Treachery, lies and secrets

The Halfling campaign
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Post by Coan »

Kimuriel's breath hits the creature and a sizzling of metal is heard as the fire connects. A long fog horn like sound floods the room and Kimuriel feels slightly dizzy but not so much as to distract him. The sphere's tentacles push it up to the roof and the space around it seems to distort and shift like rapid movements in water. A echoing soft whine sounds out and then the creature is suddenly gone leaving only its final sound dying in the air. The half-elf guesses some kind of teleport was used but is unsure if it was psionic in nature or not.

It is at this moment Kimuriel hears a scream followed by many others. Then a loud series of cracking sounds and shortly the thud of something hitting the ground. Artemis' yells also reach the detective from the room above as he clearly hears running and other noises of fear.

"You fool! What have you done!" Artemis yells at the mindflayer
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Post by alhoon »

Ixevim almost unconsiously listens to all the commotion he has created. Blood and rapidly dissolving brain parts are spooned quickly with his tentacles and brought to his lamprey mouth. In less than 5 seconds, the soldier is dead and Ixevim has fed on his . . . strange tasting brain. The man's head is a mess.
Blood drips from his mouth, his left eye is missing and his right ear is lost to a gaping hole as Ixevin's powerful tentacles and bone disolving enzyme have ripped the man's skull open taking out his brain.

Ixevim ignores all the commotion as he sends out a telepathic message to all his allies.
"I did what I had to do Artemis!
Rosette! This is an emergency, come to the basement! We should leave at once!
Kimuriel, get ready please to teleport us and the captives out."
And Ixevim runs down the stairs hitting the captives and the man Kimuriel has stunned with a mind blast, just in case.

A second telepathic message reaches Kimuriel
"Help me Kimuriel. We have to carry the poor man to a doctor, free the two other captives and " (Cold hate paints the next sentence) "interogate the man you have immobilized".
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by VAN »

Kimuriel needs barely a second to understand what had happened. The battle’s noise has been heard up and people of the inn have decided to go down to see what was happening. There they saw Ixevim, in his natural mind flyer’s form trying to eat the brain of a guard.

“Oh no. Come beside me quickly, I’ll get us out of here.”

Yells Kimuriel to his companions as he moves towards the tied men and with his dagger slices the rope.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
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Post by alhoon »

"We need to get the one you downed also and Rosette. I have notified her and I hope she is in her way."
"Rosette! Are you coming?"

OOC> they saw Ixevim eating the brain of a man and they broke appart like a school of small fish when a shark attacks in their midst. :)
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by Coan »

Rosette still has not appeared as Ixevim descends the stairs and reaches Kimuriel -Artemis soon follows.

"It's panic out there, you shouldn't have done this Ixevim!" the wizard says

Ixevim grabs the other man who is still stunned by Kimuriel's mind blast.
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Post by VAN »

At the mean time Kimuriel has sliced the rope and graps the oranged-haired man.

"We are about to leave. Where is Rosette if she doesn't arrive very soon we will leave without her. Ixevim send her a last message please, ask her what she is going to do and let me know her decision. Artemis may you place an illusion on Ixevim? He cannot go around with his natural form."
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by Coan »

Ixevim sends out one last message to Rosette and finally receives an answer.


Her thoughts were disjointed and chaotic and it was then he realized the woman would probably never have communicated like this before. She must have been concentrating and repeating herself constantly for him to finally read her 'message'.

"I'm not a pack mule!" Artemis was complaining "I've only got one of these spells left so don't go wasting it." with that he turned the mindflayer ready to cast the spell, unaware of what Ixevim had uncovered.
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Post by alhoon »

Ixevim sent them a telepathic message
"Artemis! Don't cast that yet!
Rosette is in danger! Perhaps the creepy beast has reached her, I'm teleporting to her room and I'll inform you of what I find there."

And Ixevim uses his psionic dimension door to teleport to Rosette's room, ready to confront the hateful creature . . . and in hindsight, to help Rosette of course!
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
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Post by Coan »

Ixevim jolts for a moment and appears in Rosette's room feeling slightly nauseous, it seems all the chaos is casuing his concentration and abilities to waver slightly.

Giving the room but a glance he can see that Rosette is no longer there. Going outside the door and looking down the stairs he sees her. Alone in the large empty common room.

She is but a hunched figure; kicked, battered and bleeding against the corner of the room. It did not take Ixevim but a second to understand as he connected with her mind. She had retreated to her room deep in thought on her future after hearing what the others had said about her. She had decided on changing -taking up her crucifix of redemption.

The screams had been picked up by her and she had rushed down intent on helping her comrades. But she was just a girl and barely 16 -she had been crushed in the ensuing panic. Rough hands on her body, grasping, taking her into the corner. Pain, more screams, kicking and then someone had a blade. Backing the crowd away. But the animal pack mentality had set in -Ixevim knew it well when panic took hold of many humans.

