Lost Seer

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The Lost Seer was one of many teahouse workers who masqueraded as a seer to entertain the locals at a teahouse in Viaki. Local legend holds that she offended an actual Vistana and was cursed. The woman is now a lost one with the unique ability to predict the deaths of those she sees. Looking forward to that fateful day for "S", the poor woman was left mouth gaping in speechless bewilderment[1], probably attesting to the horror that "S" will embrace in Bluetspur.


The Lost Seer may be the woman mentioned in the Requiem boxed set who learned the true nature of Glennis McFadden. If this is the case, the hag probably caused her madness. Nevertheless, this does not explain the relative accuracy of the Lost Seer's visions of death.


Commoner 1[2]


  1. Gazetteer II p. 47
  2. Gaz II p. 48