Game of Thrones - the TV series

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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:Khal: He seems to dispensable for story element. Kinda looks like the "I'm gonna die so the protagonist may fulfil her role better" type.
A good "metagame" point. I won't spoil whether you're right or not, though.
I wouldn't say she loves him from the show though (and I haven't read her part in the book)
Her feelings are clear in the book. I'll put the answer in a spoiler box. You can look or not:
She does love him, completely.
PS. Everyone I spoke with that watches the shows agree on one thing: The dragons will hatch. :)
Seems to be a common expectation online. (see Chekov's Gun). Again I won't spoil the answer.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote: I'll put the answer in a spoiler box. You can look or not:
She does love him, completely.
They do a really bad job in the show conveying that. Not even in one scene she seems affectionate or taken with him. I've seen her rejoice in the attention of being a queen, but not in her relationship. In fact, I wouldn't even call it a relationship from her side.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Episode 8:
Well, good beginning. :) The Syrio scene was exceptional! Although I wanted to see that eye flying...
They rushed things quite a lot. Things that took 3 days in the book happened in the blink of an eye in the episode. Also, what was that with jumping from one scene to the next with barely breathing time. The door hasn't closed behind the leaving man ... and we're in the next scene, no prologues.

Well... not like it was in the book. Also Sansa, really, really looks a woman not a girl not even in her circle. I don't even know how old she's supposed to be in the show. I seem to remember 13-14 but that can't be the case.
They cut the scene where she remains in her room for 3 days. Well... not that needed but anyways.
Although a bit rushed, the scene where Cersei manipulates the (stupid) girl seems OK, although I would prefer it she didn't rush to agree so fast. It seems like she's betraying her father. What of Cersei showing the letter that Stark would send to Stannis, asking him to claim the throne? That was needed too.
:shock: I think I need to read that part too. It seems quite... monumental and I would like to see his PoV, what he was thinking. EDIT: Right. There's no Robb's PoV. :( I've to tread through Bran to find it out. PS. Robb's 15 1/2 in the book which makes him... 18 in the show. :/
In the show it seems like he's accepting Joffrey as king but would demand that he releases his father. Trying to blackmail the new King with an army at his doorstep isn't a wise move.
Talking to the heir of someone that made the same move and ended up dead was also ... nice. It shows what is at stake.

I like how he starts taking responsibility seriously and how he handles dissidents.
PS. you once laughed that I called the Winterfell "CL5" I wonder what have you to say now. :P
They cut a somewhat-important detail in the episode and changed some things. Not too much to lose the context but I prefered the original. Wasn't that scene quite later in the book BTW? They changed the time of events but I didn't mind about that.
They cut the too strong wine. Varys gave him of the wine the King was drinking and Ned almost vomited. Shows how much of a drinking problem Robert had. Also no mention about littlefinger although that was covered very well (better in fact) in previous episodes.
I'm pretty sure many things are amiss in that scene. :( I'll have to read it.
EDIT: I read it. :P They cut out a very important part and a very humane part. Actually, as many of Tyrion's scenes it was ... quite worse than the book.
The dagger, they left out the part where Tyrion admits he wants to find out about the dagger!
And of equal importance, they cut out of his wife and how Tywin treated him.