There had been a fight to escape and Rosette had been thrown in it while yelling for her rescuers.

She barely had enough energy to breath now as she looked at Ixevim with wide eyes.

"I see you... now... I didn't...believe... I see..." she coughed "What happened? Is K-Kimuriel..." she took a long breath and held herself in painful silence as her rasping breath slowed
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Post by alhoon »

OOC> Very funny Coan. :evil: Now you make me feel Guilty about Ixevim's actions. In his blind fury has harmed a 16 years old girl and she seemed much more concered about Ixevim's allies than Ixevim himself!
Still he is a mind flayer and not a human. He isn't touched at the moment by Rosette's courage and her vulnerabilty.

IC> Ixevim saw Rosette, in his mind somewhere he felt that he should see more than Rosette bleeding and being uncomfortable. But he didn't have time. He approached her quickly. She seemed to need help.
Where has the hateful creature go? At least he could help Rosette since he couldn't do much at the time.
He send his allies the image of Rosette.
"Rosette is Injured! Kimuriel We're coming down"
Then he sent Rosette a message, devoid of emotions. "We are all fine, it is OK, we will see to your wounds".
He caught Rosette in his arms, steadied her with his tentacles and teleported in front of Kimuriel.
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by VAN »

As Kimuriel sees Ixevim and Rosette appear in front of him he gets the wounded woman and helped her sit down. Then he checks her wounds, she isn’t very bad but she necessarily needed a doctor or a cleric. Kimuriel’s green eyes shine as an idea gets his mind.

“Don’t you worry Rosette, you will be fine. You are not wounded seriously, you have only scratches.”

Says Kimuriel bluffing, he wants to make Rosette feel better.

At the mean time Artemis has placed a new illusion on Ixevim.

“We are ready to go. We will teleport to the house of a cleric friend of mine who lives in Vallaki. Join your hands and make a circle.”

Says Kimuriel and concentrates. The air around them starts waving and soon makes a tornado which teleports them away.
Last edited by VAN on Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
- The first 2 Feats a wizard should take are "point blank shot" and "Precise shot"!
- W H A T ! ? !
- Or they should NEVER memorize rays!
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Post by alhoon »

OOC> Vallaki? You could have teleported us in Vallaki all along? Kimuriel is from Barovia, so he could say so and take us where we need to go.
OOC2> Ixevim is very skilled in healing, he can help her. :)

IC> Ixevim sends Kimuriel as he speaks to Rosette "She has lost some blood but I believe she will be fine. The orange haired victim is in greater danger, I don't think we will be able to save him."
Then while Kimuriel checks Rosette, he mind blasts the captives to keep then subdued and they all teleport away...
"You truly see what a person is made of, when you begin to slice into them" - Semirhage
"I am not mad, no matter what you're implying." - Litalia
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Post by Coan »

Quickly Kimuriel gathers the others near him and begins summoning the mental energies required for his teleportation.

At the same time Ixevim looks over to Rosette. She was dying and he secretly knew it, unless they reached a doctor or cleric soon... his thoughts lead him to when Kimuriel had examined her. He hadn't thought on it much at the time but his simple dimensional door was harder to pinpoint than before even though the excitement had worn down. It had felt like forcing himself through the layers or reality and not the usual slip in space it normally did. Why though? His mind turned to their previous teleport in Borca. Something had happened there as well.

He heard Kimuriel's movements and the mindflayer wanted to call out but it was too late. Space and time had shifted.

They each feel as if they are being pulled through mollases, the air seemed to move like liquid and the walls of the room were pulled away. Looking down they could see the road and forest pull away from them as if they were at a great height. But things looked somehow wrong, the sun was dimming and giving a purple tint to everything while great beasts roamed the land and parts of the world seemed to fade or be on fire while ice formed over entire towns. The sky writhed like a blanket and somewhere they heard a scream as a dark hole in the sky was ripped open.

Beyond this portal they could not discern save Ixevim with his own unusual vision and what he saw made his blood freeze. Anarchy and some huge malevolence lurked behind the world and he would have continued staring as a dark tentacle pierced the clouds and moved its colosal form around the sky -seeking, searching. A great weight fell over their minds and Kimuriel ceased his teleportation as a shadow fell over them and the huge form of the tentacle descended towards them -blanketing the stars as below them the world was seperated and disected.

There was a huge reverberating groan and Kimuriel forced the teleport to a close.

When they opened their eyes they could only speak in hushed whispers and shallow breaths. They had not travelled at all and the cellar was dark -all light sources extinguished. In the room the sounds of the two rescued men could be heard. It seemed whatever had happened had begun to awaken them.
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Post by Coan »

And thus ends 'Treachery, lies and secrets'

I am opening a new thread to which: VAN, alhoon, Tadelin and Robert shall all be players. Please continue there in 'A new world has come'
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