The Eye of Anubis: Book Twelve

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The Whistler
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Post by The Whistler »

Going into this battle--to be precise, directly after hearing James mention "things not going to plan"--Otto had been operating on one cardinal principle: do enough things that your enemy utterly fails to expect, and you will win the day.

Well. Judging by the ensuing six seconds...well.

Let us take this step by step. It is safe to assume that James Blake did NOT expect Otto to:

A) Burst magnificently into flame, all the more impressive for his currently being covered in fur

B) Be miraculously cured of grievous second-degree burns through an array of divine fail-safes

C) Be headbutted in the stomach by a spell-imbued flying rodent as he dug through his jacket pockets for potions

D) Have the combined force of a careening bat and the residual heat from the fire spell complete the process of soldering the silver wire in his vest to the Voltaic pile strapped to his waist--completing a circuit that he had meant to save for contingencies

E) Be turned into a colossal, living electromagnet by virtue of the charge flowing in rings around his torso, the effects of which caused him to crackle vigorously, unintentionally overclock his space-warping boots, and explode in a corona of blue-white light

F) Reappear, upside-down and ten feet in the air, against the eastern wall, while drinking a potion with one hand at aiming a pistol at James Blake with the other.

"Dodge this."


Drinking one of my three Cure Seriouses for 23 HP, then moving two squares across and two squares vertically down (AC 23, ten feet from the balcony floor), and burning my second charge of the boots for a shot at James: that's 34 to hit, 37 regular damage, and 6 electricity damage. Whoo!
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Grand Opera Nationale, Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
September 18th, 761, 2:43 PM; Day 184 of the Menetnashte Expedition

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PC Actions
Kuzan: Close Wounds Sascha for 11, Mass Cure Moderates the NPCs, himself, and Sascha for 40
Charles: Moves over and gets out a scroll.
Tomas: Tomas escapes the grapple and hits Cruor for 12
Lia: Orb of Forces the Chandelier. Grimmric heals Otto for 17
Andre: Sound-Lances the Chandelier
Otto: Heals self for 23 HP and hits James for 38 damage.
Sascha: Casts Strengh of Stone and smites Schrodinger, killing it finally.

When it was built, the chandelier of the Grand Opera Nationale, Port-a-Lucine's premier opera house, was the largest in the world. Three tons of leaded crystal, thousands of candles, it was larger than most horse-drawn carriages. All of that weight was suspended upon a single, iron chain, the links easily three inches thick each. There were other ropes and chains for stability, but six thousand poinds of crystal were supported by that thick chain. Now, under the barrage of magecraft, a spider-web of cracks appeared on one of the chain's links.

The chandelier swayed, slow, titanic, even as the iron found itself stressed more than it had ever been designed for. The cracks grew deeper, spreading along the link, sapping away the structure until the chain could bear no more. There was a sudden snap, a sound like a gunshot.

The chandelier fell with a slow, ponderous grace. It did not turn or tumble, but simple fell like concentric rings of crystals, down and down, noiselessly falling through the air to come down upon sanguine form of the Elemental of Blood. Cruor was a monstrosity, a perversion of the natural order, or perhaps an embodiment of a perverted order, but he was old, and he was strong. Thirty feet tall, the blood elemental stood, enough blood in its form to drown a village. But though there was power in the blood, though there was will and rage within the crimson liquid, it did not stand up to three tons of speeding crystal.

The collision was earthshaking. The chandelier's form proved the more stable, as Lord Cruor essentially disintegrated, his body collapsing under the weight of the light fixture. The blood splashed everywhere, and even those farthest found themselves specked with little red drops of blood, over the clothing, over their faces, everywhere. As for those closer... Charles and Tomas were fair drenched in blood, their clothing covered with sticky gore, their hair turned a reddish color.

Then the chandelier reached the ground, and all at once the assembly of metal and crystal and candles shattered with a resounding CRASH. The Opera House shook to its very foundations, and it might be considered a small miracle of engineering that the chandelier didn't simply crash on through the floor, or cause the walls to shake so badly that the chamber would collapse in on itself. Even then, it was still a startlingly loud noise, the crystals cracking against each other, as though someone had released not merely a bull, but a herd into the china shop.

Then the ear-splitting crash faded away, and you were left with thousands upon thousands of blood-splattered crystals, a pool of crimson gore spreading beneath the chandelier.

The Chandelier drops, dealing 125-10=115 damage to Cruor


"Woooow." Dieter said, giving voice to a low whistle. "When those two break something, they really break something."

"That's my Lia." Carter said with a quick grin. He tapped Sarari on the shoulder. "If we're near the Shadow, can you see him?" Sarari nodded briefly. "Then let's go."

"You stay here, Dieter, and keep us covered." Carter said, murmurring a little ditty he'd picked up in Tepest. Dieter's form shifted, and he seemed to be not where he was before.

"Yes sir." Dieter said, taking a pot shot at the pool of blood on general principle.