EDIT, after the re-union: :shock: Tullies have already their butts handed to them?!? In the book it's actually harder on them than in the show. They've been all but wiped out with just two major (sworn to Tully) houses still standing.
And how lucky Tywin was. I can't think of anything better than what the south-of-the-wall-wildlings (or hill tribes if you prefer) offered him. :) Also, again them breaking in the council and Lannister guards flying all over as they barreled in was awesome and should be in the show.
It seems he thinks "confined to quarters" has a different meaning in the Night's watch or at least for him.
Still, nice scene. I was wondering how undead die in this world. I wonder if beheading works also.
Also this is from the Bran's part I liked the wildling's warning of "How stupid can you be?!? You're marching the wrong direction you idiots! The long winter is coming and you kill each other of who goes on top and who captured who's father or brother when countless brothers and fathers will be butchered?"
That was made more poignant when they showed the men of the night's watch. How few they seem...
Now that's a rushed beginning. I blinked when the previous scene ended and moved my eyes to take a sip of water when... I saw that the show was in the middle of an intense scene, barely 0.5 secs after another intense scene "ended".
Daenerys isn't a barbarian, what did she really expect? I pretty much expect Khal Drogo say "WTF?!? Why my wife stopped my men from taking what they bled for? Is that the pregnacy?"
EDIT: As Drogo patiently explains to her that's what's going on (I bet in her "civilized" Westeros too, soldier's aren't paragons of honor either) after a victory I really facepalmed myself when she said "Hey, if they want a ####, they should marry them".
Of course what followed was the predictable "WTF?!? Khal that foreign witch has you around her little finger!" and Khal killing the dissident with his bare hands.
Man she really has him wrapped around her fingers.
PS. Finally she shows some of the affection you mentioned. God knows the man has earned it. He rips people's tongues out of their throats for speaking against her... when he agrees she's wrong.
Then she goes bananas that this wound has to be cleaned and sewed shut. Drogo's about to start laughing when he allows the healer to try heal him (I like the way the actor plays Drogo). It really was a minor wound. I wonder how will she rise her Dothraki son, she's overprotective. On the other hand, if her son is to rule the civilized lands he can't be a savage.
To think, I thought I was an exception on how much sway women have over me. Well, he gives me hope that there's worse.
Again things missing and it was hard to follow. Catelyn's story has been shortened and certain bypasses made.
Blackfish is evidently missing. He has done a lot of things by now and he's the main one that brings the news to them and does the scouting. In the show they all "somehow" know.
When her story merges with Robb's there are hard omissions.
According to the book, the Tullys are gathering armies to guard their lands and oppose the Lannisters, while her father is sick, it shows that Robb is not alone.
Also the part where Catelyn learns that John Eyrie wanted to send his son to dragonstone to take him away from the pampering of his mother not Casterly rock arranged by Lannisters after the Hand's death (making me suspect she actually assassinated her husband) is missing.

I would also like to see the ruined keep and the swamps. :(

EDIT: Battle plans: Catelyn said far more than "the late lord Frey". She mentioned that his 4000 men may even join the Lannisters since he's not too loyal and his family has marriage ties with the Lannisters. Aside that, she advised him to talk with lord Frey and pay the toll. Wisdom as well as valor.
By my count we've hit about 80% of the book in pages. All the misplaced parts have been dealth with. It's really 80%.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:Sansa:
Also Sansa, really, really looks a woman not a girl not even in her circle. I don't even know how old she's supposed to be in the show. I seem to remember 13-14 but that can't be the case.
Well, the actress is 15. In the book, I think she was 12-13.
Although a bit rushed, the scene where Cersei manipulates the (stupid) girl seems OK, although I would prefer it she didn't rush to agree so fast. It seems like she's betraying her father.
It always kind of seemed to me that she betrayed her father. Not on purpose, but through naivite(sp?).
What of Cersei showing the letter that Stark would send to Stannis, asking him to claim the throne? That was needed too.
Couldn't find that in my summary page. Care to refresh me? I thought Ned's letter to Stannis got through.
:shock: I think I need to read that part too. It seems quite... monumental
Yes, he definitely comes out of the shadows in this episode and stands as a character on his own. I loved it. And the guy playing GreatJon Umber was great in those scenes too.
Robb's 15 1/2 in the book which makes him... 18 in the show. :/
And played by a 25 year old actor, for what it's worth...
I've to tread through Bran to find it out.
Yup, that's all Bran and Catelyn POV in the book, I think.
In the show it seems like he's accepting Joffrey as king but would demand that he releases his father.
Well, he doesn't have any reason not to accept Joffrey as king. Robert is dead, and only Ned, Jon Arryn, Littlefinger, and Varys know about Joffrey's real parentage so far.
Trying to blackmail the new King with an army at his doorstep isn't a wise move.
wise, maybe not... but he's a Stark. ;)
Talking to the heir of someone that made the same move and ended up dead was also ... nice. It shows what is at stake.
If you mean Theon, not dead. Balon Greyjoy lived, though his sons other than Theon died in the rebellion.
PS. you once laughed that I called the Winterfell "CL5" I wonder what have you to say now. :P
I laughed because it was funny, not because it was untrue. :)
The dagger, they left out the part where Tyrion admits he wants to find out about the dagger!
Left out of my recap too. :)
And of equal importance, they cut out of his wife and how Tywin treated him.
While I agree, this adds a lot of depth to Tyrion and his relationship with Daddy, it's the sort of thing that gets cut easily. We see his relationship with dad in the reaction of the actors. It's more economical than sitting down and telling a story, especially in a show that's already pressed for time.
It seems he thinks "confined to quarters" has a different meaning in the Night's watch or at least for him.
Yup. :) Still feeling that false entitlement, isn't he?

