Raja Singh

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Raja Singh was among the first explorers to cross from Sri Raji into the Wildlands subsequent to the Great Upheaval and the formation of the Verdurous Lands Cluster in 740 BC. His memory of his time in the Wildlands is uncertain. In any case, he contracted lycanthropy and was part of a pack of wereleopard that attack Carnival. Isolde struck the head from the leader of the pack and then managed to impose calm on the panicked creature that was Raja Singh, having the troupers place him in a cage where he remains to this day.

Raja is trapped in werebeast form save for during the hours of the full moon. Prior to his removal from the Wildlands he did not enjoy even this brief respite for the Verdurous Lands have no moon.

Raja has a phobia of lightning that is carried over from his werebeast form to his human form.


Lawful Evil / Neutral Good

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue


Carnival - p22

Carnival - p21

Carnival - pp21-22

Hideous Man-Beast, The