Sarari and Carter rushed down the hallway, into the balcony. Carter saw nothing, but Sarari raised her bow and fired, and the bending light seemed a little less secure. For an instant, Carter thought he saw a dark, lightless form, the only splash of color being two glowing, emerald eyes.

Carter casts Displacement on Dieter and moves up the corridor, towards Shadow Andre.

Sarari moves up the corridor towards Shadow Andre, uses Clarity of Vision to pierce the Invisibility, and shots Shadow Andre for 13 damage.

Dieter shoots at Cruor, hitting but failing to pierce DR.

Shadow Andre casts Targeted Dispel on Tomas. Gets Good Hope, Mass Conviction, and Eagle's Splendour.


"BLOODY HELL" James cried out, watching the chandelier descend with elephantine grace to the ground. Then he didn't say anything for a while as the crash of lead crystal reverberated throughout the opera house. It was the sort of thing a man saw only once in his life. Then a sharp bullet to the upper arm snapped the jackalwere out of his reverie. "Dumb sod, why'd you do that for? Wait..."

James looked around himself for a second, then without a wasted motion dashed down the corridor. "Sorry mate, I got a professor to catch."

The jackalwere ratcheted his crossbow as he ran, opening the clip of bolts and withdrawing from his coat a slender, ivory quarrel. It didn't look much like a crossbow bolt, merely a shard of bone of a loosely bolt-like shape. Of course, the fact that it also gave James a shiver down his back when he touched it was also a hint that it wasn't quite normal.

James slipped it into the second place in the clip and snapped the advanced Lamordian weapon of murder shut. He didn't stop or slow as Andre came into sight, merely raising the crossbow and firing twice in a smooth action. Both bolts ripped through Andre's body, narrowly avoiding piercing the heart even as one of them shot clean through his lungs. But where the second bolt, the sliver of bone hit, the flesh began to change, began to undergo necrosis with hideous speed. Thanks to the gruesome magics of Cavendish's bone-shard, Andre began to rot alive.

"Sorry Guv." James said, not averting his eyes but not particularly enjoying his handiwork either. Still, a job was a job. "Nothing personal."

James runs after Andre, shooting him twice with his crossbow. First bolt hits, deals 37 damage. Second bolt hits, deals 35 damage, dropping Andre to 2 HP and activating his Stalwart Pact.

The second bolt is also an Arrow of Bone (Bolt of Bone, whatever). Andre must make a DC 27 Fortitude Save or else, Death Effect, and he is reduced to -9 and falling. If he makes the save, he takes 28 damage, which reduces him to 2 HP and 2 temp HP.

If Andre fails the save, he is at -9 HP, and has until the end of my next post to either stabilize or else recieve healing from some source. Otherwise, he dies.


The darkness around Tomas crawled across his skin, tearing and burrowing into it as if seeking a way inside. The light of the fire reflected dull red against the blood-tainted crystal that lay at his feet. The blood itself bubbled in the heat of the flames, writhing in an unholy fashion as it began to pool upon the floor. A river of blood began to flow out from underneath the chandelier, snaking its way around the knight's boots. It moved with purpose, tendrils whipping around Tomas' legs before he had time to react. Blood washed over him, wrapping itself around his body, pinning his arms to his sides. The smell of iron overpowered his senses as the tendrils tried to force their way down the Lamordian's nostrils.

"Bring him to me," Cavendish commanded, his voice rising over the flaring orchestra.

The surging river of blood rushed forward, forcing its way down the Lamordian's throat. Flowing beads of blood pooled across his hair as the pulsing hot fluid stuck to his face and armor. Swirls of blood coiled around his body like a snake, lifting him bodily into the air, whipping around him like a hurricane. The blood stuck in his throat and lungs, sucking the moisture from his body. With a sudden, horrifying twist, Tomas felt the blood inside his body crawl, ripping him forward against his own will. Whirling twists of blood formed around him in a sanguine aura, smashing the chairs in his wake. The firelight faded, his friend's voices faded, as he plunged deeper and deeper into the crawling darkness. Music blared in his ears, almost shattering them with its intensity. Tomas could feel the sensation of the sound upon his flesh, running through the wires in his chest all the way through to the bone. Cruor pulled him into the very center of the music, dragging him inexorably up towards the stage. Roiling fog rose up before him, coming ever closer with every step.

From the floor of the opera, a cloud of eddying blackness came forth, blocking the final lifeline Tomas had between him and his friends. The mist flew about, forming a blackened shield - it was only after a moment you could see the faces in the wall, wailing in silent agony.

"Come, Herr Eisenwald," Cavendish echoed out from the fog. "Our destinies are upon us."

He was alone. There was nothing here to keep him company, save for blood, darkness, mist, and the dead.

Spell-Wraith (Electricity) casts Lesser Orb of Electricity at Sascha, bypasses blur, hits, deals 22 Electrical damage.

Spell-Wraith (Fire) casts Lesser Orb of Fire at Lia, hits, deals 19 damage.

