A concept it might be interesting to explore

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Evil Genius
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Five »

Rogold Gildenman wrote:Why make fun of yourself when other people are so much more interesting? :wink:
Because I hate myself. I was raised Roman Catholic...




"A very piteous thing it was to see such a quantity of dead bodies, and such an outpouring of blood - that is, if they had not been enemies of the Christian faith."

- Jean Pierre Sarrasin, "The Memoirs of the Lord of Joinville"
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

I think I've ironed out Strahd.

Strahd Von Zarovich spent his entire adult life fighting in an unjust war. Partially thanks to his efforts, those who profited from the war were exposed and a decades long war between nations was ended. Strahd, and several other war veterans like him, were placed in charge of the border provinces between the two nations. Strahd's was set over the province of Barovia and was quartered in its most famous residence, Castle Ravenloft. He quickly developed a reputation for justice, righteousness, and an even hand. He sent to his relatives to inform them of his new life and they responded by asking him to take in his youngest brother, Sergei and teach him better ways. Sergei did prove to be a bit of a wastrel and rogue, but no villain. Strahd agreed to try to mentor his brother. He was having some success in this endeavor until the day Sergei brought home a girl he'd met in the village. Tatyana was a mischievous young woman who tended to encourage all of Sergei's worst qualities. Strahd soon realized he would have to straighten out both of these young people, which was why he was so pleasantly surprised when they announced their engagement. Strahd enjoyed preparing for the wedding and had several discussions with the bride and groom about the responsibilities of the married. Everything seemed to be going wonderfully until Strahd's old friend and subordinate, Alek Gwilym, was found murdered. Strahd, Sergei, and Tatyana were devastated but it was too late to postpone the wedding. On the morning of the wedding, Strahd had withdrawn to compose himself,when Tatyana came to check on him. To his surprise, she tried to seduce him. She got as far as kissing him before he stopped her.
"This is wrong," he said, "You're going to marry my brother."
"Would you marry me if I asked you?" She asked.
Strahd couldn't force himself to answer.
"I knew it," she said huskily. "I saw the way you looked at me when you thought nobody would see. You desire me, don't you, Elder. Well, it's all there for you. All you need to do is say it."
Strahd finally got a hold of himself.
"No," he said, "I will not dishonor myself or my brother in such a way." And he turned to leave.
"Just like Alek," he heard her say and he turned back just in time to receive her knife in his chest. As he fell to the floor, he noticed it was blade of a Ba'al Verzi assassin.
"Too honorable to just say yes. It's all right. I'll just marry your brother to become ruler of Barovia. I may even keep him around for awhile. He amuses me. Farewell Old One." she said as she left the room. That was last thing Strahd saw.

When Strahd came to, he was on a bed with his chest bandaged. His rescuer had been one of his guests. Leo Dillisnia. Tatyana had barely missed Strahd's heart and Dillisnia had had to call upon various surgeons and magic healers to keep him from dieing. Strahd had been comatose for weeks and in that time, Tatyana and Sergei's iron handed reign had been consolidated. The country was in the midst of a reign of terror. Many had been executed on suspicion of involvement in Strahd's murder. Strahd immediately set out for Castle Ravenloft to set things to right against Leo Dillisnia's advice. As Strahd rode through the streets in his regalia, Barovians began to say his ghost had risen to take revenge on his murderers. When they learned the truth, They all followed him to Castle Ravenloft. When Strahd arrived at the Castle, he burst into the throne room to find Tatyana standing over Sergei's murdered body with the bloody Ba'al Verzi blade in her hand. She fled and Strahd pursued her, cornering him on the castle overlook. She tried again to seduce him.
"Strahd," she said, "I always wanted you, not him. When I heard you were alive, I killed him since I didn't need him anymore."
Enraged Strahd charged her and barely dodged her knife when she struck. He pushed her back and she lost her balance next to the overhang and flipped over the side, crying out just briefly. Strahd raced to the side and looked over, seeing that she had managed to grab the edge of the cliff on her way down.
"Strahd," she begged, "Please save me."
Strahd reached for her, fully intending to do so. What he didn't know was that she'd managed to gain a foothold as well and when his hands grabbed hers, she pulled with all her might, trying to pull him down with her. Her blood slicked hands slipped from his, however and she fell down the cliff, screaming Strahd's name all the way down. Strahd collapsed in grief on the overhang and remembered an old fable from his youth.
A scorpion asked a frog to carry it across a river. The frog hesitated, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argued that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considered this argument sensible and agreed to transport the scorpion. The scorpion climbed onto the frog's back and the frog began to swim, but midway across the river, the scorpion stung the frog, dooming them both. The dying frog asked the scorpion why it stung, to which the scorpion replied "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."

