Maison de Soulombre, morning of April 11

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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Brother Crow, it seems the ball is in your court. Have you any notion of how or when the loa will reveal the mark it mentioned?" the Countess von Lovenhorst asks. "Or anything else to add to Sister Kingsley's narrative?"

"I would like to here a little bit more about Brother Serd's experience," Lorenz says, taking a pair of pince-nez from his pocket and seating them on the bridge of his nose. "What was your experience being ridden by the Serpent-King like? And do you know what service will be demanded of you? Come to that, Brother Buchvold, have you any idea what was meant by "luck, the fighting spirit and fire"?"

OOC: This post addresses several people so that anyone can reply and we don't have to wait for people to answer in a certain order. Fire away!
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

The bard attends carefully to Kingsley's synopsis -- the dutiful schoolboy again, in Mikkelson's presence, which rather trumps Roeccha's or Lady Karla's -- whilst keeping a more discreet vigil over the FoS officers' reactions. Their response to news of the ring's handover was interesting: a gaff on the shalach-ti's part, that he'd not forbidden them such a transaction? Or was it wholly a lapse? Darklings were rarely prone to such oversights ... or, at least, to legitimate ones.

One game at a time, Crow-my-lad. Sorting out matters with him and his stormcloud-of-a-master can wait.

"Nothing to add to Sister Kingsley's account," the spy replies aloud to the Countess's query, "save to verify that I, myself, noticed no indications of fugue or displacement on the professor's part, during her own ... contact. At least, none but a moment's surprise. Certainly, her will and presence of mind were never visibly suppressed or supplanted, as were Brother Serd's." An unsettled expression crosses the dark-curled bard's cantrip-refreshed features, as the prospect of being possessed is no more appetizing to his 'Brother Crow' persona than to Crow, himself.

Gray eyes flicking near-instantaneously to Roeccha's, then back to the Countess, the VRS agent continues.

"As yet, I have experienced no such... communion... for myself, either as Madam describes it, or as Brother Serd endured. To judge by the Oracle-spirit's turn of phrase, as well as the ocular veve with which that particular entity is associated, visual recognition would seem the logical cue by which our quarry may be revealed to me. That I haven't yet received any such insight needn't mean our foray was in vain, but only that I have yet to lay eyes upon the culprit."

Another miniscule flick of the gaze, crossing all four officers' faces, but meeting Roeccha's head-on. Exposed or not, the Canjar outcast will have to leave the bard in play, a little longer: the Fraternity needs him now, to find its betrayer, and at least two Fathers other than Shadowcloak will be well aware of that fact.

"When, Your Ladyship, may therefore depend on how soon I do clap eyes upon him. Rest assured, I will choose my seat at this morning's session with care, to better view the audience in its entirety." He lets slip a tiny, slightly embarassed smile. "Admittedly, of the four of us, it's most plausible that I would find people-watching more engaging than the lectures; the Oracle's choice of beneficiary may have been more practical than spiritual, in that regard."

Crow's self-deprecating look vanishes, and his tones turn sober, perhaps worried as well.

"In truth, gentlemen, Milady, I suspect it might be wise if I mingled freely with everyone today, until such time as this... Brahmbei... has proffered whatever revelations it pleases the spirit to grant. And, moreover, that someone unimpeachably trustworthy keep close at hand, to whom I might report such a revelation, without giving the game away to the rest of the Brethren.

"For while no concrete information as to the deliverer's identity was shown to us, I would think -- with all due respect, Father -- that the attendant implication that the suspect is still here at the Maison is one of great practicable importance, indeed. Had the ring's previous bearer merely vanished into the swamps, as Brother Krakul concluded from last night's footprints, wouldn't Sister Kingsley's guiding spirit have then directed us in pursuit, rather than back to town? Rather, her 'patron' plotted a course which brought us here once more. If the loa are collectively to be trusted in this matter, the most logical conclusion is that our quarry, too, circled back to la Maison Soloumbre.