Cruor is not quite dead yet, rises up, attacks Tomas. Bypasses Blur, hits with a 36, Deals 21 damage and Fort DC 27 or 3 Con Drain (This activates the Stalwart Pact). Snatches with a Grapple of 38. Moves himself and Tomas into the Orchestra Pit. Tomas is now within Ritual Range of the Eye of Anubis. Further Grapple Checks: 28, 34, 37, 27

Cavendish casts Spiritwall in a 30-foot radius hemisphere around Cruor and Tomas. Spiritwall has several effects, summarized below:
  • -Anyone passing through the wall takes 1d10 damage and must make a DC 25 Fort Save or gain One Negative Level.
    -Anyone within 60 ft. of the outside (that is, the side to the east/south/west of it) of the Spiritwall must make a DC 25 Will Save or be Frightened for 1 round.
    -The wall provides Cover (+4 AC) and Total Concealment (cannot be targeted, 50% miss chance.
    -The wall blocks Line-of-Effect for magical attacks, including spells, SLAs, and supernatural abilities.

Currently, the Spiritwall takes the shape of a quarter-sphere that covers the almost the entirety of the stage and orchestra pit, and shields Cavendish, Tomas, and Cruor away from the rest of you. If you wish to bypass the wall, you can pass through it, go around the edge, or fly over it (at a minimum 30 feet of altitude). Full text of the spell is below in the map notes if anyone is interested.

Currently, Carter, Shadow-Andre, Sarari, and Charles must make the Will Save vs. Frightening.
  • -Sarari fails her save.
    -Carter makes his save.
    -Shadow Andre makes its save.

Ravenous Darkness deals 3 damage.


Victory Condition: Kill John Lancaster Cavendish within 40 feet of the Eye of Anubis OR kill or rout all enemies, regardless of location.

Loss Condition: If Tomas, Andre, Sascha, or Kuzan are killed within 40 feet of the Eye of Anubis OR you are all killed or routed, regardless of location.

Map Notes:
  • Terrain: The seating area is Difficult Terrain.

    Elevation and Stairs: The Orchestra Pit is 5 feet below floor level. The Opera Stage is 10 feet above floor level. All balconies are 25 feet above floor level. Stairs cost double movement, and let you go up or down 5 feet per square of stairs passed.

    Chandelier: The white circle on the ground is the area directly below the big crystal chandelier. The actual chandelier is approximately 40 feet above the circle.

    Darkness: The Opera House is currently extremely dark, and so follow simplified Darkness rules.

    • Characters in Shadowy Darkness (the lightest kind) have Concealment, that is, attacks against them have a 20% miss chance. Shadowy Darkness is non-magical, and is pierced by Ebon Eyes, Darkvision, and True Seeing.

      Characters in Total Darkness (the medium kind) have Total Concealment, that is, attacks against them have a 50% miss chance and you don't know where they are (basically, they're invisible to you). Total Darkness is non-magical, and is pierced by Darkvision and True Seeing.

      Characters in Ravenous Darkness (the darkest kind, radiating 60 ft. from the bottom-left corner of H12) have Concealment, that is, attacks against them have a 20% miss chance, and furthermore, all creatures inside the Ravenous Darkness area take 1d6 negative energy damage per round, or 2d6 if they have been Energy Drained or Ability Damaged, with a DC 27 Fort Save to negate damage for that round. Ravenous Darkness is magical, and is pierced by True Seeing and Ebon Eyes.

    Multiple kinds of darkness overlap, so something that is inside both Ravenous Darkness and Total Darkness has Total Concealment and takes 1d6/2d6 Negative Energy damage each round.

    [HOUSE RULE] In the interests of reducing housekeeping, I am removing the range-limits on Darkvision and Ebon Eyes. Both of those are as far as your normal vision (subject to things like walls in the way). True Seeing is still capped at 120 ft., however (because it's a much more powerful ability)

    Exits: On the first floor, you can escape by reaching squares AI11/AI12/AI13. On the second floor, you can escape by reaching squares AM6/AM7 or squares AM17/AM18.

    Orchestra: So long as they continue to play, all Listen Checks are done at DC +10. Any Area Effect spell that deals at least 10 damage to each square of the orchestra pit silences them.

    Obscuring Mist:

    Fire: Anyone passing through a square with fire takes 10 fire damage. Anyone flying through a square with fire at an altitude of at least 20 feet takes 5 poison damage from smoke instead.

    One side of the wall, selected by you, emits a low groaning that causes creatures within 60 feet of that side to make a Will save or become frightened and flee for 1 round. Any living creature that merely touches the wall takes 1d10 points of damage as its life force is disrupted. A living creature passing through the wall takes 1d10 points of damage, as above, and must make a Fortitude save or gain one negative level.