Current Sketch
It's been decades since that day. Strahd quickly learned that he wasn't aging anymore. He believes one of the spells used to heal him has made him age more slowly. Years later, Strahd met another young man who reminded him so much of Sergei, that Strahd took him in and tried to mentor him like before. This young man also met a wild tempestuous woman like Tatyana whom Strahd also tried to mentor and the cycle repeated itself almost exactly. Strahd realized then that the two young people and he were under a curse and that it would repeat itself until he could find some way to break Sergei and Tatyana free of their scorpion-like natures.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by KingCorn »

The Carnival

It goes by many names: The Night Circus, the Carnival of Mad Delights, the Horror Show. But all know of the Carnival, a traveling show of madmen and monsters, who twist the minds and bodies and even souls of those who watch their dark performance.
Some say the carnival was formed by souls escaped from hell, others say the entire show is just one great demon, that they are merely the castaways of the world who have turned to violent madness. The truth is far sadder, and disturbing.

Far off in the mists was once the City of Castaways: L'Morai. Here, all the freaks and mutants of the world, all the unique souls, would find themselves through the fickle mercy of the mists. Here, they would be raised to be proud of themselves, to be proud of their uniqueness. The crown of this place was the Carnival, a performance to celebrate the talents of its citizens, to revel in their freak nature rather than feel shame. But not all was well, for even in this place of mercy darkness can take root.
Hermos was always a cruel child. He used his hulking size to pick on those weaker than him, and as grew to near giant size so to did his cruelty. He, his partner Marie, and several others in the city resented their nature, resented the idea of having to accept being freaks for their whole lives. To them, the idea of pride as freaks was a sick joke. Driven to frenzy, they attempted to burn the city down, and fled into the mists, calling on any god or devil they could to help grant them revenge upon the world for cursing them with such twisted forms. And someone answered.

Isolde was infamous for her sick cruelty, even in the Abyss. Her desire to corrupt the pure, to pervert the innocent, to twist the world into a foul parody of itself was all consuming. When she heard of the mists, of the supposed heroes that lay within, she could not resist the call. She would corrode the good of that land, and shape it into her own image. Entering the mists, she found herself weakened but alive, and already with pertitioners, The exiles of L'Morai prostrated before her, and offered there lives, their very souls, for a chance to follow her in her mission of corruption. And so The Carnival Began.

Center of the Carnival is Isolde herself. A vain succubus, she is ringmaster of the Carnival, thriving in the center of attention, in seeing interest turn to allure, turn to horror. Using her power, she spreads the twisting, a corrupting plague of magic which twists the audience slowly into monstrous parodies of there former selves, bringing forth there darkest desires and compulsions. and leaving behind broken communities.
Behind her is the monstrous Hermos. Often mistaken for a Caliban, the hulking brute is the enforcer of the Carnival. Isolde has gifted him for his devotion, granting him strength greater than a true giant, and near immortal healing, but in doing so has twisted his form further. For this, he both loves and loaths her, worships her and curses her. He is a hateful being, hateful of his mistress, hateful of the world, and most of all hateful of himself and his fellow freaks.
Behind him are others, such as the cruel vamperess Amelia, now a true vampire. Or the the hollow man Tindal, once a kindly wizard now a wicked sociopath (his attempt at purging himself of his darker nature going deathly ary). Or the mysterious and pure Familiar, child of the Gentlemen Caller. He more than any other is Isolde's special project, for if she can corrupt the child of a deva, a truly pure soul, than she can corrupt anyone.
But not all hope is lost, for resistance can be found in even this horror show. Born of souls unwillinging cursed by Isolde, this group is lead by Professor Pacali, a former teacher at Il Aluk university. Once seeing the carnival as a mere band of unfortunates, he thought to study there deformities to perhaps cure them. Now stuck in the carnival, he is at his wits end trying to bring it down. The years of horror have made this once kind man bitter and paranoid, not helped by the Pickled Punks he is cursed to spawn from his growing dark thoughts. However, beneath it all, in him beats the heart of a righteous man.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

