VRGtP - Discussion

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The Giamarga
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Post by The Giamarga »

High Priest Mikhal wrote:Yeah, I read the netbook. Only the one I read was for 3.0 psionics, not 3.5. The psilich was included in RLDMG and will get included in the psionic threats, as will the Living Brain and the entire domain of Bluetspur and everything illithid-related. Then I have to detail the domain of Kalidnay, which will take a while.

It seems you have most of the angles covered. The psi lich in 2e was a named NPC (unless I confuse this with the bardic lich)
I would love to hear more of Kalidnay. Will you refer to the semi official 3E Dark Sun conversion from athas.org?
As for canon psionicists, I'll mention the Society of the Veiled Palm but that's the only group I know of. I've never even heard of anyone in Carnival being psionic (and with WotC banning all previous editions from download it's unlikely I'll ever get the information I need :cry:).
Well there are ways... eBay for one(Carnival is well worth having), some websites have htmlized some of the books, the third I won't mention.

Some carnies flat out have "wild talents" or psi powers. In my 3e conversion notes for some of them are psionics.

I'll see what other canon references I can dig up for you. The 2E TSR collector cards featured a few interesting psionic NPCs for example...
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Re: Van Richten's Guide to Psionics

Post by Pietroschek »


first of all thanks. I know the benefit of a reliable summary from several official books and SRD. Further I really appreciate the time-efficiency and that you brought 'my beloved' Mindflayers to Ravenloft.

I would advise you, to put a filled Open Game License to the end of the work, if you have finished it. While I doubt that the officials will unleash their lawyers, I am quite certain you are reciting some official material.

Anyway, it is one of the best works I read on the PSI D&D topic and while I think Psionics or Arcane Magic to avoid Overdosage would be fine, it is the freedom for each DM to decide himself or herself. :roll:

My regards

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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by The Giamarga »

Here's an old thread about psionics with lots of references including many psionic NPCs.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Wow! I didn't think anyone cared about my work. You make an amateur author cry out of joy.

I know there are sites that have made digital copies of 2e works, especially Dark Sun, and I do refer to Athas.org from time to time. I've been procrastinating on checking some O-L-D 3.5" floppies and ZIP disks to see if they have copies of my old 2e Dark Sun PDFs, mostly because the only computer capable of handling such disks is slower than a glacier (I should really put some cleaner programs on it to get it back to speed, but IDK if CCleaner has a version that works on Win 98).

Eventually I'll be making a netbook of this, but for now I'm caught between the holidays, WoW, TOR, WoW RPG, nWOD, and some projects for CthulhuTech (if I can ever get on their forums again; their servers need a serious upgrade). I'll put the OGL at the end of the netbook as a CMA move since I really dislike 4e and likely 5e as well, so OGL is the license that most applies.

Planned for next chapter, Tools and Tricks of the Mentalist, are some new psionic items like Artifical Minds (what the myserious crystal skulls could be) as well as some skill tricks for Autohypnosis, some new feats and old ones reprinted, variant rules, and then a large chapter afterwards devoted to Kalidnay in as much detail as possible.

Oh, and thanks, The Giamarga, for those links to OOP VR Guides. I'll use them well.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Work on VRGtP has stalled due to two posts in the main thread that have not yet been moved by the moderators or administrator, or their original authors. Until these are moved to this thread all work on the Guide is ceased.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Moved the posts. Sorry for the delay. Best way to get my attention for something like that is to PM me. I don't usually read the Fan Fiction section personally. (note that you can keep posting to the thread, even with other peoples' posts there. I can move posts whether they are at the end or in the middle.)
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Ah, thanks, Gonzoron. I'll keep the PM in mind. And to reiterate, DO NOT put comments on my projects in their actual threads. They always have a Discussion thread like this for such things.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by Nemesio »

I concur! Looks like its gonna be pretty darn cool!
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!! This guide is giving me more trouble than any other project! I'll spare you all the details except to say I'm rearranging the chapters. Chaper Six is now Chapter Five, the new Chapter Six will be Tools and Tricks of the Mentalist, and finally Chapter Seven will be about Kalidnay. So don't worry if something's missing. I just deemed it worth taking down to be edited and expanded more than I can do on a forum.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by Nemesio »

Let me know if you need any help with illustrations for your netbook. I'm looking for some art projects to work on.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Nemesio wrote:Let me know if you need any help with illustrations for your netbook. I'm looking for some art projects to work on.
Actually, I hadn't planned on illustrations since I can't draw stick figures with a ruler; seriously, I nearly flunked art classes in middle and high school because my drawing skills are so horrible (who decided art credits were mandatory to graduate in Utah?!). My medium is the written word. But it would help liven things up. If you've got ideas I'd like to hear (or see) them.

EDIT: Added quick paragraphs about each Court member. Also note that the Rainbow Serpent's text is not a commentary on the real Australia and the Aboriginal people, the European settlers, or the history of either in the real world. Australian Aborigines do revere a being called the Rainbow Serpent, and the fictional Serpent may have been inspired by legends of such, but for this purpose the text is fictional. I do not mean to judge, offend, or otherwise come across as casting blame. This is fantasy, after all.

Okay, done with the disclaimer.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

First off, I'd like to apologize to certain parties for coming off as dismissive in my posts about 4e Dark Sun. In fact, on reflection, it may be a good idea to buy the books; I've had no luck getting onto Athas.org to download the 3e fan PDFs beyond the core book. I just have to wait until my next paycheck (sixty hour weeks to make up for my bank's FUBAR, then they get things sorted out in time for Xmas just as I find out my time and a half would be on my check after the New Year). Banks truly are (a necessary) evil.

Secondly, a question. Does anyone remember what multiclass preserver/psionicists turned into in 2e DS? A name is all I really need. Also I will not be going into specifics on the races or classes beyond how they apply to VRGtP and Ravenloft in general. There is simply too much to go into detail beyond that.

EDIT: Nevermind on the name. Finally got onto Athas.org and downloaded the PDFs while I could. Avangions, that's what they're called.
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Re: VRGtP - Discussion

Post by High Priest Mikhal »

Ugh, the seventh chapter on Kalidnay is finally up. Unfortunately I didn't have space to go into full detail on the races or even the few monsters I included. In fact the fan works on Athas.org are still 3.0 so I really had to wing it when it came to certain things. The last chapter will be the DM's Appendix with full rules for the psionic classes in Ravenloft, psionic items, and rules for the new items and materials in previous chapters. As always, this is a first draft and constructive criticism is welcomed.
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