The Eye of Anubis: Book Five

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The Eye of Anubis: Book Five

Post by NeoTiamat »

Just East of the Sebua-Pharazia Border.
May 25th, 761, 6:42 PM; Day 69 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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All night and most of the next day you fled Phiraz, moving as quickly as you could across the flat, rock-strewn desert. The fear of pursuing Confessors kept you moving night and day, stopping only to feed the camels and yourselves, and dozing in the saddle. No one wanted to meet a group of pursuing Confessors, and it was assured that by now the tied-up gate guards would have been discovered, sending a bright, crimson flag as to the route the Expedition took.

If the south-east of Pharazia was a miserable desert, then western Pharazia was worse. When one thought of deserts, the image that came up was one of sand dunes, camels, and oases. Western Pharazia had none of that, except possibly the camels.

Rather, it had rocks. Flat stone was covered by thin layers of sand, and cliffs and rock-outcroppings abounded. Nothing grew, and were it not for the occasional lizard sunning itself on a rock as you cantered past, you'd imagine there was no life at all in this desert. Still it occured to you that even the term 'desert' didn't quite do justice to this border region.

It was a wasteland.

The fact that you were entering the Amber Wastes as it plowed directly into summer didn't make things much better, so by the time you reached the Sebuan border, there wasn't a one of you not longing for the comforts of Dementlieu, or Lamordia, or Sri Raji. Still, once over the border, there was a hope that at least then you could slow down, for even Confessors were not terribly keen on heading out into that trackless wilderness. Or so, at least, was the idea.

"What, exactly, is that?" Maleagant reined in his mount, pointing forward.

Off on the horizon, a brownish-yellow wall seemed to stretch along it, as far as you could see. High into the sky, the brownish cloud rose, and even from the distance of many miles you could see the great wall undulate and shift in the wind.

"I have no idea." Michel said, accurately but not terribly helpfully. "A sandstorm, I think. A big one."

"It is the God-Storm, Effendi." Fassahd al-Muharin ventured softly, his voice hushed and respectful but also a trifle cool. "The grandfather of all sandstorms, the terror of the wastes. When it is awakened, there is no passage through it, for it scours the flesh from the bones."

"Thank you Fassahd, that was very helpful." Maleagant muttered acidly. The nervous Akiri bowed his head and fell to the back of the caravan. "Well, now what?"

And then it occurred to you that there was something odd in the giant sandstorm before you. Not only was it not moving, but there was not one, but two giant sandstorms. A thin wedge of blue sky cleaved the God-Storm in half, off to the north a bit. It might have been some kind of optical illusion, but it seemed that there was, in fact, a passsage through Fassahd's great storm.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia has been hugging her saddle for most of the ride. Sleep deprivation and her inability to tolerate the vicious heat initially made her short-tempered, then made her fall silent for increasingly long periods. At times, it seemed as if the only reason she did not fall out of the saddle during the long rides was that she had a death grip on the saddlehorn -- that and Grimmric would fly out of her hood and start shrieking when Lia seemed to be in danger of a tumble.

"Can we ... get through?" Lia mumbles, raising her head weakly as she peers myopically at the great storm. "That ... slash?" Her muttered words are audible to the members of the expedition, but there is the disturbing impression that she is not, in fact, talking to them. Even more disturbingly, Lia suddenly giggles and starts whispering poetry:

"Out on rocks over the sand
Pharazia's great frying pan
I spy with my little eye
spaces through which we might fly.

But do I trust this tiny slash
or is that but one more snare
into which, should I enter dare
dust comes to dust and ash to ash ..."

Lia falls to coughing, her whole body shaking violently. Underneath her, her camel brays in protest. Grimmric flies from her hood and shrieks warningly, fluttering his wings near Lia's masked face. "Is that you, mummy?" Lia asks dreamily, swaying in the saddle. Grimmric shrieks, circling around and around the coughing Mordentishwoman, passing by the other members of the expedition and chittering at them urgently ...
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Post by steveflam »

Ishaq does indeed see the Grandfather of all storms. Fearful, he is about to speak of finding shelter when he sees the storm split into two? Uttering under his breath "Do my eyes deceive me?" Then Lia seems to go ill. Looking to the others he speaks. "Shall we attempt to find shelter or should we try passing through the opening in the storm? It maybe a sign."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Charles has kept near the front of the column; since he has the most mobile mount and doesn't sleep much he's done a fair bit of scouting. As Fassahd identifies the God-Storm he reins in and stares at it. "It's not possible," Charles says, more to himself than to anyone else. "To keep a sandstorm at that height you would need vast winds, but it's not going anywhere...and the gap would close, surely?"

