Maison d'Sablet: Night of April 10th

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Post by VAN »

Dadrag is more than happy that the journey at the swamp would be shorter. He help bailing the water, but he always observes the souroundings.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn ponders a moment more about Kingsley's response. So our "folk" are accepted in Darkon? How quaint for ME. The more I think about that, the more,,,,,,,,, never mind, it is neither the time nor the place. Patience has its virtues as many Matron Mothers have said.

He mutters under his breath lightly "Screus j'nesst. Dos orn'la morfeth reiyal natha ilythiiri jalil, jhal naut reiyal!" = Learned woman. You would make quite a drow female, but not quite! Smiling to himself as he glances sideways at Gertrude. I wonder if this rivvil = human knows any of the elvish pantheon? This bears further questioning. Mayhap she will actually feel civilised enough to answer my questions with vigor!I guess for now all I can do is bail this monstrosity of a "boat".
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Post by alhoon »

"So finally we are to continue? Or we will keep debating on anything and everything?"

Draxton seems... bored. Although sharp minds cound understand he is paying much more attention in the debates and views of his "allies" than he lets on.

After that, he approaches Buchvold and whispers. "my friend, may I ask you something? I have heard rumors of a very strange item. A special dagger considered a "blessing" by some and a curse by others. A dagger that is supposed to be "hungry" for human flesh without being sentient like some weapons of legend are.
A dagger that has the ability to protect the owner from poison that enters his system either by injury or ingestion. The dagger is supposed to be able to hold the "lethality" of the poison for some time, but unfortunately later it releases it upon its owner unless he or she uses that evil item to inflict upon a victim the effects of the poison now residing in their system.
I mean I have heard that it was given to an assassin long time ago and he used to eat live scorpions in order to get their venom in his system. The poison absorbed the essense of the poison and he later used that poisonous, magical dagger to release great quantities of poison on his victims.
I don't know how he lost the dagger or if he was finally defeated, but the dagger is said to have changed a lot of hands in the way.
It is said that the dagger has been seen in Invidia, Paridon, Dementlieu and even Barovia a few times in its long history. It is even said that it has been seen in Borca more than a few times.
I would like to make sure that this dagger is destroyed and its evil banished from this world. Or in case more like it are made, I would like to find one and study it so I may at some point find a way to protect my loved ones from this cursed, evil item."

OC> SM 22 to figure that Draxton is actually interested in the conversation, and if you beat that by ... say 5 you understand that his interest is not on the subject on the debate but on the ways the people involved express their mind, their patience, their way of thinking etc. I.e He is trying to learn and evaluate the people in the boat with him.

OOC2> Draxton is talking about a human bane dagger, cursed as per Ravenloft rules (I think) in that it neutralizes poison for a few hours (up to 3 uses) but later releases the poison back to the owner unless he uses the item to release the stacked doses of poison in another creature (rolling a power check of 4%). Such an item exists IMC but that doesn't mean that it exists in this campaign. Unless Nathan tells us otherwise, you may consider that Serd is hunting rumors.
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Buchvold, who has been silent for most of the argument listens to Serd intently(Snorting at the "motivation"). Finally, he replies
"It sounds like "Castille's sting" that little blade has been arround. No, I have never handeld it, but I have some idea that the last person to hold it was from your country, Mr Serd. Some sort of criminal man, leader of a large "gang". What was his name now?"

Buchvold shrugs.

"all I can remember is that he was very close to his associates. Called them "the Family" Can you imagine?"

"Now, prehaps you can help me, Serd. I was wondering if you had any contacts, within the falknovian cell of our brotherhood."

OOC Buchvold's mind is on other matters. No SM check.
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc:As we are in such a confined area I am presuming most anyone can have overheard Draxton's and Buchvold's conversation. Tarlyn got 24 S.M.
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Post by VAN »

OOC1> Sense motive 14.

IC> Dadrag keeps bailing without talking, but his keen ears have heard Draxton's story about the dagger and Buchvold's answer.

OOC2> Bluff DC 23 to figure out that the ex-assassin is very interested about this dagger.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Rotipher of the FoS
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Post by Rotipher of the FoS »

Crow tries to doze off again -- he's not overly worried about either small crocodiles or large fish, plus he'd stayed up rather late with the FoS bards last night -- but Serd's annoying choice of conversational banter quite spoils his efforts. Knowing he'll not sleep readily (or well) with talk of cursed daggers and murder in the air, he remains huddled as if napping, resting his eyes, but reluctantly attunes ears and attention to the others' remarks and unspoken bodily tensions.

And it's not as if the bloody Richemulouise even cares about the dagger, he mentally grumbles in frustration, although his bodyguards both seem interested. And why is Buchvold suddenly curious about Falkovnia, of all the wretched places? Have your suspicions been roused in that direction, Raphael, or are you just digging for your own purposes?

[OOC: Since he's only semi-interested, Crow took 10 for Sense Motive all around. That caught the gist of pretty much everybody's intentions, SM being the spy's stock-in-trade (+19).]
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Post by steveflam »

Tarlyn prefers to remain silent for now and continues bailing. So Draxton was "bored" and tried to hide his boredom by asking a question.Interesting tactic, but I doubt with all the "brothers" here it worked.

