (MONSTERS INC?) I’d be moderetly interested in hearing more about this potential pocket domain but if it doesn’t receive the required amount of votes – eh. No big loss.
Tec-Goblin: It could be linked to the Shadow Rift. Who created it?

Massive republic, crowded cities separated by the great plantations which lay claim to windy countryside. Slavery encouraged, demihuman races have rights only as property, owned by powerful human rail barons.
MadStepDad: Oooo controversial. Never had a domain before that dealt with mankind’s original sins like this. Sounds like you could be toeing a very dangerous line and I’m not sure you can flesh it out any further without offending or alienating the fan base. RAVENLOFT is a world of darkness, but this is still a family site.
Tec-Goblin: A domain that emphasized on slavery was missing from Ravenloft. Do women have voting rights? (a yes would give an interesting twist to the standard historical approach)
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Post by WolfKook »

Nature and civilization are at each other's throats for survival with a new look at Malus and his twisted domain.
MadStepDad: If there’s any domain worthy of a complete revamp, it’s NOSOS. Would love to see how you save this CAPTAIN PLANET domain from the doldrums of forgotten RAVENLOFT domains.
Tec-Goblin: Seeing the domain from an ecological viewpoint could make it even more unique

Amedeo chose suicide only to cause grief to his family and fiancee; but now he's back as a geist, and his land seems much happier without him... or is it?
MadStepDad: Tragic enough in the gothic sense, but there are enough domains already with high magnitude ghosts and geists wreaking havoc. I didn’t get enough "oomph" from this summary to excite me for an entire write-up.
Tec-Goblin: The hook in Damathor could give a twist: some people suspect that someone would instigate the suicide, particularly with such a beautiful fiancée. Is it real?

Hope and purity is both offered and desired by the domain's living god, Diamabel, as his citizens fall prey to his "blessings" and curse.
MadStepDad: Another classic domain remix? I’m down.

An astrology-obsessed domain full of scientific and magical marvels. Ruled by ruthless "academies" warring among themselves over the question on how to change Ravenloft for the better.
MadStepDad: Sounds like a noble classical domain suggestion, although I’m hesitant to commit if by “change RAVENLOFT for the better” you mean the natives are keenly aware of their hellish prison.
Tec-Goblin: Links to the Fraternity of Shadows?

Principato delle Grazie
The prince's lover was pregnant, so the queen made her disappear; she and her baby arose as an abomination who got a bloody revenge, but undead fetuses aren't good heirs…
MadStepDad: “Undead fetus???” Whoa controversial. I would totally read more about a domain with this twisted slant.
Tec-Goblin: It will be interesting to base the darklord on the old version of the Atropal (the one which really looks like an embryon)

A clash between a puritan society and a free-thinking culture where both end up portraying their worst qualities.
MadStepDad: Sounds like the gothic struggles of America circa 1963. I doubt the write-up would be any more exciting than a typical High School textbook.
Tec-Goblin: Does a puritan society have many good qualities?

Archbishop Riccardi imprisons his adversary count Leopoldino with his sons in a tower, dying of starvation; Leopoldino devours his children, becoming a monster... or is the Archbishop the true one?
MadStepDad: Truly horrifying story here of torture, both mental and physical. I would be interested in reading more, but I don’t have high expectations either way. Though I am wondering how players could have an active role in this storyline.
Tec-Goblin: Very nice. How this starvation, and religion will affect the domain?
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Post by WolfKook »

Post-apocalyptic domain; horrible magical energies were unleased, causing mutations and "chaos points" where the land itself changes. The remaining human population now kills any user of magic (arcane or divine) they find.
MadStepDad: Pretty crazy, and the initial write-up is far away from what most people would consider a “traditional” RAVENLOFT domain. Could have the potential to be a BLUETSPUR-level disaster… or – as I’m seeing it – could be an interesting combination of G’HENNA/MARKOVIA/and DARK SUN.
Tec-Goblin: Inspired by Warhammer Chaos?

Sunset Wastes, the
A western, desertic domain where gunslingers and natives fight for the scarce resources of the land.
MadStepDad: It’s a shame, because as noted earlier I love these seemingly Gothic Earth-inspired submissions. But I can’t see this fitting into RAVENLOFT as it’s been (or is being) written. Frontier Texas during the Expansion WOULD make an ill domain, but not in the timeframe we’re working with.
Tec-Goblin: The question on how the players do not leave the domain with advanced firearms should be addressed. Something tragic and gothic could be added.

The Church always protected the morals of the people, but now people say you can have morals with no God! Will the Pope accept it graciously? He is such an holy man…
MadStepDad: I’m reminded of the real-life stories according to the gospel of ST. THOMAS. It’s sounds like an interesting proposal but I’m not inspired either way. If this one sneaks through, the Darklord write-up better blow us away.
Tec-Goblin: Attention: better not use "Pope" here, catholics may have issues. "Hierophant" is an alternative.

Veaer (The Living)
A semi-sentient wilderness with a multiple-personality disorder alternating between friendship, indifference and hostility towards civilization. Native wild nomads possess great scientific knowledge, but use it only rarely.
MadStepDad: Weird and somewhat original. I’m reminded of VECHOR and ABBER NOMADS from the NIGHTMARE LANDS, maybe with a touch of KING CROC and his WILDLANDS. I think I’d be interested in a domain with a decidedly different idea of what constitutes a Dark Lord.
Tec-Goblin: How the natives obtained this knowledge? It can be an interesting story, and a frightening experience for people seeing them using it.

What was once an outcast (Psions, magic users, demihumans) shall inherit the earth if they can survive the Darlord's own heartbroken grasp.
MadStepDad: Variation of the "meek shall inherit the earth" theme? Granted, the Darklords "heartbroken grasp" intrigues me but I could do with a RAVENLOFT domain that's less on the fantasy and more on the horror. I'm not in love with this one.
Tec-Goblin: Could the inheritor be a PC? Could be added as a twist to many of the other domains.

A volcanic and seismic land harboring a festive, urban anarchy. A society of feasts, duels and murders of passion, with a dangerously active criminal underworld.
MadStepDad: I’ll admit I DO like the write-up, it sounds like Hawaiian Gangsta. I’ve never seen heavy emphasis placed on a volcanic domain in RAVENLOFT before, so that part sounds intriguing. But as much as I enjoy “festive urban anarchy”, and have been known to participate in my fair share – I fail to see this domain making a big impact. But if VINARA makes the cut, it’s Dark Lord submission must work twice as hard to win my favor.
Tec-Goblin: Is there some code of honour keeping the tradition of duels in a city without law?

Woods of the floating coffin, the
a forest frozen in a single moment. Where the lady sleeps the endless slumber. Waiting for her prince charming who never comes; for the prince she herself killed
MadStepDad: Sleeping Beauty meets RAVENLOFT? Seriously? I mean, I’d be interested in a darker look at this classic fairy tale but how will it sustain itself as an active domain the Players can run around in?
Tec-Goblin: Who and why is not affected by this time effect? Why the PCs wouldn't be affected? Could they be affected from time to time? (and realize when they leave that much more time has passed than they had thought)
"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom"
William Blake
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