(I like the way the actor plays Drogo).
Me too. He's not just a pile of muscles. It's got to be tough to act that well in a completely made up language.
To think, I thought I was an exception on how much sway women have over me. Well, he gives me hope that there's worse.
:lol: Well, she is a pretty little thing. Can't blame Drogo too much.
EDIT: Battle plans: Catelyn said far more than "the late lord Frey". She mentioned that his 4000 men may even join the Lannisters since he's not too loyal and his family has marriage ties with the Lannisters. Aside that, she advised him to talk with lord Frey and pay the toll. Wisdom as well as valor.
I expect we'll see at least some of this next episode. The late lord Frey is too fun to miss, and they've mentioned him twice now, so it would be good to see him.
Regarding the Blackfish
I expect to see him, and more on the Tullys in general next season.
By my count we've hit about 80% of the book in pages. All the misplaced parts have been dealth with. It's really 80%.
And with 20% of the episodes to go. Told you they'd make it. :) But I would love to see an "extended edition" with a few more hours of the stuff they cut out.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Tyrion is burning to know what happened with the dagger. I can't fish it out right now (a lot of chapters with Tyrion) but more or less he said his most pressing bussiness is to find out what happened with the dagger and who wanted to frame him and why.
Bronn said "So, you really were innocent" and Tyrion replies with a smirky Tyrionese way. So there is a small chance he was behind the assassination but it seems distant now. Also he believes the answer is in King's Landing (i.e. Cersei/Jaime/littlefinger plan) instead of Casterly rock.
As for Blackfish?
They could have cut Varys out or at least cut part of Vary's role. From what I read so far, Blackfish contributes as much to the story as Varys. And since we have already a lot of court intrigue and dance we could do with some more Robert-y figures.

And as of cutting part of Varys? G.R.Martin already made the start! (He's an eunouch. :roll: He already has parts cut off).

Do we learn more about the attempt on Bran by the end of the season? None of the a-bit-further parts I've read mention who did it. Perhaps Catelyn starts to dig it up again, but with Bronn at war it's unlikely.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:They could have cut Varys out or at least cut part of Vary's role. From what I read so far, Blackfish contributes as much to the story as Varys. And since we have already a lot of court intrigue and dance we could do with some more Robert-y figures.
As one who loves nearly every word out of Varys's mouth, I disagree, but that's just me. :)
And as of cutting part of Varys? G.R.Martin already made the start! (He's an eunouch. :roll: He already has parts cut off).
rimshot! :)
Do we learn more about the attempt on Bran by the end of the season? None of the a-bit-further parts I've read mention who did it. Perhaps Catelyn starts to dig it up again, but with Bronn at war it's unlikely.
Not really. It becomes kinda moot, what with the war in motion and all. We do find out some more about it, eventually, but not for another few books.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Gonzoron of the FoS wrote: Not really. It becomes kinda moot, what with the war in motion and all. We do find out some more about it, eventually, but not for another few books.
Can't say I'm surprised. I'm pretty sure G.Martin has something on mind but since Bran's failed assassination had already been "judged" as "Evil Lannisters did it! We're sure!" and there's a war with them partially for just this reason it really takes a back seat.
After all the first attempt on Bran's life was by Jaime and Cersei. Whoever tried to finish the job either for further provocation or under orders of the Lannisters just put the events in motion.
Unless we find a major surprise on who did it I can't say it's as important for the story as the wars or the events that come from them.

