My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

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Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Nox »

I like this very much. Lightlord are nice, but the most useful thing i see that miss from Canon is the "5 thing people knows". I think it gives you more details about what people knows and what not, so it's applicable to the PCs... I'd like to have information like this in canon!
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

Thank you very much! I'm glad you liked it.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
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Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

Beyond the Core chapter 4

The Lands of Always Winter

Official Name: Empire of Polaris
Inhabitants: 24 Millions (Humans 69%, Polarian 30%, Other 1%)
Surface: 507,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Frozenhearth (367,000)
Major Settlements:Frozenfang(314,000), Bloodshard (298,000), Diamondport (217,000)
Borders: North: Nightfrost Plateau, East:Frozensteel Coast, South:The Frozen Sea, West: Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Centralized Absolute Ereditary Monarchy.
Ruler:Emperor Agh ar Polarian IX
Darklord:Ivg ar Selaar aka Bloodfrost (Polarian Cleric of the Imprisoned Lord 10, L/E)
Lightlord:Princess Saarin ar Polarian (Polarian Warlock 10, C/G)
Economy:Mining, Blue Ice, Dread Ice,
Military:Standing, Strong navy.
Politics:Polarians get the better positions in the bureaucracy and in the military, while humans have to content themselvers with the inferior positions.
Religion: Polarian Pantheon, Inua Pantheon
Climate:Stormy and Artic.
Geography:A maze of Ice canyons and frozen hills, dominated by the Frost Dagger, where lay the capital city.
Education:Compulsory, 5 years, only for Polarians.
Languages:Common, Polarian, Polarish, Froststeel Speach,Nightfrostian, Okrainian, Zherisian.
Flora:Ice Rose.
Fauna:Polar Bears, Leopard Seals, Seals, Penguins, Emperor Penguins, Orkas, Dolphins, Artic Steirn, Wolves.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Dire Polar Bears, Dire Leopard Seals, Dire Orkas, Giant Carnivore Penguins, Dire Orkas, Werewolves, Werepolarbears, Polarians, Wereorkas, Armored Bears, Winter Wolves, Frozen Deads, Winter Hags, Weredolphins, Living Icebergs, Ice Paraelementals (Any), Mammoths, Wholly Mammoths, Artic Oozes.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Polarian are the Master Race. 2) Frost is the most lethal weapon of all. 3)The Princess is a deluded, naive and spoiled brat, which the emperor should reign in, or so says Polarians. 4)Human are slaves, so spoke the Imprisoned Lord. 5)Winter rule the world, and Polarian rule winter.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Clerics, Warlocks, Sorcerers, Alchemist, Rangers, Hunters, Shamans, Kineticists.

Nightfrost Plateau:
Official Name: League of the Nightfrost Plateau
Inhabitants: 4 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 102,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Frozenhope (108,000)
Major Settlements:Frozenfang (314,000), Bloodshard (298,000), Diamondport (217,000)
Borders: North: Insanity Mountains, East:Frozensteel Coast, South:Polaris, West: Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Confederation of City-states, ruled by semy-ereditary monarchies (Chiefdoms)
Ruler:Hight Chief Tagalook Bearbane
Darklord:Alagut Bearbane aka The Great Beast (Unique Fiend Fighter 10, C/E)
Lightlord:Tagalook Bearbane (Greater Werepolarbear Ranger 10, L/G)
Economy:Fur, Leather, Hunting, Fishing, Mining, Blue Ice, Dread Ice,
Military:Ech tribe has it's own Militia, and it's small fleet of Ice-boat.
Politics:Clans and tribes have long feuds between themselves, and they fight for resources; The Council of Elders from Frozenhope try to mediate this conflicts.
Magic:Common but Feared.
Religion: Inua Pantheon
Climate:Stormy and Artic.
Geography:A Icy plateau, with the rare Blue Forests spot.
Education:Compulsory, 3 years, ran by the Shamanic clergy.
Languages:Common, Nightfrostian, Polarish, Froststeel Speech.
Flora:Ice Rose, Blue Trees.
Fauna:Polar Bears, Leopard Seals, Seals, Penguins, Emperor Penguins, Orkas, Dolphins, Artic Steirn, Wolves, Caribu Dears, Mooses.
Local Monsters: Dire Wolves, Dire Polar Bears, Dire Leopard Seals, Dire Orkas, Giant Carnivore Penguins, Dire Orkas, Werewolves, Greater Werepolarbears, Werepolarbears, Wereorkas, Polarians, Armored Bears, Winter Wolves, Frozen Deads, Winter Hags, Weredolphins, Living Icebergs, Ice Paraelementals (Any), Mammoths, Wholly Mammoths, Artic Oozes, Shade Mooses, Wendigos.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)Polarians are evil. 2) Ice is a boon. 3)Fear the night when the Great Beast prowls. 4)Polar Bears are dutiful servants of the good spirits. 5)Respect the rules of the spirits.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Sorcerers, Rangers, Hunters, Shamans, Druids, Barbarians, Skalds.