:shock: :shock: :shock: HOLY CROW! THAT'S GOOD!
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by KingCorn »

Manofevil wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: HOLY CROW! THAT'S GOOD!
Thanks, glad you like it! :)
I kinda made it up on the fly, figured that rather than being a random, strange light in the darkness, it would be a random chaotic corruption. I based alot of it on the WhiteWolf book Night Carnival (or something like that).
Evil Genius
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

I know that there’s the domain of the elder brain & a zombie lord domain(not sure what the names of their domains are called) how might they be created along the lines of this concept?
Edit:I just remembered the domain that had the 1/2 vistani & her son & His 1/2 Sister. How would you fine people build that domain?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

Victor Mordenheim was ahead of his time and everyone who knew him, even some who didn't, suffered for it. Mordenheim became obsessed with life, death, and power when his mother died and his father nearly lost his mind. Looking for ways to manipulate life and death, young Victor studied corpses and carcasses to learn everything he could. Recognizing his son's passion, Victor's father sent him to medical school. There, Victor fell in with some colleagues who embraced a twisted philosophy that emphasized the idea that a doctor had a right to decide whether a patient should live or die. Victor took this philosophy to a mercenary end and became the first scientist/surgeon to think of weaponizing his skills and selling them to the highest bidder. He began in medical school when he gave plague ridden fluids to a landlord who used them to kill a group of peasants so he could clear them off his land. He used the money he made to further his unethical experiments quietly while he pursued his medical studies. Mordenheim began to lead a duel life, he would publicly pursue his studies as a conscientious medical professional, while privately pursuing his unethical experiments as a scientific assassin. He would always study the results of his murders, looking for information he could further apply. He also sold his surgical skills as a torturer. He was very good at keeping people alive longer than they would choose. After graduating university, Mordenheim married Elise von Brandhofen and the seemingly happy couple retired to his ancestral home, Schloss Mordenheim, and he began to secretly pursue his most ambitious project: a resurrected corpse, impervious to harm, that would be the perfect undefeatable soldier. As he pursued his goal, he and Elise did their best to start a family, but after a stillbirth and a crib death, Elise fell into a deep depression which Victor decided to take advantage of to complete his project. After 13 years of research, Mordenheim accomplished his goal. His flesh monster was a reality. Mordenheim was very pleased with the creature. It was incredibly strong, seemed to heal overnight, and seemed impervious to pain. Mordenheim treated the creature very cruelly, hoping to harden it into a killer, while still remaining in control of it. Unbeknownst to Mordenheim, however, the cell in which he kept the creature was connected by an old drainpipe to Elise's chambers. One day, the creature heard Elise singing to her dead son, Adam, and called out to her. Taking his voice for the ghost of her dead son, the two began a relationship. Elise's loving kindness undermined Victor's attempts to twist the creature into a killer and Victor found himself stymied in his efforts to create a super killer under his control. When the Mordenheims took in an orphan girl named Eva, Elise found her life complete. Eva was not as lost in her mind as Elise was and one day was able to follow the drainpipe down to the cell where the creature was locked. Adam and Eva began a secret friendship that lasted until she found out what Victor Mordenheim was actually trying to do. That day, she waited for Victor to leave the house, then led Elise down to the cell. At first, Elise was horrified but she soon recognized the son she'd wanted in the creature and was happy to give him her dead son's name. The three finally resolved to leave Schloss Mordenheim and never look back, but none of them had realized that their whole meeting had been a trap set by Mordenheim. Victor ambushed them and captured both Elise and Eva. He then informed Adam that he did not do as he was told, his loved ones would suffer. Elise went into fury and attacked Victor, breaking away from him, grabbing Eva and running for her life with Victor in pursuit and Adam close behind. Sadly, Elise tripped on a stone stairway and fell down them with Eva in her arms. When Victor caught up with them, Eva was dead and Elise was barely alive.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" bellowed Adam from the top of the stair. He moved on Mordenheim intending to kill him.
"STOP!" shouted Mordenheim and Adam did, reacting to a word Mordenheim had conditioned him to respond to, "Elise is still alive, barely. If you harm me, there will be no one to see to her wounds and she will die. Which is greater? Your hate for me or your love for Elise?"
Adam snarled at Mordenheim, then helped him get Elise to the laboratory. While Mordenheim did what he could for Elise, Adam moved Eva's body to the laboratory, as well.
When Mordenheim had done all he could, he informed Adam that she was in a vegetative state. He might be able restore her but he would need Adam's complete obedience to even have a chance. Adam responded by punching Mordenheim in the mouth and knocking out five of his teeth.
"Let that be your answer!" Adam roared, 'You need only your hands, your eyes, and your mind to restore Elise! You could lose any other part of your body and I'll be happy to take them from you if you ever try to use her or Eva to dominate me again!"
For the first time in his life, Victor Mordenheim shook with terror.
"More than that!" continued Adam, "Eva has only a broken neck! You restored me from less! I would advise you to seriously consider restoring her as well lest I figure out what else you can do without! I suggest you get to work posthaste, because you never know when I'll be back to check in on you! For now, I've seen all of you I can stand!"
With a furious roar, Adam bounded off the high balcony and disappeared into the night. Neither one of them noticing the mists rising

