4e Character Idea: Split-Personality Warlock

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4e Character Idea: Split-Personality Warlock

Post by Leliel »

Well, here it is:

Tabra Ballosin doesn't remember his past. All he knows is that he woke from unconsciousness one day next to the corpse of a giant monster, and that he has powers over magic.

What he also knows is that whenever he enters a fight, a different person battles in his place. Known only as "The Lamenter", it is an utterly amoral creature, caring only for the next fight, in contrast to his own, pacifistic one. He believes it to be the soul of the monster, living on through him.

The truth is a bit more complicated. You see, the Lamenter is the original personality of Tabra, although it would very much like to believe it isn't. What's more, although he looks and thinks like a human, his form is actually a lie-both to the world, and himself.

Tabra was originally a monster, a member of a powerful race that had no name. Unfortunately, despite their peaceful nature, a greedy wizard decided to kill them, hoping to win fame and glory by destroying the "horrible creatures". Using a dark ritual, he took control of Tabra's sister, turning her against her friends and family. Tabra, not knowing of her identity at the time due to the wizard's illusions, was sent to destroy her. When the battle was over, the sadistic wizard revealed her identity to her brother, hoping to break his spirit in hopes of gaining a new slave. It worked, but not in the way the mage had anticipated-instead of succumbing to despair, Tabra entered into a violent rage, destroying every living thing within the mountains of the confrontation in a storm of magic, including the wizard. Unable to accept the fact that he had killed his own flesh and blood, his mind fractured-his calm nature became embodied in the flesh of the young human whose body he had unconsciously crafted, and his thirst for battle and memories became embodied in the Lamenter. It was here that Tabra, in his new form, had awoken, sleeping next to the body of his sister.

So, what do you think?

I had originally based him on Fei from Xenogears, mixed in with a bit of Cloud Strife, though I guess he ended up a bit like Lucy from Elfin Lied.
I am The Archangel of Night.
I am the Guardian of Shadow
I am the Vindicator of the Unknown
I am..Leliel.
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