A 5e Ravenloft Adventure [DMs Guild] ...with pictures!

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Re: A 5e Ravenloft Adventure [DMs Guild] ...with pictures!

Post by Quickleaf »

@De Montour Glad we could work it out! You're right, it may be a daunting adventure for a new DM, especially because of all the NPCs and clues. I decided to go with designing toward an optimistic view of DM intelligence and capability, however, and tried to offer resources to make it easier (e.g. spreading NPCs out through geography/time, an NPC index, the DM cheat sheet).

@Gonzoron of the FoS Thanks! I hope that I've captured the spirit of Ravenloft, and would love to hear from long-time fans of the setting on FoS about how the adventure feels/runs for them. It might be a little more "Brothers Grimm" than "Gothic Horror" for purists.

@Jimsolo Thank you! I actually used a similar color palette to Mike Schley's map of Barovia from Curse of Strahd, and did it all with a mouse. Eep! I think I need to invest in a tablet to get a more hand-drawn look in the future, but I was pretty happy with how it turned out.
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Re: A 5e Ravenloft Adventure [DMs Guild] ...with pictures!

Post by Quickleaf »

De Montour wrote:Ok, so Quickleaf sorted out my problems with accessing his product. Big thank you to him for that.

About the adventure.

As previously written, it's equally usable in CoS, Ravenloft Setting Barovia or even as a little domain in it's own right.
It looks good and is chock full of interesting NPCs with believable motivations and interpersonal relationships explored at length. Perhaps, for an inexperienced DM, it might be daunting but Quickleaf's addition of a PDF DM Cheat Sheet should resolve that somewhat.

The curse is well thought out and there are twists, turns and red herrings aplenty. The locations are well fleshed out and maps are included. There are a number of events as well that move the story on, to be introduced at set times or if your band of heroes stalls in their investigations.

In short, this product is well worth the price tag. Buy it!
Having finally had a chance to read through the finished adventure post-publication, I realized that I should have another event in Chapter 1 that explores the character and fate of the Vistani horse thief Eris Corvara. Probably a scenario with the boyar meting out his punishment and the hag Pretty Kolchya (in her Lady Molot Kosti guise) intervening somehow. I realized that I could have done more with the NPC Eris Corvara and with the hag's alter-ego. One more event like that might help groups who really get into the role-playing and extend the adventure into 6-10 sessions keep things fresh.

Something for my eventual update along with lingering spelling/grammar corrections.
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Re: A 5e Ravenloft Adventure [DMs Guild] ...with pictures!

Post by Quickleaf »

I wrote a guest blog over at High Level Games entitled 5 Things to Know Before Writing A Ravenloft Adventure for DMsGuild which explores my adventure design process and experience with DMs Guild. Might be interesting for some prospective writers!

Also, prolific reviewer Merric has put up his review of the adventure! :)

EDIT: And you can follow one group integrating The Beast of Graenseskov into their Curse of Strahd campaign: https://fearandloathinginravenloft.wordpress.com/

EDIT: The Tome Show named The Beast of Graenseskov its DMs Guild pick of the episode #119. Good round-table episode led by James Introcaso.
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