"And if that is the case," he solemnly concludes, "then we have another traitor to the brotherhood in our midst, this very hour. Either that, or one of us is not what he seems, and the Oracle has left it up to me, of all people, to ferret the imposter out."

He doesn't look at Roeccha again, as he speaks ... but then, he doesn't really have to, to savor the irony. There's been more than enough time to check the bard's story by now, so a little taunting of the corrupt can't harm things any further. Brahmbei's pledge of last night has given him an escape-clause for the nonce, in any case.

(More than one escape, damn the creature...)
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude listened with pleasant surprise to Crow’s explanation for the present lack of identity. She smiled and relaxed as he continued, until he mentioned the matter of having someone trustworthy to approach. She said nothing, waiting until the bard had had his say.

“Thank you for your excellent explanation for the delay in the answer, Brother; I agree with most of your proposal too. However, I would make one point about the trustworthy companion, if one should be required at all. It should either be someone whom you are known to be acquainted with, or whom you share interests, such as your music.” She smiled at him as she commented wryly, “I have a feeling that if you did not mesh well with your escort, your well-honed wit might accidentally come into play.” And jab them several times...
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Rotipher of the FoS wrote:"And if that is the case," he solemnly concludes, "then we have another traitor to the brotherhood in our midst, this very hour. Either that, or one of us is not what he seems, and the Oracle has left it up to me, of all people, to ferret the imposter out."
At this last remark another significant glance passes among the four interviewers. "Someone unimpeachably trustworthy, indeed," Lorenz says. "I think it is practicable; simple plans are generally best. Did you have anyone in particular in mind, Brother Crow? Sister Kingsley's advice is well-taken, of course, but you might wish to have a second string to your bow in any case."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Spirits bouyed by Kingsley's complimentary tone -- so much so, it takes him by surprise; he makes a mental note not to let their growing rapport become a distraction -- the bard tilts his head appreciatively at her words of support. (In the past, he'd thought Zherisians were staid and stuffy, yet he's certainly learning to savor the professor's dry wit.) He'll have to tread carefully now, lest his intrigues render her a suspect, merely on account of their cordial association....

Crow pauses, thinking, at Lorenz's query.

"A second string, indeed... yes, or perhaps two 'strings' taking turns, resonating in syncopation. When one is near, the other wanders at will. That would ensure that neither contact need stay joined at the hip to me all day, which might invite attention to their atypical behavior."

He thinks, again, about viable candidates for contact. And, word-wielder that he is, also about the Fraternity officers' pedantic overfondness for the term 'practicable'.

"Sister Kingsley," he remarks, flashing a quick, sunshine-bright smile at the professor, "has managed to put up with my behavior as yet -- dashed if I know how, but she has -- and, again, she is more familiar with the habits of these 'loa' and their attendent symbolism than any of us. If she can tolerate my churlish antics a little longer, her expertise in this field would be most welcome, particularly if this 'Brahmbei's' mode of communication is obtuse, as oracles so often are. And her level-headed advice, even more so, to keep me firmly on task." Another quick smile, as much for Lady Karla's benefit as Kingsley's.

The bard's gray eyes turn to skim across Serd's and Buchvold's features, then turn away, a hint of distaste crimping the corner of his mouth. 'Brother Crow' has not much liking for either, a preference the spy need not feign. He thinks a moment more.

"As for the other... someone who already knows of the ring's presence, and the general tenor of last night's disturbance, would be ideal. The fewer Brethren who know what we do, the better, correct...? While I only just met him tonight, Brother Dirac was with me when we chanced upon the ring, and that discovery, so far as I could discern, came as a fortuitous surprise to him no less than to me. He reported the find directly to the right senior Brothers, and has surely been wondering what happened to the ring -- and, perhaps, to me as well -- ever since. He is, I gather, Brother Vedarrak's cousin, a relationship which could allow him to move amongst political power-brokers of the Fraternity more readily than most junior members: an asset, if the culprit is hidden among those of high rank, as well as for quickly and discretely reporting our findings to our superiors." A slight bow, to all four senior Fraternity officers.