    The barrier is semimaterial and opaque, providing cover and total concealment against physical attacks, and it blocks line of effect for magical effects (including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities)


In interest of book-keeping, I'll be splitting up the HP and immediate status effects apart from the buffs. HP and status effects go here, buffs and some relevant book-keeping information go later (such as who has SR and who has Miss chances that you need to roll)

Kuzan: 78/96+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Charles: 63/[63]68+24 HP, One Negative Level, Invisible
Tomas: 53+30/129+12 HP, Inspire Greatness, Stalwart Pact Activated
Andre: 2+2 OR -9+0/39+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Lia: 40+30/51+36 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Otto: 40+30/68+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Sascha: 22+24/108+12 HP, Inspire Greatness (HP), Rage

Carter: 68+30/[45]57 HP+24, -1 Constitution, Sickened, Stalwart Pact Activated
Dieter: 46+30/60+14 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Sarari: 61+30/70+12 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated

Hostage of Drama: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Dancing: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Song: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Music: 4/20 HP

John Lancaster Cavendish:
James Blake: -38 HP
Schrodinger: -145 HP, DEAD
Cruor, Greater Blood Elemental: -188 HP
Shadow Andre: -13 HP

Spell Wraith (Fire):
Spell Wraith (Cold): -78 HP, DEAD
Spell Wraith (Acid): -71 HP, DEAD
Spell Wraith (Electricity): -36 HP


Kuzan: Stalwart Pact, True Seeing, Death Ward, Spell Immunity (Blindness/Deafness, Sound Lance, Spiritual Weapon), Haste, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Darkvision, Blur, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Charles: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Greater Invisibility, Glibness, Haste, Good Hope, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Blur, Ventriloquism, Message, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Resist Energy (Fire 10), Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Tomas: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Blur, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Rhino's Elixer, Divine Weapon, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Andre: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Amulet of Tears, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Lia: Superior Resistance, Mass Fly, Stalwart Pact, Greater Mage Armor, Haste, Good Hope, See Invisibility, False Life, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Bite of the Weretiger (+6) [Scroll] Contingent Energy Resistance [Scroll], Mass Conviction, Stoneskin [Scroll], Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll], Ebon Eyes [Scroll],
Grimmric: Imbue with Spell Ability
Otto: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Sascha: Death Ward [Scroll], Haste, Blur, Silverbeard, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Mass Conviction
Carter: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Death Ward [Scroll], Arcane Sight, Blur, Haste, Good Hope, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Owl's Wisdom, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Dieter: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Death Ward [Scroll], Displacement, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Sarari: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Mass Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]

John Lancaster Cavendish: SR 24, Entropic Shield (20% Miss Chance vs. Ranged Attacks), Fortification (50% Chance to lose a Critical or Sneak attack), 15 Active Spells
James Blake: 13 Active Spells
Schrodinger: 4 Active Spells

Spell Wraith (Fire): Incorporeal (50% Miss Chance), 2 Active Spells
Spell Wraith (Electricity): Incorporeal (50% Miss Chance), 2 Active Spells
Last edited by NeoTiamat on Sun Jul 19, 2009 1:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Post by yalenusveler »

Andre staggered as the sliver of magical bone impacted with his flesh. For a moment it looked like he was going to collapse, the mystical necrotization about to spell his swift demise. But be it through some miracle or whatever one wished to call it, he managed to remain standing.

"That...that rather hurt. is business, I suppose." Andre said with a look that suggested that he was trying to be more chipper then the situation really warennted. He then beat a HASTY retreat.

OOC:Made the fort save with a 33 through some miracle. Close Woundings myself as a swift action for 7, then Cure Serious for 24. Then flying to under the balcony at AD21
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Oh hum.

Charles gets, as expected, a shower of blood and broken glass; it's rather unexpected that Tomas is snatched away again.

Charles turns, chagrined that he couldn't possible poke a hole in a wall of blood with a rapier, and comes face to face with faces...damned souls mortared into a wall of darkness into which he feels himself falling...

In blind terror he flees.

I fail the will save (I only needed a 5! :() and make for the exit. Between haste and fly this actually means I leave the building. (Move is 90 feet, double move is 180.)
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Post by The Whistler »


It didn't take overmuch strategic knowledge to know that being shot in the chest twice necessitates medical assistance. Like a flash, Otto shot under the balcony to provide some much-needed healing to the professor.

Moving to AC21, next to Andre, and hitting him with a full jolt of the Healing Belt, which unfortunately only cures 14 HP.
Last edited by The Whistler on Sat Jul 18, 2009 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

NeoTiamat wrote:"Sorry Guv." James said, not averting his eyes but not particularly enjoying his handiwork either. Still, a job was a job. "Nothing personal."
Lia does not respond to this claim. However, anyone who would look at her right now would see murder in her eyes as she fixes thoughts and power on James and makes an arcane gesture in his direction. "Quod cogito, quoniam cogito, esto."

Invisible powers suddenly tear at the crossbow in the jackalwere's hands. Chill force rips the weapon away and hurtles it across the space dividing the jackalwere and the weretiger. "Either you cast away whatever weapons you have left and get out of my sight and right out of this building," Lia informs James with a cold voice, "or what happens next shall be very ... personal."

