What do you start with?

Discussing Masque of the Red Death
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Agent of the Fraternity
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What do you start with?

Post by Blake_Alexander »

When planning MotRD campaigns do you as DM's base you adventures on the character that the players have genrated or do you start with an idea for a villian and use that as the spring board of campaign creation?

I personally usually start with a real world location during the 1890's and search through old newpapers and historical archives on the net to try and find something that makes me think of a villian. From there I move to the PCs and see how they mesh with the villian and the setting.
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Evil Genius
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Post by MadStepDad »

Sometimes both.

I seem to always finding myself building campaigns backwards – from the final scene in reverse. It all depends. If players are enticed by a new campaign world and want to give it a try, I might start with an overall story arc that gives the PCs an idea of what the world is really about. I used the original GRAND CONJUNCTION storyline as the catalyst of my original RAVENLOFT campaign, and it allowed me to give my players a grand tour of the realm – including all notable locals and NPCs. On the other hand, if it’s a world we’re all familiar with (like I anticipated the RED BOX being after we blasted through the BLACK BOX) I would let the players create their characters first and then build off those starting blocks.

In the case of MotRD sessions – in which some research is absolutely necessary – your formula seems to be the preeminent one. Do the math, do the science – figure out the historical importance of that particular place in time – and retroactively fit the players in from there. Same method I’m using in my current MASQUE of the RED DEATH MILLENIUM game.




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