Kinda like Asmodean: OK, it was a big question in that book but really, aside from temporarily depriving Rand from a tutor that would backstab him if he had any better options, what did the killer accomplished? Rand later found out the memories of Lews Therrin and became the most powerful spellcaster in that age, combining raw power with knowledge.
Say we find out that Mazrim Taim (I bet it's him) killed Asmodean. Yawn. So what? We know he's evil, we know that he works for the Forsaken and Rand doesn't need Asmodean nor trusts Mazrim Taim. Unless we find out something really major, like Dobraine being Demandred (already refuted) and killing Asmodean, it's not that important.

Sure, burning curiosity would burn... but story comes first.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

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That thing with Daenerys did with the egg, was after the scene with the wine.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

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After a long time, today is an episode I've read just a few things for. :)
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Watched the 9th one:
I just wonder what will they cut to make up for the lost time since they added a lot of past scenes here and invented a couple.
EDIT: Well... they cut the battles. :(

Well... Varys scene seemed like "Duuuhhh, we forgot a bunch of stuff the other time. Let's fit them here" Propably done so they could fit the time frame of the two episodes. It could have been shorter though. Some nice things in it (very close to the book), but a lot of them could be kept out without any real loss. It's not a boring scene, mind you, but I think more important things could be said in the two minutes that they could cut out of this one.

A bit mixed up again. Somethings have already been said or implied. Order of words is different. I have a bit of trouble following the beginning of the first scene with the book open.
However the meeting was very close to the spirit of the book.
I really miss Blackfish. :( No mention in the movie that the birds were shot down on his command or that he did the scouting that proved so useful.
PS. Robb's talk was cheesy. I prefered that as it was from the book. IMO it's one of the most changed scenes so far in the show. Not so much in spirit, far from it, but in the dialogues. Most of them aren't in the book. They took the basic events and rewrote the dialogue.
I liked the "army out of Lord Frey's breaches" BTW. The 20 sons, 36 grandsons, 19 great grandsons + bastards and grand bastards. That's a clan, not a noble family. :P In the show there were... how many 25 around? There's no way I would say they were all his children and grand children though he said they were "pilling up". Really with so many, no wonder that a couple were married to Lannisters.
And again, no mention that John Eyrie would have sent the boy to Stannis Baratheon instead of Casterly rock.
Still in the book he was true to his word... he got rid of a large number of children and grandchildren. Starks will marry HEAVILY into the Freys and while I'm not so sure about Arya, Robb would do it.
If his wife has taken 1/3rd of her father's fertility he would have 7 children and she'll outlive him for years. Truth be told, it's not a bad bargain for Rob Stark. Freys are powerful, they're close (well, kinda) to the Tullies and most important: there are so many that he will have ties to half the important houses. And also being so many = some will be hot and interesting.
Is that thing magical? According to what I've gathered, no, it's just like Damascus steel. Very good quality steel. Also, Ravens talk in here like parrots it would be nice having a raven repeat words as it does in the book.
Reading that scene from the book... I can barely follow it the pre-scene things because they refer to things not in the show.
More or less, the book one feels more complete. Mormont also seems more... I don't know, more respectable in the book.
Like Ser Barristan of the kingsguard receiving a letter of great importance from the Nightwatch. What was that letter about? The undead?
It also cheapened the scene to cut out the dedication of Mormont to the watch, talking about facing the Whitedead like their duty is. "There were only two of those things (...) there will be more though (...) the cold winds are rising.
Ow, they cat the funny parts. :( And also they added another part that was left behind in previous episodes. If you check you'll find out that I told you it was too important to leave it out. Of course, the scene is mostly made up from what I've read, but a good addition.
But the last part they cut was one I wanted to watch. :(
With Bronn:
"My father put me in the Van"
"I’d do the same. A small man with a big shield. You’ll give the archers fits."
"I find you oddly cheering, I must be mad."

