Darklords of the New Age: Comments thread

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Post by NykylaiHellray »

First, I am sorry Igor I disappointed you with this entry =(. I felt that due to the size of this domain, to tell to many little bits about
different evil beings in the city. I might have made the entry just a disjointed collection of facts.

Though I guess it cant hurt putting a few of the ideas down here.

The places the trains connect to has not been nailed down. This depends on what would work best for each domain. Though places like the shining bay cluster, and other more advanced domains would have a station in the domain, on the borders, or at least close by.

Some special lines I have thought of, is a train just for the undead. This Necropolis railway is disguised as a funeral service to transport to large graveyards (like the real one that used to be in London). Though it is used for funerals. The undead are the main customers. These trains are also absent of windows to ensure maximum comfort for some of the guests. I am also considering having this be a direct line to the Necropolis itself.

The Grand Central train company has a variety of tracks to account for any type of malfunction or in case a boundary closes. In some cases the time keeping is so perfect they can accurately predict when a border will close and how to operate around that for maximum efficiency. Though of course mistakes can happen.

Not buying a ticket is a serious offence, and you will be automatically thrown off (this can be bad depending on where you are thrown out, for example thrown into the mists is not going to be fun).
These rules are enforced by Conductors who are beings bound into the train (think a human with nothing below the waist except a mechanical arm which connects to the roof). Who move up down on a selection of cogs and gears.

As for the city itself one of the central group who believes they are in charge of the city is Sandra Barnett. the queen of Murcutt Street. The biggest producer of two penny stimulants and ten shilling narcotics.

From the dregs of society she steals away those who will "not be missed" the ones who cant work and those refuse to work. From these "faceless masses" she steals their emotions. Bottling and flavouring it to sell off as drugs. These lost souls are then sold off to be used further for ingredients of various "exotic" products.

A certain high class tailor for example is known to use their memories to create the finest garments known to man.

After this the trail stops. The bodies vanish without a trace, absorbed into the fabric of this maniacal machine. Though of course no one enquires. As far as Sandra and the others are concerned they have gotten there profits.

But what happens to these people, is an agonising 24 hour transformation. Where flesh shifts and conforms to a new identity, of one who has none.

Robbed of their emotions, their memories, and their free will. These people literally tear off there faces, revealing a blank slate of flesh.
Faceless soldiers all conforming to exactly 6ft, with no gender or anything that ever could be used to define them as individual.

Sandra and the others see the city working for them, when in reality they are working for the city.
The city uses your greed against you, so you do exactly what the city wants. The city wanted rid of those "loses cogs" who did not conform to its design anyway. Therefore it forces them to conform in another state.

As for its goals, the cities plan is to grow outwards. To conform the world, and others beyond it. For example one of the major changes the train system brought on our world was the conforming of time. Prior to this time varied on different counties let alone countries. Grand central works in a similar way but wants to conform everything. To do this it wants to connect to everything, this is also how it keeps itself alive.

Like ivy which grows into a wall. Eventually the ivy grows in so deep that removal causes the wall to collapse. Its plan is grow so deep it becomes a central part of the world it inhabits.

In terms of intelligence. As it integrates more into itself it gains their knowledge and memories. So once one has become apart of the city there is little way to get out (though this is a process which varies on the individual).

As for the truth of what he is. Well its fair to assume that what was human of him is dead, a man who consumed himself through his obsession to work out everything. As he learned more, the more he became disgusted of the chaos that seems to keep things going.
Wanting to give order to universe through invention, and eventually enforce order through any means necessary.

The man began as a boy born into the slums of society, sexually abused and beaten he developed a disgust for the flesh. He worked away his childhood, and eventually into an apprentice to a clockmaker. Where he found peace in the grinding gears and enforced order.
Through connections as the result of his work, he met an engineer known as Albert Flintworth who was developing a type of steam based technology, which could create a new means of transport over large distances.

Their conjoined effort pushed there world into a huge scale industrial revolution. Though the rate of growth did not match the rate they could find new means of fuel, and as such stagnation began to set in as the rate of progress came to a halt.

During this time a surreal sickness began to develop. As a type of pollution seemed to come from the stagnant corruption that started to fester in civilisation.

Through experimentation they discovered they could extract these negative emotions of the city as a form of mist, which was able to power the engines at a rate greater then that of any other fuel. It was during this they discovered that the amount of energy could even breach the boundaries between worlds, and as such developed a new engine they dubbed the Planar Consumption Engine.

