Changeling; the Lost and Carnival

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Drinnik Shoehorn
Evil Genius
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Changeling; the Lost and Carnival

Post by Drinnik Shoehorn »

I'm planning on starting a nWoD Hunter: The Vigil game and, as part of it, I'll be running a series of vignette stories involving each PC and them interacting with some supernatural creatures (played by other players).

The idea I had for Changeling characters was that the Hunter is travelling with two changelings, one taken into the Hedge and changed by the Gentry (actually a mortal PC from a previous game) and the other not actually being Lost, they're a Trouper who has become detached from the Carnival and their Changeling endowments are actually the result of the Twisting. They'll act as a rogue Changeling, acting as though they want to return to the Hedge (though they'll describe it as mists, rather than a rolling gorge bush).

When the PCs all finally get to the Carnival, Tindal will escourt the Changelings into Isolde's care and send the Hunter PC to speak to Madame Fortuna, have a Tarroka reading and recieve a mystical gun (like the Colt in Supernatural) that they can use to defeat the main antagonist for the Chronicle. The Changelings will leave with the Carnival and end up in Ravenloft.

My questions are this:

How can I make the Trouper seem less like a rogue changeling and make the Carnival look both a haven for them, yet still something menacing?
The PCs need a reason to be travelling (in this case from East Anglia to New York), and I'm unsure as to what that can be. Any suggestions?
What do you think the Carnival Troupers would make of Modern Day Earth? I'm thinking making them unflustered, aloof to what they're seeing.
Any other suggestions?
"Blood once flowed, a choice was made
Travel by night the smallest one bade" The Ballad of the Taverners.
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