Hearing Grimmric's angry, frightened chatter, he wheels Kejser about and trots back to where Lia lolls in her saddle. "M'selle?" he says, a note of concern in his voice. "You're not well. Do you have water? Salt?"
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Nathan of the FoS wrote:Hearing Grimmric's angry, frightened chatter, he wheels Kejser about and trots back to where Lia lolls in her saddle. "M'selle?" he says, a note of concern in his voice. "You're not well. Do you have water? Salt?"
Lia's head swings abruptly around to look at Charles. Even through the veil, he can see the look in her eyes belongs to someone in the grip of fever dreams ... or perhaps insanity.
"Don't die, nanny," Lia says in a dreamy sort of way. "You're my favourite. Everybody else at the estate just hates me. Don't die and be buried."
Chuckling, Lia briefly caresses Charles's cheek before gripping the saddlehorn again. Bent over like an old witch, the Mordentishwoman mutters something nonsensical under her breath, then starts to cough again, the look in her eyes ... lost.
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Post by DocBeard »

"Well!" Tomas is, again, far too cheerful to be in the desert, especially considering that the man's native climate is one where yeti might be seen less as monsters and more as neighbors who don't shave. "It certainly beats the whole 'horrible, tortured death at the hands of angry Confessors' option."

He doesn't mention the whole, 'How the hell are we going to get back to the Core.' angle. And then, well. Tomas blinks at the goings on behind him, giving Charles a, 'Is she allright?' look.
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

The priest had fallen rather quiet since leaving Phiraz. After dawn, he withdrew into himself, going over his morning prayers and going even quieter. He rode near Dieter most of the night and the following day, saying little even to his bunkmate. The few times he was addressed, he responded a bit shortly, keeping most conversations to a minimal. It was almost Jervis-like of him.

Kuzan squinted and leaned forward on his camel. How odd, he mused, the storm is...strange.

"It's not moving," he called, "The storm is stationary. If it stays that way, we should be able to navigate that gap."

Hopefully, the lack of sleep wasn't addling the priest's mind. If things became that bad, though, he could remedy some of the problem.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Charles shakes his head at Tomas and shouts, "Kuzan!"
Kuzan's head snapped back from where he was surveying the storm and looked toward the sound of the voice. "Huh?" he called back intelligently.
Charles makes a big "come here" gesture, keeping a close eye on Lia in case she begins to show signs of slipping out of the saddle.
Kuzan rode up toward Charles, grumbling inwardly. His temper was frayed by the lack of sleep and whatever Lia was up to better not set him off.
"She's delirious," Charles says as Kuzan comes within easy earshot. "Hallucinations. Do you have water, salt? I don't know if there's a mantra for...this sort of thing?"
Tell me something I don't know was what almost came out. But the priest caught himself. "There should be some of both in the supplies," he said, "If you have a container, I can fill it and also wet her down."
Charles nods and canters back to the supply camels; after a couple of minutes of rummaging he comes back with a waterskin and two lozenges of salt.
Kuzan nodded. "Not much else I can do until we can stop," he said wearily. It was going to be another long night for the medic.
"Here, m'selle," Charles says, handing the pills up to Lia. "Swallow these. Here's the water bag. Careful!" Then, to Kuzan, "Do you have something to help her with the heat, perhaps?"
"Not in long-term," he mumbled, "But stand back unless you want to get wet." He waved his hands and uttered a mantra as Charles urged Kejser to one side. Clear water materialized overhead and immediately fell to gravity's demands, cascading onto both priest and wizard.
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre was torn between staring at the unnatural weather phenomena and Lia's unfortunate condition. It took only moments for him to be over, and offering prayer, wreathing her in protection from the scorching rays of the sun and the related elements after she and Kuzan were rather unceremoniously drenched. "This should help some..."