Insanity Mountains:
Official Name: Kingdom of the Insanity Mountains.
Inhabitants: 10 Millions (Alterated 50%,Various Aberrations 48%, Other 1%)
Surface: 132,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: K'htahn (194,900)
Major Settlements:T'nagh (180,780), Y'cht'hai (172,567).
Borders: North: Frozen Sea, East:Frozensteel Coast, South:Nightfrost Plateau, West: Sea of Sorrows.
Government: Federal Constitutional Monarchy, ruled by a council of monarchs.
Ruler: King Aaro V Starchild
Darklord:The white Death(Unique Elementar Slayer 15, C/E)
Lightlord:King Aaro Starchild (Alterated Wizard (Alienist) 19, L/G)
Economy:Arcane craft. technological craft, Polar Crystals.
Military:Standing, Professional, Strong Navy.
Politics:Two Chambers, a Concil of Speakers and The council of Elders rule the kingdom; They are elected on democratic and ethnic bases.
Religion: The Great Ancients, Church of Adaran, Church of Zekhata, Cult of Fenris, Cult of Lathurr.
Climate:Artic but unusually temperated.
Geography:A harsh mountain range spotted with warm springs of vulcanic origin, which allow to vegatal life to grow.
Education:Compulsory, 7 years.
Languages:Common, Insanity Speech, Nightfrostian, Low Polarish, Froststeel Speech, Zherisian.
Flora:Any kind of plant.
Fauna:Any kind, even not artic, all adapted to artic life.
Local Monsters: Any Dire Animal, Any Giant Vermin, Any Swarm, Any Dinosaur, all adapted artic life, any aberration, any Artic magical beast, any cold subtipe outsider, any cold subtipe undead.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)World's beauty is in its variety; 2) Weird do not mean evil. 3)Fear the hate of the White Death 4)Wonder and Horror are two faces of the same coin, and this is an extreme land full of both. 5) Unity in difference shapes a bright future.
Adventurers from the Nation: Wizards, Rangers, Sorcerers, Any Occult class, Clerics, Alchemists, Paladins, Anti-Paladins, Slayers, Gunslingers.

Frozensteel Coast:
Official Name: Confederacy of the Frozensteel Coast
Inhabitants: 5 Millions (Humans 99%, Other 1%)
Surface: 232,000 Square Kilometres.
Capital City: Økshavn (132,900)
Major Settlements:Kogensgrav (120,000), Blodigstål (100,000).
Borders: North: Frozen Sea, East:Nocturnal Sea, South:Polaris,, West:Insanity Mountains, Nightfrost Plateau.
Government: Confederacy of tribal monarchies, each village have an ereditary Jarl who rules with the support of the Elders. The king is elected by a council of Jarls, based on the allinces beetween the tribes.
Ruler: King Magnus IX Hakonsonn Stronghammer
Darklord: Queen Ingrid Olafdottir Bloodlips (Vampyre Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 14, N/E)
Lightlord:Magnus I Stronghammer (Graveknight, Fighter (Greatweaponmaster) 10, N/G)
Economy:Craft, Trading, Piracy, Raiding, Mining.
Military:Standing, Strong Navy.
Politics:The Council of Jarls assist the king and elect him; The Stronghammer clan is acttally the dominant; rival tribes and clan's feuds are often mediated by the council.
Religion: Norse Pantheon.
Climate:Cold and snowy, yet more temperated than on the interior.
Geography:A vast coastline full of of natural harbours, defended on three sides by the unforgiving Walhalla Mountains.
Education:Compulsory, three years, provided by the village elders.
Languages:Common, Froststeel Speech, Low Vasaan, Insanity Speech, Nightfrostian, Low Polarish
Flora:Taiga Flora.
Fauna:Any Taiga animal, Any Cold Sea animal.
Local Monsters: Any Dire Taiga Animal, Any Dire Cold Sea Animal, Any Taiga and Cold Sea Werebeast, Sealkies, Duergars, Svartalfars, Muspellhimrs, Hrimthusards, Iron teeth wolves, Ratatosks, Giant Eagles, Slehipnirian Horses, Fafnirian Dragons, Nidhogians, Graveknights, Vampyres.
5 Facts known by locals: 1)This is an harsh but honest land, and it brew harsh but honest people 2)Cowards die many times, brave ones only one. 3) Never trust a Bloodlips 4)Strong hearts, Strong arms, Stronghammer. 5) Not even death can stop a true warrior.
Adventurers from the Nation: Fighters, Barbarians, Sorcerers, Bards, Skalds, Bloodragers, Alchemists, Rangers, Hunters, Druids, Slayers.

The Misty Sea
This is the part of the world which stays uncharted; no one knows what it really hides, as the few who ever returned were no more trustworhty in theyr recollecting of the journey.

Thus Part One is over, I shall start part Two soon; As always any feedback is very much appreciated.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1172
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

I haver added a new domain to the Core in the first post of the Mainland Core. Its after Lamordia.
Evil Genius
Evil Genius
Posts: 1172
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:27 pm

Re: My take on Ravenloft, chapter one

Post by Mistmaster »

I have added two domains, Pureterre after Lamordia, first Core Post, and Whal in the Core Island post.
I also changed some Lightlords, the ones of Lamordia and Invidia.
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