The Eye of Anubis: Book Three

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Post by The Whistler »

Otto nods, slowly.

"I think that would be...wise. Yes. Thank you."

After Lia excuses herself, he sits back in his chair, letting the others narrate the day's events. Thoughtful.

...Another something you'd never thought you'd get the chance to do...

...Funny, though...After a while, you didn't even think of him as *having* a birth family, did you...

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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan ate ravenously, too busy shoveling food into his mouth to say much. After the hearty reunion with the expedition, he and Dieter had gone off to their room to plot whatever mischief the duo tended to get into, and then came downstairs for dinner quite promptly. He hadn't really eaten much since breakfast, and the Ironguts Incident kind of ruined his appetite (Surgeon Kuzan's Warning: Ironguts can cause nausea when the spell wears off and may induce vomiting). The priest forgot just how hungry he was until Basler's servants started handing the food out.

He certainly ate more than his fill, and was decidedly in far better spirits than he'd been the previous night.
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Charles grimaces slightly at having been elected spokesman--certainly not from an unwillingness to talk, but it's a little dispiriting to see the formidable M'selle Mourneswaith so self-effacing. We're too hard on her, he thinks. Not that she doesn't do her level best to bring it on herself, sometimes...

"Well, Rishad Nisanci, it is a long story and large parts of it are not mine to tell," he says. "But allow me to go over this afternoon and evening's occurences, at the least. We went to the Tarik estate and achieved our purpose of visiting its former master. As you may already have guessed, Cevdet Tarik is now dead, which itself demands a long conversation. We obtained permission to visit the Singing Mine from him after explaining that we wished to search it for signs of the missing children, and Master Nizam was instructed led us to the mine. He," here gesturing to Nizam, "acting under fear of his life, collapsed the mine behind us as we entered. It was Tarik himself who had stolen the children, with the aim of learning how the power of Ghostdeath Knoll might be used to generate arcane ability in people."

"We wandered in the mine for a long, dreary time, and finally made our escape through a flooded mine shaft, emerging into a cavern where the children were being held. Tarik and Master Nizam both being present, we endeavored to end the matter once and for all. Tarik continued intransigent and resolved to kill us all to keep his secret; we had other ideas, and Master Nizam elected to eschew his master's evil plan and throw in his lot with us. In the ensuing combat Tarik was killed. I have, for the sake of brevity, not taken note of all manner of noble deeds, wise counsel and daring action, but there were many such."

"The combat being ended, Master Nizam guided us back to the estate, where we met those who had been deputized to find us--and we are grateful indeed for their trouble!"

"Now, Rishad, we have a great deal to discuss...It seems to me good not to mention the particulars of this night's events to higher authorities. It will certainly delay us, and would cause all kinds of complications. It seems to me that a desirable outcome for all of us can be assured in the following way: That you report to the vraylock that Tarik simply disappeared while conducting research into the Ethereal Plane--true as far as it goes. Master Nizam then becomes heir to the estate; being a minor in age, he will need a legal guardian and magician master. If you were to take that role, the requirements of the law would be satisfied nicely and the matter kept, as it were, in the family. Between you, Biskop Kadri, and my own family's friends in Toyalis we can ensure that the matter is resolved favorably. How does the plan strike you? Would you be willing to accept Master Nizam in your charge?"
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Nisanci Estate, Western Elazig District, Hazlan
May 15th, 761, 1:46 AM; Day 59 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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Basler watched the entire story unfold with fathomless eyes, looking at Charles as he spoke, not even seeming to notice Nizam nearby, as the apprentice looked ever increasingly nervous. This was his fate hanging in the balance, and not in a metaphorical sense either. The evoker could have Nizam executed on charges of kidnapping and aiding and abetting multiple counts of murder, if he so decided.

"You want me to forge a report?" Basler asked with exquisite politeness when Charles was done. Nizam caught his breath. The silence stretched for a minute, and then Basler smiled and nodded. The apprentice remembered to breathe again.