The battle was splendid too, and I would have loved to watch it. Especially the part where Tyrion captures an enemy knight! Also unfoddling of Robb's plan was far better in the book than in the show.

As for additions, Shae seems really different than in the book. In the book she seems in character like any other concubine, nothing special or noteworthy.
Finally the show displays clearly her emotions for Drogo. Good scene. Mostly like the book with some... creative differences. Kinda better if you ask me but less realistic.
Finally some mention of magic! In the book Mirri admits she's a maga and that she was taught by a bloodmage.
Also... Drogo said he disagreed, he was semi-conciouss. But... his horse?!? I'm pretty sure he would have prefered a human sacrifice, one of the bloodriders or even better a slave, from his horse. His horse?!? Oh, he will be furious. When the attempt was made on Daenerys, he said to Mormont "take any horse except mine".
EDIT: OK, that's a heavy one from the next episode
Well, I have to say that I didn't find it surprising how much the cost was or how much the witch hated them all. A unborn baby and 4 men for a barely-surviving Drogo. The bloodriders were right about her I think. The wound really didn't look that bad, the witch propably made it worse.
What I find suprising is that Daenerys found it within her to kill Drogo herself. Nice prophecies the crones give... Stallion that would mount the world.

Anyway about the witch, I think we can label her as clearly evil Gonzoron. She didn't do it for herself or honor or for gain but out of pure malice. An unborn baby? Really?

Of course, the dragons being hatched and paid by all that blood, by her unborn son, her love and those 4 Dothraki that all killed each other and died protecting their Khal to the best of their understanding was cool.
I wonder... if Daenerys died too in the fire that gave birth to the dragons or while the witch was chanting and dancing with the dead and this happened in Ravenloft... would she be 4th or 5th magnitude ghost? I bet on 5th. Emotions were very high, she has a hell of charisma, and people were dying left and right too.
About 11% to go!
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

alhoon wrote:EDIT: Well... they cut the battles. :(
Yup. More for budget reasons than time, I think.

