Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

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Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by darkdragonslayer »

Yes I prefer the old 3.0-3.5 versions of D&D so please understand that's where all my references come from.

That being said I'm a bit curious about a few things when using Falkovnia.

First and most oddly enough is I'm a bit curious what is Gothic Horror about Falkovnia? What aspects do you focus on to pull out a feeling of dread and wrongness within that domain?

Second: I think I have a few ideas on what I want to do there. A ruthless prince is either trying to overthrow Drakov because of his stupidity or a prince that actually has a brain has risen to the rank of general. That being said I can't bring myself to make Drakov a complete idiot: sexist and unadulterated stuck in certain ways of thinking yes while unwittingly or knowingly pitting certain factions of his own troops against each other thus causing them perhaps to undermine each other in ways. (I'm looking at you Ministries of Science, Magic, and perhaps Intelligence (I can see Drakov cutting resources drastically to science and magic especially since he's already untrusting of what they accomplish on the battlefield.)) My question is twofold here. Do you think they follow the mantra he doesn't know doesn't hurt him? (IE using women, using direct magic on the battlefield and such) or are they too scared? Furthermore I'm curious to know what if anything you've done with these ministries before.

Third: Who do you think poses the most danger to Drakov outside of Drakov himself?
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Zilfer »

Gondegal is probably one of the biggest threats along with if Eia Pia ever passes through Falkovnia and decides to take an active role in over throwing Drakov rather than fighting the creatures of darkness. Gondegal being a high level fighter, and Eia Pax a high level Paladin that wanders the core. Haven't done much campaigns in Falkovnia unfortunately it's more of a place my players have occasionally 'passed through cautiously'
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

I always focused on the "human" evils of Falkovnia when I ran things in the domain. Whereas most other domains are defined by the supernatural horrors present, Falkovnia is defined by the more mundane and all-too-real horrors perpetrated by people. Especially by those in power and those who want to be in power.

The indoctrination of the people is another aspect that is quite horrific when you start to look more deeply into it. Falkovnians are bombarded by propaganda that teaches them to hate others who are different than them and to bow down to whatever those with authority tell them to. Especially through violence and threats thereof.
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

I am currently finishing three articles on 2e/3e Falkovnia for QtR28 if you can wait a bit until haloween I believe you will be satisfied. :azalin:
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Mistmaster »

NeoTiamat's Falkovnia ls my Falkovnia, but I'm still curious about your take on it.
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by darkdragonslayer »

In all reality I do agree with the statement that Falknvia's horror is the horror of war and what man can do to fellow man. It's the fact that Falkovnians have learned to accept first night privileges or the brutality that bites at them always. I want to explore the horrors of the Ministry of Science whether that becomes horrible war machines or what have you to inflict pain.

I'm also really interested in the ministry of magic. Does Mikhail see Drakov's disdain for magic as nothing more than a hindrance or does he share the same belief that magic is nothing more a fool's weapon. Is there a place for warmages on the battlefield in Mikhail's eyes? What types of shaky and perverse research goes on there?
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Joël of the FoS »

The evil of men, and people kept into abject poverty and near slavery. No respect for the life of lower class people.

I once had the PCs watching a scene in the Falkovnia enclave of Karina where a man was empaled. They were horrified to see a cleric healing the empaled man so he could last longer.
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Jonathan Winters »


Impaling a man AND healing him at the same time. I LOVE this. It's not so subtle, but if the violence of the scene is played without too much being seen at first and without fanfare. I assume the PCs thought at first that the cleric was being helpful, chanting his spell in a low voice, and then, a MINOR healing... I can see this being very disturbing. Whenever I make it back to RL, I will try to steal this from you.


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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Joël of the FoS »

Jonathan Winters wrote:Joël!

Impaling a man AND healing him at the same time. I LOVE this. It's not so subtle, but if the violence of the scene is played without too much being seen at first and without fanfare. I assume the PCs thought at first that the cleric was being helpful, chanting his spell in a low voice, and then, a MINOR healing... I can see this being very disturbing. Whenever I make it back to RL, I will try to steal this from you.
It was played the most cruelly possible: the man suffering and asking for mercy, the cleric appearing concerned but healing him so the "show" would last longuer, the Falkovnians laughing / shouting evilly, all the while musicians played a lively waltz...

The players were disgusted and left the Falkovnian enclave (there were way too many Falkovnians for them to start a fight)
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by darkdragonslayer »

That is vicious. I've really got to remember that one. Maybe not with the waltz playing, but definitely that level of cruelty.

Has anyone considered what type of magics Drakov has made concessions on? I definitely see an interest in battle magics such as abjuration and evocation. Maybe not wide spread but maybe a few battle mages here and there. I see him using magic items to enhance the strength of his army of course. I almost want to use the idea of his generals employing female battle mages along with the cannon fodder really. They'd have almost minimized roles in battle but they'd still be used.
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Gautsu »

Back in the day, I set Horror's Harvest the Dungeon adventure there. The indoctrination and complicity of the typical Falkovnian made the people there seem like allies to my pc's until they realized the doppelganger plant had replaced most of them before they even arrived
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Re: Falkovnia discussions (3.X version)

Post by Mephisto of the FoS »

Gautsu wrote:Back in the day, I set Horror's Harvest the Dungeon adventure there. The indoctrination and complicity of the typical Falkovnian made the people there seem like allies to my pc's until they realized the doppelganger plant had replaced most of them before they even arrived
I own that issue but haven't played it yet, but I like the twist you wrote, never thought of it while reading it (very fast)...
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