"I believe something like that can be arranged. I shall talk to Turasan when he awakens." Basler looked with interest at Nizam. "We shall talk of this at length, you and I. I believe something can be arranged."

"And now.... unless anyone has any other concerns" The Red Wizard looked at the rest of the group with a small yawn. "Let us retire."

Samael added. "You can tell us all the juicy details at breakfast."

Nisanci Estate, Western Elazig District, Hazlan
May 15th, 761, 11:19 AM; Day 59 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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The morning dawned bright, fresh, and crisp. There's nothing quite like a good night's sleep after staring death in the face, death being incarnated int the form of a shape-shifting wizard, in this case.

Breakfast was bread, milk, and honey, which is always good, and Nizam, now changed into a set of orange robes, didn't look quite like death warmed over, as he had last night. The young man ate quietly, while the children at a second table waited for their peasant parents to come and find get them. Beysim had come to collect one tousle-headed boy already, and the grizzled Rashemi's face had been filled with such joy and relief you had to smile.

A short while later, as Basler came down to breakfast, Nizam coughed a few times, the cough of 'please let me say something embarassing without anyone noticing.' When everyone's attentions was on the apprentice, he spoke.

"Ah.... I spoke with Master Basler last night.... and he agreed that I can take out a loan against my inheritance of Master Cevdet's estate." The young Mulani gestured to a servant, who brought eight pouches to the table, passing them out to the people. They were heavy, and you knew that only gold had quite that heft to it. "I know it's not much... but I want to say thank you."

At that point, Nizam was saved from further conversation by a servant who entered the room. "Your Pardon, My Lord, sirs, but there is a Vistani caravan outside the front doors. I'm not quite sure how they entered the gate."
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

Lia rises abruptly from her seat at this, nodding urgently at Otto. "If no one minds," she says, "I should like to go speak to them." Without really waiting for a reply, Lia hurries to the front doors, to witness the reuniting of Dani and his family.
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Post by yalenusveler »

"They're Vistani. If they wanted, they could get into the castle that isn't there in Chateaufaux" He smiled, and rose..wanting to see this particular reunion as well. "I thank you for your generosity, Nizam. You've made some mistakes..but..everyone does. Just learn from them, and strive not to repeat them."

Andre then headed out with Lia to see this particular reunion.
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Post by steveflam »

Ulsaon followed everyone back to the estate. Keeping quiet, she pondered what was next. Retiring to her room before the neal, she had a nice long hot, steaming bath! After toweling off, she briefly perused her spellbook. So if I use this vial of smoke I've been saving...... HOLY MYSTRA! WOW! OH MY GOSH! I can understand it....... Ulsaon laughs out loud as she closes her spellbook and dances around the room with it clutched tightly to her chest. Dressing in comfortable clothing, she removes her ring. Reaching into her backpack she removes a necklace. Sliding the ring through the necklace, then attaching the necklace around her neck she smiles, satisfied. Exiting her room, she heads for the dining room.


Next morning she rises early and studying her spellbook, she nods to herself in the mirror, happy with her spell choice. Donning her armor, she thinks about Allikhain and what she would have done in the mines and with the party after her death. Sighing, she wipes a tear from her cheek.
It's my fault! It's my fault she's dead! It's my fault! I'll never be the same again................. She sobs as she attaches her sword to her belt and putting on her cloak, she exits her room and descends for breakfast, eyes red.

Sitting at the table she eats quietly. A slight squeeking can be heard from beneath her cloak. SIghing, she reaches onto her plate and picks food for Allikhain. Handing the rat food, she goes back to her food, eating litslessly. Putting her utensils down with a CLANK!, she stands and mumbles an apology "Sorry, not hungry this morning" and head down walks away from the table, heading outside.
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Post by The Whistler »

Otto looked at the pouch, opened the drawstring, glanced at Nizam, looked in the pouch, looked at Nizam for a slightly longer moment, closed the drawstring, and looked at Nizam again.


"...Thank you."