I liked the "army out of Lord Frey's breaches" BTW. The 20 sons, 36 grandsons, 19 great grandsons + bastards and grand bastards. That's a clan, not a noble family. :P In the show there were... how many 25 around?
Yeah, I was a little disappointed there. Also he was too young. And whats with the weird hats?
If his wife has taken 1/3rd of her father's fertility he would have 7 children and she'll outlive him for years. Truth be told, it's not a bad bargain for Rob Stark. Freys are powerful, they're close (well, kinda) to the Tullies and most important: there are so many that he will have ties to half the important houses. And also being so many = some will be hot and interesting.
Yup, another example of Book!Cat's political smarts, which rarely come through in the show. The alliance with the Freys is an important one.
Rob, I assume. Thankfully, I don't live in Westeros. ;)
Is that thing magical? According to what I've gathered, no, it's just like Damascus steel.
Correct, it is not magical. Book spoiler:
I can not recall any innately magical items from the books. Supernatural creatures, yes. Spells and rituals, yes. But inanimate objects don't seem to hold on to magical power permanently in this world, unless I'm forgetting something.
Mormont also seems more... I don't know, more respectable in the book.
He looked a bit dumbfounded in the show last week upon seeing the wight. He just stood with his lantern and stared. Didn't endear him much as a great warrior.
Like Ser Barristan of the kingsguard receiving a letter of great importance from the Nightwatch. What was that letter about? The undead?
A letter to Barristan? not sure. My book recap site says Mormont got a letter about Barristan, saying that he was on the loose and charged with treason.
It also cheapened the scene to cut out the dedication of Mormont to the watch, talking about facing the Whitedead like their duty is. "There were only two of those things (...) there will be more though (...) the cold winds are rising.
That seems like season finale words to me. I bet they pushed it to the next ep.
Ow, they cat the funny parts.
but added new ones.
And also they added another part that was left behind in previous episodes. If you check you'll find out that I told you it was too important to leave it out. Of course, the scene is mostly made up from what I've read, but a good addition.
Yeah, I was surprised to hear the Tysha story, but I think it fit in well here, perhaps better than just with Bronn on the road. I really liked the new scene too, even the new Shae. I can't say too much about her without spoiling, but I think the TV version fits better for the part she plays in the story. (I won't reveal if the part is small or large, but obviously her character has a purpose.)
EDIT: OK, that's a heavy one from the next episode
[Well, I have to say that I didn't find it surprising how much the cost was or how much the witch hated them all. A unborn baby and 4 men for a barely-surviving Drogo. The bloodriders were right about her I think. The wound really didn't look that bad, the witch propably made it worse.
I'm not sure if that's ever clear. I agree, I think she made it worse, but many online think Drogo was partially to blame for not following instructions and taking off the poultice. I got the idea from the book that the wound really was bad (Though we do only see it from Dany's POV, so maybe it looks worse to her than it really is), and I agree, on TV it looked like nothing special.
Anyway about the witch, I think we can label her as clearly evil Gonzoron. She didn't do it for herself or honor or for gain but out of pure malice. An unborn baby? Really?
I'm not sure... it was revenge, not just malice. Drogo and his men killed and enslaved her people, their holy places defiled, their idols smashed. She's not a warrior, but she could use her talents to kill the one who ordered the destruction of her land, and his son. Her methods were Evil.... ish.... but I'm sure her people would see her as a hero.
Of course, the dragons being hatched and paid by all that blood, by her unborn son, her love and those 4 Dothraki that all killed each other and died protecting their Khal to the best of their understanding was cool.
yes, yes, where's your "I told you so" ? I expected one when the eggs hatched. :)
I wonder... if Daenerys died too in the fire that gave birth to the dragons or while the witch was chanting and dancing with the dead and this happened in Ravenloft... would she be 4th or 5th magnitude ghost? I bet on 5th. Emotions were very high, she has a hell of charisma, and people were dying left and right too.
Well, I sure wouldn't want to face her without a high-level cleric at my side. :)
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Yeah, I think I liked the new Shae better too. But it was ... weird to cut out the battles the way they did.

Revenge would be to poison him (as she propably did, remember his healers thought the pultice was bad) and say "Nah, no way to heal him". That could also be seen as ... justice. Revenge isn't justice. Also true, blind hatred can lead a person to become malevolent (check a couple dozen darklords). She didn't kill his son, she killed an unborn baby. It was evil. Even Robert in his deathbed realized it was bad to sent assassins against a girl that hasn't threatened him yet. Also Robert had other motives beyond pure hatred, like protecting his kingdom from a horde of Dothraki. Also he didn't use foul magics and the girl he hated and tried to assassinate (acknowledging it as bad) haven't saved his life.
PS. a lot of very bad people are acknowledged as heroes by some. Take for example OBLaden. His followers consider him a martyr.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