This "Brotherhood" is almost like the Mother Matrons in Chad Nessad and I don't say that lightly. The intrigue, Lu'oh nind khaless naut natha iwaotc jhal nintan = How they trust not a person but themselves is very reminiscent of that fact.

So there is another "Province" in this land?Falkovnia? Draxton mentioned some "fabled" dagger, but to what end? I shall need to tread delicately around them, especially Nindel bekea s'gos j'nesst nindel zhah henotep indar del blynol Ilharess Ilhars = That wise brave woman that is almost similar of several Matron Mothers. There is more to her than meets the eye.

Looking up he mutters to noone in particular "Does it always rain this much here?.Pardon me there something we should know about this Mister Chicken Bone? Now might be the time to tell us, friend".
Tarlyn smiles at Rolande, hoping most of the others had the same question as he did, but didn't ask the guide.
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Post by alhoon »

Draxton looks at Buchvold, his eyes narrowing with displease when he mentions a "brotherhood", that seemed to have been caught by everyone around.
Was Buchvold always so open around mercenaries? In Richemulot mercenaries were one of the best sources of information since they had a bond with each other even if they knew they may meet in a week in the battlefield. They also like to drink a lot and speak a lot. Would Buchvold really think that everyone was so interested to discuss the aftermath of a crocodile encounter in Sourange that wouldn't notice such a detail?

Chuckling so the others wouldn't get it, he says

"I'm in a couple of brotherhoods my friend that have cells in Falkovia. Which one are you refering too? The "Brotherhood of the wheat" or the "Brotherhood of Frendin"? Since your profession is well known, I would guess you're probably asking about the Frendinians that try to discover magic items and sell to interested parties instead of the wheat farmers and their Lords."

OOC> Total bluff for Draxton 22. You all know what he tries to hide here. Get bonuses or penalties according to your chars.
Anyone with Knowldge: Local (Falkovia) or Nobility may know of these two brotherhoods (I would say DC 15-17). They are just small brotherhoods of minor nobles and merchant trying vainly to make a cartel of wheat or put regulations on the prices of magic items. None of these brotherhoods is strong or near its goal. More like a diversion for nobles that would like to feel they are doing something.

IC> "As about the "Sting" I was positive that a man of your honor would never handle such a vile thing! I never considered that you would have ever touched it.
As for the current owners, I'm not sure if the "Family" is more a rumor used to conviniently cover crimes or a hard, grim reality."
Draxton turns to Dadrag, sure he was paying attention. "Would you imagine that," Draxton says in light tones " a criminal organization called "Family"? In which the leader calls himself the "Uncle" and the important members are said to be named either "nephews" or "cousins" or something like that." Draxton shakes his head. "In case they really are a criminal organization though, it would be bad if they had the "Sting" don't you agree Dadrag?"
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Looking up he mutters to noone in particular "Does it always rain this much here?.Pardon me there something we should know about this Mister Chicken Bone? Now might be the time to tell us, friend".
Tarlyn smiles at Rolande, hoping most of the others had the same question as he did, but didn't ask the guide.
OOC: Tarlyn doesn't know Rolande's name; he was explicitly not introduced to the party. Just in case it becomes important later. :twisted: Come to that, I'm not sure Chicken Bone's name has been mentioned in Tarlyn's presence, has it?

*sigh* Now I have to go back and see who has actually mentioned Chicken Bone's name. :P Oh well.

IC: The young nobleman glances at Tarlyn and says, "Yes, it rains much. It is not unusual, this rain." At the mention of Chicken Bone's name his eyes go wide, and he says, "Er...this gentleman we go to visit. Yes, I know a little about him. Not very much. He is a great voodan...I have visited him. Once."

Roland falls silent and turns back to observing the swamp, evidently either considering his experience or declining further conversation.
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Post by steveflam »

Ooc: I have been mentioning Chicken Bone for a while in my thoughts, Nathan. Didn't Rivtoff say his name to me. Sorry about Ralande's name u are right about that.

Ok I did find it from the Marais de Tarascon posts:
Nathan of the FoS wrote:
tarlyn st-denfer wrote: Tarlyn's eyes go wide for a moment at the familiar tickle of his employer intruding in his mind once again. "Yes Lord Rivtoff? I am at the Coq Noir Inn presently, having just finished dining and observing the patrons in here, Sir. Might I be of some assistance to you this evening?"
...Well, not exactly.

I have been instructed to tell you that there are a few members of my Fraternity now in town who may need some assistance. If you are of a mind to accompany them on a brief trip into the swamp, you have my permission to approach one of them, give my respects, and offer your assistance. If they believe you to be some kind of impostor, or demand identification, tell them...let me get this right..."That Brother Roeccha believes you can help them find chicken bone." No, wait; that's a name. Chicken Bone is the man's name. But do it in private; we want to avoid drawing attention to ourselves.
Sorry bout that LOL
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Llana wrote: “Sir, if there should be a thunderstorm with lightning, will it be safe to continue, or shall we have to find some kind of shelter out here- assuming there is any?”
As if in mockery of the question, a clap of thunder drowns out Rolande's response; after Kingsley repeats the question, Roland replies, "I don't know." "Gerard, chercherons un abri si venit l'eclair?"