Twittering excitedly, Grimmric comes fluttering back to Lia and hides in what is now her mane. There is a brief glow around the wizard, and she stands a little straighter.

(OOC: Casting Telekinesis and attempting to disarm James and snatch his crossbow away. Roll result: 34. Our kind DM informs me James counters with a 24, so it seems I'm up one crossbow. Maintaining concentration on the Telekinesis. Grimmric flies back to Lia and hits her up with an imbued Cure Light Wounds for 8 hp.)
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Post by Cronax »

Kuzan uses Mobile Spellcasting to cast Heal on Sascha (132 hp healed) and does yet another amazing feat of seat hurdling to run around flames, spirtwall, broken glass and the reach of the elemental to end at J16. Makes the Spiritwall save on the way.
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Post by lostboy »

"Tomas!" Sascha roars as the young knight disapears into the darkness. Gaining purchase on the now inert and rather smashed skull of a smilodon Sascha throws himself forward towards the veil of nightmares.

The voices tug at his mind as he runs, but cannot gain any purchase through the single minded red fury. Heedless Sascha crashes through the barrier, thundering the black sword overhand into the wall of blood beyond.

{OOC: Charge to M10 (just beyond the eyes 40ft limit) and chucking last smite in. I think I can make a charge wihtout taking fire damage, but if you disagree Sascha will take the burn.

30 on the will save for the wall, I dont know if Deathward blocks the negative damage, but Fort Save: 41 so no neg level anyway.

To hit:

15 +20 +1 haste +2 Insp G +2 Rage +2 Charge +6 Smite - 8PA = 38

93 on the miss chance for the darkness (although how youd miss a greater blood elemental is up for debate...)


6 + 14 + 7 smite + 16PA = 43 Damage]

Finally if elementals count as being alive, then Sascha heals 3 hp via crystal of lifedrinking

31 on the fort save vs Ravenous darkness damage
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Post by NeoTiamat »

It was too much. The power of ages past was no match for mortal might. Sascha' sword cleaved through the bloody tendrils, scattering them into droplets across the floor. With a resounding crash, Lord Cruor's form cascaded to the ground in a waterfall of crimson, covering the two knights in a river of gore. Blood poured forth from Tomas' nose, mouth and eyes, dribbling at his feet. The liquid lay still, dead pools around the two of them, no longer moving, black in the darkness.

Cruor is down, though he'll take a parting AoO at Sascha which I'll resolve with the main post.
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Post by DocBeard »

Tomas lands on one knee, wheezing...

Sparks of electricity leap from his body as he suffers, but Eisenwald forces himself forward, pulling his backpack out and attempting to stuff Cavendish's hat inside of it.

Yes, he does figure it is probably trapped but seriously screw this magic acid darkness crap.

(OOC: Fort Save: 11+16+1: 28. Moving forward to H11, Stuffing hat into my bag.)
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Post by NeoTiamat »

Grand Opera Nationale, Port-a-Lucine, Dementlieu
September 18th, 761, 2:44 PM; Day 184 of the Menetnashte Expedition

Image Image Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage Image

PC Actions
Kuzan: Heals Sascha back up to full HP,
Charles: Runs away at extremely high speeds.
Tomas: Walks up and picks up the hat.
Lia: Telekinesis's James's crossbow away, is healed by Grimmric for 8
Andre: Runs like hell, heals self for a total of 31 HP.
Otto: Moves to Andre, heals him for 14 HP
Sascha: Charges Cruor and smites him, destroying the elemental.

Kuzan takes 1 damage from the Spiritwall, Sascha takes 7 damage from the Spiritwall, Cruor gets a last AoO in on Sascha before dying, dealing 24 damage and Fort DC 27 or 3 Con damage.

"Sarari!" Carter cried out, as the elf-maid fled before the unspeakable horror that had risen up before her. "I can't see him without you! Sarari!"

It was no use. Carter flung his kukri across the room in frustration, only for it to bounce off of something directly in front of him. A mad glint entered Carter's eyes, and the professor lunged forward with an unexpected fury. His hands found purchase on something invisible, only for some unseen force to smash him in the throat. Carter staggered backward, clutching at his neck, as dew began to precipitate in the air around him. He quickly flung himself forward again, his arms wrapping around empty air. Lightning fast, Carter spun and swept the ground behind him with a vicious kick. His foot collided with something solid - Carter flipped off the ground, tackling the hidden figure with the force of a ballista bolt. Brilliant emerald eyes flared in the air underneath him.

"Worthless... counterfeit!" Carter spat out, still gasping from the punch to the throat. "You... arrogant-" He slammed the figment against the wall, trying to find and snap its neck. The shadowy creature struggled back, kicking out repeatedly to shove Carter away. Carter punched it.