alhoon wrote: Witch:
Revenge would be to poison him (as she propably did, remember his healers thought the pultice was bad) and say "Nah, no way to heal him". That could also be seen as ... justice. Revenge isn't justice.
Agreed that revenge isn't justice, but what justice was available? We don't now much at this point about the government of Essos. We know there is a "Magister" back in Pentos (Illyrio), but there doesn't seem to be much authority other than force out in the Dotraki Sea. There would be no trial for Drogo's crimes. As "badass" and "cool" as Drogo is (and I admit to getting swept up in as well when he is at his most badass), he is not a nice man. He's probably evil himself, if you're not seeing him through the swooning eyes of his wife and followers. He did after all promise to rape and enslave all of Westeros. While she didn't know it, Miri Maz Duur probably saved thousands of lives if she indeed killed Drogo. Imagine the Dothraki did invade, and gave the Riverlands or the North the same treatment they gave the lamb men. If for some reason Catelyn was spared and found a way to kill Drogo, would she be evil for doing so?
She didn't kill his son, she killed an unborn baby. It was evil.
Ordinarily, I would agree 100%, and in this case, I agree some percentage less than 100%, but more than 0%. But consider this: This was no ordinary baby. Had he lived, Rhaego would have been "The Stallion that Mounts the World." The Dothraki don't seem to care much if the world wants to be mounted or not. :) If we believe that prophecy is truth in this world (and as a witch, Miri probably believes it is) is this not similar to going back in time to kill <Hitler/Stalin/Genghis Khan> in the womb? If you know with certainty that an unborn child will cause great slaughter, is it evil to kill him? (Note that this is all in a fantasy context. Without magic or sci-fi tech, there's no way to have such certainty, so thankfully we don't have think about this in the real world.) I'm not sure how she knew of the prophecy, but she does say that he actions were at least in part to rid the world of the stallion that mounts the world.
Also he didn't use foul magics and the girl he hated and tried to assassinate (acknowledging it as bad) haven't saved his life.
Foul magics, sure, mildly evil. 1-2% powers check per level. :)
PS. a lot of very bad people are acknowledged as heroes by some. Take for example OBLaden. His followers consider him a martyr.
an excellent point. Perception by others as a hero doesn't clear one of being evil, for sure. Is she somewhat evil? yes, but who isn't in this show? :)
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by alhoon »

Drogo is clearly portraied as a savage, ruthless evil barbarian in the show. Cool? Yes. Evil? Yes.
As you said, he promised to rape and kill thousands. Even if he didn't promise to do that... he would see it as a good thing. In the context of the savage Dothraki raiders he didn't seem as an evil man that should be assassinated for the good of the world. He is an evil man though at least according to modern standards and morality.
Since I tend to judge show people according to their culture, I would say even Dothraki feared him, that's why he leads them. Even by "Dothraki morality" where less than 3 killings in a wedding is seen as a boring affair I don't think he counts as good person. A good warleader perhaps but not a good person.
And yes, going back in time to kill (with evil magics) Hitler in the womb is a bad thing. Would some people do it? Certainly. Would it be an evil thing? Yes. Would Robert kill the Mad king in his womb given the chance? Without a moment's delay. Would it be an evil act? Yes. And actually he would be regretting it in his deathbed. Do you think the Maegi was crying for the unborn child she killed while burned? Or turning an unborn child to a dead monster?
PS. If prophecies were true in Westeros... Raegho wouldn't be killed. The Dothraki knew that too. That's why they would kill the baby after being born. PS. The savage barbarian Dothraki wouldn't kill Daenerys or beat her so that the baby would die. They would wait till it was born.
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Re: Game of Thrones - the TV series

Post by Gonzoron of the FoS »

Well, I suppose it all comes to whether one believes that ends can justify means or not. We know the Dark Powers don't care about your ends, if your means are evil. But outside of Ravenloft, I suppose that's a personal decision.
I'm not sure I believe killing a genocidal dictator in the womb is evil. "The needs of the many..." and all that.
So we might have to agree to disagree on whether
is pure evil or not. I lean toward "somewhat evil" and not "pure evil" myself, but I can see the alternative view.
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