Current Sketch:
Mordenheim and Adam are locked in a battle of wills. Adam continues to try and force Mordenheim to restore Elise and Mordenheim continues to try and force Adam to do his bidding. Adam succeeded in forcing Mordenheim to revive Eva, but she had no memory when she regained consciousness. They committed her to a asylum where her memories are slowly returning. Adam's threats to Mordenheim have somehow proven hollow, for whenever Adam does take a piece of the doctor, he finds himself later missing the same piece, then they both find those pieces regenerated later. The single exception to this are the five teeth Adam knocked out of Mordenheim's mouth. Both have also learned that. In the meantime, Mordenheim continues to sell his skills to the highest bidder, hoping to build a power base that will allow him to destroy Adam, or dominate him, while Adam does his best to thwart Mordenheim's schemes and protect those he would victimize. He figures this is what Eva and Elise would want him to do. All of Lamordia tells stories of the unkillable, scarred, hero who lives across the ice-choked bay.
Last edited by Manofevil on Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Mistmaster »

In a mirror verse shouldn't Mördenheim be a good guy toö?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

He seems to be a reluctant bad guy in the books so maybe Adam forces him to be a reluctant good guy.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by jules »

How would you fine people do the lady who lost her head(literally,I forgot her name) I do know that she can put a new head on to gain temporary powers that are unique to the head.
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

We haven't figured out the Headless Horseman either.
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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Wolfglide of the Fraternity
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Wolfglide of the Fraternity »

jules wrote:How would you fine people do the lady who lost her head(literally,I forgot her name) I do know that she can put a new head on to gain temporary powers that are unique to the head.
That would be Jacqueline Montarri (Gazetteer I page 147).
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by brilliantlight »

KingCorn wrote:
Manofevil wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: HOLY CROW! THAT'S GOOD!
Thanks, glad you like it! :)
I kinda made it up on the fly, figured that rather than being a random, strange light in the darkness, it would be a random chaotic corruption. I based alot of it on the WhiteWolf book Night Carnival (or something like that).
Yeah, it was awesome!!!
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by brilliantlight »

Manofevil wrote:We haven't figured out the Headless Horseman either.
Does he even have a RL backstory?
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Re: A concept it might be interesting to explore

Post by Manofevil »

brilliantlight wrote:
Manofevil wrote:We haven't figured out the Headless Horseman either.
Does he even have a RL backstory?
I seem to recall there being one someplace. :?
Do us a favor Luv, Stick yer 'ead in a bucket a kick it!

So, gentlemen, that's how it is. Until Grissome.... resurfaces, I'm the acting president, and I say starting with this... anniversary festival, we run this city into the ground! :D
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