The temperature around Carter began to plummet, the moisture in the air coalescing into frost. Carter rammed his shoulder into the shadow's shoulder, smashing it into the wall again with all his might. The shade reacted instinctively, throwing its hands up around its midsection - Carter caught them, struggling bodily with the creature. The wave of cold, now unguided, flowed across the balcony, covering the velvet carpet with beads of ice. Carter snarled in contempt, struggling to force the shadow to the ground.


Charles soon discovered he was not alone, outside the opera chamber. Sarari stood in the doorway, slowly blinking as her senses returned to her. The archer looked a fright, her skin covered with shiny burns. Her hair now flowed around her face, curled from the heat, now loose from the burned off braid it had been pulled into. The world outside was a wall of solid fog. Nothing seemed to exist beyond the opera house and the mists beyond - even the sounds of panic and screaming were gone now, and only an eerie silence remained.

"It feels strange here. As if they are waiting for something," Sarari whispered, gazing out into the barren wall of white.

She placed a hand on Charles' shoulder. "We are still needed."

Sarari had failed her Fear Save and so ran away.

Dieter shoots the Spell-Wraith (Electricity), misses on the Incorporeality.

Carter tries to grapple Shadow-Andre. First attack, passes the miss chance due to invisibility, makes the touch attack, Shadow-Andre gets a better grapple roll. Second attack, Carter fails the miss chance. Third attack, barely makes the miss chance, hits, and rolls a natural 20 on his Grapple roll and gets Shadow Andre.

Shadow Andre tries to Cone of Cold Carter in the face, but fails his Concentration check.

YalenusVeler wrote:"That...that rather hurt. is business, I suppose." Andre said with a look that suggested that he was trying to be more chipper then the situation really warrented. He then beat a HASTY retreat.

"Too true, mate." James commisserated. "It's a sad, sick world, it is--- Hey, get back here!"

The jackalwere snarled something under his breath, to the effect of unreliable spells and overconfident mages and his job being a great deal more difficult than it had to be. Only with a great deal more of the language one usually found in the lowest, vilest parts of Blackchapel in Paridon.

Still, the fact that Andre was proving lively prey didn't change a thing. Now which way did he go... The jackalwere's sharp ears tilted this way and that, figuring out just where Andre had disappeared to. Then, James turned to jog back towards the professor.
Rock wrote:"Quod cogito, quoniam cogito, esto."

Invisible powers suddenly tear at the crossbow in the jackalwere's hands. Chill force rips the weapon away and hurtles it across the space dividing the jackalwere and the weretiger. "Either you cast away whatever weapons you have left and get out of my sight and right out of this building," Lia informs James with a cold voice, "or what happens next shall be very ... personal."
"Lady, if you don't give me back my crossbow, you better believe it's going to get personal." James said, now actually annoyed at this whole business. His hands reached for the crossbow, trying to pull it out of Lia's unseen grip. Finally, in some frustration, James just tried to catch the crossbow with his teeth. Admittedly, in his current form that meant using a long, canine muzzle filled with sharp little teeth, still, it wasn't something James would ever do if he hadn't been having a rather miserable day. "What a job... ruddy mess, it is."

James tries to Disarm Lia to get his crossbow back, and takes a full attack action to do so. The following rolls are opposed by Lia's Telekinesis roll (CL+Int). With his hands 24, 16, 3. Uses Insight of Good Fortune to roll twice on his Bite Disarm and choose the higher, gets a 29 (the discarded roll was a natural 1... ahh, James).


The Grand Opera Nationale was rapidly becoming uninhabitable. Behind you, on the other side of that grim wall of spectres, the fires raged out of control. They spready quickly, crossing over in leaps and bounds to consume cushions and carpeting, and in places settling down for a heartier meal of wooden chairs. Smoke, thick, viscuous smoke filled the chamber, plumes and pillars that threatened to render the whole place hostile to life in the none-too-distant future.

But here, behind the half-sphere of ghostly forms, it was quiet. The final death-throes of Cruor and his battle with Sascha had smashed Cavendish's spectral orchestra completely, leaving the place eerily silent, with only the crackling of flames behind you.

The hungering darkness was gone, however, disappearing as Tomas stuffed the top hat with its bottomless abyss of darkness into his satchel. The hostages, now, were safe. They would live, at least for the moment. Tomas, however, was not so lucky as to escape unscathed. Beneath the hat a ward of some sort flared, the noxious, venomous-green magic of Cavendish burning brightly for a second, and then burying itself deep in Tomas's breast.

It was cold. It was a soul-searing cold, quite literally. Chill and dead, it was the cold of a graveyard, of an icy rain, not even the honest cold of the Lamordian blizzard. Nature's wrath could still try to kill you, but this was not nature but an abomination thereof that committed murder.

TRAP: Tomas triggers the Greater Glyph of Warding beneath the hat, which casts a Maximised Fell Drain Hypothermia at him. He takes 60 cold damage, one negative level (which Death Ward blocks), and is Fatigued. A DC 25 Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the fatigue.