OOC:Protection from Elements on Lia
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Post by The Whistler »

Otto has also managed to get over to Lia's camel, albeit with a bit of huffing and puffing, by the time Andre has finished his prayer. His brow creased with concern as he peered at the masked woman, though--not knowing exactly what to do in this sort of situation--he kept a respectful distance.

"Hum...if she is needing to be blocked from elements in the future, I may be able to be helping..." A pause--mopping his brow with a handkerchief. "I hope...such a state is solely due to the heat, yes? She is not otherwise ill?"
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Re: The Eye of Anubis: Book Five

Post by NeoTiamat »

Just East of the Sebua-Pharazia Border.
May 25th, 761, 6:42 PM; Day 69 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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"Erm.... it's a perfectly natural phenomenon, I think." Professor Devereux managed to get his camel to move to a place that allowed to actually get an unobstructed view of the God-Storm, as Fassahd dubbed it. The camel seemed to have a certain long-suffering aspect to it, although whether this was because it had to carry Devereux, or because of some inherent camel-ish-ness, you weren't sure. " Professor Abernathy's last paper on electromagnetic variability between sand and air causes it."

Professor Marchand-Renier cast a dubious glance at Devereux. The elder academic did dubious very well. "Wasn't Abernathy expelled from the Brautslava Institute for publishing too many papers without peer review?"

"Er.... yes.... He said that when the electromagnetic oscillation grew fast enough due to the air being aggravated by too many cross-winds,... managed to pull the magnetically-charged metal sand into the air keep it there." Prof. Devereux pulled a telescope from a little satchel at his side and looked out at the giant sandstorm. "Er... it's kind of moving up and down.... kind of...."

"Electromagnetism." Professor Sebastian Marchand-Renier asked with heavy irony. "I see."

"Er...." Devereux managed to blush a remarkably vibrant shade of pink. To cover it, he looked back through the spyglass, swinging it towards the odd gap in the sandstorm. You could see his eyebrows rise as he looked at it. "Er... I think there's a building there."

"What?" Maleagant rode up, leaning over to take the telescope from Devereux and levelling it on the distant gap. After a long minute, the Borcan spoke. "He's right. Looks like a castle or a keep up the side of a cliff. Not sure, but the sandstorm stops almost next to the castle walls."

"Er... would some shade help Miss Mournswaithe?" Devereux ventured, looking at Lia with concern.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan nodded to Devereux. The priest was already almost entirely dry thanks to the heat, but he seemed no worse for wear other than being tired from a night without sleep.

"Shade and rest," he said, "I realize we can't quite stop until we cross the border, but the sooner the better. For all of us. If that keep will hide us from Confessors as well as the possible storm, we'd be best served taking advantage of it."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"I hope so," Charles replies to Devereux. "It couldn't hurt. I suppose we had better make for the keep, or castle, or whatever it is--it should offer some shelter, and it looks like a break in the storm, anyway."
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Nathan of the FoS wrote:"Here, m'selle," Charles says, handing the pills up to Lia. "Swallow these. Here's the water bag. Careful!" Then, to Kuzan, "Do you have something to help her with the heat, perhaps?"
"Not in long-term," he mumbled, "But stand back unless you want to get wet." He waved his hands and uttered a mantra as Charles urged Kejser to one side. Clear water materialized overhead and immediately fell to gravity's demands, cascading onto both priest and wizard.
"Why, thank you!" Lia enthuses, accepting the lozenges. "Nanny's candies are always ... the best." Delirious or not, Lia still throws her cloak forward before swallowing the salt and drinking. She has barely flipped the moldy-looking fabric back again when Kuzan's rain falls upon the two of them.

For a long momen, Lia just sits still, eyes blinking. Grimmric, however, reacts very visibly. Uttering a muffled squeak that eloquently exresses both fear and surprise, the tiny bat zips away from his master and keeps a goodly distance. The reason why becomes clear almost instantly.

The camel Lia nicknamed 'Mr. Lumpy' cowers in fear as Lia suddenly roars with fury, unfolding in the saddle and swinging towards Kuzan and Charles. The salt and water have clearly made her more energetic, but not more lucid ... yet.
"Cowardly dogs!" the Mordentishwoman rails, in a deeper voice than she otherwise uses. "Who dares try to ambush Noontime Shade? I will grind your bones into dust and send your whimpering souls into the depths of the Mists! Stand forth and face me, you uncouth peasants!"
Lia's hands are already fumbling at her cane, her eyes burning with the rage of delirium unleashed ... and worse, something more. Arcane energy starts to fill the air like static electricity.
"Adjudant!" Lia next shouts to Andre, beckoning imperiously without breaking eye contact with Charles and Kuzan. "To me! We shall drive them into the dust together!"