"Moreover, Dirac seems the sort not to be put off by a witticism or three, and his youth and manner are such that we two would likely have struck up an affinity sooner or later, in any case. Unless there is some cause to question his loyalty, or he is already serving the Fraternity in some other capacity, he would be my first choice, to escort me in tandem with the professor.

"If not Dirac ... well, some of the other musicians whom I met with two nights ago could serve. Except for Brother Dilisnya, perhaps; he and I really didn't hit it off, I'm afraid." For a moment, the bard looks a tad uncomfortable; then it passes, and he is all charm and cunning again.

[OOC: I think Dirac would be fun; he and Crow seemed to hit it off, and as he's one of the narrators for the NS Gaz, he deserves some screen-time. Right, Nathan? :wink: ]
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude’s smile in return was much more demure, of course, but no less pleased. She waited for the bard to finish before interjecting any personal opinion on the matter.

“I would not be averse to accompanying Brother Crow; I must admit that I am very curious to see how this loa shall manifest itself. Considering my own experience, I wonder if it might also involve a trail, or perhaps a literal ‘high-lighting’ of the involved individual. If I were to venture a guess, noon may be a propitious time for the revelation. Light is at its pinnacle, and the myths would hint that this is the time that Brahmbei would see most clearly.”

She wasn’t surprised at the silent dismissal of the other two but she felt it necessary to bring up the previous evening’s encounter outside the Maison. She looked around at their inquisitors and remarked, “However, I will understand if you would prefer a more senior and trustworthy member to accompany our brother. I have not forgotten the misunderstanding from last night, and compounded with our disappearance for the entire evening, it might attract undue attention.

“This invites the question, however, as to how we also now approach the whole issue of the past eight hours. I will not pretend that my own disappearance would invite much curiosity,” she remarked wryly. “But I am sure that the combined disappearance of our quartet must have been noticed. If anyone should approach us, whom may we safely address? For example, does Brother Larner know about this or shall I merely inform him that I am not at liberty to discuss it?”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by alhoon »

Rotipher of the FoS wrote: The bard's gray eyes turn to skim across Serd's and Buchvold's features, then turn away, a hint of distaste crimping the corner of his mouth. 'Brother Crow' has not much liking for either, a preference the spy need not feign. He thinks a moment more.
Draxton's Features remained completely neutral and unreadable while Crow looked over him.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Very well then, Sister Kingsley and Brother Dirac it will be," Mikkelson says, nodding at Crow. "It is just as well to have them be persons with whom you have already been seen to associate. We will furnish you with the means to inform us when you have pertinent information. Brother Buchvold, Brother Serd, we have heard very little from you about last night's proceedings; would you care to share your impressions with us? I understand, Brother Serd, that your visitation was particularly impressive."

[OOC: MM and alhoon, if you can't respond to this quickly because of your current situation you can PM a reply to me when you're able to respond, and I'll insert it into this post. If you don't reply by Wednesday we'll proceed to the "Swords Against Death" meeting at that time.)
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude bowed her head in simulation of gratitude and to hide her own satisfaction. When she looked up, she permitted herself a small smile towards the bard before asking, “Brothers, I thank you very much. May I ask however to be excused, so that I may fetch my bag? I like to take notes during the seminar, and I had left everything here last night.”
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Mikkelson glances at the other senior Fraternity members, then nods. "By all means, Sister Kingsley," he says. "Your possessions were returned to the room you were to share with Sister von Lovenhorst after their inspection; you can find them there."
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

[OOC: Moral asked me to ease Buchvold back into things, as he's got just a liiiitle bit more IRL business to take care of before he can start posting more regularly. (Hope this meets with your approval, Paul! :D )]

Buchvold had been sitting thoughtfully, alert to the others' words, but not inviting direct attention to himself for the moment. He'd tried to recall his few reference-works on Souragnien mythology last night, but remains unsure of the 'Tonthomba' loa's possible intentions towards himself or the Fraternity's cause. The entity's interest in fire could hardly be a coincidence, but even so....