Yet the amount of fuel they could create was always to small, the corruption no where near potent enough. They also concluded though this would solve the energy problem. Without the stagnation there would be no fuel. So they began to steal people away in hope of developing an alternative.

So they picked from those who no one would ask questions about, and as they concluded "did not contribute to society".

Through torture and other means. They realised they could extract emotions and also sometimes memories, though these non negative emotions where useless as fuel it turned out that taking these emotions functioned as a potent form of narcotic.

As the bodies mounted, the people going missing became more harder to hide. Also Albert became more wracked with guilt and paranoia, going slowly mad from seeing things most men should never see.

But Marcus was relentless in pushing him further. Neither phased nor disgusted. Until one day Albert broke down and swore to go to the authorities and confess his crimes. So Marcus knocked him out, strapped him in, and began to extract everything.

Every single memory the man ever had was put into a bottle a centimetre long. The emotions were discarded however.
Then Marcus drank. From his memories he gained his knowledge. Pressing on and building even more exotic machines to refine the process even more.

But even Marcus could not stop the authorities finally finding him. In the panic Marcus activated the experimental machine, but it tore apart the city, and eventually the world. Pulled in Marcus awoke on a world haunted by mists and darkness.

A place full of raw fuel.

He concluded that a bad invention must discarded and started anew. As such a sacrifice of a world is not a bad start. He learned many lessons.

He found the fledgling town of New Glenwhich, and like a salesmen told them of a new technology that would put them on the forefront of their world.

The rest is history.

Of course this is where things get a bit more complicated. Where things go into rumour. Also that story I provided is a reduced version.

For example, when people like Sandra get incorperated they in some respects become aspects of him. Mimcking things that Marcus did himself, but in different ways and somtimes highly exagerated. For example Sandra has slowly mutated into an aspect of Marcus that is relentless in the exploiting of others to suit her needs. Using similar methods that Marcus discovered centuries ago for the pursuit of profit rather then knowledge.
Last edited by NykylaiHellray on Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Manofevil »

Okay, your last post explained everything that should have been in your entry. I, too, found your entry to be too vague and unsubstantive to be considered alongside the others though it did make a fine teaser and I have always loved the Train Master. Also, anyone who thinks trains can't be gothic should find a way to see this movie:
With Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Telly Savalas, It doesn't get much more Gothic than this.
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Post by Checco »

@ A G Thing

You have to pardon me if I do not quote all your post to give detailed answer to all the detailed examples you wrote, but I'll do it with a simple long post.

After obviously stating that I believe anyone is entitled to his opinion (in general, but more so where it's a matter of taste), I still can't see the presence of the train in the Core as we know it.

To make a long story short, just looking at the size of the first things we both wrote to consider the changes the train would bring to the setting is rather self-evident to show how big a change would be...the sum of the things to take into consideration would include:

-All the questions we made about the vampires, to be done about most children of the night/monsters using a train.
-How the presence of a rail line would change a domain whom has one, such as effects on trade, different perception of people about distances and possible isolation, military uses of it (think about Falkovnia), the strange situation where such a product of technology is used where lesser ones like gunpowder did not catch the same consideration in lower CLs domains, travel habits of wealthy people able to use it regularly -all the above assuming as you said it would be something for the rich, and unless I'm wrong, a way to travel which rarely experiences accidents which would make people abandon its use because of danger of lack of efficiency-
-How the presence of a rail line would change the behaviour of a domain whom has one's power centers (the most obvious example is the Kargat, but criminal organizations like The Brain's, Falkovnian patrols, Dilisnya assassins also work). They would sure adapt themselves to take advantage of the innovation, or shield themselves from its possible negative effects to the least.
-As you said, the Dark Powers would have to be taken into consideration in several ways.

To resume my point, it would drastically change the setting, it's not a bold statement (of course, such change could be very good depending on one's personal tastes; I'm just writing mine).