"Step right up, gentlemen." An echoing voice appeared on either side of Tomas. A dozen feet on either side, Cavendish stepped to the forefront of the mists. One was real, one was illusory, but they wore identical mocking smiles, clasped their hands on the same length of wood. "There's still front-row seats available for the apocalypse, and you're the guests of honor."

The two Cavendishes, real and illusory, turned towards Kuzan, a hand snaking into a jacket pocket to remove what appeared to be a small, stuffed doll... one in Kuzan's likeness, eerily so. "Kost Rosti, Smert Gosti!

Cavendish squeezed the little doll, and it collapsed in on itself, a dozen shards of sharp, ivory bone piercing through the doll's cloth skin in the process. The doll had been eviscerated from the inside out, and some alarming real red stuffing fell to the ground. Kuzan felt pain, incredible, horrific pain as if his bones had been replaced with molten lead, as his bones pulsed and quivered.

"Step right up, gentlemen." The two Cavendishes said softly, stepping back into the fog, disappearing from sight. But they were still there, and they were waiting. "I'll be waiting."

Spell-Wraith (Electricity) flies over the Spiritwall (it is currently at 30 feet altitude) and casts Stolen Breath at Sascha. Sascha is now Sickened, which means a -2 to attacks, saves, and damage rolls, as well as skills and ability checks. Sascha can remove this effect by taking a Full-Round Action to catch his breath.

Spell-Wraith (Fire) throws a Lesser Orb of Fire at Sascha, which bypasses Blur, hits, and deals 19 damage.

Cavendish casts Fleshshiver at Kuzan, stunning Kuzan for 1 round (no save). Further spell effects will become clear in subsequent rounds.


Victory Condition: Kill John Lancaster Cavendish within 40 feet of the Eye of Anubis OR kill or rout all enemies, regardless of location.

Loss Condition: If Tomas, Andre, Sascha, or Kuzan are killed within 40 feet of the Eye of Anubis OR you are all killed or routed, regardless of location.

Map Notes:
  • Terrain: The seating area is Difficult Terrain.

    Elevation and Stairs: The Orchestra Pit is 5 feet below floor level. The Opera Stage is 10 feet above floor level. All balconies are 25 feet above floor level. Stairs cost double movement, and let you go up or down 5 feet per square of stairs passed.

    Darkness: The Opera House is currently extremely dark, and so follow simplified Darkness rules.

    • Characters in Shadowy Darkness (the lightest kind) have Concealment, that is, attacks against them have a 20% miss chance. Shadowy Darkness is non-magical, and is pierced by Ebon Eyes, Darkvision, and True Seeing.

      Characters in Total Darkness (the medium kind) have Total Concealment, that is, attacks against them have a 50% miss chance and you don't know where they are (basically, they're invisible to you). Total Darkness is non-magical, and is pierced by Darkvision and True Seeing.

    [HOUSE RULE] In the interests of reducing housekeeping, I am removing the range-limits on Darkvision and Ebon Eyes. Both of those are as far as your normal vision (subject to things like walls in the way). True Seeing is still capped at 120 ft., however (because it's a much more powerful ability)

    Exits: On the first floor, you can escape by reaching squares AI11/AI12/AI13. On the second floor, you can escape by reaching squares AM6/AM7 or squares AM17/AM18.

    Obscuring Mist:

    Fire: Anyone passing through a square with fire takes 10 fire damage. Anyone flying through a square with fire at an altitude of at least 20 feet takes 5 poison damage from smoke instead.

    One side of the wall, selected by you, emits a low groaning that causes creatures within 60 feet of that side to make a Will save or become frightened and flee for 1 round. Any living creature that merely touches the wall takes 1d10 points of damage as its life force is disrupted. A living creature passing through the wall takes 1d10 points of damage, as above, and must make a Fortitude save or gain one negative level.

    The barrier is semimaterial and opaque, providing cover and total concealment against physical attacks, and it blocks line of effect for magical effects (including spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities)


In interest of book-keeping, I'll be splitting up the HP and immediate status effects apart from the buffs. HP and status effects go here, buffs and some relevant book-keeping information go later (such as who has SR and who has Miss chances that you need to roll)

Kuzan: 77/96+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated, Stunned
Charles: 63/[63]68+24 HP, One Negative Level, Invisible
Tomas: 53+30/129+12 HP, Inspire Greatness, Stalwart Pact Activated
Andre: 47+2/39+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Lia: 48+30/51+36 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Otto: 40+30/68+24 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Sascha: 101/108+36 HP, Inspire Greatness (HP), Rage, Sickened,

Carter: 68+30/[45]57 HP+24, -1 Constitution, Sickened, Stalwart Pact Activated
Dieter: 46+30/60+14 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated
Sarari: 61+30/70+12 HP, Stalwart Pact Activated

Hostage of Drama: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Dancing: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Song: 4/20 HP
Hostage of Music: 4/20 HP