When Kingsley makes a move to depart, however, he recalls another idea that'd struck him last evening, and interjects:

"Beg pardon, Professor... before anyone leaves, I agree that we ought to account for our absence last night. Remember, the road was impassable due to the storm; if asked where we've been, we shouldn't contradict one another. And leaving others to speculate may not be in our best interest, considering the misunderstanding you'd mentioned: we all have our reputations to consider."

(The Borcan does his best to conceal his sharp indignation, upon recalling the confinement he, Serd, and Kingsley had been subjected to. A sorry epilogue to his long-awaited presentation that had been!)

"To keep rumors in check, and to hold to simple plans," he continues, with a nod to Lorenz, "it may help to put about that we four were called in to answer a few questions, prior to this morning's panel discussion. We were, I believe, all four on the scene of last October's misfortune in St. Ronges? While I certainly provided a full report on what I'd witnessed, I do not recall that all of us were present at the initial debriefings," -- he shoots a dark look at Crow, as if chiding the bard's irresponsibility -- "and further questions about the forces which the Traitor brought to bear may have arisen, since."

Buchvold scans the faces of his Fraternity superiors. "I believe that all of you will be appearing on the panel? If so, that would also account for why we are here now, in this very room: a last few details for us to clarify, perhaps, before the session can commence. Provided, of course, such a story meets with your approval...?"

He bows slightly, gratified to hear that their confiscated possessions -- his amulet, in particular -- will be returned.
"Who [u]cares[/u] what the Dark Powers are? They're [i]bastards![/i] That's all I need to know of them." -- Crow
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

"Yes, that will do nicely," the Countess says. "Brother Crow, you will remain a moment, please. We will see the rest of you downstairs momentarily."

OOC: Conversation with Crow by PM to commence now; everyone else, go downstairs and circulate! :lucas: eocine and tarlyn, this is your chance to jump in and communicate with your fellow PCs.
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Post by steveflam »

Helmut descended the stairs and mingled with the rest of the Brothers and Sisters. What do the Seniors want with Mr Crow? Why isn't the rest of the party remaining with him?. Ah..... a question for another occasion.

Wandering amongst the Frat members, Helmut nodded and smiled mechanically, mind on the returning members. I wonder what they were doing and how it went.

Approaching Gertrude, he smiles shyly at her, nodding. "So Ms. Kingsley, how does Souragne agree with you? Personally reading about it never really prepares you for the rain or the native insects. Notwithstanding the culture. Is this your first visit? It is mine."
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Post by Pamela »

Gertrude raised an eyebrow at the mention of the inspection of her belongings, but was neither surprised nor worried. She had always been scrupulous about the notes that she wrote in her diaries and journals; one could never be too safe. I wonder if they’ve planted something inside it though… She shrugged mentally at the possibility. There was enough to do this morning.

She looked over at Buchvold’s interjection, mentally sighing at the Borcan’s idea. Yes, and of course we were so integral to their report that they waited till the night before to approach us, rather than the dozens of other Brothers who’d been present that day. It also explains our appearance at the gates this morning when most people would have noticed that we’d been there after the wards had been set in place.

Her expression was however thoughtful throughout his explanation, and she nodded at the elder brothers’ acceptance of the story. She curtseyed then made her way to the bedroom she presently shared with the Countess, taking the opportunity to freshen up and examine the contents of her bag.

When she came downstairs, she had already spoken to a couple of passing Brothers before the interjection by Helmut. “I beg your pardon, I believe I missed your name?” she asked dryly. “This is actually my second trip here, but you wouldn’t know that unless you’d had the chance to read the survey our good society put forward yet.” That or he believes the Fraternity are able to magically edit and produce books in a matter of days…
His only real danger is if stupidity is contagious and lethal. In which case, we’re all dead…-Gertrude
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Post by steveflam »

Helmut paused a moment. "How rude of me. I am Helmut. Helmut Jurgens of Lamordia" Helmut bows slightly to Gertrude. "And no, I haven't had the pleasure to read the survey our society has put together. I rather look forward to it. There's nothing like a good book to pass the time" he says as he pushes his glasses back on the bridge of his nose with his forefinger, adjusting them.
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