@ Isabella

I was aware of the fact you had posted a way to include the train in the Core before writing my posts, but mine was more stating my opinion than criticizing someone else's work :wink:.
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Post by Manofevil »

I agree that certain decisions have to be made. It would indeed be very disruptive to have railroads running through most domains or even to some domains. The domain of the Train Master was always defined as large enough to justify the use of trains to begin with if I recall correctly. As far as the rest of the core is concerned, the presence of terminals and tracks should be VERY conservative. If there IS to be a terminal in a given city in another realm, the terminal should be located on the side of city closest to the misty border and the track should run directly to the border over as little of the realm as possible so as not to dominate the landscape. The mists and the land itself should make more than a few connections to other realms impractical if not impossible. As engineers find ways to bypass natural obstacles, the mists should cause the land to change in ways that create even more obstacles to the point where it is very difficult to complete these branches of the system. That would, in fact, fit in very well with the Train Master's curse.
All that said, I'd still like to see an aspect of the railway where in any random realm, the mists may rise over a certain tract of land from misty border and then disperses to reveal a length of track that a lost train full of passengers finds itself traveling down. This train is invariably set upon by whatever haunts the domain in question. The train doesn't necessarily have to break down or get stopped. It was a common practice by travellers through the western United States in the late 1800s/early 1900s, many of whom travelled armed, to take pot shots out the windows of the trains at the roving buffalo herds. I imagine this tactic could also be used to fend off whatever might attack a lost train. I think even a vampire or werewolf would find a bullet between the eyes detrimental when trying to catch hold of a speeding train. They might be able to take one or the other, but both at the same time? I also hink that even an undead as powerful as say, Lord Soth, would find it difficult to stop a hundred tons of speeding iron and wood. He might kill or blind everyone aboard with his power words, but that wouldn't stop the train.
Last edited by Manofevil on Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by A G Thing »

It was a long post Checco so I understand completely!

I totally respect your opinion, but just as you stated yours I had to disagree. You don't need to use the train just like you don't need to use Falkovnia if you don't want. When we run a game, you and I are the DM's so we can change what we want... Mwahhahahahaahaaa!!! :twisted:

Yeah it is a big change but I think it might be worth it in a lot of ways.

-As for the questions about all children of the night well they would vary as much as the people. Werewolves may find the train a fun way to cause a massacre, as once it is in motion no one can easily escape, or perhaps they hate it and want to destroy the line. New horrors may appear that ride the rails exclusively and lead to stories. Perhaps they will be revived as new travelers come due to the line and victims are easier to take and not be noticed.
-Well Falkovnia may want a train but they would have a hard time attracting anyone to build one. Percieving distance would change in some respects as once the size of the core is defined you can measure travel time, baring any accidents or delays of the train but no more than a boat or inclimate weather would on horseback. It would give the option of a faster travel method but at great expense that while reliable in some instances had it's hiccups just as well. The mists may even redirect the train to new track that might only exist in that one instance and fade as the train pulls away. People in isolation would remain isolated in most respects as if no one really goes there then the line won't run there unless the mists force it to. And like I said how would Falkovnia attract anyone to come and build a train line short of slavery. No trains would run out of into Falkovnia except perhaps to Invidia. This perhaps would signal at the least a slight change in the Kings Furher's opinion as it would make for a possible fast strike and occupation if he could secretly lay the track. Of course if the other lord who's domain he attacked saw it coming he could just close the domain. Now as for it not being used then it is the wealthy, desperate or the adventurous that would still want the speed or new experience even knowing the risks. Trade would be safer however in some respects and lets face it. While the players might get mist led more often then other people it does not happen so often as to bring the core to a screeching halt. I doubt it would utterly destroy the train line but it might make it slightly stagnent making the risks balance the profit on a fine line. As for lower CL nations accepting it, there is one advantage it has over any other innovation, and that is it brings trade quicker, and news comes with it. Monsters need to be craftier to keep secrets but even the poor nations would not mind an increase in trade availability.
-As for how it would change the criminal orginizations is that it would give them a new way to conduct business, to travel, and basically a new port area around the station to smuggle through trade or extort bussinesses. The Kargat may have employee's that ride the train lines often just to keep track of the comings and goings of others. The Brain would perhaps find that it now has an interesting way to get rid of Dominick's obediants, by knocking them out and putting them on a train. Alanik Ray may have to solve a murder mystery on a train. Falkovnians would use a state sponsered in country rail system to move large numbers of troops to crush an enemy or reinforce a border area. Dilisnya assassins would perhaps have one or two people who have a cover on trains as staff perhaps in the dining car.
-The Dark Powers would just have to make sure that they add phantom tracks or to make it as I said in the above statements of my last post. Nothing to difficult for crafty DMs like us! ;)

I understand your concerns on changing the setting and I just wanted to share my opinion in both the want to clarify the issue, and perhaps give you some perspective that you may not have seen. Still it seems the way we have been going it is explaining it's self nicely on both concerns and explainations on how it could work...