The boatman shrugs his shoulders heavily and shakes his head. "En la barque sommes en securite. En general. Si no..." He shrugs again.

"We should be safe in the boat," Rolande translates. "There are so many trees I suppose it would be the very worst luck for lightning to strike just where we are."
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

tarlyn st-denfer wrote: that there are a few members of my Fraternity now in town who may need some assistance. If you are of a mind to accompany them on a brief trip into the swamp, you have my permission to approach one of them, give my respects, and offer your assistance. If they believe you to be some kind of impostor, or demand identification, tell them...let me get this right..."That Brother Roeccha believes you can help them find chicken bone." No, wait; that's a name. Chicken Bone is the man's name. But do it in private; we want to avoid drawing attention to ourselves.[/i]

Sorry bout that LOL
OOC: Ah, so it was ME who told you. :P OK, thanks for finding that.
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Post by Moral Machivelli »

Draxton looks at Buchvold, his eyes narrowing with displease when he mentions a "brotherhood", that seemed to have been caught by everyone around.
Was Buchvold always so open around mercenaries? In Richemulot mercenaries were one of the best sources of information since they had a bond with each other even if they knew they may meet in a week in the battlefield. They also like to drink a lot and speak a lot. Would Buchvold really think that everyone was so interested to discuss the aftermath of a crocodile encounter in Sourange that wouldn't notice such a detail?
OOC You meet with strange people who you are unlikly to ever have come into contact with, you are travaling to chickenbone's house, clearly as a group and each inderviduall bodyguard knows his master is a mage. They have some idea. Even Ronalde can see points one and two and is probably suspicious, hence "brotherhood" rather than the proper "Fraternity" To put him off the scent.
Chuckling so the others wouldn't get it, he says

"I'm in a couple of brotherhoods my friend that have cells in Falkovia. Which one are you refering too? The "Brotherhood of the wheat" or the "Brotherhood of Frendin"? Since your profession is well known, I would guess you're probably asking about the Frendinians that try to discover magic items and sell to interested parties instead of the wheat farmers and their Lords."
" The Frendinians, brother Serd." Says Buchvold a smile on his face. and a look in his eyes that says "You are that desperate to keep everything from the hired help? Fine, but this has only been delayed"

Really, Serd has become about as paranoid as the Shadowcloak
IC> "As about the "Sting" I was positive that a man of your honor would never handle such a vile thing! I never considered that you would have ever touched it.
As for the current owners, I'm not sure if the "Family" is more a rumor used to conviniently cover crimes or a hard, grim reality."
Draxton turns to Dadrag, sure he was paying attention. "Would you imagine that," Draxton says in light tones " a criminal organization called "Family"? In which the leader calls himself the "Uncle" and the important members are said to be named either "nephews" or "cousins" or something like that." Draxton shakes his head. "In case they really are a criminal organization though, it would be bad if they had the "Sting" don't you agree Dadrag?"

Buchvold clearly pays no attention to this. His mind is back to other matters.
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Post by VAN »

OOC> Sense motive 24! Hurah, I finally got a high number at the die! :D

IC> As bailing the water, Dadrag doesn't miss Draxton's answer about the "brotherhood". The ex-assassin finally gets another piece to his puzzle about this phantomatic "Fraternity". Till now he knew only that they are hidding, having secret meetings and that Draxton and at least two other memebrs are wizards. Now he has learned that this "brotherhood" has more than one cells at different places which means that there should be much more members around the Core. The only thing the mercenary doesn't know yet is the purpose of the meeting and the Fraternity's goals.

"This trip to the swamp it's very interesting and enlighting". Thinks Dadrag, but tries to hide his thoughts.

As Draxton speaks about the "Family" and the "Uncle", Dadrag's eyes spark and he barely manages to hold himself of turning towards Serd and betraying his interest about this subject. His hate versus the wererats that have killed his daughter has overhelmed him though. His heart beats faster and a tear appears at the corner of his left eye. He feels one more time sad, frustrated and alone. At his effort to look elsewhere and dry the tear the ex-assassin fails keep his concentration at bailing out the water and a part of the backet's water fells again in the boat. As nothing has happened, Dadrag replies to Serd, without turning his face though and trying to hide the anger at his voice:

"I don't know if there is a criminal organisation with such a silly name, but I guess the point is that such an evil dagger is around and someone has it. Ihave never heard this item before."

OOC> Bluff 23. To understand that Dadrag has gotten Buchvold's remark about the Fraterity despite Draxton's effort to hide it.

Bluff 18 ( :x ) to hide that he actually knows the "Uncle".

Dadrag is looking at the swamp when he dries the tear from his eye, so I guess it's rather difficult to notice that during the night and the rain.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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