John Lancaster Cavendish:
James Blake: -38 HP
Schrodinger: -145 HP, DEAD
Cruor, Greater Blood Elemental: -188 HP
Shadow Andre: -13 HP

Spell Wraith (Fire):
Spell Wraith (Cold): -78 HP, DEAD
Spell Wraith (Acid): -71 HP, DEAD
Spell Wraith (Electricity): -36 HP


Kuzan: Stalwart Pact, True Seeing, Death Ward, Spell Immunity (Blindness/Deafness, Sound Lance, Spiritual Weapon), Haste, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Darkvision, Blur, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Charles: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Greater Invisibility, Glibness, Haste, Good Hope, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Blur, Ventriloquism, Message, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Resist Energy (Fire 10), Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Tomas: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Blur, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Rhino's Elixer, Divine Weapon, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Andre: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Amulet of Tears, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Lia: Superior Resistance, Mass Fly, Stalwart Pact, Greater Mage Armor, Haste, Good Hope, See Invisibility, False Life, Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Bite of the Weretiger (+6) [Scroll] Contingent Energy Resistance [Scroll], Mass Conviction, Stoneskin [Scroll], Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll], Ebon Eyes [Scroll],
Grimmric: Imbue with Spell Ability
Otto: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]
Sascha: Death Ward [Scroll], Haste, Blur, Silverbeard, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Mass Conviction
Carter: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Death Ward [Scroll], Arcane Sight, Blur, Haste, Good Hope, Hide From Undead (DC 17), Owl's Wisdom, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Dieter: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Death Ward [Scroll], Displacement, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+4 Con), Mass Conviction
Sarari: Stalwart Pact, Mass Fly, Haste, Good Hope, Mass Bear's Endurance (+2 Con), Mass Conviction, Protection from Negative Energy [Scroll]

John Lancaster Cavendish: SR 24, Entropic Shield (20% Miss Chance vs. Ranged Attacks), Fortification (50% Chance to lose a Critical or Sneak attack), 15 Active Spells
James Blake: 13 Active Spells
Shadow Andre: 7 Active Spells

Spell Wraith (Fire): Incorporeal (50% Miss Chance), 2 Active Spells
Spell Wraith (Electricity): Incorporeal (50% Miss Chance), 2 Active Spells
Last edited by NeoTiamat on Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ravenloft GM: Eye of Anubis, Shattered City, and Prof. Lupescu's Traveling Ghost Show
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Nathan of the FoS
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Placeholder post, not sure when I'll get back tonight. Charles and Sarari come back in and double move to T15, T16.
[b]FEAR JUSTICE.[/b] :elena:
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Rock of the Fraternity
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Post by Rock of the Fraternity »

NeoTiamat wrote:"Lady, if you don't give me back my crossbow, you better believe it's going to get personal." James said, now actually annoyed at this whole business. "What a job... ruddy mess, it is."
"Actually, I stand corrected," Lia states in a cold tone of voice. "Surely, this already became personal when you brought my father that tainted book. I would have preferred to deal with the man myself. Not to mention the fact that you have been taking shots at my friends. Yes. This is already personal. But I have more important things to do, so if you'll excuse me ..."

Lia drops a tiny chunk of something rubbery and loathsome on the ground, which puffs into black fog as she hurriedly chants the words of a powerful, hazardous spell: "Vos evoco, bracchia nigra Evardis. Surgete. Inimicum meum amplectete. Inimicum meum capete. Inimicum meum ... perfringete."

Even before the spell takes effect, Lia rises into the air and shoots out of sight. The wisp of black fog curls across the floor, and earths itself somewhere behind James ... where the ground suddenly starts to shake and heave, as gigantic black tendrils tear themselves out of the floorboards. Something unseen beneath the tendrils utters a shrill 'Tee li li liiii!' as the tentacles attempt to envelop and crush the jackalwere.

(OOC: Casting Evard's Black Tentacles, centered on the upper left corner of T23. The tentacles automatically start to grapple James, attack roll: 26. Lia flies to AB21 and joins Andre and Otto underneath the balcony.)
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Post by DocBeard »

"Well, that's wonder-" Tomas's eyes widen, and he stumbles backwards, his chest smoking...

He holds said chest, which crackles, electric energy shuddering around his palm-Tomas is too shocked at the strange reaction to move.

(OOC: 10+16+1: 27 on the fort save, just making it. Lay on hands for 36 hit points.)
Last edited by DocBeard on Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lostboy »

Drawing a shuddering breath, thats eems to stick in his throat Sascha flings himself at the nearest shadowy apparition in need of death (or a reminder of death).

Sadly the sword arcs right through the creature.

[OOC: Charge to K10 taking on the spellwraith (electric)

To hit:

17 +20 +1 haste +2 Insp Grt +2 rage -2 Sickness = 40

45 on the miss chance - dammit it all!]

*Edit * fort save vs AoO - 40 :D
Last edited by lostboy on Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I had a dream, which was not all a dream.
The bright sun was extinguish'd, and the stars
Did wander darkling in the eternal space..."