Oh and a big thank's to NykylaiHellray for adding all of those details in this post. It explains a whole lot and I am enjoying what you added to flesh it out quite a bit. :D
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Post by Checco »

@ A G Thing

Well, after reading your explaination throughly, I'd say it seems our opinions differ only because our tastes differ (I could be old-fashioned, but technology is something I'd limit a lot in RL...probably since when my DM banned many pieces of work from Van Richten's Arsenal like blundersusses and other means to skewer enemies :wink: ).

I never said integrating trains in the Core is impossible, but that requires a lot of planning, and brings several changes to the settings.

Of course as you said, a DM desiring to accept the above to add something to his campaign could prove to be harder to stop than a train itself :D.
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Post by Checco »

Iirc, just 2 entries remain.

Authorship has been revealed to death, so could one author post himself/herself one of the missing entries?
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Post by Igor the Henchman »

The author of Reuben Crewsaw has remained discreet throughout the competition. We know its the same person who wrote up King Aichos, Isaac Burney and the Roeschap duo. But I've no idea who it is, as he or she hasn't commented on her own creations so far.

I've no trouble admitting the other remaining darklord, Vestiver, is one of mine.

I consider it prudent to wait another day. Either way, we can't wrap this up without Crewsaw.
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Post by Checco »

Igor the Henchman wrote:The author of Reuben Crewsaw has remained discreet throughout the competition. We know its the same person who wrote up King Aichos, Isaac Burney and the Roeschap duo. But I've no idea who it is, as he or she hasn't commented on her own creations so far.

I've no trouble admitting the other remaining darklord, Vestiver, is one of mine.

I consider it prudent to wait another day. Either way, we can't wrap this up without Crewsaw.
I wonder why he has not commented so far, since everyone else did.

This thing of the concealed authorship made this round seem like an investigation :twisted:

Igor, I'd have something to ask you...if you have the time and the inclination, of course...I saw you keeping track of the authors, precisely throughout the contest; could you make a post resuming who submitted what, just for reference?

Unless it's something that should be avoided, it could make many things clear to everyone who did not payed as much attention as you did :wink:.
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Post by Igor the Henchman »

I think it was WolfKook's intention that the authorship would be revealed only at the end of the current round, that is, only after the Top Ten winners are selected.

But then one or two posters began responding to judge reviews, and one thing led to another, and by the middle of round 2 it was all an open secret anyway.

I still think that people who have not revealed their hand, so to speak, should be free to remain anonymous, no matter how much I or anyone else might have deduced.

Ah, what the heck: YOUR back pocket, sir, contains Este, the Free League, Sassomonte and Vallorca. Am I right?
Last edited by Igor the Henchman on Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Nathan of the FoS »

Igor the Henchman wrote:Ah, what the heck: YOUR back pocket, sir, contains Este, Scarabreach and the Black Showroom. Am I right?
Um...Scarabraech is in MY back pocket, Igor. And likely to remain there. :P ;)
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Post by Igor the Henchman »

Confounded... I meant Sassomonte!

And I forgot to put the Free League in there.

I've completely blown my trick, haven't I? :)
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Post by Igor the Henchman »

You know what? I retract the Black Showroom. I double-checked, and it doesn't appear to be Sorti and Checco's. I think their ninth was Vallorca.
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Post by Checco »

Igor the Henchman wrote:I still think that people who have not revealed their hand, so to speak, should be free to remain anonymous, no matter how much I or anyone else might have deduced.

You know what? I retract the Black Showroom. I double-checked, and it doesn't appear to be Sorti and Checco's. I think their ninth was Vallorca.

Ah, what the heck: YOUR back pocket, sir, contains Este, the Free League, Sassomonte and Vallorca. Am I right?
Ok, we'll wait for Wolf then, though hiding informations should make you suffer a Power Check :twisted:.

By the way, your informations are partially correct: the fact that we made several italian-flavored domains does not mean we did not have ideas for different flavored domains :wink:.

Besides, Alanik Ray would scold you, telling you overlooked the fact that other authors could have been the source of some of the italian domains you associate with us :) :twisted:

(the only thing I'm sure of, is that many of us must be evil-aligned!)
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Post by Igor the Henchman »

The primary characteristics associated with Sorti are "Odiaran" as the domain's primary language, the use of evocative questions and lively storytelling exposition in the original pitch and outfitting the darklord with a gazetteer-style parantesis stats in the 3rd round... besides using elaborate italian names.

I certainly can't pinpoint the author of most domains that haven't made it into the third round. That means I have no idea what your own ideas were, Checco. Care to share?
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