Not sure whether to be grateful that he's turned over a new leaf, insulted that he's trying to buy me off, or pleasantly surprised that he's so *good* at it...

...Hope for his sake he turns out okay.

Upon the arrival of the Vistani caravan, the gunsmith stood up rather abruptly--the chair scraping noisily on the tiles--and hurried off behind Lia, a touch flustered.

"Yes--I also should like to be doing this--"
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"The Vistani arrive, and everyone flocks to see them," Charles says wryly. "With better reason that is usual, this time. Thank you very kindly, Master Nizam." He does not open the bag, merely hefting it briefly with one hand before returning it to the table. "I suppose it is a reunion worth seeing, after all..." Standing and bowing to Basler, he follows the knot of people going outside to see the reunion of Dani with his family.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Kaitou Kage »

Kuzan's eyes bulged at the sight of the heavy, gold-laden bags. He honestly hadn't expected to see so much money all at once on this trip. It was...quite amazing, really. Thoughts began to run through his mind about what sorts of magic he could make with this money.

And then the arrival of the Vistani shook him out of his considerations. Other thoughts entered his head, thoughts of how he might be able to pick up some much-needed materials from the Vistani for making his craft work.

He stood and followed the crowd outside.
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Post by steveflam »

Ulsaon accepts the bag listlessly. "Thanks" she mumbles. MOving off to the side she mumbles to her rat and keeps her eyes averted from everyone.
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Post by lostboy »

Khalil also hefted the bag with one hand, it clanked reassuringly. Standing he bows deeply towards Nizam. "Your gratitude is most welcome, and now you have mine, thank you for your most kind gesture."

With a slight bow towards Basler he moves back his chair and leaves the table. Finding Ulsaon he places a friendly hand on her shoulder, "walk with me little one, today should be a time for celebration, there will be many dark days ahead, and this should not be clouded so."

Moving outside onto the porch to watch events from afar he whistles three low notes, followed by two of a higher pitch. Quickly Karsh appears with a half eaten rabbit in his claws and settles on Khalils gloved hand, pecking contentedly at his breakfast. The desert guide strokes the hawks head and then reaches down to stroke the soft mane of the wolf that appeared beside him.

Turning back towards Ulsaon he says cheerfully "Her injuries are much healed, she will be ready to move with her new pack soon. Please come closer and stroke her, Im sure she would like to get to know you better."
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Ulsaon acknowledges Khalil with a nod. "Oh... wow.... a hawk...... Let me hide Allikhain..... Sorry I just feel bad as usual..... Yes er... holy.... a real live bird.... and a wolf.... heavens......." Ulsaon hesitates. Reaching out tentively, her fingers lightly brush the proud bird, then she reaches down and pets the wolf. "Oooooo" she utters. "They're beautiful" she whispers "Nothing like my Allikhain. Allikhain is afraid of Karsh and the wolf, she won't come out, she'll stay under my cloak, effendi. Karsh is just magistral, Khalil. The wolf isn't so fearsome close up " Ulsaon whispers as she pets the wolf, fascinated by it.
Last edited by steveflam on Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lostboy »

Karsh raises his head slightly as Ulsaon storkes him, then returns quickly to his meal. Small-star sniffs the half-elf and wags her tail slightly.

Khalil raises an eyebrow "Allikhain? Ah of course you refer to your rather smaller companion, I am certain he will serve you well. Worry not about Karsh he is most certainly occupied just now. And I think between you and me small-satr is after larger fare." He says with a wink.

Sobering he turns to face Ulsaon. "Do not worry about showing grief little one, pain is something we all bear. Some will say it gets easier with time, but wounds can still be raw many years after. Remember Allikahin, pay homage to her memory, but do not live your life in a shadow of grief."
Last edited by lostboy on Wed Mar 05, 2008 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."
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Post by steveflam »

Ulsaon breaks down into tears as she pets the wolf. Sniffing she keeps her eyes to the ground. Getting on her knees she hugs the wolf and sobs in its pelt, letting go a big piece of herself.