Lia rises imperiously, declaiming at Charles and Kuzan.. "Flee where you will, you can never escape ... Noontime ... Shade ..." And then her eyes visibly roll up in their sockets. Lia slumps over her saddlehorn -- and starts to snore. Grimmric comes flying back, squeaking with relief, and crawls into Lia's hood.
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Just East of the Sebua-Pharazia Border.
May 25th, 761, 6:42 PM; Day 69 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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"That's settled then." Maleagant said, handing back the spyglass to Devereux. "If Miss Mournswaithe can ride, let's get some shelter. I don't fancy waiting for our Lord Hight Prophet to start getting curious about where we are, but we can't keep riding for long. So let's be off."

And so you rode through the gap, and to the keep.

The Keep
May 25th, 761, 8:12 PM; Day 69 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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The sun had fallen down past the horizon as you rode up to the great keep on the borderlands of Phiraz. Quickly, the temperature fell, and frigid winds raced across the broad exapnse of wasteland as you hugged the cliffside, ascending the stairway to the great castle.

The keep.... was impressive, but also quiet. A towering construction of brown stone, it was hewn from the living rock of the cliff-side, and you had to ask yourself if it had been built, or carved. The castle wound around the cliff, the walls impossibly high above the ground.

There were no lights in the windows, nor any sillhouettes of guards atop the walls. Silence greeted you as you rode up the winding, rock-carved path to the gatehouse, nestled in an indent in the cliff. Darkness looked out from behind the arrow slits as you approached, and you realized that this was the castle of Darkness. Darkness ruled here, dwelled in every room, hid behind every door, and sat upon every throne. If there was a living thing in these old stones, it was not willing to be seen.

Two giant doors of black iron stood open before you, welcoming you into the heart of this old, deserted building. Shadows shrouded the ancient doors, and you shuddered at their great weight, and the grim obstacle they would present to any invaders. Then you paused and looked closer at the old doors.... was that...?

No, it was not. For all that it looked like the doors were splotched with blood, that was only rust, a deep, dark red rust that collected in blots upon the old doors. The portcullises within were the same, raised high and held by chains that were strong even after however many years this keep had stood. That the rust was thick around the sharp, pointed teeth of the portcullises was just a coincidence. Condensation, obviously.

Of course.

Devereux shivered, as though from sudden cold. Then the professor blinked, pulling off his glasses and peering at the sharpened spikes of the nearest portcullis, his eyes growing wide, before thrusting the glasses back on his nose and heading forward. It might have been your imagination, but the man seemed to be trying to not look to the sides.

Through the grim, low gatehouse you passed, the building a squat, grey toad upon the wide, carven steps further up. The camels looked this way and that, curling back their ugly lips as they padded through the gatehouse with jingling and jangling of halters and the clip-clop of steps. Their sounds may have been the first ones heard here in centuries. Before you, a wide stair led up into the keep's courtyard, you presumed, broad enough for the animals to ascend without issue.

"Quiet." Maleagant observed, the first word spoken within the keep, and an accurate one, you thought. "I guess the stables are up he---"

The Borcan never finished his statement. Professor Pelletier began coughing, shuddering like a man with an ague, the hacking, wretched cough becoming louder and wetter. And then he started coughing blood.

The liquid was a luminous silver under the pale light of the moon, but it was so very bright, so very beautiful, in a perverse way. This was the meaning of life-blood. Professor Pelletier continued coughing, the coughs becoming weaker and wetter, and with them, the professor slowly collapsed.

With an exquisite slowness, like a collapsing mountain, the steel-spined leader of the Expedition, Professor Jean-Jacques Pelletier of the University of Dementlieu fell from his mount and lay shivering on the ground, coughing up his life's blood on the dead stones of the keep.

[OOC: DC 18 Spot check. Kuzan and Tomas get a +2 to their Spot.]
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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